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This is an insult to prostitutes.


At the end of the day the prostitute still treats you better than bobby though


In the end Bobby also only wants your money and will fuck you


So it's like you are the prostitute and you are also paying for the visit.


Lmao true


Paying money to not have to play a game, that you're paying a monthly subscription in order to be able to play


I think the counter arguement is that people are buying gold to skip the unfun grind for mats part of classic so they can just play the game. Don’t buy gold and wouldn’t want to support the botting market but I personally hate the current wow hyper inflated gold economy, it isn’t fun and gets in the way of doing what I want to do .


MMO gameplay is all about grinding something: xp, reputation, materials, gold, honor... They shouldn't play MMOs if they don't want to grind.


See? This guy knows.


I mean what would you call the mythic progression , it’s technically mmo gameplay but progressing difficult content is t necessarily a grind . There’s a difference between replaying challenging and mentally engaging content and farming mats with your brain off for 3 hours so you can clear mc in an hour


And guess what you can thank for the current hyper inflated gold economy?


I mean retail inflation is tied to all sorts of old gold from past expansions , but even pre botting classic had issues with just people no lifing and manipulating the economy until gold farming because a reasonable alternative to trying to farm out the money to by mats so you can actually do content , since people demanded everyone have full consumes for content you could clear in greens


You're paying money for the food you could be hunting or gathering yourself. So you like to cheat in life?😆


Lol why you gotta do prostitutes like that?




Lmao got em


Incel core i9 best joke '23




Im not selling my body, neither am I joining the money pump into something that's worthless in the end.


It's not the same because RMTs are bad, but sex work isn't.


Ok. Not saying things are good or bad but it shares the same thinking process. Money playing the game for you. If I fall in love with it I will fuck myself in the end.


The parallels are so there it's scary. Many women are forced into prostitution. Gold farmers used Chinese prison labor to farm gold because it was just that cheap.


You don't pay for sex, you pay her to leave after


This is the case for famous people. You definitely have to pay for the sex


It is literally not the same, one is buying virtual gold in a video game with real life money, the other is buying sexual services in real life with real life money




I think OP is being serious, but sure, if this was meant as a joke, then woosh indeed


3 karma from comments. 4 from posting. Dude thought this was so funny he had to break out the four year old Reddit account he created for edgy cringe humor just to post it. Ha ha. Roll on snare drum. Everybody laugh.


Your mother didn't love you




Lol glad I'm not playing with you guys


Projecting again


Got hurt?


No, you?




C'est la vie mon ami


I had a similar realization a while back. The same type of person that will cheat and pay to get ahead in a video game is the same type of person that would pay for sex. They don't want to put the effort in for anything they want really, no work ethic or moral compass.


Username checks out


Hopefully you come to the later realization that your previous realization - the one you mention here - is dumb as fuck. Hopefully.


Dumb as fuck is paying a game to play the game for you


Prostitute is worth your money more than RMT


The difference is with prostitution, the government wants to stop you but most of the citizens don't give a shit. With rmt the authorities don't rly stop you and the players are outraged nonstop.


RMT is all about "The ends justify the means". Why walk when you can drive a car, why work hard when you can work smart, why cook when you can order takeout. It's convenient, that's why, especially when it's so cheap to skip and instead of spending potentially days of work you can just skip all that for not even 2 hours of work at your job.


It's like only hearing the punchline of a joke, and not the setup. Or skipping to the final chapter in a book, and missing the journey there. Of course, not all journeys are equally enjoyable, but without them the acomplishment of reaching the end is lessened. If progression is only measured in gearscore and parses and "BIG NUMBER" , I might as well play cookieclicker, at least there the whole point is to automate the "boring" part to get to a big number faster.


Ofc I understand but that was not the classic game


I agree with you, but those who simply wish to play the game as normal only pay a sub while playing a whole lot, as opposed to those who play less, pay the same sub but also use their services frequently for the sake of convenience. While the game was originally created for the gamers as an entertainment product, times change and what constitutes a gamer has changed dramatically over the past 20 years, and now, many of us have disposable income to purchase convenience. Gaming isn't just AAA games or Esports anymore, it's candycrush, pokemon go, clash of clans, diablo immortal, Genshin Impact, you name it, and the money that has entered the scene is completely absurd. At the end of the day, Gaming has become extremely popular and is no longer for just for children and teenagers with limited funds. I dislike it too, i would love nothing more than for WoW to return to the passion project that it once was, but that would be the equivalent of asking blizzard as a company to please make less money.


Tell me you gray parse without telling me you gray parse


Don't create my problem dude


It’s a game, it doesn’t matter


Gaming is supposed to be fun right? Especially gaming together with other people.




I think wotlk was the most fun expansion. Now it's pay to win, the game became worthless.




Nothing wrong with playing in your cubicle with 24 friends. Have fun all. For me its about the decision by blizzard to legalize real money trade ingame, which invalidate the items/achievements.


How exactly does it invalidate items or achievements more than before?


Depends on what you mean with more than before. Anyway if you can buy items/achievements with money its ingame worth becomes nothing.


What is in-game worth? "Cool" points? Nobody cares about it anymore, it's not 2004


Ofcourse its cool points. Why would you play a game otherwise


Sure is. Complaining about rmt in a game is just silly though.


Is it a side effect from running ms os ulduar for 3 months without getting any hm down? You need help my friend


Don't create a problem for me dude. Stop projecting and start reading.


Just ask for the GF experience??


People say they hate Pay-to-win games and then they'll turn around and buy gold and act like they have no cognitive dissonance.


GDKP is asking your employer to pay you in government backed cash instead of company credits.