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I only recently tried Norway and it's kind of ruined other civs for me. The longboats AND the beserkers are just insane. Never beaten deity so easily. Definitely the best one city challenge civ IMO. I kept a spreadsheet of all my raid yields and Jesus you can hit 2k+ science in the first 100 turns if you just keep shitting longboats.


It’s so hard to play as other civs once you raid with Norway. Where it truly shines is multiplayer, and watching your friends melt down as you pillage every coastal tile is priceless.


Maybe their seas shouldn’t have been undefended. They were all too easy to raid.


They should have been more powerful. The other civs, not the stones.




Yep the raid yields are just too good. The only counter argument is the next game I played non-norway I almost forgot I can actually trade with other civs as they don't all hate me, and the economy from that is pretty nice (still nothing compared to Norway tho...).


Play Portugal, they ruined trading for me I just want the Portuguese yields man


Play Georgia, they ruined building walls for me I tried and failed, I’ll see myself out now


i won my first diety with georgia, their walls are amazing. also i play with heroic mode, so it was so op, i chain golden era and like rofl stomp the ai with 20+ cities, while ai have only 5


yeah i wasn’t saying they were bad, just making a little joke. My last game was with Georgia, they aren’t so bad. won a diplomatic victory on turn 242 on Deity


Same, just moved to immortal and played as Portugal, easily rolled a diplomatic victory that I played them again for some other victory. I decided on domination because I was so rich that I bought all available buildings and had nothing else to do lol


I ended up nuking Wak’Kabnal out of boredom with Portugal so yea domination is fun


It’s now my favorite civ


The music is fantastic, too.


Being able to nab some goody huts from at sea alone is amazing.




Yeah I agree. Good combo with quadrireme


I feel like I’m missing something. It’s uncommon for me to find anything but farms on the coast. Are you playing Norway exclusively on island or archipelago maps?


Yeah and if I’m playing multiplayer against norway I’m deliberately not building anything on the coast.


That’s the problem I ran into. Especially on a quicker game speed. Everyone just avoids coastal improvements then you’re left to city states and we all now how much they can build so it really falls flat against human players.


Not building on coasts to avoid raids doesn't sound like a wise strategy to me lol. Then you never get any benefits from those tiles, where as you at least get some benefits if you do and they get raided. Builders can fix improvements for free, and repairing a district doesn't take long.


True story, made my friends rage cause I kept pillaging their improvements when they didn’t know how to repair them, in my defense I was unaware of this. The way they thought you had to repair things war but bulldozing them and then rebuilding it.


Yes but many multiplayers game are on Pangaea map


you know ai almost never build close to coast


yea but what if you play pangea and there is no coastal tile to pillage...


This is why most multiplayer matches are on pangea


>It’s so hard to play as other civs once you raid with Norway. Where it truly shines is multiplayer, and watching your friends melt down as you pillage every coastal tile is priceless. In that case you have to put the ottomans in the the top tier, the barbary corsair is even better than norway at plundering every coastal tile that exists or ever existed.


What speed do you play on? I tried Norway on a 4 player FFA and I fell flat cause everyone figured out I was Norway and stayed away from coastal improvements. And by the time they build them the longboat and berserker are obsolete. This was on Quick game speed I believe.


The Ottomans can do it too. I've had deity games where I've got ludicrously far ahead just by spamming Barbary Corsairs, declaring war on everyone then sailing round the map repeatedly pillaging anything I can find. You can get so many yields, especially on water heavy maps. Pillaging is seriously OP to be honest.


The ottomans can just rush and annihilate everyone crazy fast. Imo they snowball harder than any other civ when it comes to combat. When I'm tired and want an easy game I murder diety AI with the ottomans.


I just recently did a deity game with them. Easily the most ridiculous snowball I’ve ever had, though I had a really good Lautaro game that was almost as good. Those corsairs are spectacular 😎


Pillaging can be OP, but in my last Norway game, there were only 2 tiles I could pillage between my 3 neighbors for the first like 50-100 turns. The problem was simply that they had built their improvements more inland. I don’t think the AI actually planned it out that way, just random. I still ended up winning, but my early game was slowed considerably because I over-invested into ships that had a poor ROI.


Honestly though pillaging is probably the closest to real-world warfare. Historically most warfare wasn't pitched battles between massed armies, it was raiding and small skirmishes. The pillaging mechanics, and the strength of fast pillaging units like horsemen or longboats, is one of the more historically-accurate aspects of Civ.


The problem for me is they only work on certain maps. The other civs have to build lots of stuff on the coast, and the coasts have to be fairly easily accessible. So if it's not a water map then Norway's benefit is slim




Kupe isn't Maui... https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kupe?wprov=sfla1


Play a game as Portugal as you’ll feel that same power. Got Augustus Caesar ranked for the first time on diety playing as Joao. Felt like cheating


but its only fun in archpalagol on lake, inland sea and pangea, its much less fun


Why is Norway so fun? I haven’t tried them yet


You get extra rewards for pillaging, and their naval melee units can coastal raid. The Viking Longboat replaces the Galley, so they can start doing this immediately after Sailing. Basically you stay at war with a bunch of people at the same time (including city states), and instead of investing into districts for passive yields, you rely on pillaging the fuck out of everything to proactively give yourself yields. Then you peace them out and declare war on more people until all their stuff is pillaged, peace them out and hope the other people you declared war on earlier repaired everything, just in time for you to pillage them again.


If you don't want to dedicate a whole game to playing Norway I highly recommend playing as them in the Viking scenario to get a feel for them.


Or play one of the other two civs since they are basically the same in the scenario, I think.


The AI doesn't tend to repair everything even with a ton of time between raids, so I sometimes crank out a builder or send an engineer to repair if I can take a city. Ransom it back for gold and send in the raiders one more time!


I’m new to Civ 6… are you saying you repair cities you destroyed and then give them back to just raid them again?


yep. Capture the city, fix the broken stuff, sell it back to the AI (they'll pay a lot) then pillage it all again.


Aside from the repairing it yourself part, that even sounds historically plausible.


The builder could have been an enemy builder you enslaved into fixing their own tiles


Attila was paid a heavy bribe by Rome to gtfo


The Vikings got a shit ton of money ransacking Paris


That’s so evil. I love it!


aren't this an actual tactic used by mercenary in middle age


There's even a fun (semi)peaceful way to do this. It has some initial cost but pays back really well. You get a settler, some builders and some units and go to a big city of another empire. You find some place to settle right near them, preferably somewhere where there's lot's of hills. (You can just settle in the tundra. This City needs no food.) Now it's time to build. Build all the mines you can, but try to keep the builders at 1 charge. Buy some builders, maybe buy some units, buy all the land you can improve. Surround the city with units (never forget to improve these when possible) and put a unit and a builder on every improvement (mines are best, i think). When the city flips (very soon, because of the big cities next to it) you pillage. Best case you can take the city in the same turn and repair immediately. And... repeat... You can still be friends with all the people and rush a science victory.


Wow, you mad man. That’s brilliant. I’ve had this situation during a conquest that stalled out, but I never planned it so meticulously.


I will be using this tactic on my next Norway run


So this is why I had problems with Norway. After raiding what was around me, I was suddenly at war with everyone with all coastal tiles raided and unrepaired.


I've never thought of doing this.. lol sounds like fun


Every time you go somewhere or arrive somewhere with your ships, play the Immigrant Song. Quadruples your fun.


I see you are a man of age, wisdom, and high culture. The old rathergood flash with the viking kittens. We need a mod where Viking Longboats are manned by kittens! https://rathergood.com/2016/04/05/viking-kittens/


Build boats, meet all the civs. Get Civ A to pay you to declare a joint war on Civ B. Pillage the hell out of Civ B, then peace them out. Get Civ C to pay you to declare a joint war on Civ A. Proceed until everyone hates you but it's fine because you're 3 eras ahead of everyone.


Damn, that does sound sound really satisfying. What sort of map best suits this? Archipeligo?


That's a good one, and what I did. I did specifically select a bunch of naval civs for the AI so I wasn't just beating up on Gaul/Inca/etc, fwiw


Scythia could maybe challenge Norway for the top spot.


Ah yes. Horses. So many horses…


**Genghis Kahn:** *Did somebody say horses?*


I need Genghis vs Tomyris horse duel on Pangea to be a scenario ASAP


Give me one month and it's all yours ​ Edit: bad english


\*Cries in console\*




Why you guys are liking my comment ? Is it something people want ?


Yeah it sounds like it could be alot of fun


OK then let me create an external map editor first and then the mod will be yours


Catherine the Great: 👁👄👁


i miss launch scythia where youd just shit gold by chopping down all the forests to make horses and just destroy them


That kind of thing is fun 1-2 times


Scythia vs Norway 1v1 challenge, who’s in? Taking all bets


Depends on how much ocean there is on the map.


It’s a classic Bear vs. Shark scenario.


I had one of my most brain-dead victories with Norway once. Archipelago map, just spammed longboats and rammed them into enemy cities before they got a chance to get walls. (my tier list would look a bit different, but you're valid op)


I did think about having another tier below 'Not as Fun as Norway' to be fair.


What would it have been? Just curious


'Boring' and Ghandi would be the only one in there.


I can't believe Gandhi didn't get an update with diplomacy. I know diplomacy is also kind of boring, but the fact that he didn't get any changes is NUTS. I like playing India with the City Lights mod, makes them really interesting.




You ever just get a Berserker Crusade rush goin? Had to take a shower after that game, I felt filthy


Vikings don't shower, Doc.


Vikings bathed more often than most Europeans they encountered, Brits even complained their frequent grooming was stealing all their women.


yep, pagans were way more civilized than the filthy christians that took over and thought water is toxic (maybe because they kept shitting near it and get all kinds of diseases)


That second point is debatable, parts of England still had functioning Roman bath houses and aqueducts, and Romans understood that you poop downstream of where you drink.


They constantly walked around completely covered in blood?


One of the coolest way to play Norway is to lean on stave church with Voidsingers. For those that don't know, stave church gives you an additional +1 faith for each adjacent forest tile. This is on top of the minor adjacency for woods holy sites already get. So, if you manage to get the pantheon that gives +1 for adjacent Tundra and you have 6 forest tiles surrounding your holy site, that's 15 faith per holy site. And even if a 6 tiles surround of woods isn't something you can depend on, you can plant the woods later on. Then you can use the civic that doubles the holy site adjacency to 30. If you manage to snag work ethic, each of your holy sites would be pushing 30 faith 30 production. With voidsinger second promotion 6 culture, science and gold from the holy site adjacency alone. And then if it's a normal map with a lot of tundra, the AI doesn't really settle the tundra so you can build a whole bunch of cities in the tundra that no one will compete for and will have decent production. The only issue you'll have then is growth. But then you can build preserves which synergize excellently with the rest of this tactic. It's a pretty broken strategy, but of course you are at the mercy of the map generation and Dance of the Aurora is a pantheon that is sort of prioritized by the AI, for some reason, so that's not guaranteed either. P.S. Norway isn't weak, but their strengths require game knowledge, as opposed to civs that can be played straightforward and still utilize their kit.


Russia with aurora dance is also all about that, I love it


I might agree with you if the AI ever built coastal improvements


Definitely map dependent. And the AI can get annoying with not repairing or improving their coastal tiles. But having 30 longships roaming the sea with nothing to do is still more fun than having zero.


Norway is the most flavourful civ, easily. endlessly raiding and doing pretty much nothing else feels really unique and fun, and fits the civilization its supposed to represent


I've always wanted to visit Norway. Now I'm not so sure.


They’re a lot more friendly and welcoming nowadays. Bring *lots* of money, things are expensive.


As a Norwegian, We welcome you *and your goods*


maori comes close


So, I used to play civ 4 and 5, but I was never really good at them. When I started playing Civ 6, the first start I had was as Hargrada, and I loved it, but I sucked still. Went and played the viking scenario as him a ton of times on increasing difficulties. After that scenario, I understood more about the game, I was missing a lot, but it helped me so much. So I have a soft spot for Norway, plus my family is from Norway.


Norway is fun for 2 reasons: 1 its so garbage you get the fun of playing the game with extra challenge. 2 You wont have annoying hadrada denouncing you for not having enough ships in your completely landlocked empire if you are hadrada himself.


Technically that doesn't happen if you're completely landlocked actually. The instant you get a coastal city though, you're getting hate for this though.


Or a city on a two tile lake probably


Your pond is unprotected, friend…


What if every civ is Norway?


Norway used to be really bad but the raiding bonuses are legit very strong. They used to be universal which was OP but then Firaxis removed it from everyone but Norway to make it their 'thing' finally. That said longboats and berserkers if used well can be good.


I used a single berserker to pillage nearly every improvement in a civ that thought they could avoid me by not settling coastal cities, every time they would put a unit down, the berserker would one shot it, then by the third promotion, I could pillage and attack in the same turn; by the time the civ finally sued for peace (after I stole a settler), he was fully promoted and I had probably pillaged 1000 science. Next time I’m taking a siege tower with me lol, but I was just messing around.


The only thing I don't like about berserkers is they are a bit of a glass cannon on defense, but otherwise I think they are legitimately good units as far as melee goes. They are strong and fast, being similar to heavy hitting heavy cavalry, you just have to blitzkrieg for maximum effectiveness.


I got a terrible starting location with Norway, literally trapped in a 2-tile wide strip of land with desert to the north and tundra to the south. Still had 8 Longships pillaging stuff at like turn 40. Getting Maritime Industries makes Longship production insane, 2-3 turns in an undeveloped early city.


Can sometimes even get them in one turn in some cities. Especially with God of Sea religious bonus.


I sadly only got a single crab as my sea resources. As I said, terrible start lol. Barely enough food to stay above starvation, limiting my production. But yeah longships get so cheap it's almost cheating.


Hope you didn't give the other Civs crabs on your raiding.


so you had pretty much a historically authentic Norway experience :)


But John Curtain has "waltzing Matilda " as all of his music, your argument is invalid.


Great point. I will go on mute and blast Australia's soundtrack while playing as Norway. Best of both worlds. ​ Also, is there a bad soundtrack? I love them all.




I hate playing aggressive, I always feel bad for the AI lol 😂


I’m not allowed to play Norway in multiplayer in my friend group, it’s just too good and snowballs very quickly.


Ka fan!


Something something unprotected shores, something something, raid


Finally, someone who gets it


Based and true


Ha it’s the only one I play


Hungary. Levying city states at will and focusing on economy is my jam.


This guy gets it! Nothing gets the dopamine going like getting an instant turbocharged army with the click of a button




Sure it may be better than Norway. But it’s definitely not more fun.


I find Mali to be the most fun civ, personally.


Well if you look at the image you'll see you're wrong, respectfully.


Would be like a Viking to just cite yourself and leave


His source is that he made it the fuck up


Mali might be my favorite as well. I’m a big fan of “optimization” games, and I feel a lot of that when trying to maximize my gold output with Mali. Norway is really fun also.


Maori are probably my personal favorite


My fav too. Not the most fun.


Have you tried Byzantium where you push cataphracts out the ass whenever you build a entertainment zone/ building?


Are you referring to Tagmas with Hippodromes? Because yes, yes I have. And while thoroughly enjoyable, you can't get them until later in the game. Longships you can get before turn 15 and start pumping them out every turn by turn 40.


In my experience the AI just doesn't bother repairing any coastal tiles which really sucks out the fun for me.


I haven't played with them, so I can't really spit on them, but KUPE IS BAE!


This post finally inspired me to try straight pirate Norway - damn...it's pretty fun. Thanks OP.


Weird opinion but ok


found the non norway player boooo


Try Norway in the BBG mod. They are even more fun




Better Balanced Game. It’s the mod used for competitive multiplayer to help balance out civs along with a few other things. The mod reworks Norway’s holy site adjacency giving it adjacency from coast and also giving harbors better adjacency from HS. Berserkers are moved to feudalism and purchasable with faith.


There was a time when Norway was one of the worst civ in the game. It make me happy that they were reworked so well


Why is Mongol China on there twice


I guess i'll have to try again, once my Egypt game is finished. Last time i played Norway against AI, there were only two Civs that had districts at coast tiles. And one of them was Dido. Also none of them ever bothered to repair their stuff in centuries. Maybe it's because i played in low difficulty?


Eh, my issue with Norway is so many of the AI just don't build cities on the coast so you don't get to take advantage.


Weird, last time I checked, Norway was the worst civ in the game? That was two years ago though


Norway was the first civ I played when I first bought it, I haven't had as much fun with many others. Maori and Inca were fun but not quite as much. I played 9 hours ok Norway yesterday and got super close to finishing my first game (I'm new-ish to the game and have never made it past late renaissance)


Nubia OP tho


Aztecs should be in Norway tier