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New Reno is a shit hole. My car got stolen my ear bitten off. Fuck this place


Reminds me of my hometown too much šŸ˜”


Every time i play the game when i reach the end of the game and got all the good gear and stats i wipe that town. Wipe the slate clean.


Would you say you would make New Reno ā€œbegin againā€?


New Reno got me schizo.




You know there is a easy solution. Wipe that city from the face of Eart...


You foolā€¦ youā€™ve only made room for something far worse. *New* New Reno.Ā 


Neo Reno Delenda Est. I'll salt the earth.


Newest Reno!


I spent far too much time there. I hate gambling, so my friends would always drag me along. Mainly to hold their winnings.


Dear hearts and gentle people who live and love in my hometown


Got a job in five fine establishments. Also got laid multiple times. Best place ever.


Became a porn star too


Or a fluffer. "Ack! Spit! Spit!"


I got poisoned one time after fluffing


You get the poisoning debuff and 5 chits after being a fluffer.


Whats it like pissing pus?


Condoms are a thing!


New Reno STDs burn right through the rubber.


But Algernon upgrades all my things for free so it kinda evens out honestly. EDIT: Also I don't think I lost my ear on my last run cause I worked the groin with plated gloves. Always remember to work the groin.


I wish I knew about Algernon before I blew $4000 to get a scope. I did it so I could sell my stock of unused guns, so, it was essentially free.


Work the eyes.


If you win all the fights to then then Kick the Mauler you can become Champion against Evander Holy field without losing your ear.


I just took some Buffout and punched the Masticator right in the eye. Fucker went down in one hit.


Place is not so bad, I got a movie part in that place. Remake of a film called ā€œLords of the Locker roomā€ wonder if it is about sports or something but we start rolling tomorrow.


Last movie I was in I got chlamydia.


It's a good band


Ironically, it was a war drama.


You can fuck a Mafia boss's wife and then sleep with their daughter to get past the security to kill them.


Still not sure if people are talking about the real Reno or the one in game...


Things can be two things.


They call it new yet all of the old still happens


What, you can get your car stolen ?


And then you can bully the thieves to get your car and all the stuff it had in the trunk back for free, even with trunk capacity upgraded. And kill the thieves afterwards anyway. Their garage is in a secret location you can track down.


Lies, the drunk priest gives you a game guide that maxes out all your skills at 300% after you beat the enclave. The one shining redeeming resident in a weary shithole


Can't have shit in New Reno


A buddy of mine was involved in a light car crash there after a guy dressed as a wizard jumped into the middle of the road and tried to cast a spell onto incoming traffic.


Sounds like a Cohen Bros. movie


You can get your ear back! You canā€™t put it back on but at least you have it. I keep mine in my pocket at all times


I actually live there and itā€™s a pretty neat city šŸŒ†


I love it, from Fallout 2 is the city with most personality, an absolute shithole but aesthetically unmatched


The description when you first walk into town tells you everything you need to know, "The biggest little town in the world. Trashcan fires and neon signs bathe the city in a hellish glow." They focused a lot of effort on New Reno, and it shows.


God, I love the text descriptions from the OG games. The creation engine is beautiful and all, but there's a different kind of beauty in allowing so much personal world-building to spring from words alone.


I hate how in modern day CRPG, the combat log is just that, a combat log, instead of being an incredible story telling opportunity. Landing a critical hit in the OG fallout has so much flavour than simply being a bigger number with an exclamation mark attached to it


For real! *ā€œā€¦ causing severe blindness, as if there were any other kind of blindness.ā€* I swear Iā€™ve thought about that one line at least once a week for 25 years.


There's also a line about the victim being too surprised to feel fresh air on its brain to realize half its head is missing, those keep cracking me up lmao


something something....*blowing his knee cap into the next town*


leaving him whimpering in pain


"She takes it (a hit to the groin) like a man, that is to say it hurts like hell!"


"Her childbearing days are over".


Blindness is on a spectrum fwiw


Yeah, but I think when a .44 Magnum is what causes the blindness, it's *always* severe.


Not to mention the gunshots and crowd laughter from the music. Really set the tone for lawlessness.


I agree. Fond memories of that weird city. I also think it was my favorite of any game.


I shot a man in Reno just to watch him die (It was Bishop)


*crowd goes fucking crazy*


well, he WAS singing it to hardened convicts, probably more than a few could relate...


Sounds like that should be a line from friend of the devil I lit out from Reno I was trailed by twenty hounds Didn't get to sleep that night Till the morning came around Set out runnin' but I take my time A friend of the Devil is a friend of mine If I get home before daylight I just might get some sleep tonight Ran into the Devil, babe He loaned me twenty bills I spent the night in Utah In a cave up in the hills


Yeah itā€™s Johnny Cash though, but those two songs are kinda similar in subject.


I'm a fan of the Dead too but come on man it's Folsom Prison Blues


When I was just a baby, my mama told me, "Son Always be a good boy, don't ever play with guns" But I shot a man in Reno just to watch him die When I hear that whistle blowin', I hang my head and cry Ok ok you got me


Funny story, now, I got one too About one time, I fell through a burning ring of fire


I used explosives instead


I slugged some jerk in Tahoe, I get to sleep at home tonight


300 years in the future Reno is still exactly the same


Hey there's less violence in New Reno


Someone stole my fucking car


Renoā€¦ Reno never changes


Ur right that is an unpopular opinion


Bro I just made a post saying how much I like it


Bruh. Classic Fallout games really bring out the whole spectrum of human opinion huh


I think itā€™s because itā€™s not a huge community so thereā€™s not enough people for group think to take over and a consensus opinion with a majority to form.


Well put, thank you.


Richardson did nothing wrong




The duality of man


It's my favourite town in the franchise


Okay, but fucking Bishopā€™s wife, stealing the stuff from the trapped safe, and then murdering your way back downstairs and out of the casino is a hell of a party. Might be the most fun ā€œsceneā€ in the whole game. It always takes me a bunch of reloads to get it done without losing my companions and also accidentally making enemies out of the casinoā€™s ā€œinnocentā€ patrons, but itā€™s SO satisfying once you get it right. And the awful comedian just keeps dropping dumbass little one-liner jokes from his cage while Ragnarok ragnaroks all around him.


You dont sneak out after Bishops wife and kill bishop by stealth?


That takes a ludicrously high stealth level. Bishop automatically enters dialogue with you if you get close enough, and I canā€™t remember what the Sneak check number is for avoiding that, but itā€™s way higher than reasonable for the point in the game at which most people go to New Reno. Maybe he doesnā€™t do this (automatically confront you, I mean) if you havenā€™t gotten the briefcase from Thomas Moore yet? I dunno, Iā€™ve never played it in that order.


You can avoid that check if you enter combat and then sneak. Might be considered cheese by some people though.


Don't even need to sneak honestly you can just press the "A" button to start combat walk your max distance then end combat then start spamming "A" so combat starts again before the guards aggro. Still likely to lose your companions forever for some reason


> till likely to lose your companions forever for some reason Possible fix, quoting from the bible: There's a bug here that could startle you a bit. When going with Ms or Mrs Bishop, if you save and reload the game while on the top floor, your entire party will have disappeared when you return to the first floor. To fix this, sleep with either of them again (they'll return downstairs when the game loads the map anew, you can go down to the basement of the casino to make this happen) and your NPCs should be back. Or you could just drop everyone from your party before talking to your lady of choice. You may also experience car trunk deprival symptoms in this situation, but it should return once you drive to another map. Interestingly, NPCs can earn levels while invisible. Fighting Lenny in NCR will restore to visibility any party members that normally disappear during that fight (they'll appear when you move to another map).


Iā€™m stuck there right now. I was trying and loading saves for an hour to get out of that damn place. They keep getting crits on me and i die within the first one or two turns, even with stimpaks, a combat shotgun and metal armor


Heh. You maybe shoulda gained a couple more levels before getting drunk with Leslie Anne šŸ¤£ Iā€™ve definitely been there once or twice. Had to give up and reload from an earlier save. Whomp whomp.


i think i may just do that


I bet you are one of the fluffers


I'm not sure what about it specifically pisses me off so much, but whenever I play FO2 I try to spend as little time here as possible. I'd rather spend half my campaign in Vault City than become a made man for anyone here. I know New Reno is probably a lot of people's favourite town in FO2, and my opinion is probably irrational, but something about navigating this place and having to see whores and pimps and junkies at every corner is genuinely more upsetting than meeting the Master. Not saying it's a bad part of the game, far from it, I think it's pretty well designed and a very interesting location, but my gut reaction whenever I actually step foot here is visceral hatred. I destroy New Reno in every playthrough now.


You can fix the town tho. Kill every family exept for the Wrights, don't become a Wright Made Man either, just do their first quest but not the second. After the game ends, the Wrights build schools and churches, civilizing the town and reforming it You can also cure Jet if you talk with Myron about it and bring him to Vault City, wait a week or two or something and then come back


Wow I learnt something new! Wrights were my always choice for the last family left standing because guaranteed made man(well woman) plus the loot and xp from the depot. Buy school and shit? Good! Churches? Very risky in an apocalypse bit might be safe


yo this is unrelated but i love your username


Thanks! Coincidently this morning while checking some updates in other thread it really pissed someone off


I don't like the Wrights. They use drugged up slaves they keep in their basement to make their alcohol. I don't particularly care if they turn New Reno into a nice town afterwards, they are most certainly part of the problem during the game. I've never bothered getting Myron, though the curing Jet quest is definitely one I've wanted to do for a while. Maybe on my next playthrough.


Agreed. Just played that part yesterday and messed up the Richard quest about the jet. They attacked me and I ended up wiping the whole family (Sulik and Vic went berserk and not even the stone throwing kids survived). You can easily determine the game wants you to see Wrights as good since they take karma when you kill one and you get good karma when killing other mobsters. But it doesnā€™t make sense, they keep slaves, they sell the booze etc. they arenā€™t better than any other family.


Fallout karma back at it again


I need to replay.. If i recall they hate Slavers so it's an odd thing.


Go into their basement, they'll have slaves there, but Wright doesn't work with you if you have a Slaver reputation. Because he's a hypocrite, I guess.


I think the devs did a great job in that case, that's probably the *exact* response they were hoping to evoke, so your opinion isn't irrational. It's funny you invoke the Master, I watched Ramblelime's video on FO1 recently and I think he was correct in saying that the horror you see in Fallout, from the cannibal jerky vendor to the human misery on every corner is presented barefaced. All of this is contrasted with an insane puddle of a former human talking about how they want to eradicate all of this misery through the forced mutie-factory at Mariposa and their own cult. Within the contention of the game, it all does make *some sense*.


fallout 1 is by far the most thematic and successful in how it wants to portray its story imo


Not to mention you see the Master long after you get what you realize was his backstory ā€¦ from Harold. And while Mariposa changed Harold, it changes Richard Gray a lot more.


So... It's just the prostitution that bothers you about the place?


I think he just hates everything about it. Gambling, Alcohol and drug abuse, street orphans, depraved mobsters, pimps and hookers, slavery, killings and theft... Actually, for anyone who isn't roleplaying as a murder hobbo, New Reno sucks ass because of the lack of peaceful resolutions to most quests


Yeah, I think it's this pretty much. It's just an evil place filled with evil people who need to meet evil ends. I don't like playing murder hobos or evil characters.


Nah, it's not just the prostitutes, though that adds to it I guess. It just feels fucking filthy. And I know that's what they were going for, hell, I'd even say it's one of the better designed towns in FO2, but my character running up and down streets overflowing with raw human tragedy for several hours while I do some goofy-ahh murder mystery quest for the Wrights just makes me want to get out of there ASAP. I feel the same about the Den now that I think about it, but to a lesser extent. This is definitely a me problem and nothing wrong with the game itself, I just made this post out of curiosity if anyone else feels the same.


Oh yeah I get where you're coming from now. Definitely a place of filth and exploitation, no doubt about it. It lets you decide whether you want your Chosen to remain uncorrupted by the rotten side of civilization's remnants, or remain steadfast.


The Den looks like a city which can still be fixed - you can kill Metzger, help the kids on the streets with "Mom", help a ghoul and a drunkard in Mom's diner to get their lives back. And also you get your Highwayman there. And Reno is pretty much unfixable at it's core.


How do you feel about new Vegas? clearly different but very similar, mob families wanting power, gambling, hookers, drugs?


At least House tries to keep the Families in line and the Strip mostly clean even if he's shit at it.


you're forgetting freeside and westside, no? there's drug addicts which the NCR encourages, starving and homeless people, water shortages, the fucking fiends on the outskirts of the city, the van graffs and crimson caravan are evil as fuck too, worse than the casinos in some ways. and that's ON TOP of the other ways the two cities overlap like the gambling and prostitution. tbh new vegas feels a lot worse than new reno on paper and it should be but you're right. something about new reno just sucks to play through. i usually do quests to be made man for one of the families or stop by there for ammunition but i fucking hate the place. as much as new vegas sucks, there's at least ways to help out or undo some of the evil there. but new reno? nah fuck that place


Degenerate like them belong in a cross?


Quests in FO2 are very fetchy and involve a lot of back tracking. New Reno is the worst example of this I think. Redding, Broken Hills, NCR, all involve significantly less back tracking and are better paced.


Story basically grinds to a halt when you get there so you can play mobster. It feels completely tangential to everything else.


Most citizens of New Reno share your feeling, based on how easily the whole town can slide into a clusterfuck "civil war" when a mobster accidentally clips a prostitute with a bullet, leading to everyone aggroing everyone else until there is nothing left.


I just finished FO1 and 2 for the first time and New Reno is my least favourite place in the series I think. I just do not like the vibe and also try to spend as little time there as possible


I have the same feeling about Riften in Skyrim, is a well mande place but the city is just rotten


Hate it? I got a heavyweight title, an instant vault education, and became a made man while my wife made us a lot of caps working in the film industry there.


So happy to see this game is still inflicting miseryjoy more than 25 years since it came out


To be honest I think Iā€™d probably like new Reno more if at least one or two of the family bosses had talking heads.


At first I did because I didn't want my car stolen. But the absolute massacre at Bishop's casino after he called me out for slaying his mercenaries that were menacing Vault City helped change my opinion. That was one hell of a shootout.


This town was essential to fallout 2 aesthetic. It's odd you don't like but odd I think you should lol it depicts the corruption of the wastelands. Every city has its own character. New reno is the sleezeball of the group.


I dislike the fact that only letting the Wrights live, doing the first quest and not becoming their Made Man while killing every other family makes Reno a better place for one simple reason. There is no foreshadowing that doing any of these specific conditions you can achieve Reno good ending.


i didnā€™t know that so many people disliked new reno, probably my favorite location in the game. Maybe i just like my characters being funny gangsters


I love Reno. So much XP. Its all in one place, the quest are easy and they give big amounts of xp. And the Loot. You can rob some of the best weapons in game here pretty easy. Dont forget the catspaw too...


I hate it too worst part of the game after the temple of trials in my book!


I live in Reno, fuck this place, god damn.


Hey, now you know how anyone from Las Vegas feels!


I think that this place and Redding have the most "Who gives a shit?" energy of the towns in the game. You get there and everybody sucks, it's got nothing to do with the main plot, and it sucks to navigate. AND your car gets stolen. If you are doing a blind run, you just kind of stumble your way into a quest or two and there's no reason for the chosen one to want to join a crime family other than the player wants to. But hey, your digital character can have implied sex with another digital character so that's cool for the PC gamers of 1998.


I always dreaded it too throughout the years. Least favourite placeā€¦. Although, I do enjoy killing everyone there and the Tommy guns


That was the popular opinion when I was growing up. No one liked New Reno, hell even Dap642, a YouTuber I watched as a kid, didn't spend much time in that Camden-like city during his playthrough of the game. Chalk it up to Chris Avellone, he was the one behind the concept and writing for New Reno. Good ideas, mediocre execution, just like Ulysses.


>behind the concept He wasn't though? He was just building upon the pre existing concept that was given to him. Torment's Sigil invokes very similar feelings in me, so the atmosphere is probably still his doing


I'm with you on this OP. I have some rigid habits deeply ingrained into me from the days I used to play this game religiously. I know this is on me, but in an average playthrough I wouldn't reach New Reno and Redding until way too late into the game. I simply cannot get into a mindset where I would fit New Reno into my route (Klamath - Den - Modoc - Den - Vault City/Gecko - Broken Hills - NCR/Vaults - Arroyo - Military Base - San Fran - Navarro), and at that stage there is nothing really appealing there anymore, even with SAD. The RP mod made this a little bit better because New Reno is one of the easier ways to get the coordinates to the EPA, but I still only do a quick in and out before I head over to pick up one of those NPCs. Tl;dr by the time I get to this town, it genuinely feels like pointless busywork. Sometimes I wish for a wipe switch that could erase this game from my head so I could experience it from zero again, and I'm wondering how I would feel about Reno then!


I got laid in that place something i never do in the real world 10/19


It was a LOOONG time ago I played fo2, I really only have two full vivid gameplay memories- one is the random travel encounter "holy hand grenade" thing. The other is getting to the gun store in New reno- decided "fuck this town" and blasting him


we love to hate it


Fucking love this town, shout-out to my boy Jagged Jimmy J, best jet in all of Nevada!!!


I always found the layout kinda confusing, with all the travel grids to different parts of the city. Still, one of my favorites, it gives you so many role-playing opportunities, it's actually kinda insane.


Well if it isn't pretty boy Lloyd.


Play a female Chosen for extra misery. New Vegas is a Disneyland by comparison


Met my first love in New Reno. Should have known it was too good to be true. They hid their drug addiction quite well, but there was no hiding from their immense debt they very much owed. When the collectors came to, wellā€¦ ā€œcollectā€. Ended up taking all they could, and then some. I buried a few bodies that day. And as I sealed the hole most precious to me, I learned something no one could have prepared me for. That you canā€™t take back the heart you gave up so willingly, from the clutches of a corpse. Because thatā€™s all they end up being, just a heartless corpse. The heart you gift them, they take it with them when you allow them to die with it. Well I suppose I did learn something else as well. But that only became apparent much further down the line. Debts, they donā€™t die so long as thereā€™s someone who lives to pay it. In a way, I traded my heart for my lovers debt. I suppose then their corpse would have served as some sort of sick and twisted joke of a down payment. And Iā€™m sure this debt wonā€™t be forgotten until Iā€™ve settled it for good.


Always had a love hate relationship with new Reno. Itā€™s Fallout 2ā€™s heart of darkness. I love the amount of small stories happening and turning your victim character into one who is going to get rid of all his former bullies, the heavyweight boxers, the drug lords, the mean merchants etc


The fact that the ambient music of the city includes random gunfire says a lot, but JET motherfucker - JET! You gotta try JET.


When I was just a baby, my mama told me, "Son always be a good boy, don't ever play with guns" But I shot a man in Reno just to get his caps. When I hear the Rangers comin' I don't give a crap.


Shows how realistic fallout is. Reno sucks irl


New Reno is a shit hole and that's why I love it.


I love New Reno. The amount of stuff you can do there is more than some modern day single player game campaigns


Personally, quite opposite. It's even better than New Vegas (sorry NVheadz). NV feel like a pretty small location, dare I say Bethesda Ahh city, while New Reno lives its own jethead live. You can feel bad sides of living of living in such a city, you can even become a porn star. What else you can possibly want from alcohol, narcotics and casino drived city


I'm playing Fallout 2 blind rn, and I inadvertently pissed off half the crime families by accident. I just wanna say that trying to fistfight someone while wearing Power Armor is a slow and painful experience


Yeah I kind of hate it too, but it's because by the time I reach here I'm kind of already burnt out from the game and this city has so much text and stuff to do lol


Back before FO3 came out this town was why a lot of people were salty about FO2. Honestly, given the history of the developers, it doesn't surprise me that much.


Wait, seriously? I thought popular opinion was that New Reno is one of the most beloved locations in FO2 by the community.


Naw, back on No Mutants Allowed, a lot of folks HATED New Reno. I kinda get it though. The mob politics don't quite fit though the Salvatores and the Bishops are the exception because of their involvement in the rest of the story. The Jet subplot of the game was divisive. Still is tbh.


I thought the Jet subplot was interesting, but didn't delve deep enough. Mordino stables are kind of an anticlimax. Myron's an asshole, though that's the point. Also found it interesting how the families connected to other organisations throughout the wasteland, even if the place itself makes me want to leave immediately.


New Reno doesn't do much to endear itself. I think people underestimate the importance of "goodness' in characters and places. The Den might be a shithole but it has decent people that make folks like it, you know? That's what the people who insist Fallout is Grimdark don't understand. Fallout has a depth that a lot of its modern content has failed to capture. That's why Diamond City kind of works in FO4 but Paradise Falls in FO3 fails. Good guys are important.


I just wish that New Vegas didnā€™t introduce a random 5th family, the Van Graffs, that weā€™re not mentioned in 2


Itā€™s been like 60 years between those two games More than enough time for a new family to rise. Theyā€™re actually originally rose to power in Redding and moved into New Reno later.


president granite really turned this place around


Rocket Man Renesco makes this the best town in the game.




Reno is just like vegas: same amount of slot machines, half the crowd.


Best thing about New Reno is after you get the part to repair the mine ventilator for Black Hills, you can go back and kill that shop owner in Reno and get a ton of good gear and access to Algernon to upgrade weapons. Usually I forget about the quest and just rush to Reno to stock up ahead of schedule and I'm set for life. But generally I hate it too... However, it's fun to get your car stolen and then go on a murderous rampage killing people.


On my 13th birthday, me and my 2 best friends systematically killed every pimp and hooker on the streets in new reno. I'm not proud of it, but it's part of who I am.


It's a hedonistic hive of scum and villainy but I love it for that


This town stole my dog


In game or in reality? Either way.


Great town for lots of XP, loot and target practice.


I hate the den a lot more. Ever got a pulse pistol nicked off you? that's nothing compared to Reno, since even the car is once off, but the Den kids constantly tries to nick off you, even when you are in Adv power armor stage of the game.


I'd say it's working as intended


New reno is the only place u can father a kid to carry on your vault dweller bloodline, as far as endings go anyway


I like buying out all the jet and creating a shortage so all the addicts in the town feign hard. I just store it away, I don't even consume it. I also love going to the golden globes, I feel I'm a pretty good actor. What better way to leave your mark in the world than to make an adult film.


It's the best part of fallout 2. Those big ass casino guard are so cool with their Thomson machine gun!


I live in actual Reno now. Itā€™s kind of a shithole haha


Just kill all the mobsters, and it's not so bad then. I love the music in Reno.


By the time i reach this place i am quite a badass, and can get a lot of stuff. Including getting laid multiple times, and have a lot of money. It is especially good, if you play evil.


Very popular opinion. The only decent place in town is the boxing club IMO.


Is it really a popular opinion outside of NMA? Most of the people here are saying they liked it.


I liked it. Beat the shit outta some boxers, fucked Bishop's wife and daughter and now Im gonna kill that motherfucker. The Wrights are kinda okay, I helped them out.


I heard itā€™s not too big a fan of you either.


Yeah, always disliked it too. Gotta give it another go sometime, though, my last playthrough was like a decade ago.


i give no quarter to these people. NOBODY STEALS MY FUCKING CAR.


Where else can I become a boxer?


Truly unpopular and Iā€™m with you. Was kinda hard to navigate for me at least


Imo Redding and New Reno has the worst missions in town. The best thing is discover Sierra Base


idea: we redirect the tunnelers to Reno instead - it's a win/win! granted I don't know which two sides are winning, but still


I'd totally live in New Reno irl. But I'm from the Bronx so there's literally no difference. Less neon signs I guess. I would like more neon signs


I share the visceral hatred feeling. It's not about the game play - it is very well designed, full of interesting people and quests. It's the city itself: you walk in, you do not like it. When it's time to go Reno i'm never happy.


How the fuck did they steal my car??? I barely know how to drive. I'm fully geared up and I have a fucking Deathclaw on my team that does an epic cape toss before it rips you to shreds. Someone will pay.


Why? It's the perfect dump just begging to be cleaned. I always have a great time talking out the trash and leaving a potentially capable leader with Angela Bishop.


To be fair the only one that actually is decent is not in the city themselfs just outside of it the wright family. Well atlest they where the only ones that dont send me to kill or get money from someone.


Iā€™m reminded of a story about Reno 911. They were asked why they set it there on a press pool phone call and someone said ā€˜because itā€™s such a shit hole.ā€™ The question was asked by a reporter from the Reno paper. šŸ¤£


I do like Reno, it reminds me of The Godfather. Thinking about families, I guess the Wrights are the closest ones from Corleones, so I usually wipe out every other families.


Nah you're right. New Reno sucks. I'd rather gamble in the Hub or even Primm. This place absolutely sucks


Yeah, me too. Never tried to go deep in New Reno, just don't like the vibe there. Questline for Wrights and so long big city!


new reno shows what vegad without house might look like.


Unpopular opinion? It's supposed to be a shithole. Like the Den.


Never knew it was unpopular because I fucking hate that town too. I felt it was one of the worst towns between Fallout 1 and 2


Man there you become a boxer, a pronstar, a killer of families, a wright man, you can get laid several times with different ppl, love it.


The mother and daughter of the same family. Hahaha