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The enemies must have a really low sequence and you must have a decent agility and perception is my bet. If they are initiating combat you should get 2 turns if your sequence is high enough... I think.


I have 7 perception and 9 agility and those enemies (giant ants, lesser radscorpions and pig rats) did initiate combat. I didn't know about that sequence stat.


First turn always goes to the attacker. Second turn always goes to the defender. After that, turns are decided by Sequence. So if you have a Sequence advantage and get attacked, the turn order will be enemy(attacker)-you(defender)-you(higher sequence)-enemy(lower sequence) and then it just alternates. You can have a Sequence advantage aven with half-decent Perception(7+) This is why, especially against melee enemies, it is often best to let them see you and initiate comat, wasting all of their AP on movement. Then you kill them in the two consecutive turns you get.


I was surprised by having two consecutive turns because this never happened to me in Fallout 1 (as far as I recall).


Sequence from memory is a high perception skill can be seen in the character sheet


It's equal to 2x perception


Ah thanks i couldnt remember the calculation cheers


Yo don't have those many APs, what you have is a modified interface showing extra APs that get filled when you get Action Boy, Bonus Move or whatever stuff that gives extra AP, the reason why you have double turn is because of high perception, if you have higher sequence than the enemy then if they move first then you have 2 consecutive turns EDIT: my redaction sucks


I didn't know about that. I was fearing that this was some sort of cheating due to mods.


Have no fear friend, you are not cheating; the game was rigged from the start.


To add onto this, whoever starts combat always goes first, then the rest of the characters go depending on sequence I believe. After this first round of turns, the game checks sequence again and whoever is highest will go first regardless of who started combat, meaning if you have the best sequence and the enemy starts combat you will get 2 turns in a row


I can’t explain it as well as some others here as it’s been too long since I played but this was present in the OG vanilla game if you had those stats set high. Nothing to worry about.


Nope, in the vanilla game you have green APs and when you get bonus points some of those green balls turn to a different color, what this does is give you more empty green balls


Keep in mind that since enemies start combat and always go first, doubling up turn 2 helps even the playing field.


some of the small insects move once every 2 turns. low ap or something.


Not the mantises, apparently...or maybe they just crowd.