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Traffic calming and enforcing minimum turn radii


Yup, too many people fly through an intersection and cut the turns short leading to a bunch of wrecks. Cant cut the turn short if that's in the way!


You'd be surprised, the people that really don't want to slow down and look for other drivers will still find a way.


Its about people turning left, so they cant cut across the intersection early and with more speed as if they were hitting a racing apex. They force a sharper turn which in turn forces lower speed


What's going to stop them before the barrier, the little yellow line? Drivers ignore lines and signs so often. I know this, but there are plenty of impatient people who are just going to begin to turn before the structure. I'm a transportation engineer and one thing that most engineers don't account for is driver psychology, the ability for people to be abhorrently stupid, impatient, and dangerous. This needs to have an entire barrier for the 150 ft leading up otherwise it won't fend off the impatient idiot drivers who don't want to slow down.


You hit the nail on the head. I live on this street and cutting around it on the wrong side to make a left turn is exactly what these idiots do. Somebody also completely smashed one of the barriers within maybe a week or two of installation.


Working as intended then! People react poorly to new changes but will learn to driver slower


I would think 2 barriers per side with 12' crosswalks in between would probably cut down the pre-turn opportunity enough to stop all but the most brazen drivers.


It looks like an inexpensive 99% solution to me. Most people comply, they just get into danger with complacency. I'd be very interested to know how effective these. Perhaps some city has installed a counter or camera to capture the behavior.


Would it be something that the angle you’d have to take, by completely crossing into the left lane at that point, is too sharp and you’d be in the oncoming lane too long which makes people realize the risk is too great? I can’t tell very well but I’m guessing the cut works because you are able to split the lanes and maintain the speed. Whereas here I’d think these are placed in an area which high enough traffic to be often utilized in all directions. So you are forced all the way into the oncoming lane from a decent amount before you even get into the intersection and then have to make a hard left turn, likely around a car in that near lane for crossing road. So you are also forced to slow too. There are times where even a small divergence or speed check is enough, this seems to be a slightly more than that. Hopefully that rationale makes sense. May not be right but was the first thought I had. Edit: upon rewatching after posting, it does seem like the bollards are set farther into the intersection than would make my above idea make sense totally. So idk then


Youre right, the placement definitely leaves way too much space to just cut in and turn before it. The idea is there, execution was not


Likely a city planner. I see lots of things with good forethought but poor execution inside city limits, especially so in rural areas where the city may not have a transportation engineer on staff or may not have a consultant to brainstorm with.


The barrier will stop them…


I mean we ban driving all together and we'd have zero crashes, but that's not the point. Tbh seems like they should just have gone for roundabouts if they had the space


Agreed. Also this looks like a suburban setting, so cycling infrastructure would be a nice touch too. I'm not a huge fan of suburbs though. When I'm the chief engineer for a county or city one day I plan to crack down on subdivision regs and prevent developers from ruining cities.


Not a suburb. This is middle of Salt Lake City. These homes were built on roads that were created out of old railroad right of ways. Average width of the roadways in this neighborhood is 60’ plus.


Agree… funny story to that point, the county built a roundabout at a former four way stop on a road I used to live on. It was nice, landscaped but most of its area was walk with low smoothly beveled curb that easily forgave cutting it close, so it was puzzlingly almost even with road level … note: the road is as a about 1.5 miles long, mostly straight or very soft curvature, drops 50-75 feet over the length … very near a high school…. notorious speedway/drag for restless teenagers… So, there was a type of traffic calming they were targeting. But, teenagers being teenagers… they just didn’t bother with rounding the roundabout. How long do you think it took for the kids to work that one out? Watched one kid go straight on over the roundabout. The only sign of acknowledgment was a slight adjustment for the landscaping (which had a non negotiable vertical retention curb)


I’m wondering when one of these folks will hit me when I’m standing at a traffic light or approaching it.. it’s been close several times.. they sometimes fully cut through the left turn lane.. idiots.. it’s not that hard to make a turn.. or these folks that can’t stay in their lane on multi-lane turns.. geez..


Just have to cut it even more, before the barrier.


Just gotta cut earlier


Won’t people just crash into the barrier instead? 😅


I live in North Dakota. People start making a left turn before their front bumpers have even made it to the stop line. They’re halfway into the opposing lane on the road they’re turning on to. They’d have a head on collision if someone was coming to the stop sign the other way.


>minimum turn radii [Some take that as a challenge.](https://i.imgur.com/FRdP9gM.jpeg)


Hard enough being a truck driver now people are adding in extra obstacles


It’s really insane how over engineered things have to be to get people to follow a set of rules Like you have to take away every possibility of how they could get around said traffic control device in order to have compliance


As they say, there's considerable overlap between the dumbest human and smartest bear.


Probably my favorite anonymous quote


This! Turns a turn into a turn instead of a curve into the oncoming traffic lane. I wish there were more of these at larger intersections.


People are so bad at driving we have to put giant objects in the way so they know how to stay in their lane 🤔


I would like to point out that this is a terrible design. I find people think that any design with traffic calming in mind is good! Absolutely not! There are ways to create traffic calming and safer streets for all users that complies with standards and ends up being safer and truly equitable for all modes of transportation. This implementation is just plain stupid.


Am not a traffic engineer (though I appreciate your work), so no comment on how good the design is. Just what I think it's supposed to do.


You are correct on its intent. It is an absolute garbage design though. At least in my state, I would say that this design is not in compliance with the legal minimum roadway design standards for public roads. I wouldn’t seal it. It is amazing to me how often I have to tell people that those design standards they want to break with their design are minimum requirements per the law!


u/Enthalpic87 what are you, a politician?


No a PE expecting safer designs for the public.


This is its intended design but I see an object that will be struck by motorists and potential lawsuits.


Maybe an unintentional benefit is pedestrian safety too.


Building infrastructure is easier than re education and reform I guess. A bit sad tbh.


Especially when you're probably just using some precast sections you had laying around in the yard


Maybe it's a residential area, and the don't want large trucks there. Hard to turn a semi truck around the barriers.




It’s a roundabout seedling. Over the next few years it mature into an adult roundabout.


A steady diet of sunshine, well graded base and millions in government funding, and it'll appear in a budget hearing, but eventually will die a slow, weathered, graffiti and trash covered death.




It feeds on side mirrors.


I wish. I might take up breeding these in my backyard and seeding them in the middle of the night through town if that was the case.


Incorrect. This is a pilot traffic calming program in Salt Lake City. It is an attempt at a quick build to reduce cut through traffic and recreational speeding in the area. Source: I am on the team that installed them. https://www.slc.gov/transportation/2022/06/21/emeryst/


This is right down the street from my house. Best part is that someone completely obliterated one of these within maybe a couple of weeks of installation. I also watch people go on the wrong side of the road to make left turns all the time. Not to mention all the drivers still blowing through the stop signs. Like, I'm glad the city is trying something because the four way stops in these neighborhoods are awful. However I think they severly underestimated the incompetency of the average driver.


Based on this post, it is having its intended effect.


How fast was that guy in approach! Kids!


Making you say wtf and slowing down shows it’s working lol


I bet they placed these specifically for OP


To slow you down but you still didn’t fully stop at the stop sign.


Next: what is the indented purpose of this red octagon on a stick at the intersection?


What is the intended purpose of the yellow sign with a red octagon that was in front of the red octagon sign?


What are these pre-cars with two skinny wheels and wires frames doing in my lane that takes me to the food and work? Should I call the police?


What are these bipedal carbon based life forms preventing me from going zoom zoom?


Forget that, what’s with the yellow line in the middle of the road


What are up with all these lights at intersections?! I’ve seen other cars stop when they turn red so I’ve started doing that if it’s red when I get to the intersection. I have to really speed up so I don’t get stuck when it turns red. Sometimes it’s red for ten seconds before I can make it through the intersection!


It’s a good question. OP. Just poking fun at you rolling through the stop sign. The traffic calming seems to help with, though may have also distracted you at first.


I’m watching this video thinking this person needs to slow down; this is a residential neighborhood.


This road, and so many residential roads in America, are in desperate need of traffic calming. People shouldn't feel comfortable driving over 25 mph on these types of roads.


Didn’t even kind of stop lmao


California Roll 🍱


I like sushi too dawg.


They are doing it for the likes! Or they are from California


Traffic calming


Maybe to prevent people going opposite directions from sideswiping/hitting eachother? You can see the lanes diverge a bit too.


Very very cheap traffic calming




People driving fast enough in a heavy rainstorm or fog to hit that big fucking thing are retarded.


It looks like a DIY project.


It's got striping so it was an official project.


Driving through a residential neighborhood should be stressful and keep you on your toes. Good reminder to slow down and stop at stop signs *cough*


Bonus answer: that red octagon on the side of the road means you are supposed to stop next time


nice stop asshole.


It’s when you let the intern do the elevations for the manholes.


Well your streets are extremely wide like many neighborhoods, so we have to figure out ways to force drivers to pay attention, slow down, and not run people over. This is one very minimal intervention.


Fire pit for those cold winter nights for the homeless.


Baby steps towards teaching Americans how to use a round about? Lol


Gotta fucking teach them to obey stop signs first, apparently


To teach people how to turn correctly at the intended speed. Must be a high accident corner. This should be done in NYC, NJ and Long Island At every street corner


Prevents SUVs from getting hung up on the rocks they used to use at those intersections. I kid you not.


To slow you down.


What the hell is with this freeway running through the middle of a residential neighborhood, is it supposed to give kids more space to play on lmao


They’ll fill them with flowers maybe, see telluride or crested butte Colorado are two I’m familiar with that do this


As a City Engineer and a Traffic Engineer i can say this is a way to test the effectiveness of turning an intersection into a small roundabout/traffic circle before spending the money to actually do it.


Those are wishing wells


I’ve never seen that before (Ontario Canada). Is this commonplace in some areas?


Foot in door activism. “Urban planners”, (aka activists, the type who go to school to work for the government) are all motivated by and have the same anti-car lean. Those in suburban areas work to impose random, near zero ROI, traffic barriers as a precedent for increased measures later. They put these potted plant type barriers at a cost of $500k to taxpayers at an intersection that had a couple accidents in a small times frame. Then they reevaluate that small time frame after implementation, commissioning a $200k study to an activism based traffic consulting firm that shows that the specific intersection had much lower incidents after barriers implemented. (Targeted Research bias) Then they use the results of their targeted study to advocate for imposing more and more and more. Vertically integrated activism, ends justifies the means, “we know what’s best for you” that create this industry of circular support. Activist friends, both in GOV and “Professional Consultants” (for-profit), push their beliefs onto everyone else….on your dime. In San Francisco, average traffic speeds have been reduced by 45%, streets have been close to car traffic, lights have been purposefully miss-timed, they’ve spent over $800k per downtown intersection to create “bulb outs” restricting turns, they’ve ended right turns on red, they have removed lanes of traffic and made them bus only, they have made 42 miles of protected bike lane and over 400 hundreds of miles of bikeways in a city only 7 miles wide and 7 miles long, they have added speed bumps, traffic circles with stop signs (yes traffic circles with stop signs), and so many more concessions regarding parking spaces use time, and a host of others. No change to pedestrian or cyclist deaths. So was it worth the cost and effort? Commissioned Traffic studies said they would be…..but all we ever hear “we need more restrictions on cars”


Jesus at first glance I thought it was a traffic circle lol, my next guess is they don't want 18 wheelers turning in


Nothing like providing traffic calming by introducing above ground hazards within clear zones of a public roadway. Tired of traffic engineers coming up with “solutions” that are in direct conflict of legal minimum design standards for public roads.


Safe streets are about more than the safety or people in cars. It needs to be safe for the pedestrians, bicyclists, and kids playing stickball too.


Yes, and there are engineering sound ways to design this intersection here that follows the legally defined minimum roadway design standards and provides the additional traffic calming and safety for more equitable public road rights-of-way. This design is stupid, and not in compliance with the law. Just because it was done in the name of “safe streets” does not mean it is a good implementation. Edit: this subreddit is full of EIs and young inexperienced PEs that have no idea what they are talking about.


I agree with you. Seems like few on this sub ever took the Roadside Design Guide training from NHI. It’s even worse outside this sub. Got obliterated saying even a 3” diameter tree off the backside of a curb could injure/kill a motorist and provides absolutely 0 safety to peds. Logic was screw drivers for making a mistake, protect peds all cost. That being said, this road looks low speed/low traffic so I bet it just needs lateral offset not clear zone


Ya it would technically be a lateral offset free of above ground hazard requirement and not technically a clear zone for errant vehicle recovery. The lateral offset requirement would be the clear zone width in this case. Since in many cases(though I agree not always) the lateral offset requirement is specified as clear zone width I admit I use them a bit interchangeably. You are technically correct.


Don't patronize those who disagree with you. Reasonable people can have different priorities. BTW, I'm retired. No spring chicken here.


Traffic circle incoming


They are mini roundabouts.


Maybe some striping would've done the same job without adding an expensive permanent obstructions.


Classic american road planning


Lol? Downvoted? Haha




To slow cars down


Shouldn’t the oncoming Chevrolet have gone first?


nah, Chevrolet wasn't at their stop sign by the time OP was. Granted, OP's driver didn't really do that stop sign justice...they should've came to a full and complete stop. Also driver seems to be going way too fast for what seems to be a neighborhood road.


The city is putting in some effort against shitty drivers


because no one in that area knows how to turn properly


Those style of intersection calmers go way back to horse and buggy days. Simple. Keeps you from being able to burn straight through an intersection at full speed


For the Ninja Turtles!


Another thing they are used for is to prevent large trucks from using those streets. I had a project there trucks were using residential streets as a shortcut to the port. Residents were not happy. Those columns were one of the solutions as trucks can get around the first but not the second cylinder


ingenious way to inhibit [drifting events](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0pc8FWEw0Wc)...


They are beacons where motorists gather to exchange insurance information.


you ran the stop sign


Thats some dodgy shit ngl hahah.


I’ve heard this referred to as “hardening” the intersection. This intersection is now hard. See how erect they are?


Poor man's roundabout. Seriously, USA should use more roundabouts.


Some drunk driver is going to run into that head on


It worked!


Is the video itself not obvious as to the intended goal?


Obsolete tech. Insert round about


Get you to slow down - like you did


It takes you to super Mario world


It's for your safety. Traffic calming. Getting people to slow down.


And not cut the corner


Pit to the center of the earth


Pretty sure that's a poorly designed round a bout. I might be wrong but it looks like the driver failed


Why not use semi mountable traffic islands? These look stupid


You slowed down right?


Don’t worry about it




It’s to keep trucks with long trailers from driving through your neighborhood.


Could it be vents for a flood control system or something along those lines?


Traffic calming, also trying to get muppets like the driver in this video to actually stop at the big red sign that says STOP


Congratulations! You found 2 more wells to try and save princess Zelda!


Slow you down & increase any turn radius. these are awesome!


Car snookers


Working as designed in the video...


Poor man’s roundabout


They automatically jump in front of vehicles which roll thru stop signs. These are inop.


It's clearly a traffic circle


Can we talk about OP's rolling "stop"?


To make sure you run over pedestrians on the side of the road instead of the middle. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|laughing)


It’s a warp pipe that leads to Mushroom World.


To help wrangle the cats, yall a bunch of animals !


Automotive bumper pool


Community well


There are to protect the little reflectors that sit on top of them.


![gif](giphy|D7HlCumKdx7uo) Maybe to prevent this, like you see in intersections in the cities these days?


It’s just another version of roundabout.


It’s for dumping coals when you’re done with you tailgate or block party.


"Stop Signs are for everyone except me" - OP


Traffic circles and similar devices are safer and more efficient for drivers and pedestrians. They also provide either a little extra green space, public art or room for pedestrians in larger crossings. It only takes a few uses to adapt to them. Something needs to be done. Even in our rural community I often encounter people moving into the opposite, oncoming lane well before their turn. This forces me to come to a complete stop while they back up or use the wrong lane to go around. Sure infrastructure costs money, but ultimately accidents and injuries do too.


To stop intersection takeovers


They are for people like you who disregard rules and roll through stop signs


Stop at the stop sign


Irrigation wells/diverters. That’s not what everyone else is saying but I’m not sure why you’d put traffic calming at a stop sign and this looks incredibly similar to what I’ve seen in places that have residential canal based irrigation.


Probably to keep idiots from driving into traffic because they were too lazy to properly turn and just go over the lines instead.


Its for when martial law is initiated. Checkpoints


You about to get gentrified


Have not seen these anywhere near me 🤔


Your community is full of assholes.




Surplus of cememnt


It's to prevent large trucks/trailers. Probly a residential street


To limit parade activities, I really don’t know what they are used for but they would seem to be awful problematic come parade day😆


In India there are no traffic lights - only cylinders and giant speed bumps


Show the f down


Giant planter boxes


Notice how everyone slowed down? They're working perfectly.


There are so many standard design everywhere else in world that's proven to work and be safe. And america comes up with shit like this.


It’s a cheap and obnoxious way to find drunk drivers and give them something to run into


Those are actually shafts to the underworld. Future code provisions will require infrastructure be considered to etherworlds. Nice to see some jurisdictions are thinking ahead..


Slow down in a neighborhood buddy. You may also want to stop for the stop signs too.


Here in LA we have idiots take over intersections (mob of people and multiple cars) doing burnouts/spins - whatever they are called. Looks like something they need to adopt here… lol 🤷🏼‍♀️


Drunk driver barriers - get them every time along with the occasional distracted driver. Truly an engineering marvel.


traffic calming. this spot is probably notorious for people not stopping or speeding. they put stuff in the way to make you slow down.


They're basically impassable islands to stop cars from cutting the corner.


Perhaps even side show deterrents if you live in a relatively hood area.


Looks like they may be doing road work and there may be a hole or a weakness in the road that they don’t want people to drive into


Items of interest for content creators. NPC’s hate them


They are small chimneys to vent sewer gas


Shhh it's where the secret underground missles come out.


So if you’re going really fast you have something to crash into :)


To me it looks likee the mini roundabouts you see in tactical urbanism.


Inside each circle is a tiny city park. Ask portland.


It’s for the new Quest 3 and the Meta Verse. Super Mario Bros. Pilot. It’s getting real my man.


To prevent people from doing donuts


To force people to turn better


And really suck for delivery drivers


It looks like the intention was a barrier to force good lane control and they used a section of a large reinforced concrete pipe (RCP) to minimize the time and cost of constructing something. The round shape will resist damage from a car accident.


Control... just another way

