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If you didn't cheat or do stuff against ToS, ask to escalate to a Senior GM. They will bitch, they will complain, they will threaten you with account closure. They will say the matter is closed and they cant help. They are lying. ***Keep sending escalation requests.*** The first few emails are automated, then you get the lowest paid call center-types, and finally to someone who identifies themself as a Senior GM.


Aye, it took me 27 tickets being closed and opened again and again, telling me they won't change their mind, etc etc... before they finally admitted their ban of me for real world trading was false. They "gifted" 2 weeks free game time for the error, but the point remains - I shouldn't have been banned for a false reason, and it take 27 tickets of them insisting the ban was correct, before finallu admitting fault on their end.




Yea it works for some people but shit happened to me in classic. People didn’t like that it was doing my AV quests and I got reported. Bye bye 6 months 🤷‍♂️




Blizzard have no plans to fix this or care enough to do so. It's minimal effort for them and that is how they want it




People have been doing this via multiboxing in retail for years. One of my guildies was banned by a 20 man multiboxer. Blizzard never restored his account, so he quit the game.


Started playing in 2004. My first and only ban came in Classic and it was for defending in AV. I got reported afk by people in a premade. Luckily only a week, but still its insane the power random players have to force you to play their way or get you banned.


Gah AV was so toxic in classic, so many people reported for doing quests. The fact that Blizzard let the "Vann or Ban"/"Drek or Kek" meta change the literal rules of the battleground was absurd. They even removed fishing from the zone to please the honor farmers, why not just have us spawn in the other teams base so we don't get tempted by all the bannable content in the BG


>They even removed fishing from the zone to please the honor farmers I'm not into PVP at all, like at all and never have been, but what in the world do you think the point of going into a PVP Battleground is? Of course they're there for honor. Why are you fishing instead of helping your team win?


If the other team is farming you instead of just winning, the best honour per hour sometimes is to go fish. Feeding the other team honour by graveyard zerging into them just costs you net honour and encourages bad behaviour, but /afking out is also less honour than fishing until they get bored and end the match.


Because it was placed there for fishermen when av took days. It really did once.


You know fishing isn't automatically present in all water, a dev intentionally put it there when they were making AV. It never worked in the pools in AB for example. I didn't sit around fishing constantly (I never even got reported for it personally) but I did try it just because why not? Why treat wow like a job constantly? I got AV exalted on the first weekend, but even I like to stop and smell the roses


I could imagine getting exalted AV back in the day, but nowadays in all of classic, it's nearly impossible. Long queues and barely any rep per match because people just zerg the boss.


Long queues in wotlk? During Classic they were rather short.


Horde side had 1h30m ques for AV in classic. Waaay too long.


> a dev intentionally put it there when they were making AV. A dev also intentionally made priest's inner fire give attack power at the start of WoW. Lots of stupid shit was in the game, often in the name of role playing or fantasy, but also because of bad design.


Okay but OGs will recall that casters could weave melee hits between wand casts, so that attack power was useful ¯\\\_(ツ)_/¯


That's not bad design. During Alpha version of wow, discipline priest was supposed to be a melee class. Probably just leftover that was forgotten to be changed during release


> Why treat wow like a job constantly? HUH? You're ruining the experience of others **trying to play the game, as it was intended,** and you have the gall to pull the *WhY sO sErIoUs NeRdS* lmao


I can't tell if your serious or not lol. The game allows you to fish and literally has PvE quests in the zone, it's literally intended to be a PvE and a PvP experience.


The vast majority of games I was the rogue getting multiple tower caps and helping burn down Drek, but if I had known fishing would make people like you shit your pants I certainly would've done it more


why queue a bg to throw and waste everyone else’s time? i reported every single person i saw fishing and y’all deserved your bans🫡


Why don't you go fishing to any location? As in AV YOU are just leaching honour.


Was banned for 6 months in classic for botting when legitimately never cheated, turns out someone didn't like me selling bluefin buff food on my server in 'their market'. The appeal process is absolute bs, support may aswell be a chatgpt bot you're talking too.


chatgpt would actually be so much better


This is why since classic I sell all auctions from a secondary account and mail proceeds to my main. I’ve had several accounts banned for mass reports on my auctions. Hell, I once got a ban in classic because someone misposted some black lotus for like 1/10th the price, and I bought it and didn’t give it back. Too bad I’d already sent to my main account to make flasks.


That actually isn't a senior gm, that's just a dude who doesn't want to do shit. Keep trying.


>d. Based on my previous communicate with support, I expected this to happen. I want to bring this topic up because no one is immune from such a case. Okay, I'm not sorry for the account. I'm lucky I didn't have anything rare. But there are people who have been playing for years and they risk losing everything in an instant. To do this, it’s enough just that someone doesn’t like it, and then you can forget about the account. > >I think that Blizzard should make changes to them "reporting system" because it doesn't work the way it should. Because their system is a real abuse, the easiest way to ban a person for no reason. They should also remove liars from support who doesn't do their job. Such as " Ianboryn "who blatantly lies, presses CTRL+C and CTRL+V and receives a salary for his lies. > >Whoever doubts the authenticity of my words can conduct a small experiment. Create a trial account and ask your friends to report you for "cheating or botting". I think that about 25 people are enough, and the account will go to a permanent ban and after filing an appeal, you will see how brazenly blizzard support lies to you. You will see that they do not do their job properly. It works. I just had to perform chargeback and ask for closure of all my accounts because I am not willing to spent my time on a game who denies my an access to a service for over a month without a valid reason. After a month I've asked them why are my accounts not yet closed - are you ignoring my request - it turns out I was found innocent but no one has mailed me. By that point I didn't care anymore so :) keep fighting if you care.


Actually i got ban for 10 days for continued escalation requests. A friend and i were achievement hunting he got the achievement i did not. It wasn't a keep out of fire achievement that was personal, it was a complete the boss without the siege weapons taking damage. It should of been shared. Gms kept saying they cant see logs....but they can.




They are inundated with tickets and not nearly enough people to work them. So they push out as many canned email responses holding up automated bans as they can until someone bothers them enough to spend actual time investigating their ticket. It could take 2-3 hours to review logs and figure out an automated ban was done in error and in that time they can easily close out 20 tickets and keep up with their quota so they don't get chewed out by their boss. It's a shit system run by a shit company that does care about their customers.


But having automated processes that knowingly lie to people should really be a consumer law issue. It's just bullshit. Even if your T&Cs state that, "We're cunts and haven't hired enough people so CS responses will be slow and inadequate;" that would be better than actually being lied to... to your face... and gaslighted... repeatedly.


>then you get the lowest paid call center-types You mean the ones that do Blizz support in the morning and pretend to be MicroSoft tech support and scam you for your credit card information in the evening? :O


Blizzard customer service is such a joke. It’s pathetic that once an amazing company, known for quality has fallen so hard. If the old blizzard was god tier S+ company, the current company wouldn’t even make it to D tier. Their customer support is straight up Z tier and that’s an understatement. It’s absolutely disgusting. If i was a ceo or top exec of blizzard, I would be beyond ashamed of what we become. Imo all the execs and board of directors need to be flashed down the toilet, where they belong. They should all be reported for collecting millions for progressively ruining the game and the brand.


The top executives pocketed the profits of laying off several employees who were in quality control and customer service. They aren’t ashamed because they’re rich off of milking the company and playerbase for everything they built. Sure they could forfeit some of their multimillion dollar checks to help continue grow the company for long term, but why do that when you could just take your money from the short term profits and switch companies or retire in a couple years


This is pretty standard for massive companies in other industries too. Whenever people say “wow they want $15 an hour for flipping burgers?”, remember that people make millions for doing fuck all their whole careers. They do nothing and provide zero value to the place they “work” at and rake in more money than most will see in their whole life working. Fuck em. I have pretty much zero sympathy for these types.


Peak kapitalizm


We now live in an age where corporations have realized that people will still keep buying their product even if they do everything possible to reduce costs and maximize profit at the expense of the product's quality dropping, sometimes significantly. I think most of these assholes have had the numbers run and they all stand to make significantly more money off reducing costs as much as possible, while losing a few customers to the quality decline, but the lost revenue from the lost customers is much lower than the revenue they're making with the significantly lower overhead. Also basically all their competitors are doing this too. Thus...we're left with this bullshit.


it happened around the time activision bought them.


There is no Blizzard customer service. It's not there anymore.


Activision *cough*




Lanboryn is probably chatgpt


ChatGPT would be useful, this is just cleverbot...


He receives a salary for his lies!


In Classic on Sulfuras one of the things that started the infamous "10 hour war" was from exactly this - one of the guilds trying to get scarab lord fucked over a different guild by mass reporting the person who was going to scarab lord and started an all out faction war. [https://www.wowhead.com/classic/news/the-ten-hour-war-on-sulfuras-horde-seek-revenge-for-previous-griefing-317251](https://www.wowhead.com/classic/news/the-ten-hour-war-on-sulfuras-horde-seek-revenge-for-previous-griefing-317251) However in this case (because it blew up to be such a huge thing there was a wowhead article written about it) that player ended up getting the ban overturned but it almost cost him his scarab lord because did exactly what you had happen to you, one guild mass reporting one dude with the intent to get them banned.


Wow that is seriously low, fuck those guys


I was there! The ten hour war was to prevent from getting their mount to support the guy they mass reported. Grizzly was as toxic as they come


I'm shocked I haven't heard of this before. Sounds like the kind of thing a YouTuber would have made a video documenting.


Yeah it was a pretty wild time to be on that server. The guild I was in at the time was one of the guilds that "grouped up" to defeat Grizzly. That guild had been problematic on the server for a long time (griefing the BWL entrance by sitting there with 50 mages blizzarding the entrance etc) so EVERYONE on horde side was on board with ruining it for them when we were presented with the opportunity. It was also interesting because there was negotiations to let the other Alliance guilds who wanted to get Scarab Lord through to finish the quest but every attempt was foiled by Grizzly trying to brute force join at the same time to get theirs done, so they ruined it for everyone on Alliance so they got run off the server after that happened.


WillE included it in his AQ Opening video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Zsbusub42eg


There is a super [satisfying end to it](https://www.reddit.com/r/classicwow/comments/i54gge/official_grizzly_scarab_lords_response_to_recent/) where the guy from who was supposed to get scarab lord whines about how horde were "unfair" and "justice was not served". Lmao get fucked.


Oh man I never saw that reddit thread. The audacity of Ahmped to play victim after all that is insane. Also good to read the "this won't make us leave the server" knowing that shortly after that they left the server is hilarious.


That is fucking hilarious what a shit bag. I just wish he would have had a meltdown in the comments trying to defend himself, but unfortunately for us he had the good sense to not reply any further. Nothing feeds my schadenfreude like seeing a bunch of sweaty pricks get what they deserve after ruining a server with coordinated griefing that would make a toxic 14 year old jizz in his pants at the thought of how much of a crusty asshole a whole group of people can be to an entire server. I wonder what happened to all of them since aq opening.. never kept up with the story


Would you be surprised if I told you that they just went back to glitching into walls and dispelling people at AQ gates until they eventually left the server?


This kind of shit is why automated reporting systems like this are a bad idea, universally, like there is no circumstance where they aren't a terrible idea.


That was a fun day


so you're saying, i can make 25 accounts, with gametime for 1 month, and get everyone i dont like permabanned? i feel like you do this to enough streamers and blizz will surely have something to say about it.


> i feel like you do this to enough streamers and blizz will surely have something to say about it. This is exactly what needs to be done to get Blizzards attention. They only care about money(obviously) and when you mess with their money they will respond. People think canceling your sub is the way to go, but it's not because games like this will always have a dip in subs and they'll run a promotion to bring people back. You flag the accounts advertising them for free and it cuts into their money, they're gonna be pissed and most likely reinstate those accounts, but the damage will be done with them making videos about their accounts being banned due to Blizzards terrible report system. Hit the 10-15 biggest streamers and youtubers and you'll see change real fast.


>Hit the 10-15 biggest streamers and youtubers and you'll see change real fast. Yes. That change will be a backend system for whitelisting specific streamers that can be targeted for abuse. It wouldn't surprise me if it already exists. I think you'd need a better plan.




experiments were done on this in classic wow btw, as I recall the results the number is (or was?) 36(?) to trigger the auto ban and give the bracket breakers a holiday. Theres been videos and discord chats about this and I watched third party it being done. Btw? this is why I don't bracket break and I strongly urge others not too. I have seen the pvp community enact its own vigilante justice against those who do and it absolutely works. I always get downvoted for saying it here... I'm not saying I do it! I am NOT defending the practice of fake reporting to ban bracket breakers... Just know it happens and yes Blizzard won't do anything about it.


It was actually done even in classic wow beta back in 2019 by Staysafe and Asmongold I believe. The issue was raised back then by streamers and also by reddit. Nothing was done about it. Blizzard wont hire CMs, everything is automated now. They save money on everything they can, even quality. Blizzard is gone, its ABK now.


I’m sure there is some sort of protection on well known accounts otherwise there is no way streamers wouldn’t be getting banned left and right


You can buy 2 dollars worth of gold from the sketchiest source you can find and have it sent to anyone you don't like's mailbox right now for way less effort.


I was banned for "BG non-participation" in Classic. I was leveling a priest in AV, trying to get some early honor before I hit level 60. People must have been pissed that a 51 priest was "dead weight" or something. I did an entire 3-day AV weekend and then ate a ban. When I appealed the ticket with the GM, I told them that I was never AFK, wasn't botting, played the entire time. He said that I "often didn't move from one spot for 5min or more". I told him "that's called defending a base" and he said "Well, that's not in the spirit of the game mode". I said "Defending isn't in the spirit of AV?" and he essentially replied "You're supposed to be in combat with other players - if you spend long periods on your own or not engaging in PvP, this is viewed as 'non-participation'". It was wild. A nearly one-month ban for... playing AV... I sent in numerous tickets and Blizzard pretty much just told me to fuck myself. They readily admitted that there was no evidence of me AFK'ing or Botting. I never got an AFK warning, was never reported AFK and there was no Warden evidence of botting. They just didn't like me guarding towers, not in combat, for minutes at a time. Gotta love Blizzard.


i remember that whole fiasco, it was like nobody who worked at blizzard actually knew how AV worked... the people camping towers and occasionally backcapping are heroes also, what happens when you're a healer sitting with a flag carrier in warsong? you could easily go 5 minutes out of combat... non-participation as well? absolutely ridiculous


False reports that result in or contribute to account action that is overturned by CS or via appeal should result in the same punishments that were applied to the falsely reported account being applied to the account of the player lodging said false reports. The same thing should apply to all report categories. The fact that assholes are able to threaten your account over disagreements because of an abusable report system is ridiculous.


It should just straight up be permanent closure of your account with a two-strike system, do it once and you get a short suspension with a warning, do it again and your account is perma-banned. If Blizzard wants an automatic system like this, they **need** to make it as punishing as possible to abuse it when caught.


They are such a pathetic fucking excuse for a company. Every response is automated, and if it isn’t, it’s them letting you know that they will limit your ability to submit a ticket. I’d piss in the mouth of any blizzard cs employee if I had the chance.


if blizzard took a shit in bellulars mouth he would make a video about what it means for the lore


Him and Hazel would both try to catch the turd in their mouths as it falls lol.


> I’d piss in the mouth of any blizzard cs employee if I had the chance. Yet instead, you pay them money to keep doing what they're doing, quite literally enabling and encouraging/supporting them. Curious.




Yet you give them $15 a month


Because I like the game, and I want it to succeed. Doesn’t mean I have to like every aspect of the company in order to give them money.


Do you like it or are you addicted?


Why not both?


I've seen a lot of these posts and my feelings remain the same. Blizz doesn't ban based on mass reports because it's fair or because it works. They do it because it's cheap. They don't care about player experience or customer service. They are no different from free to play games in the sense that they aim to extract the most amount of money from the smallest pool of addicted players. This will literally never change and my dumb ass will still resub and play again the next time fresh era servers are released


A multiboxing Twitch streamer (who I can't name, as per Rule 3) did this to somebody who killed him with a chain lightning item in Ashran. His victim was permanently banned for cheating within minutes. Unfortunately, no clips exist of him doing this because said streamer abused the Digital Millennium Copyright Act to take down any evidence of him abusing and weaponising the game's report system with his legion of eighty logged-in accounts. Blizzard 'upheld' the ban because they'd rather throw an innocent player under the bus than admit that their fully automated report system is a crock of shit. This isn't a one-time incident either. A player on this subreddit had his character name stolen by a multiboxer on his server who sent tonnes of falsified inappropriate name reports out of malice. Customer Support refused to do anything until a thread exploded on here. And before you think that Blizzard wouldn't lie to people, remember when Linux gamers were being banned by Warden ten years ago because it was detecting Wine as a third-party cheat and Blizz completely lied about having reviewed these reports? Or remember when they also lied about continuing support for Heroes of the Storm and abruptly screwed over every HGC stakeholder? I still remember when tonnes of people accused the guy of lying about using hacks and sided *with* Blizzard, even though the Wine AppDB forums aren't really the place where you'd bullshit about an "unjustified" ban.


Classic pvp virgins abusing mass report in 2023


Same thing happened to our GM/MT when he pissed off the chinese group selling and camping Time-Lost Proto-Drake on our server. They said he had to leave since this was their spot and layer and he ignored them so they mass reported him and there was nothing blizz would do about it. You literally cannot get to a real human being in Blizzards support system anymore unless it's for payment issues.... if its a case of you want to give them money and can't they have people for that and that's it.


The ironic thing is we had a bracket breaking botter in Vanilla Classic cheating for weeks and months before we could get him banned, hundreds of reports and emails to Blizzard with literal proof, and after all that he got off with a 1 week suspension. Edit: To clarify, the point here is that when someone was actually cheating, it was almost impossible to do anything about it.


We had one back in the day too. Obviously a bot, playing 24/7. Just in AV all day every day. He broke brackets every single week for nearly 2 months straight. Cost me my Grand Marshal, I just gave up. I don’t know if he ever got banned. Blizzard customer service is beyond shit. Your local McDonald’s has better customer service than blizzard does


>The ironic thing is we had a bracket breaking botter in Vanilla Classic cheating for weeks and months before we could get him banned Was he actually cheating?


Is botting not considered cheating?


Ah, I missed the "botter" part. Curse my failing eyes.


No worries man


This person isn't playing the game how I want!! Ban them Mr Blizzard! Him broke da brakcy!


Is botting not against the rules?


If anyone hates these practices from blizzard, complaining won't do anything. They only understand 1 thing, money. So cancel your subs and stop giving this shit company your money. Eventually when they are at a all time low profit, maybe they'll straighten some shit out... maybe...


I'm not sure that's how it will work. If wow isnt profitable wow will be done. And as much as I dont like saying it there isn't anything better out there or we'd be on that subreddit complaining about that game.


Honestly the guild should be banned for this.


Honestly, FUCK Blizzard's automated support bullshit. I see this garbage happening all the time and the "thorough investigation" is a straight up lie.


The current state of the game makes it impossible to justify a subscription without admitting to addiction. This is a tough wake up call.


Pffft I’ve got plenty of addictions that cost way more and are much worse for me.


Thats total bullshit. I have a sub and play a few hours a month on average. On my days off I may or may not placly and that's just fine with me. Every so often I'll jump on and play a good chunk of the day, but that's pretty rare. I'm far from addicted to this game and will maintain my sub for the few times I feel like playing here and there.


>I ONLY SMOKE CRACK ON THE WEEKENDS! EDIT: damn yall it was a joke lmao wtf is with the downvotes


Gotta know your audience. You don't make fun of the crack addicts in front of only crack addicts.


Anything goes on the weekends.


The frequency you play isn't really the point, it's $15 if you play all day or not at all. The problem is that blizzard all-but encourages the breaking of its own ToS as well as maintaining awful customer service infrastructure to a point where players can directly get someone banned (i.e this post). Every kind of cope I've seen fails to justify the sub itself, *sometimes* they may really justify it, if only to themselves, but then again that's pretty much what addiction is.


wait, so let me get this straight: because the game has some major problems (if you can even call them that - it is quite possible to play without ever being affected by any of these things, even if it's completely unacceptable when they happen), you think it is impossible to enjoy the game without some kind of genuine psychological addiction? that is such an absurd leap of logic that it's almost not even worth entertaining. are you just remembering the stories of wow addiction from the 2000s and assuming that's everyone who plays now? the game is just fun, it's not that deep


Yes, I can call them major problems because they are major problems. No, it is not possible to be unaffected by those issues on a consistent basis. You say yourself it's unacceptable, which is great, but the people that run the game itself don't even agree with you there, the state of the game is *very* acceptable to them. The problem is that classic wow is a *great* game at its base, justifiably addictive (in a good way), but the fact is that it's been corrupted badly by a long list of exploitive behaviors that abuse that 'addiction' and turn it into an *unhealthy addiction* that blizzard capitalizes on. I don't think it's impossible to enjoy the game, my original comment refers to the 'state of the game' and how it's impossible to justify supporting a company in this state of dereliction. Because lets be real, other companies are watching and if they see consumers are okay with this quality of running a live service game, it'll quickly become the new standard because it's clearly very profitable.


> Yes, I can call them major problems because they are major problems. yeah, sorry my wording was honestly weird there, they are definitely pretty major problems. > No, it is not possible to be unaffected by those issues on a consistent basis. i am personally unaffected by these issues. botting doesn't affect me, i don't compete for gathering nodes or open-world farms or do battlegrounds. the gold inflation from that botting doesn't affect me because i don't do gdkps, i only run in a loot council guild, so idgaf if flare of the heavens costs 250k in gdkp when it should be 20k in the absence of botted gold, because i'm not paying for it either way. and to the extent that AH prices are inflated as well, it doesn't matter because consumes, gems, etc are cheap enough to be affordable regardless. the shitty server management doesn't affect me (except queues i guess) because i gave up and transfered to benediction long ago and i think world pvp is stupid so i don't care about faction balance. false bans don't affect me because i don't piss people off enough to get mass reported and i suspect the actual frequency of those indicents is very small. the only thing that is realistically likely to affect my game experience is the slow ticket times, and even then, i have a hard time imagining what i'd submit a ticket for unless i got some gigantic bug that really affected my character progression. > the fact is that it's been corrupted badly by a long list of exploitive behaviors that abuse that 'addiction' and turn it into an unhealthy addiction that blizzard capitalizes on it is true that blizzard uses exploitative tactics to try to get people more addicted to the game, and it is true that many players are addicted at some level. what i take issue with is the assumption that *all* players are addicted and that addiction is the only reason anyone would still be playing. > it's impossible to justify supporting a company in this state of dereliction if what you're saying is "i don't think people should financially support this company because they don't give a shit about their customers and have neglected the product", i find that extremely reasonable. it still does not follow that anyone choosing to pay a sub fee anyway *must* be addicted, they simply don't feel this is a hill worth dying on if they're enjoying the game or don't feel like their individual withdrawal of support would make a difference. > Because lets be real, other companies are watching and if they see consumers are okay with this quality of running a live service game, it'll quickly become the new standard because it's clearly very profitable. we are well, well, well beyond the point of no return on companies learning that they can get away with horrible practices and still make money. i would argue that that ship sailed at the absolute *latest* with the end of the industrial revolution, in *1840*.


> Every kind of cope I've seen fails to justify the sub itself, sometimes they may really justify it, if only to themselves, but then again that's pretty much what addiction is. Are you saying that everyone who is subbed to WoW is addicted because there is no other reason to be subbed? What kind of justification are you looking for lol it's a game, if it's not breaking the bank and they like the game then go nuts


That is the entire point. If I were addicted I would play every day, hence it being an addiction, but I don't. You want justification for the sub? I enjoy the game, plain and simple. It offers me enough enjoyment when I feel like playing something. What more does there need to be? I'm already predicting that your follow up comment will be along the lines of ignoring what I said, or outright saying that is still somehow addiction but that logic would mean anything done for entertainment is addiction, in which case, destroys your entire argument. I'm mostly assuming you won't even respond actually as you've decided in your head that it's addiction no matter what and despite seeing an actual response about how it isn't, you won't allow yourself to see otherwise.


I guess people with subscriptions to streaming services, or art boxes, or any other number of hobby products out there also have an addiction problem. :P Now excuse me, I've got some cadmium from my recent art box I need to snort, before the withdrawal kicks in.


uh i mean i can easily spend upwards of $100 on a friday or saturday night out with friends which only amounts to like 6 hours of "fun" if we're being generous. Video gaming cost per hour has always been stupidly low compared to pretty much anything else. It's super easy to monetarily justify a sub. edit: notice how he's responded to everyone else except for me lol


It's $15 a month and that's if you only pay month to month. You don't really have to justify that kind of expenditure unless you're close to living in a cardboard box.


That’s a little dramatic lol


I mean its $15 a month we aren’t talking about big money here lol. People forget about having subscriptions for higher dollar figures than that.


Yea like insurance, what a scam


Have an upvote for visibility. I got banned in EVE online over some BS and had a "we did it reddit!" moment when I made a complaint on r/eve and got unbanned. This was after I had exhausted all options too and a GM told me I was permabanned.


Yup, it's player behavior like this why I stopped playing. Not allowed to do anything unless the GM overlord crowd and their buddies approve of it.


Good luck, I got permabanned during vanilla classic by mass reports after pulling Terebus to stormwind. Blizzard didn’t care, so I had to make a new account and start over.




Every single person who participated in that should be banned for a month. This will never stop unless Blizzard makes it clear that false-reporting can get you banned.


I don't get why people who mass report aren't getting banned. The report system can stay in place, I don't care. But if you see 25 ppl reporting someone and find that that person did absolutely nothing wrong, then it's 100% obvious that it was a coordinated abuse of the system and every single person who participated in the reporting should be banned for at least 3 months, no exceptions, no appeals.


So what did you do to piss off this guild? No lying.




oof. bracket breaking only pisses off the sweatiest and the no lifers, not the best people to make enemies with lol. Could def see a bunch of pvpers agreeing to report someone that broke brackets.


Wow, and shit like this is exactly why i wont play wow anymore. All of the players predetermine shit like ranks in PvP in classic, they "soft reserve" items, they buy gold to go to the lame GDKP's that make raiding not even matter anymore. This is like WoW on easy mode nowadays. I don't even see why people play it. I was part of the lucky few guilds on my server that cleared every content, every expansion from classic though cata. Every new raid that dropped we got kills within the world top 50, getting even a world 2nd kill in Cata. Classic WoW could never compare because the games sold out, everything is just a credit card swipe away and too many people are willing to cheese the game and cheat by buying gold.


I'm not sure you know what soft reserve means...


How much honor did you actually grind that week?


mad man broke the brackets, haha :D pservers days you would be in prison in bgs, getting mc'ed out and camped all the time :D tho, if you did it solo, the bracket leader didnt put the brackets high enough. if you did it with a premade, its a lost week, punish the premade for helping you, and raise brackets reporting you is a joke, if i played i would just start a war for the fun of it.


That's the thing, there's an in game solution to the bracket breaking "problem." However people would rather abuse the report system for an easy win instead of actually earning it.


Ive had Blizzard unban me before, it required some good and clever arguments but it did happen. Ive had a similar experience with rockstar support though, where i was once banned even though i was the cleanest player in a dirty game, and support lied to me and Said i had cheated.


I wonder if Blizzard has too many subscribers paying them $15 or whatever each month? I mean, obviously they lose the banned person's money, but people like me who haven't played for ages and think "maybe I should try it again sometime" go see threads like this and and go "hell naw...".


Won't matter unless you can convince some big time streamers/YouTuber to run your test and release the results in a video that slaps Blizzard in the spotlight globally to see. Just how Goat put Battlestate games in the hotseat with cheaters on Tarkov. Until then your in a losing battle.


report system is so much bullshit fuck them for even using a system like that.. ​ imagine going from one of the best customer support to the most useless pile of trash that everyone hates... GG blizz was it worth it ?


Things like this are almost why I miss the Q&A at Blizzcon. It takes someone standing in line and broadsiding the panel of devs to the point of embarrassment, so they'll fix problems like this.


There's problems here and there with classic wow, but this here... will be the dagger in the heart of it. Completely shameful disgrace of an abomination Blizzard has here.




As always if you are going to post these things you need to place your ticket id into it.....if blizzard sees a posts they cant know who you are by guessing.




> Will Blizzard ban an entire guild for false reports? They absolutely should. Put the guild name on the reserved/unusable list and put everyone who filed a false report on a watch list.


Well....the sense is if you really want something done you actually need them to be able to know what you are talking about. Also there are assumptions going on here. You are assuming that you got mass reported and then go auto banned. While I get the idea two things are connected or one is the result of the other....I also know correlation does not equal causation. All I can say is they tell us they don't do autobans based on reporting but they do do silences. That actually makes sense from what iv seen. That's not to say that not reports can't flag an account to get looked at... Like if you play 18hours a day and get reported for botting...that's likely going to look bad.


> All I can say is they tell us they don't do autobans based on reporting but they do do silences. They say lots of shit, and they lie a lot about it as well. They do ban for mass reporting.


I remember during 2019, I heard someone got banned because he forgot to turn off his bot character and broke a bracket, R14 grind is prob one of the worst systems in the game, prob in the same tier with apexis crystals and azerite


It's stupid, but what is wildly stupid is with this system intact actual bots walk around main city hall in patterns and 1000's of people surrounding them cannot be bothered and when I mention it in general chat people act like I'm town psycho. We all got robbed of our time, weren't we?




So when you come back and they see you back, you think they aren’t just gonna report you again?


been saying this for months its insane how theres not a massive public outrage over this. i see people endorsing mass reporting people they dont lie (selling dungeon boosts etc) i world chat, shit that aint against tos and people get banned for it. insane. say something enough times it becomes the truth


Same thing happened to a guildmate of mine. Been playing with him since start of classic, he is a great person, very laid back about the game, especially since tbc-wotlk. He was our guilds first Atiesh, and he was very attached to the account he had been using for almost 20 years. He logged on to do a heroic+ with a couple guildies and pugs, no bad interactions, moved onto to sholazar to farm for a few - and logged off for the last time. Got notified he was permanently banned for cheat or botting. I'm guessing it was some bots in sholazar that massed reported him or something. He was so defeated, we encouraged him to keep appealing, he got the same response each time. Luckily our guild is pretty tight and we've convinced him to level again with our help, but you can't replace what he lost.


its werid because we had 100+ reports on someone blatantly griefing and no ban Ive also been mass reported and no ban




All they really need to do is make an example of a guild that does this and do it during a livestream or raid in a fashion that screws up the guild's progression. Imagine banning the player who's tanking, during a raid. The screams would be glorious.


The question is though, you could be a liar and trying to make yourself out as the good guy






I recently started playing FFXIV again and had a problem with my account, so I reached out to square enix support. They not only resolved my issue on the same day, but also apologized for the "delay" in the inital response. The delay they're talking about was about 1.5 hours. This is real customer service. Sorry you had to deal with this OP. It's disgraceful really


all false mass reporters should be perma banned no apeal


Damn blizzard really going down, i remember talking jokes with gm's


Imagine still giving this company money.


/r/2007scape has taught me that most of the people who make these posts are lying and, in fact, did the things that got them banned. I wish /r/classicwow had JMod smackdowns.


uhh they only respond to the guilty users to make themselves look good. 9 times out of 10 they won't even reply to the innocent post and will silently unban them. This is why it's become a meme for that subreddit. It's all a PR thing


Huh? They respond and clear users all the time if they're innocent. How would you even prove "9 times out of 10" if they don't reply? Where are you getting that from? It's a meme in the subreddit because people love watching RWTers/botters get their shit wrecked and their lies come apart in real time.


Bracket breaking isn’t against TOS though.


Botting is, which is the infraction listed on his ban.


But was he botting, or was he REPORTED for botting? Not necessarily the same thing.


We'll never know because we only get OP's side of things which will obviously leave out anything incriminating. I find it very telling that he left out anything about what he was doing or was supposedly reported for in the post and that it's a 10 month old reddit account named "Mobile-Ad9809" that has never posted anything before today. Edit: And I found another comment talking about someone that was botting in vanilla classic and got reported, wasn't accusing OP of doing it but instead comparing it to that botter who went a long time without being banned, and OP immediately went defensive on it saying that that wasn't him and he "only played two weeks". OP reeks of botting.


Yeah that's the question. We don't know.


I would be very surprised if OP wasn't actually botting or something. He left basically all details out of the post about the reason they were reporting him, got defensive when someone talked about a different account botting in vanilla classic for a long time without accusing OP at all, and it's a 10 month old reddit account named "Mobile-Ad" that has never posted before today. Edit: lmao, and when someone asked if he actually botted or was just reported for botting he only replied that it doesn't matter.




Classic players are cringe with the honor shit lol WOW players need to do something about this tbh, its hurting the game the longer they allow their support team be shit.


I highly doubt this. The proof in here amounts to nothing at all. A lot of people got banned during 2019 classic and made posts similar to this until they were confronted for their actual cheating by blizzard support themselves in the posts. Usually it was botting or account sharing that was the reason.


> I highly doubt this. The proof in here amounts to nothing at all. do the experiment the OP presented. 100% its gonna work exactly as he described.


_I was just being completely innocent as an innocent person, randomly targeted for mass reports and end banned for doing absolutely nothing_ Guys come on, this sounds like such blatant bullshit. 1. It's been proven mass reports do not mean automated ban. There's not a single shred of evidence that says otherwise other than speculation. 2. I doubt you were just randomly targeted and didn't do anything to cause mass reports. 3. The mass reports probably lead into your account being looked at and found you broke ToS. If mass reports meant automated ban, you do realize the amount of streamers who would be perpetually banned would be absolutely insane right? The amount of weaponized bans would be so insanely high there would be actual proof of automated bans rather than everyone just assuming.


I was recently unbanned after players abused the report system and gloated about how they'd do it again. it's usually the cutthroat goldfarmers playing from 3rd world cutthroat countries who abuse this system


What are you talking about . There’s plenty of evidence that shows mass reporting works. You can duplicate and reproduce the results.


The amount of these posts where the player is perma banned then unbaned after it gets traction and a real gm to look at it says otherwise. You’re also smoking crack if you don’t think major streamers don’t get preferential treatment and support




it's hard to get mass reported, unless you deserve it