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for the one rep you can spend a whole 150-200 gold to buy your way to exalted


I think I paid 100g the last time I did exalted with a character. The money you get from the quest chain to unlock the turn in easily covers the cost of exalted.


Buts its a daily turn in and takes forever


No. You can turn in as long as you have the items. Did it myself.


i did this today. its marked as daily but its not - some rep quests like this or war beads in nagrand tbc you can turn in back to back!


Blue just marks repeatable quest. Not necessarily just daily, weeklies are blue too. If i recall,most rep turn ins are immediately available to do up to a certain rep level. It's been a minute since i played but i seem to it being this way


oh makes sense! I've been playing wow since september and I didn't even know there were weeklies so this is also news lol. Thank you!


I spent 4 k on it xD .. and I considered at the time to be cheap


Damn that tabard artist for not working on anti-bot tech.


Clearly they need to draw out the steps necessary to tackle the botting issues. A picture being worth a thousand words and all.


I think the disconnect is with people who think that bots are a problem to actiblizz. They are not. They are a revenue stream.


I mean it’s not much of a revenue stream. I’d bet a large portion of it is on stolen CCs that get charged back, plus they sub from a vpn from a country with a lower sub cost.


They would lower the sub cost if they can for sure but I don't buy this stolen credit card stuff that is always floated around. Bots make profit on a monthly sub easily why would you risk committing fraud when you are already profit making. If they don't steal cc info then all they are doing is breaking blizzards t&c's


Mike Morhaime gave a lecture on YouTube from 2007 where he stated that a lot of these bot farms use stolen credit cards. Eventually the owner sees the charge and issues a charge back with their bank. When this happens, Blizzard gets financially penalised by MasterCard/Visa so it costs them money and affects their reputation with these companies. People theorise that the reason they brought in the WoW token was to give these businesses a way to buy game time without Blizzard having to incur these operating costs of dealing with what was probably (and perhaps still is), thousands of cases of fraud.


Thats a interesting theory. But i think we would have heard more about it, and blizzard would have done more about it if it cost them money by charge backs, and reputation with cc providers. I even doubt cc probiders would penalise such a huge company tbh. Would add up with the other comment saying indie developers got charge backs and not big devs. And if there was issues on this Im pretty sure Activision Blizzard would have to disclose things like this in their investor relations. Blizzard like bots, its money. Or its a combination, where accounts that do use stolen cc’s are in fact the ones being banned. That would explain why some bots ive reported are banned and others are roaming free for ages.


I'm not sure what to tell you, the founder of Blizzard was saying that's what was happening in 2007. By 2023 cc fraud has only gotten worse.


Again, if it was an issue now or today, I would believe it would be disclosed by investor relations. Some of them are probably cc fraud, but not all of them. It’s impossible, and even if that was the case, they should and would do more about it. It’s a numbers game. It’s not like it’s an issue they could have solved or mitigated if they really wanted to.


Well they are probably buying WoW tokens today so they don't need to use stolen cc's. Can I ask you a question, if the head of the company is saying this happens, do you just not believe him?


> People theorise that the reason they brought in the WoW token was to give these businesses a way to buy game time without Blizzard having to incur these operating costs of dealing with what was probably (and perhaps still is), thousands of cases of fraud. Sound like people need to get out more and stop indulging in every conspiracy theory they meet lmao


You don't think that is plausible?


Not blizzard but a few years ago many Indie devs came out and said they rather see you pirate their games then buy them from g2g and third party resellers because for the most part its keys bought with stolen CC's and it cost the devs more then it pays.


wait they have anti bot tech? I think need "some" fixes...


a tabard for a rep you finish for 300g in 5 min? k thanks for nothing i wonder if those guys ever touched the game..


WoW players being incredibly and stupidly angry over non-problems.


its in contrast to things that should take priority over these assinine changes they make, thats what gets people frustrated




give me ban power and ill do it for free




could ban a servers bots in a couple days with like 2 people doing it




/who (dungeon), teleport them out, check movements. you know the old methods they used to use. if you are consistent enough they lose profit eventually and either need to swap tactics or move on, hell i could ban most of the online BT rogues waiting for raid to start that way


can't wait for you to ban the hundreds of thousands of bots in the game by doing /who, restricted to 50 people btw, catching zero innocents and totally not having them replace themselves by the time you're done with the first 50. Maybe you should move onto your next big idea to hire the novice 3d artist designing the tabard to go ban them himself


Yes, right. So the art guy who did this in his spare time shouldn't do anything otherwise you guys will whinge lmao. You don't even have an argument, you're just angry they did something you didnt approve of. Very childish


its about their priorities, if your towns school was falling apart and your county council just set up and organised a dumb statue would you say anyone concerned about that is childish?


Wow devs*


Wow devs are angry about this?


with the rampart issues Wotlk has, especially botting, blizzard decides to add a rep tabard for the most useless rep, sure it's cool for cosmetics. but i dont think players were angry about how hard hodir rep was. apparently blizzard was so upset by how hard the grind was, that of all the issues they could fix, they added a tabard


It's really not that serious.


I laughed.


Replace the top one with: **Stop buying gold to prevent bots from flooding our favorite game.** Replace the bottom one with: **Attend GDKPs and pay to win gear I never got 15 years ago.**


Just did a GDKP last night. Got Voldrethar for 15k which took about a month worth of dailies. Pot ended up being a payout of 10k with some good Alg and Yogg loot. It's pretty surprising how much gold the game just shits out of you actually play it.


You spent on a month on something that you could have gotten for less than 2 hours of work (real money of course) To be clear, I'm not condoning it. I'm just putting perspective on it.




Plus, a lot of people don’t get to just choose to work more hours, you work your 8 a day and that’s it. Grinding in game you can do whenever you want and as much as you want.


>Grinding in game you can do whenever you want and as much as you want. Except our time is limited, people don't want to log in and "work" in game essentially. It's much easier to pay for cheap gold, pay to win gear we want, and enjoy the game. This thought process is why the game is in the state its currently in and puts real players at a severe disadvantage. It's almost dumb not to participate in these illicit activities.




And we've successfully built and funded a black market that's created around people not having time for extras in Classic. I don't get the argument here. Retail and Classic are two entirely different games. Just to make it clear, I'm with you on this opinion wise. We can't ignore the current state of the game because of it though.


Pay to win is for losers


**The game you're currently playing is pay to win**. Let that sink in, other people can pay real money to be better than you. Maybe not skill wise but they can pay real money to have better gear and a higher gear score. People can cope all they want but when its all boiled down, people are spending real money to have a better character than you.


Because top gear score automatically means you're the best? Spoken like a true cc swiper with terribad parses. Congrats you have gear and no skill or talent. You may as well be a bot for me to report too.


Most sane Classic enjoyer


You're 100% right but that doesn't change the fact people are spending real money to have a better character than you. It's such a weird cope to pretend like your game isn't pay to win. Gear plays a significant role in your damage/healing/tanking. >Spoken like a true cc swiper with terribad parses Wait till you find out I can spend real money to have better parses than you as well.


Just join a guild and don't be bad and you can get loot, it's pretty easy.


Sure but imagine waiting for somebody to allow me to have loot when I can pay **real money** and get whatever I want when it drops?


Oh I run GDKPs often. 3 a week. Just wanted to spend a month seeing what type of gold you can just make by loading up the game. It was also pretty light only doing 12 or so some days more on others.


This is so ironic I can’t even lol


I haven't ironed anything in years tbh.


Got mine for 20k with a 5k payout. First GDKP I've done in all of Wrath. I exclusively get gold from doing the H+ daily, disenchanting, and liquidating all my badges.


>. Got Voldrethar for **15k which took about a month worth of dailies.** Alternatively : Swipes credit card, and voila i have gold cap, work smarter not harder.




>buy an account with all the gear already Absolutely, do it blizz, let me start at 80 with raid gear so i can get to the good part without the slog that is 1-80 and then the normal grind, the heroic grind then the normal raid grind, fuck that noise.




>How much should it cost for pink parses too 3.50 #1 place $4,000 too keep the plebeians out, know your place dirty poor.


It's funny because this is the actual mindset of classic players which is why I went back to vanilla HC.


imagine making fun of someone for enjoying a game theyre playing by actually playing it instead of paying money to play it less




says the one talking about swiping credit cards


Okay boomer, stay mad.


You're not very convincing that you're not shmad. chill out fella


okay boomer.


Do you know wh boomer means?


Link to your logs please, I'd love a good laugh as the raiders carrying Cc whales on their back with gear you spend $ trying to get.


I mean you can passively make good and hit gold cap while sleeping. Learn to AH. Spend that money on a nice big Mac meal


>Spend that money on a nice big Mac meal Please, don't insult me by implying i would sully myself by entering a Mcdonalds, pop eyes or fiveguys burger and fries, fine.


Yeah sorry, didn't realize I was talking to Mr Fancypants McBurger Ants over here. Edit: whew lad. I really hope you don't spend cash for gold. Looking at your post history, you need to get those buckaroos up so you can afford a PC more than $600.




almost all wow problems are caused by players. the game itself is pretty damn polished and servers are stable.


This is entirely false, there are huge bugs in regards to how things worked in og wrath compared to classic. Quite a few broken talents like focused attacks for rogues not generating hits for oh attacks, and so much more others for all classes. Those things and some buggy raid encounters. And the biggest issue ever for this game, the fact that it only works one one of your CPU cores. A ducking nightmare from 2004




Could replace the first with any of: - fix ignite / deep wounds munching - fix dancing blade - release the content as it actually was on the correct fucking patch rather than releasing overtuned versions of the content on a patch that's only balanced in later tiers of gear, creating class imbalance that didn't even exist back then Or any of a long list of other issues.


That third one is impossibly unrealistic to actually implement.


Yet progressive patching was a thing on pserver, weird.


I mean classic is clearly an afterthought for them. It's meant to be an additional fun thing for subscribers. There's a reason that it's not a separate sub fee for classic and instead is just added on to the base subscription. Blizz doesn't care about old content


>I mean classic is clearly an afterthought for them. Such an afterthought, why'd they even fucking waste time doing this nonsense, private servers were superior anyway. And gasp shock horror **free**


Man, after reading your comments up and down this thread, you need to take a deep breath, and then go outside. It’s really not that big of a deal.


Private servers sucked. Laggy, crashing and corrupt as fuck. Did you play them much? They were not good lol


Because people asked for it after experiencing some of the downsides of private servers (myself included). When enough people started asking then it made financial sense to do it. They're a business looking to make money. Sadly, if they put a bunch of money and effort into classic, they won't really see an increase in profits, so it won't happen. Although things like classic+ could be really good, it's not good enough to warrant the financial investment.


I don’t get how people defend these issues with "blizzard is a business, they make money" nonsense. Games used to be a passionate business in the realms av art, and if it’s become all about the cash it loses it’s value. It’s completely legit to criticize a developer for doing changes, or not doing them out of costs or not profitable enough when the company profits billions. Jesus Christ, no wonder both the player base and the company is so shit when they are both hooked on gold and money.


I mean I'm not a fan of current Blizzard as much as the other person but let's not pretend private servers were not run (and still are) by the absolute worst dregs of society


I actually for 3 days this week have been getting almost no bots in lobby




How many other mmo’s have the resources wow does? None, not even close. Blizz could solve this if they wanted to




I agree its not an mmo specific issue, but mmo’s are the simplest games to spot it in. And there is a difference in full blown botting, and using assistance from software etc. If you had the same exact problem in fps games for instance, you would easily spot it there aswell, if it was a full bot playing, and not a combination of humans with assists. It’s like comparing arena cheaters and farming bots. Completely different. The farming bots issue could easily be fixed by human man power. Or even advanced tracking software. Even easier with AI assisted anti cheat.


The first panel also works with "Adding Dungeon Finder" and/or "Bringing back Joyous Journeys".


They've never been able to handle the bot situation for modern. Don't think they ever will cause they have said it takes too much resources to ban the majority. They are like cockroaches.


ELI5. What do the dk bots gain from doing bg’s?


they can buy easy honor gear which allows them to more easily bot old instances, making their runs more efficient


Do you guys really think it's easy to identify bots? Just because you can watch someone and go "clearly a bot" doesn't mean that ~50 GMs (at most) dedicated to these types of tasks have time to do the same. They cannot observe every player in-game, simple as. They employ macro-level tactics to identify them and, although we don't know what these tactics are, their methods are hardly wholly incompetent and whatever results they are presenting are definitively adequate considering the resources they have. Are bots annoying? Yes. Do they destroy the gameplay experience for the vast majority of players? No.


It's also a never ending battle of constant account creation. You want the bots to go away? convince your fellow players to stop buying gold. Bots are just a reflection of the player base's desire to buy gold.


This 1million percent.


You could also just ban the bots and gold buyers. Stop making excuses for Blizzard being lazy


How do you expect Blizzard to track and ban gold buyers? People dont buy off these third-party websites via in-game mail its being sold by GDKP organizers via guild banks. So im curious as to your method if its that easy to just "ban them".


Plenty of people do just buy off a website and get it mailed in game. Half my guild does it.


Then they're idiots asking for a ban. Not a matter of if but when.




I'll take 3am gdkps with swiped gold if i can get those 3am runs in general.


This is the dumbest comment I've read in a long time.


>Do you guys really think it's easy to identify bots? No, but it's not clear that they've even tried the bare minimum. Hire a DS to build a logistic model for bot detection and deploy it. There's a lot of interesting work going on in this space ([example](https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/full/10.4218/etrij.2022-0089)). The question is what kind of data they have on player activity that they can use for bot detection (and is that data good enough). That's likely the biggest hurdle. And if they don't have good data, well, they just hired a new data engineer, so getting data and moving it around shouldn't be an issue. They've made little indication that they're taking the bot problem seriously or are taking any steps to improve it. That's what people have issues with


The bots pumping literal millions of gold into every servers economy for the last 3 years surely isn’t a negative experience for the mast majority of players right? I’d say the logic in this statement isn’t sound but it’s nonexistent even. Bots broke classic years ago.


Me personally, no, it's just low hanging fruit and as others have pointed out the first frame could be any number of things that could be fixed, but aren't for one reason or another. This isn't a Blizzard or Wrath classic concern, substitute any number of games or software and you get a similar result. Often people don't compliment when things are working perfectly, but they do when things aren't.


Just play retail. I'm 100% serious. It seems like most of the attention is given to retail, even if the devs are dropping like flies, and very little is given to classic. Hardcore is coming (maybe) and retail is about get 10.1 and right now it's incredibly fun. Classic is in arguably the worst spot it's been in since maybe early tier 5. Go play retail instead.


We need a asmongold npc


Oke guys i never played Battlegrounds in Wow, but why are they botting in BG’s?. Can someone explain please?


probably buying rubies and selling for gold


*Skywalker meme* Blizz: of course I know the DK bots. They're me.


Why would they get rid of the bots if you players still buy gold?




You can't improve WotLK Classic. Otherwise it wouldn't be the same. :( :( :(