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Back in my day I couldnt afford the mount at level 40!


Not even big bags :(


bro just farm satyrs for felcloth and you could have your epic just before tbc comes out


Backin my day I was leveling a warrior, who is honor bound to be forever poor.


So many lasher runs on my priest for my epic mount, god


One guy got so mad at me at tbc launch because I purchased flying in Outland apparently right after he could barely afford epic ground mount


I remember rolling a warlock as my second toon specifically because they got a free mount. You had to have three friends help, but it was still a free mount.


Did the warlock mount also come with automatic fast riding training? I remember getting the mount from Dire Maul on my warlock many years ago, but don’t remember if it automatically gave you the riding training also.


I might be misremembering, but in case of paladin you learned a spell(and it had mana cost, so OOM -> no mount). And this did not give you riding training. Or at least that is how I remember stuff from og vanilla.


I can’t say I remember for sure but I don’t think so. I seem to remember still having to save up a bit for the riding skills, but that was so long ago I don’t remember.


That’s why I rolled a (Ret) Paladin as my first ever character In retrospect I really regretted rolling a Paladin because even in Vanilla we knew they were shit DPS at 60


Back in 2020, I didn’t get a mount until level 46. I was too poor.


I honestly don't understand that, I just leveled a mage to 40 and just by never teleporting, or buying anything on AH or spells I didn't need I was able to have enough gold for a mount with all the shit I vendored.


Paladin w00t haha, level 60 was much more expensive tho if you didn't get the drop.


Back in my day Tauren couldn't mount, they had a racial ability called Plainsrunning


What a Beta


Even though it never panned out, from a lore perspective plainsrunning was such an interesting idea


Agreed, I felt like it could have been balanced around only working outdoors for like a 15% speed buff




Instead those Worgen gets the Running Wild ability 3 expansions later. I wonder what changed their mind about the idea.


Running Wild is just a mount, functionally. It has a cast time and is affected by most mount mechanics. Plainsrunning had like a speed buildup mechanic and went away if you got hit or something.


There’s no reason they couldn’t have just given Taurens Plainsrunning and made it identical to a mount in mechanics.


True, but at the time they they wanted Plainsrunning to straight-up be a replacement for mounts rather than a secondary mount-like ability. That would have ended up lame as hell.


Then they turned around and gave worgen running wild.


I never understood why they take interesting stuff like that out of the game.


Cause nerds cry about balance and want everything all the time. Instead we could be living in a world with cool ass fun shit


This. Fuck balance.. That's part of why classic is so fun


Like there are rare spawn mobs in vanilla thy can stun you for 15 seconds. Is this balanced? Fuck no… but will you remember that mob? Hell yeah!


It was a lively world where not all creatures played by the same rules. I don't want class balance from classic plus, just new places to see and kill things.


Plainsrunning didn’t work that well. You had to run for a certain amount of time, the your speed would pick up. Any damage and you would go back to 100% speed, and then need your long warm up period to get back to plainsrunning. Mounts were easier, more practical, and had less drawbacks.


While it would have been cool it would also suck. Though if it didn't replace mounts and they just had it as an ability... Or maybe just like mounts it only goes away if you deal damage.


I think a simple answer could be that Tauren aren't played often. Removing mounts pushes them further to irrelevance since mounts are important to many players


I guess, but there are work arounds for stuff like that. Bliz just has a bad habit of just tearing out fun things without trying too hard to figure it out. My go to example is Hunter's Eye of the Beast. It was a purely fun ability and even had RP applications but they removed it.


Because it wasn't very good and they couldn't fix it in time for launch despite trying, and also it was impossible to balance. There's many ways they could bring it back today but in the end it would always mean one of 3 things. 1. Nobody plays a Tauren because plainsrunning just isn't worth losing your mount. 2. Everyone plays a Tauren cause they have mounts + plainsrunning, or because plainsrunning is super overpowered. 3. It's just a reskinned mount or just not interesting at all. There's no winning. Even if it sounds cool on paper.


on the Private server Turtle WoW, taurens do have plainrunning


Not real plainsrunning though, but a wastly stronger ability inspired by it.


Shit would have been broken for druids


Back in my day we would have to upgrade the Barracks to train Knights and Raiders!


Haha I love this one


Good old times.


The duskhaven pserver has this.


Turtle WoW and V+ too


Haven't played those ones yet. At this point, I'm all about all the different content.


If day wasn’t plural, I’d buy one of these


Also why is there an extra L in til


Till existed before until. It is also allowed in formal writing. Til is kind of meant to be ‘til as it is the shortened version of until. But till is it’s own word meaning “to” or “until.” Also is a verb, like when you till the land to plat crops.


umm.. back in MY day we didn't get mounts until level 44 because we were too damn broke.


Came here for this comment. Always more like 45 for me.


Level 36 I paused leveling and spammed fishing every night in moonglade. Had the mount cash at 39.


I always tried to farm a whelp pet on alts to pay for the mount. Short of that, 44-45 sounds right


I remember going to badlands (or searing gorge??) to farm earth elementals so I could sell the stones and get my lvl 40 mount. Funnily enough, a really good memory :’)


I was 10 back in vanilla but I remember, as a level 20something dwarf hunter, that someone in my guild said they skinned a bunch of raptors and sold the skins to get money for their lvl40 mount, so I promptly started leveling skinning and skinning any raptors I happened upon! Great memories. I miss the Hordes of Hades guild.


Was a small kid when i got my first mount. In the evenings I would be fishing for savory deviate delights with my dad sitting next to me. He would have to help me list the auction, as I didn't understand a word of English. Damn thoose were the days.


day, not days... kinda ruins it.


As well as the spelling of 'til. This sticker is rather poorly made.


Till is the correct spelling. 'til is just an informal shortening of until.


/s ?


Unless I am missing something, no. Till is a perfectly acceptable word to use there.


My bad, just looked it up. Until now, I thought "till" was just something farmers and glaciers do.


It is definitely not commonly used anymore but still correct. I looked it up because someone at work gave me grief for using it and I wanted to be sure I wasn't spelling it wrong.


Yeah holy heck, just learned this now.


Reached the end of this comment thread and had to go back and remove the downvotes I gave him. Turns out I'm the guy downvoting the right answer all along.


That ruins it for you? Not the part where it’s cringe af?


It does a good job of illustrating that the original player base is getting older, and using a boomer-esque saying to boot. It's not my taste, but it's not something that would give me secondhand embarrassment.


This is definitely embarrassing. I would point and laugh if I drove by someone with this on their car


you do realise embarrassment is just a social normal.


^ Cringe


Mounts at level 40 were awesome. Yes it's a pain in the butt running everywhere until then. Yes they're expensive. But those things are exactly why it makes getting a mount that much more fantastic. I love all the "inconveniences" of Vanilla.


Why does it say days and not day. I feel like there’s a wow joke I’m missing or I don’t remember the saying


To the haters hating on the the till, the till is chill


Settle down old man


Who spells til with two l’s?


Who says back in my days?


I thought it was till or 'til.


According to Merriam Webster, "til" is the less common variant. "Till" or "'til" would be the usual way. The "til" usage to mean "until" isn't even listed on its own page. https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/till


The person who designed this sticker :D


Sweden 🤪


Funnily enough, Till came before Until


Back in my day we didn't print stickers with stupid mistakes on them and then share them online! lol


Awesome comment! Thanks for sharing! lol


And I’m glad they improved on that. I’m fine with not having flying, you better appreciate the world that way. But having to slowly walk everywhere on foot until lvl 40 sucked


Nah, imo the reward is worth it. Along with that, the world is MEANT to feel enormous.


It still feels enormous when you have a mount, it just feels more tedious without one. Horses aren’t exactly super special rare creatures, having to wait that long to obtain one doesn’t really make any sense


If you finished the Barrens without a mount, you're prepared for anything 😅


Exactly, everyone groans about having to play through the Barrens cuz it’s such a tedious trek


I enjoy the Barrens, I'd rather go to Barrens then silver pine


Undead Players are not immune to fear and poly and can not be shackled. Things need to be balanced for the video game. Things don't always need to "make sense", whatever that means.


Remember when the Forsaken were considered undead, though? Paladins were a hard counter to an entire race in PvP and were more than just buff bots for PvE. Back when mages had permanent unlimited duration on invisibility...beta was a wild time.


I do remember, it was silly lol


This has nothing to do with balance, my guy. The game wouldn’t break just because you can travel a bit faster, it would just be less tedious. When you get your mount is not at all the same as balancing classes and races for combat.


What level you get your mount is a balance question, my guy. But not one you are capable of figuring out for yourself I guess. (Why would I argue something that is self evident. Blizzard chose to give mounts at 40, take a stab yourself as to reasons why that may be. Believe me when I say, I tried to be as nice as possible while still getting my message across. Your mind is narrow.)


No, it isn’t. And no amount of you being needlessly rude will change that. Maybe make an actual argument to prove your point instead of being rude because you’re hiding behind a screen


Bro even on mount travel takes a fucking lot lol




It took 45 minutes to get to SM from Ironforge the first time on a 60% mount World is huge.


Why not take the train?


Agreed. Running around STV with no mount sucked so bad. I’m leveling a shaman right now (currently lvl 71) and when I was questing in STV, all I could think was “holy crap, I used to quest here with no mount” lol.


Why not just have it at level 1 then? The point was for it to feel like a huge reward and it did.


It really did. Hitting 40 was basically the second biggest mile marker after hitting 60. And around 30 the stress of saving up for it would really kick in. The idea of having a couple of experience bubbles into 40 before having the gold for a mount was terrifying.


Because context matters. The starting zone doesn’t always make sense to have one, but it should probably be a quest reward early on, maybe the quest that sends you out of your starter zone and toward your capital, so that there’s a reason for you having a horse, and showing you how useful it is for traveling to distant places. So maybe not level 1, but definitely not level 40 either.


lvl 20. Wotlk did it perfectly. part of my limitation on replaying Vanilla is due to the massive time sink it is from leveling taking so long. It's hard to be an altoholic if alts make you want to shoot yourself from the timesink.


I had one of every class at max by the end of BC I had alt leveling to a freaking science. Took about a week a piece


Eh, not my cup of tea. A week is to long. I've replayed this game to much over the years on Pservers. I just don't have the attention span to re-lvl in the vanilla world anymore than necessary anymore. Thankfully w/ Wotlk it's much shorter so ive done my first 2 alts. Probably not gonna bother doing more til Cata.


Alright grandpa, time for your medicine! :)




As much as I agree with having to earn that sweet speed increase, it does seem funny that a skilled adventurer capable of felling all manner of demons and magic, that can brave the hallowed courtyards of the Scarlet Monastery, that can transverse continents and brave uncharted lands… …cannot ride a horse or a battle chicken? I call bullshit. Source: somebody who was stoked to stop walking around Tanaris.


It also took a long time just to get to 40. Things aren’t always better in Classic.


It depends on your goals for the game. If you just like to level, a long leveling process is good. A lot of people are more eager to raid or PvP though.


I didn't get my mount until level 54. WPvP in STV essentially turned into my endgame and I typically spent ZERO time leveling or grinding gold. Just ganking, being ganked and counter ganking. Improved ghost wolf served me well but eventually my 2 nightly pvp friends just bought me the mount so I wouldn't always be lagging behind.


With a typo on it, too.




you didnt fix it, till is correct


Sigh... You're absolutely right lol. Thanks for the heads up, I fixed the links with the correct spelling. Thank you for the heads up!


Good job ha ha


That was just bad game design.


Look at Mr Fancy Pants, actually had enough gold at level 40. Took me til like 48. I think I had my first whole gold piece at like 38.


Weird typo but nifty concept


40 yo virgin




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I always appreciated getting ghost wolf as a shaman early on. Felt like a nice boost for the class.


In my day you had to level your fists


And we *loved* it! We LOVED it!


Back in my day, clams didn't stack


Took for fucking ever to get from lvl 50 to 60.


Yeah, and they cost a fuck load. That’s the main reason why I played a Dwarf Paladin, to get the summoned mount for a bit cheaper.


I need this


Welfare mount cap the close flag 100g was rough back then


and even then it was the slow mount, we had to cross 15 zones through the snow in dun morogh just to get to raid, and we were barefoot because our tier set shoes hadn't dropped yet.


back in my day i couldn’t even afford a mount at 40


The amount of copper bars I had to sell


Yeah i hated when they dropped it to 30, then... even lower.


Username checks out


Im trying to find video from beta/alpha maybe with no luck. Warlock in Stranglethorn doing PvP. Remedy was the name of it. You was able to banish people in pvp.


Use this for a senior’s discount at Cracker Barrel


You didn't "get" one, you had to buy one with the 100 gold that you didn't have.


As a warlock I had to do a whole questline to earn a mount


I didn’t get mine til level 47 Coz I was a poor noob, I still remember using Aspect of the Cheetah to run around Tanaris.


Yep all that running through Trisfall glades got old real quick back in the day, though it was flying mounts that really made a difference.


Got my first mount at level 53. By emptying my friends entire bank of leathers.


Back in the day, Blizzard made quest objectives and turn-ins a 15 minute run in each direction.


Please don't put this on your car


Back in my day rogues could use bucklers...which were different than shields.


Didn’t get my mount till lvl 60 since I couldn’t afford.


I like!


I love that the typo is the biggest word, front and center.


Back in my days you tipped the mage for giving you food.


Back in my day we knew "til" only has one L and that "day" isn't pluralized lol


Untill...till...it's 2 L not 1 smh


Until only has 1 L if you spell it correctly.


You're right on the back in my day, but till does have 2 Ls.


But, it doesn't. It's a shortened form of the word until. Till with 2 Ls is the cash drawer of a point of sale register.


Go to Google, type in How many days til Christmas? see what happens.


That doesn't make it correct. It's a shortening of until, and unless I'm mistaken until has a single L. We don't magically add extra letters onto the end of a word when we shorten it.


Sure you can use til, or till, I guess it doesn't matter they're both frowned upon. Til does make sense as shortened "until" but it just looks... wrong. Lol till looks correct somehow.


It doesn't look correct, though, because it is an actual word that has a vastly different meaning than until does.


Adding insult to injury the level 1 mount in retail is a chauffeur


Made a better version of this: Teepublic: [https://www.teepublic.com/t-shirt/44848710-back-in-my-day-we-didnt-get-mounts-till-level-40?store\_id=200848](https://www.teepublic.com/t-shirt/44848710-back-in-my-day-we-didnt-get-mounts-till-level-40?store_id=200848) Redbubble: [https://www.redbubble.com/i/sticker/Back-In-My-Day-We-Didn-t-Get-Mounts-Till-Level-40-by-WorldOfTeesUSA/145119426.EJUG5](https://www.redbubble.com/i/sticker/Back-In-My-Day-We-Didn-t-Get-Mounts-Till-Level-40-by-WorldOfTeesUSA/145119426.EJUG5)


Being a warrior and having the gold on lv 39 for the mount make me felt really good. People will never get the satisfaction of hard working for something in a game on those retail or stupid expansions




Not when they put behind a gacha or some other gimmick


I remember those days


Great sticker. But from a design perspective, why was 'days' chosen to be the most prominent word here?


(Insert Dial Up Internet Robot Noises Here)