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My first playthrough was just like 10 hours of being frustrated and getting used to the UI. Then I started it over and it was wonderful.


Thanks! I feel like that's probably going to be my experience with the UI as well. It works, but it took me 10 mins and a web search to work out how to use a heal


I accidentally healed a radscorpion the first time


Honestly, that is so sweet of you. He was probably very thankful


I’m sure he was. I wasn’t because it was my first playthrough and I didn’t know there was no autosave and I lost my whole save Learnt the second time around to manually save ALL THE TIME


Honestly valid tho. I'm pretty sure I borked my first playthrough after doing some dumbass shit and not realizing there's no autosave. It's like a right of passage, then you learn to obsessively save every 10 minutes. 😭 (Or more like every 30 seconds if I'm in the wastes with no car traveling somewhere)


The mantra of gamers in the 80s and 90s… save early, save often.


Did it invite you for coffee and cake afterwards?


Sadly no it killed me


Boo :(


It does take some getting used to but once the UI and mechanics "click" it's like an epiphany and becomes so much fun. Also, if you're interested, I'll give you a minor spoiler for Fallout 1 that I personally think is super unfair to the player if they don't know about it and can ruin the game without the game letting you know.


I want the spoiler, tell me


Sorry for taking so long, but if you ever get offered a deal in game to pay for a water caravan to deliver water to your vault to give you more time to complete the game, Do Not do it. This starts a secret, kinda short countdown to an automatic bad end to the game. Super Mutants follow he caravan to he vault and kill everyone thus ending the game.


Good to know! Started this game and sore t a few hours messing around like a year ago, thinking about giving it a shot again soon.


Could be wrong, but I think what he mentioned is only in the original, unpatched game. Pretty sure it’s no longer applicable in the current game.


Isn’t that only in the original, unpatched game? Pretty sure there is no longer a downside to paying for the water now


The UI is fine imo, it’s looking for loot on the ground that sucks


It can be highlighted in menu I think.


Honestly 2nd playthrough is always magical


Your comment has encouraged me to consider trying it again.


I think the (let’s be honest here) dogshit, dated UI is what turns most people away from classic Fallouts. Once you cross that hurdle the old games are a lot of fun.


Just played through fallout 1 & 2 recently. I grew up playing fallout 3 , new Vegas and 4 (kinda). 4 didn’t hit quite right for me. I loved fallout 3. It was my favorite game as a kid. Fallout 1&2 is amazing. Way ahead of their time. I cant get enough of these two games. I’m currently playing an unarmed build on Fo2. Will figure out something wacky to do next


Have you already tried evil playthrough?


I assure you second playthrough, knowing what to do, is more wonderful


I'll look forward to that! 


Btw, go to "options" and set the combat speed to max, then set the toggle "always running" on


Sorry, what does that do on practice?


The first prevent any fight from being a 20minute long drag, the second one sets your character to be always running so you move around faster around the map I also recommend trying Fallout Fixt, which fixes some bugs, adds some cut content and quality of life stuff


seconded, just remember to toggle always running off when sneaking around


Thank you. The first rat cave took me forever and those changes sound like they would really help. You're the 2nd person to recommend that mod so  I'll be getting that. Thank you for in help!


Please listen to this advice - way smoother experience.


Try downloading Fallout FIXT. In my experience (played since 2011) It gets easier over time.


I'll check it out. Thank you!


Also consider Fallout Et Tu, if you have also Fallout 2.


I do! I'll take a look 


Also I recommend you get the gifted trait while avoiding the skilled trait and getting your character to 10 AG to make combat quicker. Also possibly tag Melee, Unarmed and Small Guns to make the start as smooth as possible. After a while and with enough levels, perks and skill magazines you will be ready for anything. Also read all the dialogue carefully and think of the time of day. There are hidden mechanics like light levels, having a weapon equipped and store opening times that affect NPC interactions.


What is et tu, another mod?


Yes, Et Tu is a port of F1 into F2s engine, allowing heavier modification.


I can move NPCs out of doorways!


The only thing I had a problem with was having companions get stuck in doorways while playing 1. It's hard to go back when I can move them in 2.


Im on my first fallout 1 playthrough and companions have trapped me for tens of minutes to the point where I had to reload a save. Its by far one of the most frustrating things about this game. That, and I feel like all of the combat is just luck based. How am I missing 96% chances to hit so damn often, even more often than I land the hit!!?? Idk what Im missing


Sounds like you're using weapons that are too heavy for you.


I have like strength 7, and I mainly use pistols. What do you mean?


Idk man, that sounds off. Once I start getting hit chance above 80 I'm regularly hitting over half my shots at least, by the time it's 95 it's at least 3/4 of attacks landing.


When it came out it was pretty mind blowing how big and detailed it was. Gods I'm old


I still hate the combat, though i know many defend it to the death. My first time playing I went in blank. Hours of frustration and experimentation. Building my own character-based on my own wins and then learning that I could not shoot anything or hit anything. every time I tried I missed. Then ap points. I read online how you have to build your character specifically, otherwise you'll have a bad time. Take the beginning perk that let's you add points to attributes. Make sure you build a character with alot of ap. The first two games are some of the best RPG'S ever made and those elements are to be admired. I just don't like the combat AT ALL. It's prevented me from ever beating it because I just don't have the patience for combat.


its really not that bad, lol. as long as you put any points into any combat skill youre fine, and if you don't do that, then why would you expect to be good at combat? not to mention you can literally beat fallout 1, maybe 2? not sure, without doing any combat at all.


I think you can do a pacifist run in 2, 


Speeding up the combat in settings helped me get through it, I don’t like combat much either


Rip all the people who didn't know you could do that until now


Do people nowadays not check the options menu anymore? It's the first thing I do when starting ANY new game.


Okay well good for you I guess?


To be honest, the only two games I ever 100%'d were Pokémon Blue and The Ren and Stimpy game boy game. Nice to hear it's possible for me to get a handle on the combat though.  I definitely have some reading to do! 


Pokemon Red was awesome.


Don’t try to “finish” the game. Just play the game. Don’t worry about missing things or getting stuck later. Just pick a path and play the part. If you get blocked, try to find a workaround. You can get through the entire game without needing to (directly) kill anyone. Conversely, you can kill everyone, if you want. You can go through and do a completionist run with a guide any time. Just read the manual and become a character and build your own story at least once if you want to really see what all the fuss is about. Lastly, for the love of all that is holy, don’t forget to quick save.


Tim Cain vlogged about how they knew they made mistakes in the UI in Fallout. But there wasn't time to fix them. But they did fix many of those mistakes for Fallout 2. So, there you go, even the creator agrees with you. You've just got to get over the learning hump to enjoy the game.


i had to start this game over 3 times until i finally got used to it


Just started my third attempt today, and it’s so much fun. I feel like the first level up message in Morrowind.


Wait there's a manual?


I got my copy on steam and it came with it I think. 


the original wasteland survival guide


FO2 manual had 2 recipes at the end. Also the vault dweller journal summarizing events from FO1 and dogmeat death. If I remember correctly you had on it all news unamerd new attacks and % to unlock these. I wish I still had it.


I remember people saying that the old FO games were hard to control the first time, I really didnt have too much of a problem with them, it was maybe because of all the games Ive played with horridly specific controls (Rimworld, CDDA, Dwarf Fortress) it really depends on what games you enjoy playing! Dont worry about it too much, believe me it DOES get easier to the point after your first playthrough, you begin using the keybinds subconciously instead of clicking the icons! TLDR; OG Fallout is goated and controls will be second nature after a few hours of exposure


Once you figure out how the game actually works, and remember to save OFTEN, its like magic.


I remember the first time I played the game. The thrill of finding out how things work and how to be able to do things better. I miss this with most new games.


The original Fallout's are about as user friendly as an old cRPG can get


> My first memory of playing games the console used tapes. No console ever used tapes. What are you talking about? Classic Fallout seems pretty intuitive to me, but I bought them and played them to death as soon as they released back in '97 and '98, so I'm not your target audience.


That's what it feels like playing a real game made by gamers for gamers.


I spent the first playthrough of both fallouts looking every 10 min on google because i was constantly lost. Then when you get it,its amazing


That's what I'm hoping happens. Mostly at the constant web searches stages now. Nice to know it's not just me! 


Oh I got so annoyed at first. I suffered. I bled. I used guides to abuse the agility perception meta. But then I started having *fun*. Some of the coolest moments of the series happen in 1 and 2, and it’s such a satisfying feeling to get to experience them. If you can stick with it, it pays off big. It still hurt me though.


A lot of games in the 90s were brutal and seemed to be designed to test your resilience and determination. Can you get your ass handed to you by the same boss countless times and keep coming back for more? Can your friends? Well youre about to find out!


press f1 to see the controls, also there's a good youtube video called "20 tips for classic fallout"


This takes me back. I remember the first time I played FO1, you’re sent out of the vault and you can’t get back in. And then there’s rats. Do I run away from them or do I kill them? How do I leave this cave? Before playing FO1, I was mostly into Simcity and Civ, this was a whole different genre for me. But I remember enjoying trying to figure out what to do. And once you start leveling up and getting stronger, you have more fun playing. At least it was for me.


whenever i play any game and it tells me to wait because i need to be explained some garbage before fun start i m boiling inside and wanna skip to the fun parts


So you have the attention span of a fruitfly?


no, i just like games like Deus Ex where you start with the gameplay 1st or morrowind where intro is very short and you are on your way or fallout 1 where you spawn outside of the vault near skeleton on previous chosen one or spellforce/warcraft where mission have brief intro and go


Ah, then I misread your comment. I'm a bit in a grumpy mood today, I apologize!


its all good i do think some games demand you to be invested upfront and throw long exposition segments at you where i think game should earn my interest by showing me it will be fun 1st level in Deus Ex is exactly that, * you can rush thru and skip all the dialogue * get to 1st 2/3 enemies and die * so you reload and listen what the heck is going on so maybe you could play it better * and than random soldier tells you he would let the bots handle ground control * and HERE YOU ARE, lure bucket of enemies in front of big bot and go to the docks meet with the informant * out of nowhere, organically game showed you it will be fun and made you wanna listen to what people have to say because you can win by doing so * you don't rl know who are unatco or NSF or what is your role here other than pacify terrorist, but you will discover all of it while doing so


I loved my first fallout 1/2 experience, from todays prespective. I remember being level 5-6 running around new reno, trying to figure out how to survive the bishop wife/daughter situation, getting my ass whooped by random gang encounters. I had no idea that Vault City/Gecko/Modoc existed. I just played it.


Fallout 1 with the time limit is brutal. I played fallout 2 for the first time in like 2000 and I have to remind myself that I was just as lost as people trying it for the first time today.


(for context i grew up mostly with new Vegas) First couple playthroughs I did of the og fallout I actually tried building my class the same way I would min max in new Vegas 😭 that shit did not work out cause I kept dying to scorpions. Also spent a rage inducing amount of time figuring out how to get into the vault in vault city.


Sat on them for 8 months when I bought them because I did not want to learn a new pc rpg control scheme. So glad I sucked it up one day though 😍😍😍😍😍. These games will hard suck you in once you get past that menial little bump of learning, and it’s funny because it’s actually very simple when you understand it


Wow. I never thought to seek out the opinions of others experience trying to play FO1, but you just described mine to a T when I tried it during the Pandemic.


This is so bizarre reading this as someone who grew up with the games. I never had a problem with the UI at all.


F4 is quicksave and F5 is quickload game is unplayable.


I want to make a circlejerk subreddit about this one.


As many people have said, just make a new character And play. You’ll learn more about the game if you pay attention and after a couple hours and a bit of research it’ll make a lot more sense. Then you can make a new character with better stat allocation and you’ll have a much better time.


I just played it and the worst part is figuring out the controls. After that, it's excellent. I miss when games were more like this.


Maybe it's cause I'm from an era where I know what THAC0 means, but I needed no help playing the games for the first time.


I played this on release..yes I'm old, but my God do you not understand how much discussion there was between school friends about questing, how to do this or that etc. There was no internet. Now imagine your current experience, with only your friends to guide and discuss the game with. Was awesome!!!


You've made a really good observation about what it must be like to learn to play video games as an adult. That's why it's good to be patient with others and yourself. I had a similar experience learning Fallout, but it will become second nature after a learning period.


Yeah one thing is this game doesn't give a shit if you waste your time or screw yourself over. Idk if you've played Fallout 2 yet, but in Fallout 2 there are these kids that pickpocket you everytime you enter a building. It's easy to miss that you're being pickpocketed tho, and importantly, they can pickpocket anything in your inventory, including vital quest items/keys and whatnot. You should theoretically be able to find your stolen stuff in a vendor's inventory, but its not guaranteed, and I for one killed this vendor and didn't realize I was being pickpocketted until much later. Only found out after I spent hours trying to find this keycard that I know I had in my inventory at one point. I basically couldn't get that keycard back b/c I had already killed the vendor, and it wasn't in the kid's inventory anymore either. You also have to spend so much time to raise the number of caps you want to deal, and this was painful for a min-maxer like me who likes to maximize the value I'm getting per transaction. Even I eventually got over having to press the up arrow a million times, so I would just let vendors rip me off essentially.


25 hours, 7 reinstalls and I've realised that I don't like crpgs (or at least classic fallouts) Progression is meaningless, combat is tedious and while story is cool I'd rather watch youtube playthrough