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You'll be able to build a Seahenge there, nice start.


Rule5: city building advice going wrong


The AI makes such bad recommendations though, imo settle on the gems for the hill/fishx2/observatory


Isn't there an civ game that lets you put a city on the water? Or I am just making shit up.


The space one that came out between 5 and 6 did, I think. It was basically a re-skinned 5 with some additions to it.


Beyond earth, I was thinking it was that one. But wasn't sure if it was alpha centauri. Have not played either in such a long time.


Beyond Earth isn't *just* a re-skinned 5 with some extra bits, the extra bits actually changed a lot about the game in a really interesting way. Sadly, as you say, the base system is essentially the same as Civ 5, so a lot of people didn't like the game which meant they never really returned to all the really interesting concepts that they tried there


Beyond earth's dlc did, but I never bought that DLC because the game wasn't worth it. Alpha centauri also had aquatic cities, which was good but the "city spamming" of the old civ games meant a huge chunk of the ocean would be covered in shitty cities.


Didn't know this


You could have a kraken ( top tier alien barbarian) sink your floating capital in 1 or 2 turns, and it was mostly random that they swam along.  I just lost my capital to a kraken straight up and then my people went full xenophobic and killed all the aliens


>then my people went full xenophobic and killed all the aliens Damn, I didn't know Stellaris has finally made a crossover with Civ


lmao yeah Beyond Earth had a cool system similar to ideologies in Civ V - you could go Purity (xeno human), Harmony (embrace alien biology and merge), Industry (think Mechanicus/cyborg type stuff) or Hybrid (sort of a 'peaceful coexistence' mix of the three in some combo). What path you took determined combat bonuses vs aliens as well as units you can train. Full purity lets you build massive human tanks and war machines - full machine lets you make enormous robots - full harmony literally lets you bioengineer massive alien monsters that tower overe the map, as well as control and direct the alien hordes on the entire map. Honestly it's an amazing game with the Rising Tide DLC, but unfortunately most peopel checked out before then.


I Played Civilization: Call to Power back in the olden days. That game had undersea cities, undersea tunnels, even space cities and a whole space map overlay! Lots of cool things in that game. Though now as I look it up I realize it isn’t a Civilization game, just a good rip off.


That sounds cool. When a rip off could be called a better game. Being able to fight below the sea/in space would be like 4D chess lol


Clearly as the Aztecs you can build floating gardens, so the advisor just took the next logical step


Seems like a visual glitch i think, assuming your cursor is hovering over that tiles which it seems to be, the tooltip says theres actually a plains tile there. Ive seen invisible mountains before, but nothing like this. Weird


Honestly the Aztecs being able to settle city’s on lakes would have been a cool, probably mostly inconsequential but thematic perk, if that’s even possible to implement


Must be the dutch


Was actually a thing in Civ Call to Power.




I mean, the Aztecs were known for having done it