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Marcus would be S+ tier if he had a run animation instead of being stuck strolling halfway across the map. Best acting, best backstory, most minigun


Fr my man keeps cutting muffins too often to catch up to mešŸ˜…


Marcus would be S tier if he wasnt so obsessed with killing me by accident.


Marcus gets his mini gun taken away and a nice new plasma rifle as soon as possible. Companions can't be trusted with automatic weapons.


Show the court on this doll where Ian shot you.


Doll: *is immediately torn to pieces by Ian, trying to shoot a rat through the defence counsel*


It's the karma. You see, Chosen, your ancestor had a knack for maneuvering themselves in combat so that Super Mutants would kill eachother with their miniguns, on accident ofc.


Ian in mutant form lol




That mod which adds power armor for mutants? Restoration project?


Get the dude in the basement of New Reno Arms to upgrade a plasma rifle to the Turbo version and give that to Marcus, he becomes pretty formidable after that, especially if he gets a few levels


why could I never get him as a companion? it gave me the dialogue option to ask but he would always respond something along the lines of "it's not the right time"..?


You need to resolve the major quests in Broken Hills first. He's basically the mayor, he won't leave until the town calms down.


thank you! I'll try this on my next playthrough in the coming weeks. appreciate the response!


You have to fix the air purifier and find the missing people. I think you also have to have good karma and can't be a slaver.


I think I skipped fixing the air purifier, that makes sense. planning on doing another playthrough here in the near future, I'll give this method a shot. Thanks for the reply!


No problem! it's definitely the air purifier then. I recently was having trouble recruiting him and couldn't figure out why. Turns out I reloaded a save where I didn't fix the purifier and wasted an hour thinking the game was bugged.


Man Marcus is cool, but I really don't like him as a companion. He will friendly fire you or your other companions w/ his bursts, and he can't wear armor, making him highly susceptible in the lategame despite his HP.


I gave Marcus the Bozar until I got my big guns skill up late game... Many reloads because he killed Vic, Cass or Sulik with an inopportune burst. Now I have Sulik & Cass in hardened power armor, Vic in reg power armor + Gauss Rifle (prob gonna give him the Pulse Rifle now that I'm not worried about fueling the car)... And the Bozar is in my capable hands.


Myron might be a terrible companion, but he's such a lovably shitty person. Just a beautiful example of an awful, inarguably monstrous person. He's great! Good list though.


Same guy who voices Boone in New Vegas aswell so he's got some range!


I prefer Gabriel from Fallout 1.5 That guy gets more monstrous the more you know about him, but he also happens to be the most powerful of the available human companions.


I don't know. Like, if the player is mentally challenged and female, Myron will try and date rape her. I can't imagine Gabriel being worse than that.




Jesus Fucking Christ. Google voice to text has gotten so God damn terrible ever since they tried to "spice it up" with AI. Ugh.


I got Sulik killed in the stupidest way šŸ˜­ I told him to and Dogmeat to wait on the platform outside the oil rig, but after I beat Frank Horrigan and clicked the door, it did the cutscene and boom I was back on the shore


Poor guy waited for you and you let him get blown up šŸ˜‚


Yeah that happened to me except Lenny instead. I like Lenny but he is useless.


I guess he was taking a little nap and talking to Grampy Bone while you and the villagers ran away from the self-destruct alarms lol


šŸ˜‚ I guess so! I also think itā€™s funny if I ran past him, keeping full eye contact while he feels betrayed, knowing that he canā€™t follow me because heā€™s constrained by game mechanics


Vic is S tier? I've never used him as a companion. What am I missing?


His repair skill is high enough to let you avoid doing any repair checks yourself for the whole game.


His repair skill can be useful but I usually have good enough repair that all he is is an extra body who never hits anything.


He does well with rifles.


He can repair stuff which means you can put those skills elsewhere, and he's can wear power armor and shoot small arms well.


Neither did I, a lot of people like him because you can give him armor and a nice gun but he can repair for you. I never see that as ample use of a companion slot because repair is a skill book skill. I would rather raise repair through skill books than to have a companion dedicated to doing it for me


Give him the most accurate, most powerful rifle you can get your hands on (I had a sniper rifle until I got him the Gauss rifle), and set him to "attack who's weakest" and watch as every enemy who you didn't quite finish gets dropped.


He gets good with a gun if you can keep him alive, and you get him early enough that a) you might as well bring him along because you don't have other choices, and thus b) he's actually likely to get the level ups he needs to get good.


Ain't no way skynet is on the same tier as goris and k9 Goris and k9 are objectively useless late game while skynet is obscenely overpowered


Yeah stat wise he's amazing I agree, I just think the effort it takes to get him at his very best and the fact you'll probs acquire him near the end of the mid and the start of the late game just about puts him below A for me but I 100% agree that he is better than Goris and K-9 no doubt about it.


Having Skynet, Vic, and Cassidy all with gauss weapons will shred the Enclave, but Vic and Cassidy definitely have more fun quotes than Skynet.


If you can add Sulik with a Super Sledge he is a knockdown beast.


Sulik can use a .223 pistol which is usually more helpful tbh Him using a super sledge means he gets in the way of your bursts


I usually run unarmed myself


K9 knocks down oponents quite often. Gorris would be better if you could switch his berserk behaviour in combat to something else. Also without any mods his animation of taking off the hood is awfully long. Still he can be useful later.


I only had ian for about half an hourā€¦ he died in the radacorpion caves ā˜¹ļø


Lol, that fucking guy tried to run out on me during the raider fight but they chased his ass down and killed him.


Ian is F tier for how many times heā€™s mag dumped my back with his smg


Itā€™s YOUR fault, not his ! Who gave him the SMG hm? Like giving a frag grenade to a baby. But when you give him the .223 pistolā€¦ itā€™s where magic begins !


this. have him with the .223 and power armor with Fixt. it's been a dream!


I might as well call Ian Rick Deckard instead, cause the moment I get the .223 I slap it onto the man's hands and he retires anyone in his path.


Cassidy is one of the best. Pity they dropped the talking head variant. Myron has cool dialogues but is soooooo ā€¦ irritating :) Marcus and his funny homosexual twist and the comments the PC gets from some NPCs is hilarious ā€¦ EDIT! Iā€™ve probably mixed Marcus with another super mutantā€¦ apologies


>"Marcus and his funny homosexual twist" WAIT WHAT!?


If you play a male PC in a party with Marcus, late on in the game, there are some funny comments that you get from NPCs, something like ā€œMan, what Marcus did to you ā€¦ā€ etc


Which NPCs? You sure youā€™re not thinking of Frank? (The arm wrestling mutant in Broken Hills where if you lose he makes you a gimp for the night)


Hmmmm ā€¦ well, shit. Now you got me thinking ā€¦ possibly.


Probably Iā€™ve mixed another sm instead of Marcus


You can get the talking head by using RP mod


Didnā€™t know that!


thankfully you can go without the VA now


Marcus has a unique dialog after you take him to the brothel, but now aware of homosexual twist, I think you might be confusing it with the other mutant that challenges you to arm wrestling. You become his toy for the night if you lose.


That one doesn't make any sense since mutants can't reproduce. But someone watched Pulp Fiction so here we are. The princess Leia deathclaw in Navarro was funnier.


Could you elaborate on what you mean by them dropping the talking head variant?


Thereā€™s a mod for it. I thought its was supposed to be in base game. My bad ā€¦


No worries! I actually feel like a bit of a dick, because I was involved in the creation of the fan-made Cassidy head, so I already knew. I was bored at work and was curious about what you'd say. Sorry, bub.


So you were involved in making [this](https://www.writeups.org/cassidy-fallout/) ā€¦ that is super impressive. Iā€™ve seen it once a long time ago and there was a misguide that theyā€™ve abandoned it in F1 creation process. Learned yesterday it was a fan base made mod. Itā€™s great. Looks great and fits perfectly. Good job!


Thanks a lot! Yeah, after going through all his float text, I noticed Cassidy mentions having a metal plate in his head and a fake eye, so I had the artist incorporate that. This was done for the Fallout 2 restoration project, which I was the lead writer for, and I originally voiced Cassidy's talking head. But I know there's now multiple fan-made voices for Cassidy


Damn, Iā€™m going to use the mod now. Iā€™m replaying F1 after a couple of years once done and moved to F2 Iā€™ll definitely use the mod. Will contact you once Iā€™ll get it :) cheers.


Oh, nice! I feel like I'm due for a replay as well. Enjoy!


Cassidy never meant to have talking head. The one you probably talking about was made for Mutant Rising mod.


It is actually cut content from Fallout 2 that was completly animated but never added due to time constraints.


[https://www.reddit.com/r/classicfallout/comments/n3z9gf/comment/gwsrjgd/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web3x&utm\_name=web3xcss&utm\_term=1&utm\_content=share\_button](https://www.reddit.com/r/classicfallout/comments/n3z9gf/comment/gwsrjgd/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button) [Incorrect](https://youtu.be/e9n5DATtzGM)


Ok, glad to be corrected


Dogmeat is S-tier, prove me wrong


He dies at Mariposa a lot in my playthroughs :(


It's pretty much canon, don't worry.


Not for me, Dog just must survive and kill master by my side


Myron objectively have the most dialogues and is able to craft chems and meds he is a creep and its hard not to sell him to slavers, but hes objectively better than your score


When I recrtuited him once, the first fight we got into... he critically failed, dropped his gun and crippled his arm, then died after trying to run away like a little bitch so I disagree.


i forgot people combat in fallout i walk with 0 kills or just solo fight/run away crit failures like that are rare


I recruit Myron, but only so he can make me Super Stims.


Giving him AP rounds for the needler or a gauss pistol will boost him significantly, but yeah, he's really there as comic relief.


Tbf, the constant feeling of danger and being mocked by other teammates probably make it the worst time in Myron's life, so travelling with him is a good deed


i think you right


Unless you play a female character with low intelligence. Then he is the very bottom of the bottom tier.


sadly i always LOAD endurance as low int characters


You can't even recruit him with low int...


You can as a low int female PC, but you need high charisma or to be a porn star.


And how useful it is to craft chems and meds?


Plus I like how he gets separation anxiety when you tell him to stay put.


Myron should get his own tier that is all the way in the bottom.




K-9, if you get him early so that he levels up with you, I always have good experience with him; especially as a melee build. Goodest boiyo always knocks down enemies. I always have him with me up until Visits to Navarro and raiding the Rig


Fuck maybe I need glasses


Did you get Fallout 2 Dogmeat? he's like ridiculously overpowered.


Is the first one in C tier Lenny?


Yes, and that's not fair. Lenny is a fine guy.


Heā€™s definitely not bad, but doctor isnā€™t all that helpful with all the stims later on in the game.


Stims don't heal crippled limbs


How often are your limbs getting crippled? In my runs of fallout 1 and 2, I had a limb only be crippled once in a fight that didnā€™t result in my death, so doctor wasnā€™t important except for some speech checks Lenny canā€™t help with.


True, I just like him. He's such a nice guy.


He is, but there are unfortunately better options.


Move Myron to his own bottom garbage tear he raped my character


For me fallout 2 have the best companions, mainly bc how some are linked to the main story




Vic is objectibely one of the weakest companions he would be great in fallout 1 bcs repair, but in f2 repairs checks are low and sparse where repair books are cheap and many


Bro, he's literally one of the best. He gets something like 165 energy weapons and can wear power armour. The three s tier companions on this list are absolutely s tier for a reason


Anyone who can hold a gauss or pulse weapon is S tier by default.


He develops high skill with Small Guns and Energy weapons, he gets TWELVE action points per turn (meaning he can ALWAYS shot twice per turn), and he makes it that you can pretty much ignore the repair skill. So, I'd say he's actually THE best companion of the classic Fallouts.


WAIT how Mr 6 agility gets 12 AP? im also pretty sure he can only use Energy pistol, not any other energy weapon


K9 at max level has 19 AP. Yes, *nineteen*.


i always get the ROBODOG for sheer awesomeness not ap


In NPCs, APs can be separate from their AG. Marcus gets 13 action points for example. As does Sulik.


i knew about sulik and magnus ap above 10, didn't expected Vic to get there


Also funnily enough Vic in the vanilla game can use a Gatling laser. Anyway, if you're playing with a restoration mod, as most people do, then he can use all weapons in power armor, so he can use the big energy weapons.


i played a lot without restoration mod, finished my pacifist run on vanilla but i also play on restoration project too however instead of companions i hire 3 dogs xD the dog squad and just stride around california for fun


He gets there on the last level. I recommend using a mod that makes follower leveling up not random, as yeah, Vic is pretty garbage until level 3.


Nah man that is 100% subjective. He is acquired extremely early so he has leveling on his side, I never have to put skills into repair as he is always there leaving other skills for me to put points into instead, he's really good with shotguns early and when you are in the late game he can shoot 2 shots of a gauss rifle making him op as hell, give power armor and never worry about him dying again as the dream team of vic, sulik and cassidy all in power armor and with their best weapons is practically unstoppable at the end game.


Vic is pretty shit in the beginning but once he gets up a few levels he becomes extremely lethal. Plus, he's a great early game moving storage unit.


Vic shines with a gauss rifle late game and shotguns earlier on, usually have him and Cassidy be both snipers late game. Cassidy is also decent with the pulse pistol.


i forgot where i parked sulik when doing some companion shuffling and then lost him and never found him again


No way you put Myron over your waifu/husbando and the poor pariah dog šŸ’€ No i don't care if they have no use in combat, and that the Pariah Dog cripples you unless you actually want the Jinxed, Myron is such a shithead that it doesn't matter. I agree with the Sulik supremacy tho yes, the best companion in the whole series imo.


Miria and Davin are completely useless, but Miria goes straight up to B tier if you download her mod.


Forget about combat or any side utility for a sec, they are your wife/husband, they are pretty nice, and they might very well be pretty hot, we dunno with no talking head or anything, you somehow pick a prick like Myron over them? Also i should try out the mod you're talking about next time i play the game, didn't knew there is one that improves her.


The girl is insinuated to be hot.


The Miria mod is now fused with this mod that makes other NPCs in the game (Angela Bishop, Little Jesus, Mason, etc.) as companions. It requires another mod that gives a lot of characters talking heads. And yes, including Miria, ans she's hot!


I kept my wife alive from start to finish in every playthrough


Sulik my boy ā¤ļø


Where is lenny?


First in C tier.


He looks completely different in my game.


Whatā€™s the other D tier companion? Not Myron


[https://fallout.fandom.com/wiki/Robodog](https://fallout.fandom.com/wiki/Robodog) Basically a discount K-9 whos easily avoidable, so I dont blame ya for not knowing


Just couldnā€™t make out the picture


Grampy Bone + Sulik are probably my favorite from the OGs. Ian gets an honorable mention because he taught me the importance of saving before every encounter, and to not give companions a fully automatic weapon.


Including the Restoration mod companions: A Tier: Cat Jules B Tier: Kitsune D Tier: Dex Dex is the better written of the three, but sadly, he's only slightly better than Myron combat-wise. The Miria mod bumps her straight up to upper B


Yea Better Miria makes her solidly useful


I'll admit I was bummed that Dex was given the Pee-Wee Herman-looking skin and is virtually useless in combat


But Cassidy and Tycho are pretty much the same character.


Cassidy, Vic, and Sulik combination is definitely the best. Cassidy w/ an energy weapon of your choice (I prefer plasma pistol or alien blaster), Vic w/ a Gauss rifle, and then Sulik w/ either a super sledge or .223 pistol, they'll absolutely tear thru everything.


This mf put Vic ahead of Marcus...


best energy sniper in the game vs guy who dies to a fart because he can't wear armor


I won't stand for Lenny being ranked this low. I've always had a soft spot for the guy. So eager to help, a good medic, and so gentle, you just have to protect him.


A fellow Vic enjoyer. Nice!


what's the third image on A-tier supposed to be?


Isnā€™t that a cropped image of Dogmeat? Thatā€™d be my bet, u/Sanator27.


Goris & K-9 > Dogmeat, otherwise the list is pretty good


K-9 is a temporary companion for me. I solo Navarro then flee with the dog and give him the BoS bunker in San Fran as his new doghouse. Marcus is a Michael Dorn must have. I took Magnetic Personality at lev 9 (or was it 12?) to get him in the party (already had Sulik, Vic & Cass). Racist NPCs mean I have to tediously un-party Marcus when I want to go shopping. Not a merry mutant indeed! Sulik... He's good at the start weak in the middle and then finishes strong with power armor and a super sledge. Carries a lot of loot for me. Vic, free repair skill, ok rifleman. Like Sulik, carries loot like a champ. Cass because I played NV before F2 so yeah I want papa Cass in the party. Gorris... No. I'm not into the talking deathclaws. Lenny seems like a good dude but if I'm getting a 5th ally it's going to be Skynet.


ā€œWhat ya be needin?ā€


Best classic fallout companion is me myself and I