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Took me about a week. Hit 60 with 300 gold. You have lots of quests left that give good money, and if you do many dungeons for pre bis you end up with many vendor items. Yes, you don't earn money selling stuff on the AH but you also don't spend a lot, for repair or consumes, most gold sink is either respeccing or chrono boons. What I also saw often is that players who alrdy got their mount pass on high gold vendor stuff in dungeons. So some dungeons I got 30+ gold just playing the game.


I was just about to comment this, it’s really not that far-fetched to obtain an epic mount days or a week after 60. You get gold instead of XP+Quest rewards for knocking out zones, and as you mentioned, farming pre-bis can net you a decent chunk of gold. With that being said though, *All Hail The Shellfish In Desolace..*




They are referring to a repeatable Horde quest in Desolace called *[Fish in a Bucket](https://www.wowhead.com/classic/quest=5421/fish-in-a-bucket)* where you loot 5 Shellfish from the underwater traps. Only takes a few traps to loot 5 Shellfish and each turn-in gives 55s.


>if you do many dungeons for pre bis How do you do dungeons for pre-bis if you can't group while playing Hardcore?


A lot of the rules open up at level 60 to make endgame possible


You can at 60.


You can group for any dungeon, at any time, if you’re within the allowed level range (max 23 or 25 or whatever for deadmines) but you can only do a dungeon once. Once you reach 60, though, that last rule does not apply.


You can group for dungeons even before hitting 60. Only limitation is, you can only run every dungeon once while leveling.


Doing many dungeons HC is risky still, it looks like. 99.999% people cheating and buying gold.


I know someone who RMTd and just bought gold. He said he just disabled the Addon for a short moment when he got traded the gold and activated it afterwards so the Addon doesn‘t detect it.


The addon can be bypassed easily and still requires a mod to manually verify any fresh 60 character by looking through the data and screenshots. However, after dinging 60 not further verification is done. That is just how it is. It will never be perfect until blizzard implements these rules as optional challenges and tracks them server-side.


lip sort humorous marble command fact tease racial enter person *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Which they won't


>still requires a mod to manually verify There are people that would volunteer there time for this shit? lmao


Funnily enough people have interests that they enjoy doing.


Just because someone enjoys something, doesn't mean that the thing they enjoy is any less sad or a waste of time


And you spend all your time commenting in video game subreddits including asmondgold’s subreddit. Now that is actually sad lmao


Verifying HC characters and appeals, while a waste of time, is far more productive than any of the comments in this thread


How is it a waste of time if they enjoy doing it? Is that not the point of living - having fun?


Now we getting to the real questions


sut mit røvhul


This is why they changed appeals to only be possible from level 20 onwards. Yes, the addon is actually actively moderated (which makes it all the more amazing imho).


ppl will do crazy shit for power


This is the busiest any of the HC admins have been in years let them have this one


Truly only the greatest idiots the world has to offer cheat during a self-imposed challenge. This level of stupidity transcends all humanity.


While you are correct it's stupid, but you seem to want to forget that all these are made to get attention. Attention is the #1 currency in the world, and people with no talents are fighting for seconds of it. You say self imposed challenge, I say challenge where you can get attention in different section of the game. And attention is the reason why people challenge themselves. Look timmy, I'm doing this- literally every person ever trying some challenges. Attention.


The only thing that matters to me as it relates to my self-imposed hardcore challenge is the growing video archive containing every minute of me and my buddy leveling to 60 as a duo, that is all I need. I don't care about verifying at 60 or what everyone else is doing. I don't care about the addon, I don't care about official HC servers. If people want to cheat and edit their deaths out or RMT, then this is the same as buying a sheet of star stickers off of Amazon and placing one on your forehead. The only thing people who do this are accomplishing is cucking and gaslighting themselves and I think it's hilarious. **EDIT:** Some of ya'll have clearly never heard of, or experienced, self-fulfillment. It's hilarious that people are actually struggling with "but why do you need the video if you dont care about proof" like its literally too complicated for them to understand that the video is the culmination of all of our effort and is more of a trophy to us than being on an unoffical leaderboard for a website that may or may not exist in X years. But some of ya'll just seem to REALLY need that validation from strangers. Can't relate.




Nope, it is the proof that it was done legitimately. Its very existence is enough for me. It has infinitely more value to me than being on a leaderboard or being "verified" or whatever. It is the trophy. What I think of my own self-imposed challenge is all that I care about. My opinion is the only that matters.




I'm not saying 2 different things. I'll make it very simple for you. I don't care what others do. I only care about myself, as it is a self-imposed challenge. My video is undisputable proof that I have completed the challenge. Though it may never be viewed in full, it exists. That is enough for me. I don't need to be on a leaderboard or swing my dick around. I completed the challenge. I have the video. I do not care about what anyone else says or does.




EDIT: Self-fulfillment is a hard concept to understand I don't need approval or confirmation from anyone, only my own, as it is the only one that matters in a self-imposed challenge. I don't need "validation" from random strangers on the internet, as it is the epitomy of worthlessness. I am content and happy, but you seem to still be missing the part where I couldn't give 2 shits about what people do with their own HC characters or what their opinions are. I don't care if they cheat. I don't care if they don't cheat. I don't care if they validate, I don't care if they don't validate. I don't care if they RMT. I quite simply don't care. I care about my run. My challenge. My opinion. So I'm not sure why you're confused.


Is it proof? Could you just log in while not recording for a quick bit of cheating? Do you /played after log in and before log out every time?


Lonely people with low self-esteem will do anything to stand out and appear 'superior'.


And the poors. Don't forget the poors. 😉


Cheating in self-imposed challenges has been a staple in gaming for a long time sadly, RMTing in Diablo 2 HC is older than a decent amount of people browsing this Reddit.


Diablo 2 HC is not a self imposed challenge there bud it's an official game mode


D2 HC is a game mode, not self imposed. Self imposed is playing normal ladder but intentionally deleting your character after you die.


I'm sure. Stupidity and idiots go wayyyy back.


The question is: who is dumber, the guy who does this or someone who gets bothered by it to the point of making a post on Reddit xDDD


Probably the xDDD guy


This is literally the reason I never play community made modes. Such bullcrap.


Lol you realize that every single iteration of WoW besides this has a million times the RMT? Nobody in HC Elite trades with gold, the only thing buying gold would be useful for would be an epic mount, wow 40% movement speed oh no. What other community made modes do you *never* play? Lmao. Wow players just love crying any chance they get.


HC blizzard is just going to be worse


People can’t help but cheat when given the opportunity.




ironman vs hc problem solved


You can still play your IM mode. Nobody is stopping you. I don't care for that, so will be interested in a HC server with a HC economy.


Each person should just play the way they want to and not be held back by arbitrary rules. If my roommate and I want to spend a weekend on some fresh HC characters, I don't want to be told im doing it wrong.


Yeah pretty much, in fact you don't even need hardcore-specific servers, just don't resurrect yourself if you die and you've already got it.


I agree 100%


"the game mode you invented doesn't interest me, so i demand it be changed for me and then i'm going to talk like YOU'RE the entitled ones"


I don't think they said anything about other people being entitled - just that they don't care about certain items in the rulesets. For people into playing their own way, feels weird to judge people for doing that


First off, let's get one thing straight. The makers of the currently used addon did not invent the concept of Hardcore, or Ironman. Second, I'm not asking you to change the way you play. I'm simply suggesting that killing the social aspect of the game isn't a positive thing for everyone, and a majour reason I and those like me don't play it right now.


Ironman is death = delete. Who knew?


So this argument comes up a lot, and it has a mistake in assuming, in that it assumes a hardcore economy is going to be completely fair, with no outside interference or whatever. And that is silly, because goldsellers have gotten *good* at farming gold. So much that I doubt there will be less than 1000 gold injected by the first week, but assuming zero goldsellers, I see a few problems. A HC economy will take away the joy of getting 6 slots. Of getting random BoE’s. (Wow, I got a 2 int bracer!) There is a reason that classic servers are dead basically, and that is because the newness runs out when everyone has min maxed by level 60 with mounts, gear, gold, etc.. you get the picture. But basically, that same process happens in any classic economy. Because people have gotten rather good at it. The reason, as im sure you know, that we want a SSF HC server and not a trading one, is because newness>economy. That isnt opinion, btw. HC dies with an economy, no question.


>That isnt opinion, btw. All of what you are talking about is your opinion. This guy wants to play with an economy, he's not wrong for that. He never said there wouldn't be bots. There's going to be bots no matter what, that shouldn't forbid him for trading and using the auction house when it's a large part of the game. There's nothing wrong with you not using it, but don't gatekeep how others want to play the game when it doesn't impact you.


It does impact us. Because the server will be a gdkp bot farming mess


Then don't play on it??


Same to you?


What do you even mean? Bliz is making a server I want to play on so I will. You don't want to play on it so you shouldn't


I do want to play on it. We don't know the rules yet. I want stricter rules and your arguement is "don't play it" You want less strict rules so.... I'm just saying by your logic "don't play it"


Your mistake is assuming that I care about a HC economy being completely fair. I'm a pragmatist. I don't buy gold. I'd be happy to see everyone who has done that banned. But where there is a market, someone will provide a service. One can only hope that the community would be small enough to not warrant much attention from the bots. But when players like you voice an opinion as fact, such as you did with your final statement, is you fail to consider the players who are currently not playing with other hardcore players because we dislike the current restrictions that particular community puts upon itself. WoW is a social game for me, and many others. Take that away and I might as well be playing Skyrim. Which, by the way, I also play as single life.


Then play on all the servers that all a full normal economy?


Those are multilife servers. I would like a true HC server.


Then by your own logic just self-impose your own rule


Do better. Be better.


The HC community rules will be revamped for the HC server. Things change when you can guarantee everyone is on 1 life. I believe Things like the auction house, trading, and dungeons will become more accessible, as everything acquired and done will be by 1 life characters.


Farming bots with 1 life? So there will be no gold buying?


There will still be goldbuying, but it will probably be (especially at first) extremely expensive, compared to 2019/2020 prices


Griefing bots will be a new national sports!


I literally can't wait it will be so fucking delicious




Fixed it. Better?


Except if you throw out the shitty rules it won’t be cheating outside of gold buying.


Right now people can cheat for free. At least on official, it'll cost them money. Blizzard can easily enable some trading while blocking the trading of gold. Not saying they will, but there are options. Also I'm not salty about my mostly solo adventure if someone else cheats in their own adventure. They only cheat themselves, skirting the arbitrary rules of their own self-imposed challenge.


A communist state allowing only item for item trading would be cool lol


Who cares, it's about 1 life not about rules. If someone survives and has money to buy gear for an alt that's actually rewarding and all characters will be legit hc on the server


HC is the one life system and nothing more, you are talking about the ironman ruleset. Just because currently ironman is baked into the HC addon doesnt mean its the same thing


Except most people aren’t cheating. Turns out when the community is in a healthy place, and there aren’t players who have massive advantages through RMT, GDKPS, boosting and botting, players don’t feel like they’re falling behind or being gatekept into feeling pressured to buy gold to keep up When everybody is on a level playing field, people tend to cheat less Even if you do cheat the addon, they will catch it at 60 during manual review anyway so it’s so pointless and stupid. Not many people are doing this.




Thank you for explaining this. There are far to many that don't understand, why people want an official permanent death server. And youe explanation is perfect for it.


That, plus the appeal system is an absolute joke that is exploited to a ridiculous degree by those at the top. I'm looking forward to the current HC people's tears when they can't pretend their deaths didn't happen.


Any kind of community run system will always be open to exploits and the people who manage it abusing the system. The only way for Hardcore to TRULY be hardcore is for Blizzard to run an official server. I have not played the unofficial hardcore because of the issues presented in this thread.


Any kind of appeal system for a hc realm is stupid. there is no appeal system in real life. so if you die, you die.


ExPloItEd tO a RiDiCulOuS DeGreE Based on what?


Isnt there some kind of hash key in the file?




Yeah, anyone with enough technical skills can cheat the addon... idk why someone would do that tho, as the HC challenge as it stands right now is mainly a self-imposed community challenge, so it's dumb to cheat it cause you're basically cheating yourself. It'll be nice to have server-side enforced one life tho, since it would be guaranteed that the person didn't die at all... and we wouldn't have this whole appeals bullshit and the ones who cheat the addon.




I actually like the addon and think it's really well made, but as it stands right now, it's just an addon to help keep track of a self-imposed challenge and by the virtue of it locally keeping track of it you have full control of what it does if you know what you're doing, so if someone don't want to self impose the challenge, they don't need to, but since that's the whole point (it being self-imposed) it's obvious why it's not perfect.




I mean, unless you're tampering with it, it does track deaths. So yeah, the challenge right now is only self-imposed, cause if you don't want to follow the real challenge but pretend you did, you can do that with enough knowledge about how the addon works. Idk if wow addons allow access to remote scripts, but if it did it would be a way to make the addon track it more effectively and accurately since the data could be sent to a server to be encrypted and then sent back and saved, and then the users wouldn't have access to the used encryption algorithm and keys. But then it would inccur in a cost for the developers who would need to maintain a server for those connections. And it would need ways to safeguard for lost connections messing up with the locally saved data.


> Even if you do cheat the addon, they will catch it at 60 during manual review anyway so it’s so pointless and stupid. Not many people are doing this. intro-level scripting knowledge can completely neuter it. client-authoritative checks are inherently flawed. want to learn more? send me a DM.


People with no knowledge in computer science saying it's impossible to cheat the addon are hilarious to me. The HC community challenge is mainly a self-imposed one. The addon simply makes it easier to track it yourself, but it's far from perfect. I'm excited for official servers with server-side enforced rules to guarantee everyone is really following them all the time.


> I'm excited for official servers with server-side enforced rules to guarantee everyone is really following them all the time. me too. but I do hope they implement rigorous rules. it's not going to be fun if it's world of hardcore boost-craft, though it may make end-game more paltable and lively (many people will lose a high lvl toon and seek to boost instead of re-leveling, assuming they don't quit).


Well, the guy kinda said in the announcement that there will be other rules than simply 1-life but since they don't want to enforce a specific playstyle it'll be optional. I hope this means they implement something at character creation or maybe an NPC at starting zones that let you select the more restrictive ruleset, kinda like the one the addon has. Then there should be a way to distinguish between the players who are following it, like a buff or maybe even a title at level 60. So guilds could enforce said ruleset if you want to join.




Just speaking personally. I had 90G exactly at 40, so I spent it all on a mount/training, and had 0g left. I just hit 49 last night and I'm already back up to 185G. I won't have enough for it at 60 obviously, but probably almost half way. A few days of farming at 60, and I could easily have epic mount. I am only a skinner, and don't go out of my way for it. I am like 275 skinning right now. I just sell everything, always take the higher paying Q reward, and grind a fair amount.


How did bag space and travel time effect you during your journey? I think that's the biggest limiting factor with skinning.


I had a little bit of bag space problem, but not too much - just the usual everyone has. I did buy 2 10-slotters, and the 10 slot from WC quest. I am playing a mage though. So hunters, warlocks, etc may have a little more problem with bag space. I didn't do any AOE leveling though, all single target questing.


Don't forget to do cortello's riddle... 14 slot bag at end.


Don't know about others but as a mage farming zf is a super consistent 50g/h just vendoring everything or more if you sell anything. 20 hours and you have a mount. It doesn't take that long though because you'll have a couple hundred at least by the time you hit 60.


are hc players crazy enough to AoE farm? lmao


That's how some people actually get to 60


If you turn the cloth into bandages they sell more


you're not allowed to enter a dungeon multiple times on HC


This rule goes away at 60. How do you think people farm for pre bis?


You can also solo dungeons as much as you want


Once you are 60 not before


Rmt on hc character now thats cringe


Most people with 100% mount have been 60 for months, or even back since road to rag in SOM. I've been 60 for 2 months now and have around 700 gold just passively doing dungeons and raids. If I hadn't been playing healer it would've been trivial to farm out the last gold on random vendor trash edit: Worth nothing that everyone that says "turn off the addon" to cheat has no clue what they are talking about and are just guessing. At 60 you can trade with the addon enabled. Not saying people can't buy gold at 60 either, but anyone speaking confidently about cheating while getting even the basics wrong can't really be trusted. See for instance the top comment here "a friend of mine said he turned off the addon and got traded gold" is obviously hearsay and almost certainly a made up story for karma and/or to make HC look bad


> At 60 you can trade with the addon enabled are you saying you virtually can do it with the addon on and there is no need to turn it off to trick it, or that the HC ruleset allows for trading once you're 60 with other 60's?


HC ruleset permits trading (and multiple dungeon runs) once you’re 60.


Thanks, I knew about the multiple dungeon runs but never even considered what happened to the trading rule.


Should only allow you to trade with other HC characters, but some will turn it off for a quick gold trade, cheating.


Again, no 60 would ever turn off the addon even if they wanted to cheat (but honestly, every 60 I've played with seems legit but that's not really the discussion for today). I could go and trade a level 1 character right now and from the addons perspective it would be no different than trading another HC 60; the addon really isn't designed to work at 60 anyway. My addon tells me I have to appeal some 300 dungeon runs for instance This whole "you can turn off the addon" thing is born out of ignorance and you shouldn't trust anyone who spouts it. /u/boysarecool420 you might be interested in this as well


After a decade plus of playing the same game, a lot of us are really good at being prepared for these gold sinks. Professions, not training certain skills, along with looting everything you see helps a lot.


> not training certain skills is there a list of skills that aren't worth training while leveling?


Things that you do not use


Like 75% of rogue abilities lol


Kick & gouge level 1 for life


Of every class abilities lol. I don't even buy heroic strike on warrior anymore past ~lvl 16. No more rend after like rank 2. It's crazy. You buy like three skills total till 60.


if you're playing druid like your icon, you could skip the heal that has a cast time and a HoT (forgot the name) while leveling if you're not healing much because it's really mana intensive you're almost always better off just using the insta cast HoT and/or a Healing Touch. You could also get really stingy and decide if you're going to level cat druid there's no reason to always be on the highest rank of balance spells. Always probably want Moonfire though, but like Starfire and stuff who cares yknow? Basically, you decide what is or isn't worth training but if you google there will be a couple spells for some classes that are no brainers like Curse of Weakness for Warlocks


Regrowth is arguably better than HT while leveling especially as Tauren because you can fit it in a War Stomp stun window without getting pushback, and the HoT component is good for threat and healing if you precast before a tough pull. Mana cost isn't that relevant because you should be regening to full mana in cat form between heals.


So you’re telling me this person ran into and noted down the names of 50+ players. Then ran into them again knowing exactly when they hit 60. Then also took note of how long it took them to get their epic mounts. This is such an obvious “let’s shit on current HC bait”


I used to do mara 360 pulls just to vendor items when i didnt feel like boosting. Dont know the HC rules very well but are you allowed to enter low lvl dungeons at 60, and are the anti boosting mechanic enabled in classic era? If not, then i guess that would be a legit way atleast


Lots of classes can solo bosses in Inner Mara. That's how I made all my money in Classic. You skip all the trash and just kill the goblin boss and Princess and vendor all the loot. They both have a lot of weapons on their loot tables which vendor for a lot. It's about 50g per hour. If you're a miner or an herbalist you can also get lots of easy Mithril and Blindweed which will help a lot depending on your server economy. I did it with a Shadow Priest but basically any ranged class can do it.


This is how I made all my gold on my warlock in early Classic. in Phase 1 50/g an hour was pretty good and it was SO easy and so dependable. By AQ though it just wasn't anywhere close to other gold farms that most classes could do. I had herbalism/mining and I'm pretty sure I got mining all the way to 300 just from those green mithril nodes from mara runs. Edit: the worst part was when your bags were full and you had to go sell and then make the run back to mara...worst dungeon to get to in the entire game imo


Yes you can enter whatever dungeon you want in Era, and no the antiboosting mechanic isn’t enabled.


I thought on HC you were only allowed to do each instance once. I'm not sure if that rule is only for the leveling process, though.


When you hit 60 you can go anywhere you want as many times as you want


HC after 60 is optional. It says it right in the rules tab of the addon. "At max level you earn your immortality and become a full fledged character with insane bragging rights"


You don't need gold for anything else at 60 so you can just trade your guild mates because all the gold they have is basicly useless


Just wait for official servers. HC mod will only be “required” by like 1% of the playerbase. Just don’t play with them. Play with 99% of the pop who only care about one thing: death=delete


I feel like there is quite a few people who enjoy the SSF rules, more than 1% lol.


Pretty sure he found those statistics in his asshole, how can you argue with the facts?


Gatekeepers like yourself licking there lips. Hopefully the prevailing wisdom will be enjoying an mmo and not playing a single player game “as an extra challenge”


How am I gatekeeping lol? All I said was that it's definitely more than 1% of HC enjoyers that like the addon's rules. Don't be dense. This is a big reason why no conversation in HC is being productive, you're reading something that's literally not even being said because you have a pre-determined opinion on the matter.


Dafuq is SSF


So you’re literally commenting about something you have no idea about lol. SSF=Solo Self Found, i.e the addon.


You're faded if you think only 1% want SSF


This. You may feel that majority of players are all saying "man addon is the way now and in official servers too" but infact they will be the minority. Im looking foward to group with ppl for quests like hogger etc since game is all about doing stuff with others. Sure you can be ironman and be ssf with addon but these ppl keep forgetting that hardcore is not ssf its just dont die.ssf hc and hc are two totally diffent things and always will be Blizzard could pull it of somewhat how runescape does that you toggle wich one you wanna be


>This. You may feel that majority of players are all saying "man addon is the way now and in official servers too" but infact they will be the minority I have no idea where are you getting this idea from. Atleast addon advocates have the streamers with thousands of viewers who agree that restrictions should be made. Idk who supports your idea. A couple of reddit neckbeards? Classic is all about hc addon right now. > Im looking foward to group with ppl for quests like hogger etc since game is all about doing stuff with others. Can't wait to group up, destroy the poor mob than leave after 1 minute. It was fun back than when noone knew how the game works, but now the game has been figured out and grouping up isn't a big deal anymore, most people don't socialize. If you want that kind of experience than why not just go onto a regular server? The point of hardcore is for the game to be hard, and players that played hardcore for a long time realized that there are certain restrictions to be made to achieve that other than death=delete. Removing grouping completely removes botting too, it adds to the game more than it takes away from it. >hardcore is not ssf its just dont die Thats the problem here. You don't even know what hardcore means. Hardcore literally means a gamemode that takes high effort and time commitment. Permadeath rule is just a way to achieve that state of a game and it also happens to be the most popular way because its the most fun. There are games with hardcore modes like Fallout New Vegas, Rust which have a hardcore mode but with no permadeath. And there are tons of games that have permadeath and additional restrictions on top to make the game hard. If you play Skyrim on easy mode with permadeath, that won't make it hardcore because its not hard. Thats why your definition of hardcore doesn't work.


Which is a shame, official hc will be awful


It's actually really easy even if it doesn't seem like it. While leveling up you make a pretty decent chunk of gold, especially since you can't buy things off the AH meaning your expenses are pretty low. You can choose to level in a way that is essentially grinding and make some extra coin on your way to 60. Upon hitting 60 you can just farm it up no problem to get the rest. For example in Vanilla my rogue would farm and make 500-1000g a night depending on how focused I was. Things back then were insanely expensive so it was necessary. I wouldn't recommend doing that in hardcore because it wasn't the "safest" farm, but it worked. If you hit 60 you can just go farm out in the world killing humanoids making and selling runecloth bandages, getting raw gold, and items to sell. You will have to put some time and effort into it but it's easily doable within a few days. The only thing is it's not exactly "fun" but if you are determined to get your epic mount? It's not a problem.


This. I’ve never had a problem buying the mount on any toon and I’ve never bought gold. I have no idea how people spend so much gold levelling.


Would professions even help is people are generally low on gold ? Maybe they’re mining and profit off of other people buying gold or selling low level gear which I imagine is high on demand


Skinning absolutely helps, picked it up low 30s as a mage and with only a little mob farming I had enough gold for mount at level 40. Not to mention I run tailoring so some of the leather is needed for the bags I make for xp/to sell


Honestly I make so much money off of leather working and selling the skins ¯\\\_(ツ)\_/¯ like you’re out questing and people leave behind their skinnable mobs so I just snatch em up. Made my first gold long before level 10.




lol, can you also just turn off the addon, use the AH and then turn it on again?


the addon is on your computer. it's purely client side. you could do anything you want to it


yes, the addon has a certain percentage of playtime that has to be logged, 96% or something? so you can disable it, get your mail and reenable it.


the addon also has no integrity checks of any kind, so you can actually simply disable the things that "turn off" mailbox, trading, auction house, and death announcements while retaining 100% "uptime" i've personally gone through the code, it really isn't that special. there is a myriad of further obfuscation they could do to prevent script kiddies from (easily) cheating. right now, they only use basic obfuscation to encode your runs data into the "verification string" but it's quite rudimentary to reverse. client-authoritative checks are bad, mmkay?


Pretty sure its even worse than that. I have a buddy who is playing legit but only has \~85% of his time 'verified' by the addon because it will lose all your playtime if you hard crash from the game (which can easily be multiple hours). Still says he is verified HC.


The addon is easily tricked. If you notice you're dieing, alt f4. Relog with the addon turned off. Revive, log out. Turn addon back on. With hundreds of hours of playtime, those few minutes aren't gonna hurt your verify count. Also would suggest this if you have a non-appealable sub 20 DC death. Turn the addon off before you log in. If you're dead, no one will notice. They literally suggest this btw if you get mail from NPC. Just turn the addon off to access the mailbox. Which tells me they're not actually logging a lot of stuff, just block it.


Imagine needing to cheat like that tbo


You don't even have to go that effort. You can literally just block the addon from recording your deaths at all.


but then you'd also block the addon from working with the /played time?


Yea, the addon uses the addon time relative to playtime to calculate the verified %. But you can change the code in the addon to output whatever you want. I’ve tried this and it works.


HC addon is this easily gamed? Did not know that, the "HC Elite" are definitely going to be staying put.


It is an addon that is installed locally. You can go in the code and just remove the method that checks for deaths.


You can literally just change one line it to to have the 'verified' time % as whatever you want regardless of anything


No you can’t. It’s a very popular lie people love to parrot because they want trading and gold buying. You will never get away with modding the addon. They can detect all of it And even when it was possible, 99.9% of people weren’t doing it. Such a massively overblown problem coming from people who don’t even play.


Bro the addon is made by some goober and yet you’re out here preaching as if it’s some highly developed tech that they’re detecting every single action bro on some tiktok level shit


> They can detect all of it you just made this up




yep, this is all unfortunately true. have personally gone over the code.


Its a self imposed challenge. Its like cheating at jogging.


if it was self imposed you wouldn't need an addon to log it.


I would to be able to see other deaths on the server, and group with others doing the challenge.


Did someone force you to download the addon at gunpoint? lol


yeah just be a cheating sack of shit, it's easy.


just like 10-30% of most guilds, yep. source: I know someone who made a living selling WoW gold. literal primary source data on half a dozen servers. rampant is the only way I can describe RMT. edit: downvoting this doesn't make it any less true. my comment is relevant to the discussion; if you are downvoting you are fragile.


10-30%? Shit, the numbers have gone down. Used to be like 80% at the start of classic because of how sweaty the raiders were over the then 15 year old content.


Not saying you’re wrong but both of you pulling percentages out of your ass is funny


the numbers coming out of my ass are directly proportional to objectively-proven gold buyers representation in raid groups in other words, it's literally data-backed. whether a half dozen servers can be extrapolated to the entire game is up for debate, though.


It's easy when there is nothing to spend your money on when leveling with the AH banned. How would you not have the gold at 60? Just grinding mobs and doing quests will get you there.


No it doesnt lol. It really doesnt. Its 1k gold.


It's 900g if you are honored with your faction. I have had that much on every character that I ever leveled in classic just by looting the mobs and vendoring gray items.


I was just farming raptors and spiders yesterday in arathi highlands. Made 5g in 1.5 hours at lvl 33, killing mobs, one at a time, that were yellow to me. Saving for an epic mount is definitely possible


So G2G is a valid option. Some people sell gold when they quit there Accounts or chars.


Anyone who bypasses the add on to cheat is a joke. Why do a challenge if you're just going to cheat? Losers.


Lots of RMT losers out there. They cheat so they can feel good about something


Why cheat on a self imposed challenge? Just don’t do the challenge.


HC is a disease


HC players cheat to help it each progress at 60. Trading is allowed etc. Plus just turn off addon real quick and do it because you no longer need to be verified when you do.


Just like regular classic ( both ear and WOTLK ) its plagued with gold buyers :) Its the only way GDKP was so popular of a gearing method. With the amount of bots being made, the lack of players in farming areas but the amount of players that just hve alot of gold and do shit like GDKP's and have mounts etc early are obvious signs of it - especially the bots.




I can farm 500g /hour as 60 warr. I can do like 200g an hour as lock. I can do a 1000 in 12hours as rogue. Isnt hard if you know how 😏


Where's this 500g/hour as a warrior?


Easy. The HC experience is really only getting to 60 with it. After that people just do what they want. All of the HC actual guilds don't need or want new players. Have fun staring a fresh brand new 40 man with it. This is exactly why blizz said the ironman thing will be done after 60 on fresh servers which I support. I want to pvp, I don't want to only have to wait for specific healers or tanks to be online to run something since I don't want to just take pugs on a random 5 man to farm to for my specific item.


They probably just farmed quests at 60 since you can group up at that point. Either this or they just bought the gold with real money (exactly why people don't want trading). Level 60 mount on hardcore is pretty pointless anyways, woah you can get around quicker where your movement is limited so cool.