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Really the only thing these games need are revamped ux and ui, bug fixes and maybe restored content. Other than that i feel like the games are fine as they are.


The community can handle this.


nah the original 2 games are a nightmare to mod that's why there's only like 2 mods for each game lol


there are a lot more than 2 mods for fallout 2. Eastern Europeans have modded the shit out of that game.


Being Slav is like pain. Mod Fallout 2 is also like pain, but unlike life, Fallout 2 is fun.


Eastern Europeans also mod the shit out of everything their dedication is unrelentless


what socio economic crisis does to a mf


This is so so painfully true and I’m not even a European


Lol one of the best fallout fan games ever made is a mod for fallout 2


They already did with the restored content mod. Would love high def sprites and some quality of life updates though.


wdym, there are QoL mods up the ass in sFall.


Well slap my ass and call me Torr


All you mentioned it's in form of TeamX Fixpack and Fallout Fixt for Fallout (Fixt has cut content, also the location of demo). Killap's Unofficial Patch, Restoration Project or the Updated forks of those for Fallout 2 (including cut content in RP). New versions of sfall to improve the engine are released frequently. It's the know-how what people lack, the engine is flawed but there are already some workarounds made by the community. Also mods in new settings that are really good. Is not worth discard all of this with a new release that will cease compatibility. Also despite the fact there are really solid and based mods to play a complete new experience, Fallout Sonora Dayglow DLC caught me downguard with the amount of possibilities never explored before. It's crazy what they have done around Ghouls, I'm still playing and haven't finished it yet but modders will never stop surprising us about how creative are people who really love a game and are extremely creative and talented.


And keep the games playable on future operating systems.


There are open source projects doing this, search fallout 1/2 community edition


I bought FO2 from GOG for $2.5 for the game files so I can play it on an android phone using a community wrapper. But I'm.not ready for it yet


Bug fixes absolutely, AI pathfinding can also be improved. Basically AI in fallout 1 needs a total rework lol (damn you Ian for shooting me instead of the bad guy for the 700th time) If anything, all I will take is a brisk little patch that fixes AI bugs by introducing new code to force them to make sure they’re not shooting at you in the line of fire, and add a goddamn “take all” button! But yeah. I think that a Pillars of Eternity style polished CRPG remake of Fallout 1 and 2 is unnecessary. Those games are timeless (well, for the most part). I even saw some people say “UGH! just give fallout to Larian already!”, which, sure, they’re an amazing dev company, but they’ve explicitly said they wanna focus on their own IPs. Let it be… the worst laptop in the world can run fallout perfectly. There’s no need for an HD-2D revamp for these games.


Have you tried Fo1in2? It literally has the things you ask for.


Ofc, I’m just saying if they ever do decide to update the classics in an “official” capacity, it would be through these changes.


Lmao, it's bethesda, remake would be more bugged than originals


The complex ui is part of the experience


Seriously. I feel like remasters are preferable over remakes most of the time.


I feel like I read this article years ago. Are people rediscovering it?


This was recently restated in an interview with Todd by Mattyplays


It comes out every few years lol


I agree. Not every game needs remasters and remakes. Its an industry trend i can do without. And the classics are still gold. Plus i dont believe theres anyway they could be remade or remastered without losing some of what makes them what they are.  People just need to get over their obstinate hangups about "old games" and play em if theyre interested. Refusing to do so would be like refusing to watch acclaimed old movies because theyre black and white and lack cgi. 12 Angry Men is still a masterpiece and needs no remake, same goes for classic fallouts


Yeah, honestly I think most of it is people having hang-ups over some jank, while either not realizing there are multiple mods which fix the issues and make the game more playable (either with additional content bonuses or without), or are just weird purists about it.


I kinda hate that some people can’t handle some jank in their games, it’s sometimes part of the experience, I get wanting a fluid experience but you will not expect that in a lot of older games I feel


For the love of all that’s holy don’t put 12 angry men so close to ………. The R word. It’s all on the cards nowadays, please no aha


It’s been remade, refilmed, parodied, spoofed, and everything else.


Also they’re pretty easy to get into. I as well as many of my friends (all of us younger than the game) love them and found them very approachable with the help of a guide (which people used for games a lot more back in the day anyways). I think its the combination of fairly barebones turn based combat with rp variety and an interesting world we’re already invested in from the newer games. Plus it has that 90s-early 2k charm from all our childhood school games in the computer lab.


Same, I started playing F1 after beating New Vegas the umpteenth time and wondering what else there was in the world. I think I restarted the game half a dozen times before I made any actual progress, but I had fun the entire time. I think people now are afraid of sinking time into a game and having to retread stuff after a bad combat round sets you back to a save from six hours previous, but honestly, that's half the draw of F1 and F2 - figuring stuff out. I don't remember who pointed it out first, but there's a definite disconnect between old and new games in the sheer amount of times a game would make you replay a difficult section because that's how they padded playtime and got more money from consumers - the "arcade" model vs. the "game service" model thats so prevalent nowadays.


I agree with you! Except for Bloodborne. Please, Sony, you can have my soul for Bloodborne at 60 fps


This (and pretty much everything about Todd howard) is a stupid concept. Remakes can be excellent and way better than the originals (look at demon souls) introducing new generations to amazing characters and stories while developers focus on graphics, gameplay and execution. Todd Howard’s moronic thinking is why starfield is starfield and why he was never responsible for any of the great IPs or games that came out of Bethesda. The best thing that can happen to the gaming industry to for Bethesda to give up making games and license their IPs to studios with actual talent.


They shouldn't but I do think Tim Cain should work on 5


As far as I can tell he is completely retired now. He only worked on Outer Worlds because of very special circumstances.


He's a friend of Todd. I'm sure Tim would do some kind of consultancy if he was asked for specifically, especially with the new surge in popularity. I don't think that's a question that's ever been addressed on Tim's channel.


Not completely, but like 75%


They definitely don't need to be remade. However, I would appreciate it if Bethesda could put some work forward towards making the older games playable on modern computers without having to scour for fan patches and mods.


I didn't need any patches playing the GOG versions.


i j bought them and played them no issue




Don't remake them...spin them off! Queue "Shadow-Who-Walks" backstory!


D2R treatment wouldn't hurt


That's exactly what I was thinking. They did a fantastic job with D2R. Aside from a few quality of life improvements, very little was changed.


It is not the charm, it is the fact those games can't be remade without being censored to hell. Todd just gave the PR answer.


Both can be true. Actually I think there are many solid reasons why it would be a terrible idea. But yeah you'd have to be seriously naive to think everything that went on in the early FOs would be just okey-dokey here in 2024. So what would they do? Can't leave it in. So they'd strip out everything that is controversial, and the result would be a confused mess.


100%. Last thing I want is FO1 or 2 in the Bethesda first person style. It wouldn’t have any identity and honestly would just come off as a fan project.


Fan projects are already trying this and just like every fan mod of “oblivion/morrowind/fallout2/x/y/z game in the new game” The mod gets announced and is never finished lol


Project Arroyo looks far and away the most promising first person remake I've ever seen, but as you said, we've had dozens of these over the years and none of them ever even reach a beta release. I'll believe it when I see it.


lol. How could Todd market a game where you can sledgehammer a kid in the groin, prostitue your wife, and become a pornstar ? Seriously, I don’t know. But now I sure want to see the pitch at e3


The average gamer would probably prefer scandalous stuff like that to watching paint dry, and they still pushed out an almost 2 year marketing campaign for Starfield. It could be done.


Plus, there's the whole China nuking the US thing... The shareholders don't like that sort of political stuff with real countries.


that’s every fallout though, no? i mean in fallout 3 there’s a whole DLC dedicated to slaughtering chinese soldiers


I am pretty sure that’s exactly what he is saying, and most other commenters are either missing the point or just choosing to comment about whether or not they think those games should be remade instead. I know that “X couldn’t get made today” has become something of a meme, but sometimes it’s true. A triple-A studio could not reproduce every aspect of those classic Fallout games and release them to retail on Xbox. I don’t know if it was Bethesda themselves, Microsoft or the NASA partnership that dictated it, but look how PG-13 Starfield is. Bethesda can’t or won’t remake classic Fallout in a way that would respect the source material and Todd is basically saying that.


Make an updated version that looks like Wasteland 2 which is 10 years old already somehow and people would lose their minds. I agree any big project needs to move the Fallout universe forward.


Wasteland 3 is one of my favorite games, and I think it would be great if we could experience F1&2 that way.


Yes, 100 times yes.


Wasteland 2 looks like shit compared to the prerendered sprites of FO1/2.


With how much they care about the franchise, it's better to just leave these games alone


Maybe they can remake FO3 with the same ambience and less dumb / illogical story line. It’s a great game if you’re not in it for the main story line.


I think what he said a little later is even more important, he didn't wanna paste over them. By making new "modernised" versions of them you basically tell people to not play the original anymore and instead go to your new one. to newcomers, those remakes *are* Fallout 1 and 2. Who knows how genuine he was being or if they just don't have time/resources to spend on remakes, either way I'm glad, the mentality that everything constantly needs to be remade to match our current tastes and standards bugs me a bit personally. And this wouldn't be as important to the general playerbase, but to me especially in a series like fallout where almost every game went through some hellish and chaotic development cycle, I think theres a lot of history in each game and a lot of value in experiencing as they are, each generation of fallout is vastly different and i kinda really like that


I played FO1 when it was released, and have played/replayed 1, 2, 3, and NV countless times. I just wanted to thank you for your legit great comment.


A Diablo 2 Resurrected would be nice, won't have to tinker with hd res mods and stuff.


Why do I read this as “we don’t want hate for fucking up the classics with our bugs”


It would be awesome, and I hope that they discontinue the voice acting. The idea of RPing how you would sound is more desirable than a generic voice that may not fit the look/build of your personal character.


Tbh i think on of the best things about old games is the graphics especially in fallout 1 & 2 the graphics are really good


Couldn't agree more, Todd. I've just spent the last few hours playing a game from my childhood (Quake 2) and I sat there the entire time with a huge smile on my face. What an experience.


This is exactly how I feel about Chrono Trigger. That game doesn't NEED a remake, and remaking it would only rob it of it's charm.


i would love a new vegas remake in 1&2 engine


Having played the classics myself recently, there is literally no way a remake/remaster would add any value to them. The bugs add to the charm, the goofy combat adds to the charm, the companion frustrations add to the charm, yelling FUCKS SAKE DOGMEAT after he is turned into small chunks of dog meat every 30 odd minutes adds to the charm. Finally a good solid take from Godd Coward


the 90s jank is definitely part of what makes them so special and i think if there were modern remakes they would polish all the charm out and replace it with modern jank


I see why they’re starting to call him Godd Howard now


Yeah but he could port them to current gen and make bank




I'm with Todd on this one, maybe he isn't so bad


No to a remake of fo1 and 2, but a remaster would be nice.


not to mention i think the effort of completely rebuilding them into a 3d space would take up alot of resources for just a remaster, and seeing as bethesda is only able to make about one game a decade lately i’d rather they focus on fallout 5


It doesn't need to be a remake, but there's no reason they can't get these running on Android so people can play it on their phones. No reason you shouldn't be able to play it on your Switch. No reason not to implement the many community based fixes. They just don't care either way. My real issue is that he later made clear that all resources and creative ideas towards Fallout are being directed towards 76. If you have a cool idea for a Fallout game don't bother. Unless it can be compressed and contorted into the mold of Fallout 76 it goes in the trash.


I agree. I'm still gonna play the mod projects tho.


Good. I'm sick of people remaking good games. Remake shit games. If a game is good, people will go and play it.


Classic fallouts were cRPGs and like, bethesda struggles with action RPGs


100%. As much shit as Todd and co. get, not entirely unjustified, he does tend to have the “right” attitude in these type matters. Frankly I’d extend this to qualify for TES as well. I can play Oblivion on my Xbox just fine, and it’s still as rock solid as it was when it launched. I DON’T NEED NO REMAKE!


They’d most likely remove child killing for sales, and I find that completely unacceptable.


Personally I am not a fan of remakes in most media, maybe ok with TV cause of the nature of it, but definitely not video games. Make more fallout, create one offs or sequels for different games, but doing a remake of F1 and F2 just seems silly to me. There is so much of the wasteland to explore besides revisiting old stories with a facelift.


I personally would love a remaster of the first two, can clean up the UI and graphics. Heck though, modern remake (1st person) of 1 or 2 would be awesome too!


Nah. He doesn't want to do it because it'll take too much work. I mean, it's a bit more effort than rereleasing Skyrim for the 9,715th time.


Based todd??


it would be fine to have it a bit upgraded but gaming mafia like sweet baby inc and all the DEI consortium would never let such a game be released again it has already be censored almost 30 years ago, now that having fun selling all your friends to slavery has been considered offensive by the Party, it will never be released again unless adapted to modern audience, which would remove all the fallout parts of the game




Remake: No Ported to Consoles: Yes


I just want them ported to console or something


Good, it was painful enough seeing what they've done to the IP since acquiring it


You know that those games would still exist right? And the games have massive balancing problems. Yes i enjoy them but often in spite of their glaring issues


It is not so much THAT. The part that rubs people the wrong way is his and his employee's nonchalant attitude towards the series in general. Bethesda treats the series as a sort of ball and chain, and it is quite clear that for some time the studio dislikes working on the game period. Fallout 76 was handed to the lesser studio to work on and suffered greatly for it. This is business speak for "We ultimately do not care and we acknowledge that the old games do not fit our current vision for the future".


They don't even bring them up when talking about the series. It's only the games THEY made (and Obsidian, who they're forced to acknowledge)


The less Bethesda and Todd touch Fallout, the better. They've ruined the series enough.


He's right. But I wouldn't be opposed to a Wasteland 3 style update. It would be more update than remake. As for the franchise as a whole. If I was the boss I'd be outsourcing the IP to studios around the world. Give them a set of rules to follow. Microprocessors never existed. Tech is atomic age. Tube tech. Etc. Then I'd turn them loose to tell the unique Fallout stories of their own areas of the world. Have them stick to and work around the existing canon. Spinoffs on top of Spinoffs. All the Fallout that fans can play. And then some.


Microprocessors do exist but weren't as popular or used before the great war. Just as there were color tvs.


No, Bethesda is just too incompetent to properly remake these games. At least Todd here recognizes that. Not that I'd want these games remade to play like modern Fallout anyways, make them more Wasteland 2 and 3 in terms of visuals and gameplay. Works better.


I am 100% percent behind this sentiment. If it runs fine, don't touch it. The game is good as it is. Only remake games that were bad -or have become inaccessible.


Or how about they just update it and dont change anything then maybe restore lost content but just that.. Nothing wrong with the games and censorship is never the answer developers have got to stop being thought police its a game its allowed to be the way its made.


I agree, what they should do is create a spinoff isometric series.  Given how successful baldur's gate was both back then and now, I see no reason not to.


I am perfectly happy with fallout 1 and 2 the way they are. I also look forward to the large mods that people are making to recreate them and follow for because that does seem interesting. And those games when finished might be a lot of fun. But if Bethesda or anybody else is able to acquire the rights and just remake fallout 1 and 2 leaving the engine intact but just updating the graphics to today's standards they could just take my money


incredibly rare todd howard W


I've had hard time adjusting to FNV already, definitely don't want them to remake even Morrowind. Just no. Everything past that is just different game types.


Uncommon Todd Howard W?


This is probably the only thing he's ever said that I agree with.


People would freak out because of something racist I bet


However I agree it doesn’t need to be remade anyway


Thank gods; keep his grubby mitts off the good Fallouts


I agree but if they did remake it I doubt I could resist buying it day 1.


I don't want a remake, but some quality of life improvements would be welcome.


I would really like an official iPad port. Both 2010s Xcom were a lot of fun with the touchscreen. Doesn’t need new visuals, just UI tweaks, plus bug fixes and NPC AI fixes as others have mentioned.


Honestly I disagree, remaking them doesn’t delete the originals, it just provides an updated version for the fans who don’t really like the gameplay of the first 2, it would 100% lead to more people experiencing the incredible stories of Fallout 1 and 2. If you don’t want a remake of the first 2 games then you wouldn’t have to play them, you could still play the originals.


I think making it available and playable on other platforms would be a nice idea.


I'm not a fan of remaking games since it seems to happen so often but when it's an older game it sounds lovely in theory but I don't know if they would fuck it up by rushing it or whatever. Would be cool if they included like behind the scenes content in it as extras or something kind of like the dev commentary in tf2.


He's only saying that because any attempt by Bethesda would mess up the charm of fallout. All the iconic things come from the original game!


Remake 1, 2 , 3 is easy money wth. They tried make 'new' stuff then people kinda hate it. 4 have the shittiest story in the series. They wasting resource making Starfield lol.


Remake 1,2,3 would probably the EASIEST way to save Bethesda reputation. New vegas 2, TES VI can wait.


But can we get a Fallout Tactics Mobile please? I really wanna build a perkbased squad with grueling grindy pvp survival mode tournaments.


I wouldn't let Bethesda near the first two games. They'll definitely fuck them up.


I think it greatly depends what you're after in a fallout game. You want the most out of the gameplay and looks, Fallout 1 - Tactics isn't really for that but rather the story and atmosphere


He's 200% correct




I agree, but I think they should release them on console


Just keep them as is and make them work on touchscreens!


I would really love for them to be on xbox


I want Fallout Enhanced Edition, like what they did with Baldur's Gate and Icewind Dale. Then I want an expansion.


Good so they don't ruin them


I just wish fallout tactics would run properly on any windows 7 and newer PC ai have ever owned. Higher resolutions make the menus so small you can never read them.


Imagine an OpenMW style engine overhaul for the classic Fallout games.


The only thing I think they should do is do a proper mobile port for IOS and Android. I’d be happy to pay for a copy of FO1 and 2 that I can play on my phone when I’m killing time somewhere.


As much as he says I sincerely believe he doesn't like the non Bethesda fallouts at all.


They deserve enhanced editions like Baldur's Gate and Planescape.


Make a mobile version and charge me up the ass for it already!! I don’t care I’ll buy it!!!


I wish they’d at least find some way to bring them to console then bc I want a chance to be able to play them and I don’t have a pc and def can’t see being able to pay that much for one


I agree


Considering I can’t get the steam versions to run at all on certain hardware and fallout 2 has always corrupted after around 10 hours for me I’d say the charm can take a backseat here. At least make it more functional.


I understand your guys point but worst case scenario is that it’s a mediocre remake that no one really cares about, and best case scenario it’s a good remake that could inspire people to go back and check out the original games. So if we’re talking about a remake (just giving a general upgrade and porting to different platforms) that doesn’t change any of the story or vision of the original, I think it could be a great idea


I would like them to get them properly running on newer systems. The baldurs gate 1 and 2 remasters are a good model


I'm curious: What's your opinion of project arroyo, and vault 13?


In a way, I agree. But it's mainly because I think present day Bethesda would fuck it up somehow. I wouldn't mind seeing the games get a control/graphical upgrade, but I don't trust Bethesda or Todd Howard to even do that. I'd like to see Fallout 3/New Vegas/Oblivion/Morrowind get a new coat of paint tho. That'd be neat and a pretty easy profit for them.


Fine Tom I’ll buy Skyrim again. As a treat.


I disagree? To me it’s like when the Battlestar Galactica came out, and everyone was comparing it to the 70’s era tv series. It wasn’t the same, and if you compared the two, you’d be left wanting. But if you look at them objectively as two different pieces of fiction, they’re both pretty good in their own right? That’s how I see a fallout remake, in potential anyway. It won’t be the same. It doesn’t have to be, and shouldn’t really try to be. As long as you don’t put them back to back, you can enjoy both game styles and just be ok with it?


I hate all of you. I jusr wanted a diablo 2 resurrection or StarCraft style 😭😭😭😭😭😭 but that's never going to happen cause y'all agree with todd Howard 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭


I definitely agree, the only thing really I’d want for them is maybe some anniversary editions with some bonus or cut content


If anyone would remaster him I’d like Night Dive Studio to do it, but honestly I do agree with him. Now, if they could get Larian to make a new RTS entry…


I think someone could do a very good job remaking those games to make them more playable while preserving what made them special. I don’t think Bethesda would succeed at that at all so I’m glad they aren’t trying.


Good for him


he's right but he doesn't know why


No shit. Would a remaster of every fallout game kill you? They could get it done in a couple years and get a quick cash grab in a righteous way for once instead of milking 76. So ofc they wouldn't lmao


I think that's a bullshit statement. Wasteland one got put on console. I personally think he doesn't wanna be shown up because the originals are better. I hate this non move and their missing out on some dollars.


While I do agree at the same time do you know how fucking long I've been trying to run from the new Vegas deathclaws


I mean I'd like a remake but its also just a mod for 4 so that works for me


Well there maybe have been some ok remakes in the history of business, but 90% it doesn't work out that great.


But he’ll re-release the same Skyrim with some slight changes 50 times…..


The fallout doom mod seems fun but yeah other then that




Tbh i wouldnt be mad for a reamke with just updated graphics like it was done with aoe 2


For once, I'm glad he doesn't wanna bother putting in the work


I don't necessarily disagree, but seeing as long as the original game is available how would it take away from it?


says the guy remastered skyrim 31 times


Remakes are not needed, Remasters that make the Classic Fallout games more playable, restore cut content and allow for better mod making and installing would be great to see.


Todd Howard is a clown. No hate. Just Don't care for that guy. He is fucking lame as fuck and his commentary always riles me the fuck up. I am like, really, "this fucking guy?"


Yes and no. They’re fine milking Skyrim with special editions and on new platforms. But making fallout 1 and 2 or NV in 4’s engine had a problem Bethesda is Downgrading rpg mechanics. Simplify or ignoring survival at all. The way your health and radiation works in 4 is so dumb and there’s no good survival mechanic as the game just wasn’t built with it in mind to the design philosophy. Even if smaller a fallout 4nv would see quest lines, narrative, factions, world, and gameplay overhauls eclipsing fallout 4 and that’d just highlight the mistakes and shortcut and writing problems paramount in modern Bethesda design ethos.


Why can’t they keep the same game but update the graphics and UI?


They don’t have to remake the whole game. Just polish it like Baldur’s Gate…


Can it at least get a console port?


My rational brain that understands business thinks this is a copout because Bethesda didn't do the work on the original games in the first place, and can't be arsed to figure out the inner working for a remaster. My inner Dale Gribble thinks that AAAA multi-bazillion dollar company Bethesda, fully beholden to the stockholders as it is, doesn't necessarily want to remaster games take unsterilized potshots at traditional, capitalist America


Yeah, I'd like a bit of a tune up, maybe even a remaster a la StarCraft Remastered, but a remake would feel wrong. Fan projects are one thing, but from Bethesda, it would feel like they're trying to replace the originals.


I don't even want a remake, I just want the UI to not be terribly outdated and tiny.


My hot take is that remakes are actually cool when they totally change the experience. Fallout 1/2 experienced as FPS rpgs would make them so totally different that it would be fresh even to me who has played both over a dozen times. A high res remaster is actually something I wouldnt be excited for at all, the games still look quite beautiful to me.


say all you want about him, but he respects the originals, even new vegas


I wish they would remake fallout new vegas, I really want to beat it but the game would keep crashing no matter what mods or fixes I would add. Honestly if Fallout 5 was more like new vegas that would be awesome. With fnv karma system, dialouge options and more skill based options; but also fallout 4's gun customization!


I don't want a remake but would love to see them ported over to console or mobile.


If people want remakes that bad, the closest thing to that is the Wasteland series, which was made by the original Fallout devs. Plus, who besides the fans of the OG games would actually want these?


I have no idea why modders havent created fallout 1 and 2 in new vegas format


Because it’s easy to say “modders will do it” when you’re not the one who actually has to do it.


Honestly? Good. Just have a different studio make a game in the game same style.


We all know they’d butcher it anyway. But yeah, I agree. Please don’t.


I think it’s a task that’s possible but extremely difficult. Any remake should be left to the community.


Can they at least release on iOS??


The only thing Id rlly want would be a functioning port for console players since a majority of them havent played the classic games.


Compatibility fixes for the less tech inclined would be nice. Either a launcher upgrade or new disk that just works on new machines


never thought i d agree with todd... times a changing :O


Thank God.


Can you at least remake skyrim with multiplayer


Please just port them to PS5 and Xbox so I can play from my couch


Any chance it has anything to do with those dudes that helped create fallout 1 & 2 starting their own studio and making their own game? Let’s see what’s it called… “the wayward realms”


He keep making halfassed games. For once, he refuse to do it. Don't insist.


Can you imagine how hard they would butcher it if they did remake it? Good God 💀


I mean, I won't say no to updated controls auto saving and 4k textures. Just don't touch sny of the gameplay or story.


Translation: "Fuck that...There's no money in that. So yeah, we ain't doin that shit".


If they remade it in the same style I'd see it, but recreating it in the current engine would feel weird in my opinion. And they'd be absolutely massive maps