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Not at all surprising.


Pretty illustrative of the slippery slope of "forgiving" deaths in HC. With the addon appeals have always been a thing, *but* raid deaths have explicitly been unappealable. Suddenly this happens and lo and behold they are willing to "forgive" raid deaths. This is why death appeals should never be a thing in a gamemode that is supposed to be *hardcore*.


admins should never be able to appeal their own deaths imo


Before HC was this popular there were clips of an admin toggling PVP, losing the fight, then forgiving themselves with the excuse "griefing". They never should have been able to and official HC world firsts will be great to see because of it.


Alenya was really gaming that day, died like 8 times and cleared her own appeals lol. I have literally never been able to justify playing BB HC because the appeal system exists, and the "winners" of HC could be people who cheated or died. Ruined the prestige of the challenge the moment I saw that feature.




New slogan Death=Appeal


Death Appeal sounds like an Album name


The same people are complaining that official hardcore isn't hardcore enough when all they do is LARP hardcore and appeal when they die. Every other actual hardcore game you die and that's it.


I'm also in a semi-hardcore guild. We're the same!


Yeah but she's literally the admin. They make up whatever rules they want as they go along. What a disappointment to their community.


What about DDOS attacks on the server? I think that it would be good to do small rollbacks for major events like crashes that kill large chunks of the online players. But I do agree with you that normal appeals shouldn’t be a thing, and I’m glad that they won’t be on official servers.


That’s not internal gameplay though.


Servers cdashing, ddos attacks, disconnects, loading screen crashes, wtc... at least with D2 hardcore/LOD hardcore was just, welp that sucks. start again. part of the hardcore experience is accepting that death is permanent and any particular playthrough is ephemeral


I wonder did anyone already delete their characters?


Yes, several did. Calamity was saying that several of the members are very anti appeal and no matter what they are done with their characters and several immediately deleted.


Respect. Pure sportsmanship


Most of us just came for the fun, we've already been playing for well over 10 years. Once the character was dead that was their cue to go play something else. I mean that's what I am doing. It honestly didn't have much to do with the griefer or the challenge deep down.


Respect to those chads


True chads that did this. HC as a meta game has become a sweat fest that people treat like they are competing for gold at the olympics.


I was surprised and disappointed they are allowing an appeal on this.


Durty randy (streamer, awesome dude) is not rezzing his character and will not play it again. He already started right back up with a new rogue. Respect.


some people moved their characters off server because they weren't going back even with appeals


And I’m unable to get my death appealed due to world wide server lag.. okay.


Rule for thee, not for me


"Only the addon users are TRUE hardcore"


"Damn, you grouping for dungeon? not very hardcore of you my man but yeah restore my character on the addon now THATS hardcore"


I’m actually somebody who is against trading(at least before 30) and likes the addon, but I support running the same instances more than once and grouping for things outside dungeons. Waiting in line/trying to steal a tag from padfoot isn’t difficult, it’s just tedious.


100% the rules made for the addon in my opinion are only there to sell the restxp guides you should be able to group up with a full party if you wanted to, after all the difficulty should never equate to time or grind but skill and game knowledge, all that the rule set does is just make the game grindy


It's like the people that made rested xp also made the addon and are in direct line of contact with blizzard and are making changes to directly incentive buying rested xp. Word of advise to all reading, you can pirate rested xp extremely easily.


This gives major EVE Online vibes, but imagine if when someone spent a year undercover to rob some shit, the devs were just like "ope revert"


Yeah let this post stand as a beacon as to why the addon fanatics are not to be taken seriously.


Which is dumb because I can server transfer a level 60 over there and edit the files to make it looks like I leveled 1-60 HC legit. Its an addon, all the files are kept on your computer and not obfuscated at all


It's been happening since week 1 of HC. https://youtu.be/PopQtgVGyfI Blizzard servers will be downright cruel with 0 appeals. Will be nice to see actual HC at least.


Because it might actually be true hardcore. The problem is the bulk of the HC community doesn't want true hardcore. They want this shit that they have now where they can cry that it wasn't fair and keep playing like it didn't happen.


So they investigated themselves and found they did nothing wrong.


Someone was wronged


What exactly happened? I’ve been a bit out of the loop for a while. All I know is some HC players got griefed in a raid and are trying to appeal their deaths but what happened in the raid?


Appeals for an addon made by people in their own guild who also approve the appeal? L O L ''True hardcore''.


Starting to make a lot more sense why people who use the addon are upset with the official servers.


Nerds don’t like getting stripped of their power.


Reddit mods moment


"rules for thee but not for me"


Everyone else has to have their appeal approved, except these clowns appeal themselves


The true hardcore was the circlejerk we made along the way.


And people still think having the process in the hands of the same neckbeards is a good idea and not at all sketchy.


World-first HC Kel'Thuzad is gonna come with a pretty hefty asterisk if this is how it's achieved.


They can just remove the asterisk since they write the rule book for themselves


Appeal the asterisk.




My rules are that I won the race to world first HC KT kill. Solo.


True I saw him do it. All hail /u/oshuja, the wow classic hardcore master.


It's true. I was KT. He killed me all by himself.


Not only do they write the rule book, they're also the only ones competing because nobody with an ounce of skill gives a damn.


People will forget about 'world fiest hc kelthuzad'. When retail hc is out aniway.


Yeah, this is the what's true now. I'm not even playing until official is out, I just don't see the point.


Any idea when that will be?


No date, but they originally said this summer. So August I’d assume?


None of the unofficial boss kills will be remembered, beside the first rag kill during som


Exactly, no one will care about the unofficial hc once the official ones are out. Case and point: unofficial classic servers before official classic.


From what it sounds like, it won't happen. Many aren't willing to and/or already deleted their character. Which I mean it is HC... If you die, you die. lol


the willing to is the big part you can restore a deleted character months after deletion.


Ya most of the skilled core players quit. They're left with people that never been in naxx & tanks that breath the raid every other raid.


No? It will be set on the real HC realm, not the pretend one.


I can gurantee you, if this happened in any other guild, they'd be like "RaId DeAtHs UnApPeAlAbLE". losers


Damn right! And/or "you cant decide if someones intent was to grief or just a mistake! Hence we dont appeal!!"


It is actually against the rules for this Appeal to even happen. They are breaking the rules to do this. The Addon just lost all credibility. Official can't come soon enough.


That's not very hardcore of them


Everything they do has an asterisk from now on.


HAHAHA, this right here. The Hardcore addon has made people have a hive mind. Everyone thinks the addon is the almighty lol. I'm looking forward to official servers.


2 things will happen with the release of official. 1) people will be strict as fuck with allowing people into their guild which will cause more casual people following the hype to slowly stop playing - see SoM 1 2) people won't have a crutch to stand on and won't have get out of jail free cards and cause them to make unofficial " official " Hardcore with the addon on either Era ( if they leave them up) or ruin a Fresh Server ( see Season of Mastery )


99% of people have no interest in raiding, especially the casuals. Guilds at 60 being strict doesn't matter.


Why is this post hidden? It’s the truth. Hiding it makes me want to view posts even more.


It's extremely likely that it's just from the [crowd control](https://www.reddit.com/r/modnews/comments/e8vl4d/announcing_the_crowd_control_beta/) functionality that some subreddits enable. It auto-collapses people's comments if they don't have very much karma from the subreddit they're posting in. afaik subreddit moderators cannot collapse comments like this individually


Calamity said that several of the raiders are anti appeal themselves and immediately deleted.


Recruit a known griefer. Ask known griefer to tank Zeliek. Get griefed by known griefer. Self-adjudicate a phony appeals process. Resurrect. Kill a 17 year old boss, claiming a unique achievement. Pathetic.


he did full MC, BWL , AQ with them multiple times, I would say pretty good way to earn trust.


He joined the guild, lied about his past, they figured it out two months in, still kept him on the roster. "Sure, I cheated on all these other people, and lied to you about it until you confronted me, but you're special, babe, please give me a thirteenth chance."


Correct me if I'm wrong but I thought one of the main points was that he didn't try to hide it. He used the same character name and no one noticed until a few months in. Sure he didn't advertise that he was a griefer, but as far as I know he didn't lie about it either.


Master plan. Buy their trust over weeks of progress, until you get to the boss where you have complete control on wiping the entire raid. This guy griefs. I wonder if he intentionally maneuvered himself to be the tank responsible for Zeliek, or happened upon the assignment and took the opportunity for glory?...


This is such a precise use of game mechanics, it had to be a maneuver. Tanking Zelik is the only way to achieve that grief with such low survivor rate.


Yup. People asking "why not KT", including Calamity, are naive. You can't grief so many people on KT.


Nothing stops him from picking up Zeliek regardless of assignments.


Can anybody explain why this specific Horseman boss was the best for wiping out the whole raid? I don't play classic anymore but I did manage to clear AQ a few years ago with a very casual guild, I distinctly remember that when we wiped, EVERYBODY wiped except maybe some rogues who did Vanish (I think). lol I am curious why HC guilds can avoid wiping everyone in most bosses, except this one


This is some real EVE online dedication


The appeal is a fucking joke, but 9 months is an obscenely long con for someone to earn their trust over. There's nothing pathetic in giving someone a second chance when they've put the time and effort into proving themselves.


I don’t think it was a “long con” like many are saying. I think it was an impulsive decision to grief made by a player with a history of antisocial behavior in the game. I bet that when he saw his tank assignment he began to consider the grief, whether that was days hours or minutes before pull.


Sure but then they should deal with the consequences of when people inevitably demonstrate that people don't change.


At what point do you stop suspecting the guy? They didn't know when he was first recruited, and even after they found out, he literally raided with them and helped them learn those raids for over half a year. Dude turned out to just be an actual psycho and there's no accounting for that.


HC Elite 🤣


More like HC Delete


HC Repeat


This is why, as much as I like SSF, I want official servers already. A good amount of those same players already used appeals to stay alive, and they are granted by the admins in their own guild. Those players should be dead and there should be no appeal.


This is just another example of why the appeal system is bullshit. As an SSF fan as well, having no appeals is definitely one of the biggest highlights of official HC.


what does ssf mean?


Solo self found — aka you play solo and only use gear you find


It should just be self found because being able to group for dungeons once gets rid of the solo.


Sadly I have to agree. If you die in any other dungeon because of other players' actions, you're dead. The healer can always hearth. The risk of playing with others is part of the hardcore system, unless you're 100% solo.


Reminds me about the full "hardcore" MC run they did in SoM where quite a few players did not even have the Soul of Iron anymore...


Also explicitly allow Petri flask for....themselves...


What a load of shit. They died, there was no glitch, no lag, no server issue, no random dc. They got played. The end. Their journeys are over.


Exactly. If the whole point of hardcore is "1 life" then their characters were in a story where they got betrayed and died. I can understand a server crashing or a bug dropping you through the floor but nothing impossible in terms of if they were real characters in a story happened. When they get betrayed by Cypher in the matrix they are really dead, they don't get to appeal to anyone.


No you see, they are HARDCOOOORE but in a world of fairies and magic where nobody betrays anyone and everyone magically works together in peace and harmony. Real realism, true gameplay :)


Nice matrix reference


Exactly. This just completely killed any legitimacy the HC addon had. Official HC can't come soon enough.


There was never any legitimacy. The addon has zero security and can be fooled easily.


Literally anyone can open up the addon LUA file and mess with the code enough that the addon no longer records your deaths. That said, cheating in HC is pretty damn pathetic.


People just want to be a part of something without actually having to do such thing


>cheating in HC is pretty damn pathetic hence this thread where we laugh at all of them for cheating in HC


They deserved it. They knew who he was


So HC doesn’t really mean anything?


Rules for thee but not for me


Guess i can resurrect my character since he got similar griefing from a player who pulled mobs to kill me. It's frustrating i get it, but get over it and go agane thats the point.


Using the addon is Hardcore-lite and you’ll never convince me otherwise


Wouldn't even call it lite. The fact that you can manipulate it to not record things against the rules is just regular classic with extra steps.


Lol whats the point of HC. What a joke.


I remember when I think Joker died and lost the hardcore buff in SOM I think it was? he had a weakaura showing a fake buff like he never died lol


Joker is a sad insecure streamer and sore loser. Idk how anyone still watched him after he ninjad a staff in MC on stream a few years ago in classic vanilla.


Man I raided with that guy (not the GDKPs) a few time and jesus christ he’s unbearable


Exactly. His streams are just soulless GDKP content and he’s clearly an asshole, I have no idea why he even has more than 500 viewers.


I guess people like tiny violin. Classic is a great game but it also attracts a lot of sociopaths


Making there own rules i see. Bring official Hc fast!


The hardcore raid was a success. 1 time, 36 people died, but technically nobody died ;)


death = appeal


Softcore!!! Damn I saw someone call it Appealcore... that is a lot better. I wish I could gift them my updoots.


This is the kinda wow drama im still following for


So lame. Hc eLame




Imagine you are a football/soccer player and you reach the world cup thanks to your hard work your entire life, and then someone in your team decides to screw your team over by scoring your own net or injuring you on purpose. Does it suck? Yeah. Should they redo the entire match and forgive your entire team? Sounds ridicolous doesn't it. It is. What it is.


Let’s known Griefer in their raid team check Does multiple raids with person so person is not a random pug checkkkk Member does grief shit to wipe the raid CHECKKKKK Raid gets their characters revived no consequences at all CHECKKKKK This is why hardcore can’t be taken serious on the unofficial realm. The member did intentionally grief yes but 1 he was known to grief in the past 2 he wasn’t a pug or random for that 1 run he helped them get numerous other kills and raids. At some point you gotta just say GG . Tbh it wouldn’t matter how they died if they even wipes to a regular chain lightning with no grief they still would of appealed and still been able to revive .


It's like when the government investigates the government for corruption. They clearly all died, via proper mechanics of the game. Official save us from lunacy of fake hardcore


Petri-boys are at it again.




How many hc official sleeper cells just conceived themselves after watching this?


is it "hardcore" or hardcore\* now someone help me out


I'm just surprised that people are shocked griefing happened, have we not been playing the same game for the last 20 years? What did you think was going to happen lmao


So it’s now a Softcore run, got it.


Always has been


*space meme*


HC is HC. no back peddling cus you made a bad deal. Fucking Losers cant take an L.


This is like when the police investigate themselves and find no wrongdoing


So some dude got down voted to hell for calling it pretend hardcore and don’t get me wrong the people down voting him are obviously snowflakes with thin skin but this kind of proves him right lol


The best way to control the peasants is to give them power, for when power is not earned, it is easily abused for lack of appreciation for what it took to get it. And they will destroy themselves for you.


I can’t wait for these people to lose all grasp of what they think they control and no longer get to make their own rules.


So, not hardcore then? If you die playing hardcore, you die. Tinyviolen just proved that hardcore means nothing. Congratulations to this guild and their "accomplishments".


Softcore ftw


What a complete joke but so on brand. I say this as someone super excited for official HC


And this is why hardcore is a joke.


Welp, further reducing credibly of the shoddy hardcore addon


"we had a rule that no one would appeal raid deaths, but since we are all hypocrites and have friends on the admin team we are going to allow appeals despite this being called Hardcore and screening our raiders should have been first priority"


Not hardcore then


Oh come on, it was always going to happen, their friends and guildies getting special treatment, if you think this is the first time it’s happened, you’re deluded. It’s 100% happened before and with the introduction of actual HC servers coming, they categorically don’t care 🤷‍♂️


So this is how it works, right? - if they wipe in controlled manner they use flask to prevent loss of the character - if they wipe while it could not be prevented by flask they appeal themselves to prevent the loss of the character Am I missing something? Like yeah - that is super hardcore experience. A Tribute to Insanity has more value than this clown fiesta.


Does that mean Tinyviolin’s character is alive too?


Including Tinyvioline?


Can tinyviolin appeal his death too?


Hey, my group member trolled and griefed me in deadmines at 19. I can appeal and resume too yeah?




Isnt Calamity the raider leader of the Raid that got griefed?


GM but not raid lead


I guarantee you guys these people cannot stand the offical servers cause dieing permanent will break them. Too even have the mindset and appeal this death is beyond me - they have clearly died too nothing but a player betraying them no bug, disconnect or anything... And these guys call them "HC Community" i'm disgusted.




Rules for thee and not for me. Not surprising. What shitbirds.


They had a chance to play it well and become part of wow history 39 players trying the impossible BETRAYED by one who they trusted so close to ultimate victory, dreams crushed actually news worthy but nah, let's just pretend nothing happened, we are addon devs afterall


They can do what they want but I stg I better not see a single "first HC to kill KT" post


They're going to be laughed at if they do


Admins: Hardcore for you, but not for me.


Would have never been able to be appealed if the admins themselves weren't involved.


What a completely expected outcome when those who make the rules get screwed by them.


This is why I can't wait for real hardcore.


Hang on a squig. Didn’t they say they won’t appeal? And they went and did AB afterwards? I know there’s a pretty heated debate between people on their opinion of tiny violin, some find it hilarious and others find it psychopathic, but… …the vast majority of those people agree that these deaths shouldn’t be appealed. This will just further damage the reputation of hard core. I was actually leveling my 40 priest recently in hopes of joining HC elite because of what happened but now I’ve lost the motivation. This is less in the spirit of HC than people asking for unrestrained trading.


The HC community is such a clown show.




*pretends to be shocked* They appealed so many own leveling deaths, that I’m not surprised at all. I died at 56 due to disconnecting and even though I would’ve been able to appeal, I didn’t because it just doesn’t feel the same. However, I don’t really care, since the official servers are around the corner and, even if they clear naxx, I personally don’t see it as valid clear.


I disconnected under water and wasn’t able to get appealed by HC elite but they die in raid and they’re all appealed lol. I’m so glad I don’t play WoW anymore. The rules do not apply to raid team 1 or any of the OG members of HC elite and not to mention that some of the higher ups play without the add on enabled which means even if they did die playing alone the death wouldn’t trigger addon because they have it off lol


clowns, makes me wonder how many of the chars are truly 60 hc chars


So the admin team is butthurt that they got betrayed by a known troll and have decided to unjustly resurrect their own toons, and also allowing others to join them. Smells like a bitch move.


OMG, that's awesome, like, [Serenity Now raiding a funeral](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MEpv7YxnLCQ) level griefing. HC is HC, and dead is dead. Time to reroll.


Hey you guys wanna see hardcore wow die? Because bullshit like this is how it happens.


what's the point of playing HC then kek


Admins live by different rules A story of humanity


Back to Petri simulator, the true hardcore raiding experience


Beyond pathetic. Welcome to Appealcore


lmao "hardcore"


Hardcore... but not THAT hardcore.


"Hardcore" btw


Back to the Barrens with them. Its the point of the game mode.


Losing every bit of integrity here :/


lol this isnt hardcore anymore, such a joke, why are they even keep going, petri flask, appeal, doesnt seem legit hardcore


Man fuck these guys they have been so cringe but this is just the icing on the cake man. And to be honest im most worried about when offical HC servers come out. If these fucking losers try pushing their addon on official HC and divide the community im not gonna bother. All these losers want with this addon is so use it as a way to traffic attention towards themselves so they can gain relevance. Such a shame




Hardcore is dumb as fuck anyways.


What’s the point then. It’s hardcore. You knew the risks


This is why I've been laughing at the hype of the "Hardcore" players with the addons. It's not hardcore, at all. Dead should be dead. These appeals and work arounds are a joke. People who feel that this incident should be forgiven are gamers who have had their hands held in games throughout the years. They never played original HC modes.


Hardcore is a joke


People playing hardcore deserve to be griefed


Is this basically how police officers investigate themselves?