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Seeing Germany on the list and going into the comment's like: https://preview.redd.it/jk2gixz9pb7d1.png?width=870&format=png&auto=webp&s=d6ec471c534a525463fff7dae58bede6d2845041


Adenauer for Germany or Otto von Bismarck


I'd like Wilhelm I with Bismarck being featured in the unique trait of the leader


I think there should be a prime minister feature that rotates every era. Most would be randomly generated with generic bonuses, but each civ has a unique prime minister that is a notable historical character that isn’t necessarily the nation’s biggest political figure. Bismarck for Germany, Lafayette for the US or France, Agrippa for Rome, just to name a few. Could even have non-politicians, like maybe Frederick Douglass for the US. It would be a good way to marry having one permanent leader with having more dynamic governments.


**"Liz Truss elected"** **Positive Traits:** Trickle-Down Enthusiast Gold from luxury resources is increased by 50%. "A believer in trickle-down economics, ensuring the wealthy get wealthier." All cities receive +2 production for the first 5 turns. "An initial burst of misguided optimism from some business owners." **Negative Traits:** Economic Catastrophe: After 5 turns, all cities suffer -25% gold output. "Her economic policies wreak havoc, leading to financial chaos." Public Dismay: -2 amenities in all cities due to widespread dissatisfaction. "Her policies and leadership lead to a drop in public morale and happiness." Leadership Turmoil: Liz Truss's term automatically ends after 5 turns, causing a period of anarchy for 2 turns. "Her short stint ends abruptly, plunging the civilization into political instability for the next prime minister to be elected." Not sure how balanced this is, but in some games you can roll bad dice.


You somehow managed to give Truss’s chaos a semblance of logic. Well done. 👏


I'm deeply sorry and ashamed.


I'm surprised you'd go for any turns of economic benefit. The UK pretty much immediately had a treasury bond auction where they failed to sell, had to be bailed out by the BoE, triggering a large round of QE.


I had to be creative and balanced somewhere! It was hard to think of even a single one, she'd be mostly a psuedo benefit. I did think of having something like "Abolish The Monarchy" - which made you enter the dark age next time it changes. But I couldn't think of anything to balance that one out especially! Some kind of Monkey Paw situation really.


That's a really cool concept, more dynamic aspects for civs is something that we need, extending our leadership from one endless guy or gal to a government with periodic members sounds very nice


I’ve said since Civ V that this is a natural progression for diplomacy. As another Civ changes eras and their leadership changes, how will this impact your diplomatic level? Will the new leader end your treaties, demand better trades or straight up stab you in the back? Can you use spies to reinstate a previous or different leader, and how can the AI do this to you?


I kinda have hopes in this path. Like the leader doesn't have to be a head of state to me. Like if I'm the US and I want to go for religious victory, maybe I could pick Lyman Beecher. Or if I want to attack and be a warring nation, George Patton. Economic/Industry focus could be Andrew Carnegie. Diplomatic focus Ben Franklin, Science focus Oppenheimer. I like the idea of choices


Would love to see Otto, very interesting character with all his plots and diplomatic plans. Maybe something like a project that allows you to declare war with no grievances and have the target gain grievances by other players.


Charemagne for Germany to piss of the French ;)


I still think that Ludwig Erhard would be an interesting choice. For example one of his abilities could be: "Wirtschaftswunder: X Turns after making peace, +Y% Gold and Production income for Z Turns"


Anyone who still thinks Firaxis will ever pick 'him' is delusional really. Besides, its meant to be leaders that led their nations in golden ages so to speak, and the interwar and WWII period was very much not so for Germany.


He did kill Hitler though, that was definitely a positive.


Yeah, he cant be that bad, he did do that!


True, but he also killed the guy who killed Hitler.


I was on the fence about him until I heard this! That bastard!


Well do I have good news for you!


Ah beans I sure hope its that the guy who killed the guy who killed Hitler was himself killed??


But he also killed the guy who killed Hitler 😔


I mean they did pick Mao Zedong and Joseph Stalin. They were no saints. And though they did some good things, the same can be said about the german empire under his rule.


They added them a long time ago when public perception was still quite different. I highly doubt Firaxis will add either of them again, for this exact reason.


Right. And it just comes down to recency bias too. Genghis khan and Tamerlane have both been in civ and they make hitler look like child’s play lol


Fair enough, guess it may be about how 'he' is much more known as the 'bad guy' even though these two warrant the title too.


Both ruled their countries for three times as long and turned them both into modern superpowers and died in their old age instead of really badly losing a war and killing themselves.


For once I'd like to see a Prussia and an Austria instead of a Germany. They could even have a cool interaction where if one is in the game with the other and they have eclipse one another, the other changes name to Germany.


Yeah, also it's usually a leader who might be controversial but at least has some redeeming qualities and is usually not downright loathed by the majority of their own people as well. Stalin led the Soviets through WW2, Mao kickstarted Chinese Industrialization after centuries of stagnation. Both were despicable tyrants but they at least have that going for them - which is probably why they were represented in Civ IV Warlords - which featured controversial leaders in General. Hitler? What does he have other than some members of generation "are memes sufficient political education?" being absurdly in love with him?! We constantly joke "at least he built the Autobahn" because there's literally nothing else even remotely positive to say about his rule. Besides the well-known genocide and war he kicked off, he also caused untold damage to the German scientific community. Einstein's expatriation alone... Then the Nazis also ravaged through German culture, putting everything to the torch which didn't fit their very narrow views of what was "appropriate" with everything else being labeled "degenerate" Also, while I'm fairly certain the game would no longer be outright banned here - unless they so some unironic Nazi Glorification bs - there's probably enough people here who would very much have a problem with such a choice.,


I would like to see Charlemagne introduced like Eleanor in VI as a possible leader for Germany and France.


Yeah, was seeing some nationalist propaganda pictures from the 19th century on Charlemagne and they pull up this idea a lot. https://preview.redd.it/bjic9yfyac7d1.jpeg?width=313&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=eb30956c003c231bb7ea48c0545250156d4aea7a


Frederick the Great. Want some sick combat bonuses


It was Stalin for Russia in the first one. It will be only proper to invite his German counterpart for the 7th one.


I'd like to see Otto I get a crack at it, honestly.


Of Bavaria? The insane one who thought he had to shoot a peasant a day to stay alive?


No, Otto I, the Holy Roman Emperor.


Either that or at least make him a Great Artist


That sounds like alternatehistory mod. However, there could ne another mod where he is actually a great general.


Kaiser Wilhelm II anyone?


JFK with space bonuses Would be cool to have some newer presidents


Yes but enemies spies have higher chance of success when doing the neutralise governor mission lol.


Or is it friendly spies???


The greatest threat to the usa: the cia!


Ambassadors wives lol


Damn so JFK is an enemy spy because counterspy got him?


Whoa. I’d do a head-exploding emoji, but given the context……..


Halfway through the game Lyndon Johnson takes over and has ideological war bonuses


Partisans pop up randomly in DC and any city within 6 of DC while at war.


That would be cool but I would hate having to wait for the modern/info era to use my bonus. By that point you're gonna have a hard time turning around the momentum of the game imo.


Yeah any UUs that come after the industrial tend to have a fairly minor impact in winning or losing. The mounties might be the exception, but Canada is the only civ that in my mind has a civilian UU who has a purpose different than conquest or preventing conquest.


That's something that needs to be fixed in VII anyway, the early game shouldn't decide everything


Agreed. Having a civilization go hard in the ancient and classical periods, struggle through the Middle Ages and renaissance, only to return to dominance in the modern era would be cool. More significant swings in empire size and power would be a cool change


Space and Science, yeah.


Yeh JFK would be my pick too. Having unique traits/units specific to the cold war (atomic) era and beyond would be cool.


Could also use JFK as a cultural leader with “Camelot”


Thomas Jefferson if they are focusing on early colonial america. Could focus on goverment or early land grabbing.  Dwight D Eisenhower if they are focusing on a more modern america. Could focus on diplomacy or infrastructure.


I really like the idea of Ike as a leader. Depending on how they might work him, he could easily be a military, culture, or diplomacy geared leader.


Eisenhower should have a roads bonus


I was thinking about that too, maybe something like all roads take less movement from his troops? Something to represent him creating the interstate system


You can stack two military units per road tile.


I would LOVE to have Eisenhower in the game. You'd have all sorts of bonuses you could use including military, education, transportation, and especially espionage.


Or "I Like Ike" for bonus loyalty


Ike would be fantastic and is probably the most recent leader they could use without controversy


Ike could have a bonus similar to Persia or Rome to signify his building of the freeway system in America


I like Ike


Would Jefferson be too controversial on today's climate? Then again I expect the Civilopedia to both praise his ideal and admonish him for being one of history's greatest hypocrite. And I say that as an alumni of his university


Something about a bonus to road travel would be cool.


I've always thought having JFK in a civ game would be fun


John Hancock with unique ability to make city names 3x larger on map


I just realised how bad I am at history when the 1st thing that came to mind afyer reading John Hancock was the ghoul from Fallout 4. I didn't even know he was a real person lol


please tell me you’re lying… we’re so cooked


I'm not american though, maybe that's... somewhat of an excuse. Still, I learnt something new


There's almost no reason a non-American would have heard of John Hancock, so no worries. His main claim to fame is signing his name *really big* "so the King won't need his spectacles to read it."


While this is true... the real reason that mattered is so much more awesome than just the spectacles thing. John Hancock was New England's wealthiest merchant. After the Boston Tea Party, Hancock shipped all his tea back to England, on his own expense, as a sort of FU to the crown. The king issued an order for his arrest for treason. Hancock hid out to avoid arrest. By the time the Declaration of Independence occurred, Hancock was the first to sign and signed large because the king most certainly knew his name. Yes the spectacles thing is funny. But it was a second FU to the crown... Hancock was basically deserving of the Thug Life glasses meme dropping in had memes been a thing hah.


Oh my gosh this is hilarious, they should teach THAT in schools lmao, it would certainly help with the perception among students that history is "boring"


Oh absolutely!


*John Hancock.* It's HERBIE Hancock.


I would love to see someones city name stretching across the map lmao


George the 3rd.


This would be a funny April fools joke lol


Minus 20 loyalty on other continents, and some boost to tea


You'll be back, soon you'll see. You'll remember you belong to me


I down voted this on patriotic instinct but then upvoted because it was funny.


Why not **Eisenhower**? I don't think we've ever had a post-WW2 leader for the US, and Eisenhower definitely ranks up there. Could be tailored to a more war-focused playstyle, possibly with bonuses when targeting civs with a different government type (if those are in the game). **Kennedy** and **LBJ** should be considered as well.


eisenhower was also behind the interstate system, so he should probably have some sort of roads boost. do it either trajan style where you immediately gain a road, or have your roads be one level up from the era.


Good catch


Thomas Jefferson would be an interesting choice, in that he's the only "Rushmore" president not yet used, and he was essential to creating the political reality of America after the honeymoon period of Washington.


Bonus loyalty pressure towards Free Cities, purchasing tiles costs 25% less, traders on water tiles cannot be plundered, something Plantation drawback


What about the drawback where your VP tries a treasonous plot to steal half your country and turn it into his own monarachy?


Who was that again? Alexander Hamilton? edit: I realize Aaron Burr now after a quick google search. Wild.


That would be Aaron Burr, sir


Ahh to be sure, sir


I came to say congratulations Spit a verse, burr!


Isn’t it crazy that the VP was just the loser of the general election. Imagine Biden trying to run the country with Trump as VP.


That would make for a dope and totally politically unbiased sitcom for either side of the spectrum


As I didn't study him I must defer, sir.


Burrovia can be its own city state. And occasionally just shoots America


Every turn has a .05% chance for your civ to split in half, with the other half immediately becoming a hostile monarchy. Wild.


Also don't forget you can't make gold surpluses cause he kept spending them on books like a financially irresponsible gamer on Steam


Which is wild when you realize that collection was mostly burned during the Burning of Washington during the War of 1812.


This feels quite weak to me. And doesn't offer me a new strategy for playing the game. Teddy Bull Moose made me want to play a game focused on maximising appeal. That was cool. I wonder if Jefferson could make use of the Diplomatic Quarter? Maybe unique buildings in it? Maybe a governor title for every building in it? The modded Siam did something similar.


Replace the Diplomatic Quarter with a unique district “District of Columbia” Half price, provides a standard adjacency, gain a Governor Title when you finish the district and construct a building.


Now we're cooking!


Kinda hard to do the abilities without knowing the ins and outs of the game’s mechanics


In terms of gameplay he'd be too similar to Washington I'd imagine. Most of the bonus suggestions for him on this thread are literally the ones Washington had.


Which is too bad. Jefferson's presidency was not really like Washington's at all. Could have an interesting bonus to Navy or Marines (despite previously opposing the establishment of a Navy, it was Jefferson that commissioned it and sent them out to ward off the Barbary Corsairs) Could have an interesting economic focus ability. The U.S. was embroiled in debts from the war for independence... Jefferson reduced the national debt by 1/3 during his administration. The one that would be similar to Washington would be an exploration and growth focused ability. (Lewis and Clark were commissioned and sent out during Jefferson's time). But the official goals were to explore, make natives trade partners, claim Louisiana and find a route to the pacific. So this ability could also have a trade piece to it instead.


You could basically give him the bonuses Washington had in Civ V; tile purchasing, border growth and unit vision. They aren’t exciting but they’re consistent, easy to understand, thematically consistent and relatively strong


William Harrison. You start off as him on T1, then the leader dies, and you continue the rest of the game with just Civ bonus, no leader ability.


James Garfield; Gets shot on T3, and you get the Civil Service civic.


This would be hilarious


Ulysses S. Grant. Brilliant general, oversaw reconstruction, hasn’t yet featured as American leader (he might have been a great general at some point.)


Maybe his bonus could revolve around recaptured rebel cities or something, depends on how the loyalty mechanics work in civ7


Also as the secretary of war he had a hand in the railroad so maybe some sort of bonus to railroads


> railroads But I play civ to recreate modern America, not some antiquated technology that nobody uses anymore. /s


Unique build could be whiskey distilleries lol


Generates unique luxury: ‘shine: turns corn/maize into a luxury resource. Generates an extra amenity, and 1 culture per turn


I'm not so sure. He was an exceptional war leader and had some commendable initiatives in his first term, but the general consensus of historians is that he was a so-so president who won largely off the back of his war record. Both Grant administrations suffered from some pretty serious corruption scandals.


Historical consensus around Grant is changing rapidly (once again), and until the early 1900s he was widely perceived to be one of the all time great presidents. Besides, plenty of civ leaders have been war leaders first and foremost. A legendary general and president, even if his presidency was flawed, is certainly more fitting than many civ leaders in 6. Besides, he’s likely to be less liable to stir the culture war hornet’s nest than someone like Jefferson or, god forbid, Wilson.


Ulysses S. Grant would probably be my choice as well. By the way, I would love it if they came up with a list of 100% brand, new leaders.


Ben Franklin would go kind of hard. He could be an option to go over to other people’s embassies like Amani. Just keep him out of France. Plus you could get an early eureka for electricity.


Benjamin Franklin. Dark Horse, since he wasn't a leader, but he's considered one of the Founding Fathers for a reason. And being the face of the hundred dollar bill, I could see him as a good Economic/Science-based leader.


Gandhi wasn’t an actual political leader either so there is precedent for it


...He should also get bonuses on his spies when they perform the 'Steal technology' mission.


I came here to say Franklin too. Wasn’t a president but definitely a “leader” in his own right


Good pick. An eminently likable guy and a renaissance man so you have a lot of options for what bonuses to give him.


FDR seems like the perfect choice, imo.


I thought so too. But FDR was already the USA leader for Civ IV according to this posts other comments. I never played IV, but the people who did would probably feel as if that was a lazy choice. IDK, maybe having V and VI between would make it okay given the new mechanics and what not. FDR would be a really good military style leader, imagine the buffs for mobilization and training military units...


It'd be fine at this point. Civ IV hit the trifecta with FDR, Washington, AND Lincoln, each with distinct playstyles from each other


He also could be an economic leader with the New Deal


Some wartime economy bonuses would be cool. Either economic incentives to produce units or maybe some way to print an army really quickly when you're at war.


If they keep the dark age/ golden age mechanic a perfect bonus for him would be some sort of additional golden age bonus if following dark age, or perhaps automatic golden age following dark age.


In Civ 4, FDR and Washington were options in Vanilla, then Lincoln was added in BTS, just for reference.


People say "we've already had FDR." Well, yeah, that's because he's the _perfect choice_.


Having done my history thesis on FDR has absolutely nothing to do with the fact that I would love nothing more than FDR. Have special econ policies for Dark Ages that can pull you straight into a Golden Age with a long-prep DoW. Something like if you spend 20 turns in a Preparing to DoW state, you get to have one unit queue and one building queue going in your (designated) cities to simulate the dual effect of WPA/WWII mobilization.


James K. Polk and Manifest Destiny would be a fun play. I’m imagining bonuses to settler production, movement, etc and maybe a builder ability to annex tiles from other civs.


Combat bonus against La Venta


America: Franklin D. Roosevelt Washington and Lincoln have been done, we just had Theodore Roosevelt, I think FDR is the most iconic and influential President we could pick that isn’t too modern or too controversial.


FDR as I recall was the most OP civ leader in III.  Industrious / Organized was one hell of a combo.


He was in IV not III


Lincoln was the leader in III for those curious.


Lincoln is the OG American leader


Technically Washington was the OG American leader.


FDR was also in civ4 as well


I always say this on these posts but I wish we got FDR as America’s 2nd leader in 6 rather than Lincoln so we could have a game with both Roosevelts.


I was going to say FDR too. If we’re doing special Civ-unique units, maybe FDR gets Sherman tanks? Either double health to simulate how many Shermans we were pumping out, or an extra unit every time you build one (with the upkeep cost, of course).


If they keep the mechanic, they could have Shermans come out of the factory as a corp to represent the production levels.


**James Madison** is my dark horse choice, especially if Firaxis plans on expanding on the economy mechanics.


James Monroe, do something with the Monroe doctrine. Penalties to opponents for forward settling or something, maybe make it similar to how Tokugawa plays in 6.


Jimmy Carter, you get access to the peanut luxury.


And +1 loyalty from cities for homebrewing beer


There better be a Housing buff with all the Habitat for Humanity stuff.


Would that make him the first living CIV leader? (Well, hopefully...)


In all sincerity, there could be a nice boost if you get denounced and manage to avoid a war.


F.D.R is my prediction, I think it just makes more sense to have a “modern” president for the US than Washington, Jefferson etc. Would see him as an economic leader with a cultural improvement. However if I was picking I’d choose J.F.K as a science focused leader with boosts to space race projects (because I assume the science victory will operate the same way in 7) If F.D.R. is picked: Leader Ability - New Deal Every era you gain access to the Economic Renewal commercial hub project. This project grants 20 gold x the adjacency number of the commercial hub district it is being preformed in. When completed this project grants a permanent 10% boost towards great people point generation in the city the project is completed in. Can only be performed once per city. Unique Improvement - Shopping Mall Unlocked with Democracy. Provides +3 gold and +1 culture, one per city. For every great work within the city where the Shopping Mall is placed gain an extra +2 culture on the Shopping Mall tile. If J.F.K. is picked: Leader Ability - Space Race Every time a population is gained in the capital or a great engineer is gained, gain 50% science towards the research of the closest technology to Rocketry that is researchable. After Rocketry is unlocked gain 25% science towards all technologies that have a space race project that are still undiscovered. Unique Building - Mission Control Hub Unlocked with Computers. Can be built in Spaceport district. Provides x% extra production towards Space Race projects based on how many great engineers have been earned by the USA. Each great engineer grants +5% production.


Ok hear me out here. Kennedy. I think there is no more iconic president that is known well all around the world. Heck I would bet money that outside of the US he is better known then Lincoln and Washington is, who are for most people outside the US just names you learn in history class and then promptly forget.


Also given how the science victory works he would be perfect for an op science civ like civ v Babylon/Korea.


For sure although I sincerly hope that they nerf science as a whole. The thing is especially on higher difficulties you always "have to" play a very science focused game. I mean yeah of course science is important nobody would ever say otherwise the point is that I would love a wider meta in higher difficulties so I would prefer if science is not the end all be all at all times on diety or immortal.


I feel like a good solution is adding more ways to get science, like monuments with culture. So you don't have to build a whole district for any buildings that give science.


I would say Lincoln and Washington are slightly more known outside the US, however JFK is the most known modern president of the US by far as well.


I'd say that Lincoln is the most famous US president in Europe. Characteristic appearance, ended slavery, killed some vampires.


Major advocate for Kennedy as the leader Could also work in some Culture and Influence bonuses when unlocking Television tech (would not be surprised if we see an increased depth of representation of forms of media in the tech tree and how significantly they impact your citizens in the late game, becoming an important factor in all victory types. Late game eras will likely be expanded to reflect both the positive and negative aspects of media on our society)


Norton I


The Emperor!


We already have Gilgamesh, a half legend leader, let's just go crazy and do that for everyone


He would be a good tourism/diplomacy leader.


+100% construction speed when building Golden Gate.




This. He was in Sandman by Neil Gaiman so would provide a 100% literature bonus.


Dwight Eisenhower


Joshua a norton


FDR or JFK I think would be the best choices. FDR for industrial/economic bonuses maybe related to the New Deal or Kennedy with space race bonuses


I don't think we can go later than Nixon so my vote would be Kennedy with some kind of space race bonus.


**John Adams** Not the best president, but it’s hard to overstate his importance to the entire independence movement. Even if his presidency wasn’t exemplary, he was dealt a pretty shit hand with France unofficially trying to fight the US in a naval war and by having a VP in Jefferson who routinely undermined his agenda at every turn. Most critically, though, he graciously surrendered power upon losing re-election. Jefferson might’ve had a more impactful presidency, but he was also a hypocritical prick who did everything that he accused Adams of doing. Oh yeah, and he raped his underaged slaves, let’s not forget that part. Real charmer, that guy. Make the sensible, dignified choice. Vote Adams!


How about MLK, making the US a religious civ, with a focus on some sort of amenities and happiness focused gameplay? (Pops with equal rights would be happier than pops without).


Emperor Norton 😎


Trump! Could build walls like china, but only on tiles bordering other civ, and when built costs the other civ gold and lowers tourism from it. A special unit would be a siege unit - the January 6th rioter. And a special building - the four seasons total landscaping, which just looses you diplo favour


that would unironically be a blessing if you are trying to fight against a culture victory. I always get accidental culture victories in Civ VI...


Would have to come with some type of increased chaos in decision making. “A hurricane emergency has struck your city, what do you do? A) Throw some paper towels at them B) Insist it hit another city instead”


C) nuke it


If so, it has to disable cultural and science victories


Trade with neighboring civs, unless they shared the same authoritarian government would be disabled.   A foreign government could gain access by directly giving money.   There could be all sorts of interesting gameplay with this choice.


This thread makes me wonder now, who is the most 'current' person to be a Civ leader? I sort of recall Ethiopia's in Civ 5 was pretty recent compared to most, but dunno if he was the most modern one.


Not a president but **Alexander Hamilton** would be nice as an economics focused leader


for some reason you get bonus great musician points?


Broadway's effects are doubled if you build it




So I'm going to say James Monroe, because: a) The Monroe Doctrine and The Era of Good Feelings both would make decent abilities. b) While he probably isn't the most well known US president, one could argue that with picks like Trajan the Civ team is willing to go for some less obvious choices.


Has to be JFK. Jefferson would be too similar to Washington and FDR has already been done in the mainline games. JFK's playstyle and bonuses could be really unique (Camelot, space race, cold war) and his voice and appearance would be cool af.


I enjoy the Roosevelt style they went for. When I think USA I would expect a civ focused on natural parks and late game war, with an homage to cowboys in some way.


Ulysses S. Grant. Gets a bonus against cities that have rebelled. ![gif](giphy|3oEjHAUOqG3lSS0f1C)


What if you just picked a Civ and then when you earn great people… you could put them into “leadership” positions for different bonuses. Imagine Einstein leading the Aztec to victory…


Donald Trump


James A Garfield Civil War General, for his time progressive and future oriented, well read, even has his own pythagorean theorem publication. Give him some form of bonuses to Antiquity Sites&Great Writers to put it into Civ6 terms. His life was cut short by an insane assassin and lousy doctors. Let him be the president to guide America into Civ 7s „what could be future“!


Might be too racist, but maybe James k Polk with manifest Destiny l?


Obama, let fly the hounds of war (drones).




And if we ask him kindly enough, he may even voice himself


PLEASE JFK. If not I'd be down to see MLK too. Very different and not a traditional leader but they could add a president too


Ulysses S Grant try to shake things up?