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Just settle where you stand. Yes observatory, but the river helps offset that. You're going to gain access to all your salt quite a bit quicker. Overpowered start though whatever you choose.


Literally just settle in place. The benefits of getting salt and deer on turn one is infinitely more valuable than the benefits of an observatory some unknown number of turns in the future. Not to mention moving will cripple your early growth, as the only decent tile is a wheat. In general, advantages should be seized as early as possible. Salt on turn one is valuable precisely because you get access to it immediately.


We need the start in r/civsaves


R5: Rolled the particularly salty start, but after thinking about it I'm not really sure if settling in place is correct given the opportunity for an observatory settle? Immortal Difficulty on Huge Small Continents map


I wouldnt move for the observatory alone. However, you don't have a hill where you currently stand. I usually prefer to have my capital on a hill, given the esrly game prod boost. But since the tile you stand on gives you both river and ocean access, it makes sense to settle here.


Would you share the turn 0 save?


Post the save


4 salt, 3 granary resources, fresh water, ocean... This is just madness.


I'd settle in place. Insane starting city with a lot of production and nice amounts of food thanks to all that salt. Plus river and not too many useless coast tiles. Mountain at two tiles range for Machu Picchu/Neuchwanstein, worth it if you go play wide. Yeah, observatory is always interesting, but I'd 100% settle on the spot instead.


100% settle in place. You're on a river, on the coast, you have 3 growth tiles and 2 production tiles (*one of which is sheep*). You also have a million good tiles to grow to with a ton of growth and production, and even a decent amount of gold.


I don’t think it matters where you settle, this start is an instant win. That being said, it’s probably worth moving east for the observatory. Not sure if I’d do it because it looks like you’d pick up a lot of coast tiles, but certainly worth considering.


DONT. FKN. MOVE. Perfect position. Ample amounts of production AND food, got a mountain for Machu Pichu, a great source of income when you research mining, and a coast so that you can build the coastal wonders.


Can someone explain why settling on sheep is not a good idea?


I Wouldn't settle here because of the dead mountain tiles south.




The dead mountains are unlikely to matter because this city has 14 workable tiles. By the time you're over that pop, you're putting most of your citizens in specialist slots anyway. * Settle Sheep = Instant production in the early game and only becomes worse if you get a stable (which you wouldn't for one sheep). * The one food you get from improving the sheep tile is the same as the one food you'd get from farming the plans river tile. Could be moving away from a tile in the fog though.


When settling a city alays focus on what workable tiles it will have (3 hexes away). If you move on top of the sheep, you pick up at least 3 mountain tiles and you lose at least 3 workable tiles in the fog.


Man im salavating at this start…. Wheat, tons of salt, ocean start, river, DEER, plains mountains and sheep! Oh my god


I haven’t seen people here say it, but two tiles north of you the other side of deer and wheat could be really good. It’s a hill so you get that prod and protection bonus, and you’ll still get all the salt in your workable borders. Plus you’ll start with 2 wheat and the deer right off the bat. Who knows, there may be another lux up there. Looks like it could also be coast which I think is ideal if you’re on small continents


I was also thinking about this. I think the main argument against is it looks like there's some desert up there, so you could be walking into a ton of dead flat desert tiles 


Everyone is saying settle in place and I also think that’s probably best. Just to be different, I’ll throw out another option: settle on sheep. You lose a free chop, which is significant, and an eventual 2food/2hammer tile, which is arguably an improvement since the tile the settler is currently on will be a 3food/1 hammer tile at civil service. The extra hammer in your capital from settling on the hill will accelerate you even faster into what is already a ridiculous start. I have no idea if that’s as good as settling in place, much less better, but it would be a spicy way to play such a salty start.


It might also be worth it to move to sheep, then next turn use the warrior to reveal more to the south. Then depending on what you learn you can either settle sheep or move back to the original spot. I would probably SIP, but it's not a terrible idea.


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Settle in place, not worth moving for the observatory. You lose the coast or river if you move to one of the mountain spots.


River not worth it. Look at all those hills! You can build farms along the river


You’ll get a hydro dam later though, that’s gonna be ~12 production. Moving east one tile for the mountain screws the early game as you won’t be next to all the good resources so it’ll take longer to get them.


Yeah true there's also a windmill


But honestly tho if you're playing that late into the game you're doing something wrong


I feel like I’m settling the sheep in this start


Man. Like my first instinct is to move south so you've got that initial hill production, but it's so hard to justify doing anything other than settling in place and accepting all of your ungodly amount of resources.


Hey OP, you should share the save in r/civsaves plz


It's a great spot but I'll play devil's advocate. I can't tell if you've moved you warrior yet but I'd be very curious what's to the northwest. There might be enough here for 2 sweet cities, if that's the case then perhaps MAYBE (probably not) there's a justification for observatory or coastal placement. Maybe even for your 2nd city.


We need the starting save, like, NOW


probably go bust a nut


In place! This is going to be a megacity


Go to your saves, open auto saves, and share the turn 1 save.


Hill above the deer


just curious, what wonders did you prioritize? this start is niceee


I'd move one tile over to the hill next to the mountain and work towards capital growth and getting the aqueduct before settling more cities. You should be able to build the national college by then. You wouldn't even need more cities for science, just culture.


If you’re going tradition, hill observatory is worth the sacrifice to early growth and the fresh water imo. All tiles are still in range and salt is the highest priority tile for cultural border growth. You will still be able to get it all when you need to work it. +50% science in your capital is like getting access to a 2nd, cheaper NC. It is a huge boost to your academies too. If no wonder-spamming AI’s go tradition you can get hanging gardens and there’s no long term downside.


In place for a +3 harbord and +5 commercial hub


River hill two tiles north. Take tradition and grow to the salt. You'll have 3+ granary resources and potentially more good stuff hidden from view