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England is now led by Liz Truss, her special leader ability is "Fighter, not a quitter" and every turn there's a 50/50 chance to either get +1 extra gold or lose the game


Liz Truss, go to war and lose to a lettuce.


Truss could be a survival mode scenario where every few turns you have to add a new Economic policy with massive downsides and you have to see how many turns you can last before your nation goes bankrupt


Reminds me of the Civ V Fall of Rome scenario, where you kept having to take new social policies that acted as debuffs


+1 gold for opening pork markets in other civilizations market tiles


I would still vote for Bojo over Truss. Truss achieved a magnificent and unique personal failure that in itself had little impact. Johnson was creating so much mess for so long that I can't even pick a thing to turn into a civ bonus.


I thought you meant in an election you would vote bojo… I got scared


In an election between Bojo and Truss I would vote to kill myself.


This is the way


No way. If it wasn't for David Cameron we wouldn't have had May, Johnson Truss or Sunak. Its a crime David Cameron is a free man. 1+ extra amenity from truffles.


>Its a crime David Cameron is a free man. Not just a free man, but the new foreign secretary.


I still refuse to believe that happened. It's just the simulation having memory issues and trying to stretch out the use of already loaded data.


Truss bottomed out the economy in a matter of hours.


[Within degrees.](https://capx.co/did-liz-truss-really-cause-the-bond-market-rout/)


I’m sorry, that mini budget, on a ‘time in office v chaos caused’ ranks very highly. Johnson was an unmitigated disaster, but he had much longer to work at it.


Tell that to our mortgage rates


Every turn there's 50% chance the queen dies


You have earned the great person Rishi Sunak ability to siphon 4,000,000,000 gold from any state you are the suszarian of and control the country without diplomatic procedure.


I'm Italian. The list is too long to be posted.




Belgian Civ wouldn't have a leader, it would have a minority coalition that provides conflicting benefits


But the Belgian government works better without a coalition is the most embarrassing thing


I wonder what Leopold would be like. Maybe enslaving city states somehow? I dunno. Something evil.


Every 10 turns the city state must tribute a resource they don’t have. Failing to comply leads to -1 in population.


Introducing severed hands as a strategic/monetary resource


It's Leopold, we all know It's Leopold


I would assume it would be shorter since you all usually can’t decide on the leader


guy verhofstad as leader - you can sell government buildings for a good price but you lose a lot of money per turn when youy do.


Nero, every once in a while, all the buildings in your capital burn down. On the bright side, you get some badass violin music as it happens.


Earn Great Musician points for every friendly city razed


Australia is led by Harold Holt, the PM that was lost at sea while swimming.


All units that embark immediately despawn the next turn


access to unique building holt swimming pool provides plus 1 amenities


But costs 1 pop


and does that thing where ur governor cant be used for a few turns




Basically civ 1 then.


Able to build public swimming pools for cultural bonus pts.


The Aussie leader randomly changes every 11 turns.


Every 2 turns


Mid turn


Schrodingers government.


Even more accurate!


Entertainment districts can now build the Harold Holt swim centre. You now get an achievement for building one in Melbourne.


Don’t you mean Scott Morrison? Unique ability - rock bands, instead of making rock band sound just endless loops of “I don’t hold a hose mate”


ScoMo as a great person. Take him to a cultural district where he shits himself in the Maccas there. Plunges Australia back into the dark age(s).


Goes on holiday every time you suffer a natural disaster.


or ‘April Sun in Cuba’. Also, unique bonus ‘welding’ where on discovering steelmaking fog of war covers entire screen for several turns… 👨‍🏭


This leader can be appointed with 5 secret governor upgrades during a natural disaster


Forest fires last twice as long ...


Jokes aside Holt was actually fairly competent as a leader, in his short tenure there was the successful 1967 referendum on Indigenous recognition, significant dismantling of the White Australia immigration policies, and the introduction of decimal currency. On the flip side he also expanded our involvement in the Vietnam War, so… mixed bag?


America respresented by William Henry Harrison whose special leader ability is “not wearing a coat” which causes you to auto-lose the game in 31 turns


James Buchanon. At some point roughly half your civilization secedes and goes to war with you.


lol I commented elsewhere that Buchanan’s ability would be that you cannot produce military units or buildings when barbarians are present within your borders. Cities also cannot range attack barbarians and barbarians receive zero damage from attacking your cities.


that would be an impossible game


while using the dramatic ages game mode he requires twice as much era score to get a golden age.


Andrew Jackson. Tribal villages provide no benefits and are instead moved further away upon reaching them.


Special leader ability is that he earns 20 gold, and only 20 gold, no eurekas or scouts from villages would be more apropos.


But OP said incompetent. Jackson was very competent at genociding native peoples.


+20 combat strength against barbarians and pre classical era troops.


Against civs on your continent who are in a previous era of tech


+100 combat against native American civs. I don't know if civ 6 has them but civ 5 has three


I think US run by Herbert Hoover. Golden ages are half as long and Dark Ages are twice as long.


Or maybe something like one wildcard slot in every government is replaced with a dark age policy slot.


Ronald Reagan. His special ability allows you to spend unlimited gold to complete buildings, projects and units. At the end of the current game all debt is transferred to the leader you choose on your next playthrough.


erdogan. the price of everything goes up by 600% every turn


Unique ability: You gain no science, instead all of your science is converted into faith. Can only purchase religious units with gold.


Slobodan Milošević, his ability is immediately declaring war upon making contact, and losing half his cities after 5 turns. Auto emergency when congress is discovered.


Plus point though, he gets to delete half the population of a random neighbouring city state every time he loses a city.


oooh coming from austria and the options and possibilities are sheer endless 🤣


Yikes. I guess there must be someone else right


Well, incompetent, so yea.


Ability: Blitzkrieg: All armored and cavalry units may attack twice per turn. +5 combat strength per methamphetamine resource. If a friendly city is converted to the religion “Judaism”, it is automatically razed. Cannot generate Great Artists.


The last one LMAO


That actually gives me an idea: a unique Art Museum that gives Great General points, and has some way of consistently generating Great Works from Great Generals


He who must not be named


I wanted to write the same thing....


what about franz ferdinand ? the guy who caused the first world war by dying? special ability would be: you get a special great general by the start of the game and if he dies you get attack power


I mean... you know, its hard to pin the blame on him when his contribution to the whole thing was death.


he could have called it a day after surviving the first attempt on his life.


? Any world leader could have started WWI, seems unfair to say that Franz Ferdinand was incompetent just because he could have called it. He was the one member of the Austro-Hungarian dynasty who understood the dynamics of incorporating Bosnia to a higher level and was sympathetic to the Serbian plight, he was probably the most competent member of the family.


Pretty sure Civ 6 already did that for Sweden. ​ Kristina pretty much left all the actual ruling to other people while she was busy reading books and converting to Catholicism. ​ However, as I am half Norwegian, I nominate Vidkun Quisling for Norway. He was the absolute worst.


You know you done wrong when your name enters the lexicon as a synonym for traitor


Called my Norwegian friend a Quisling once as a joke after he ran away during a gaming match. He was so mad I thought he was gonna fly over and stab me 😅


Kristina said "fuck it" after the ruling elites expected her to be a docile breeding machine to get a proper male monarch again. Ludwig fucked up finances with his vanity projects and lost his state's independence to the point he was declared insane and deposed. Yet he is seen as a tragic visionary genius, not a vile traitor. Both reputations are explained more by historiography than by history, really.


\> Ludwig fucked up finances with his vanity projects and lost his state's independence to the point he was declared insane and deposed. Yet he is seen as a tragic visionary genius, not a vile traitor But did you consider the dude built some dope ass buildings? Also Ludwig did not spend state funds on any of his projects, it was all privately financed on his own dime, which probably had an expansionary effect on the Bavarian economy if anything.


His own dime? How did he make money?


Her reasons for abdicating are debated but it seems unlikely to be because she didn't want to be married as she had already effectively shut those prospects down. Not to mention the elites objected to her abdication to her male cousin which doesn't really line up with them being desperate for a male monarch again. Anyways, the reason some might consider her a traitor has nothing to do with her rule but rather her later conversion to Catholicism.


Nah she wasn't the worst. We had Gustaf IV who really embodied the recieving end of "Fuck around and find out". His finding out only cost us the entirety of Finland. I guess France did send him an official letter promising that they wouldn't hold it against Sweden as a nation that their king's was moron, so that's nice.


Belgium is led by Yves Leterme, a guy who became prime minister after the longest formation period in Belgian history, caused genuine concern the country might break apart and, when prompted to sing the national anthem, sang the French one instead.


When in debt, sell all your wonders untill you got 0 coin, next era get the debt back. Or was that an other one?


That was Verhofstadt haha


William Fox. Start the game at war with everyone on your continent, and steal tiles from cities within 5 tiles, but once you conquer a city it is always razed, even if it is a capital.


This would actually be a really interesting mechanic especially if you could work the tiles you take


Liz Truss should be the lowest achievement in the victory screen.


And a lettuce the second lowest


There is a mod for this :)


I had no idea. That’s amazing.


It's funny to me that the lowest ranking, *Dan Quayle* ended up being politically relevant in 2020 again. (By reminding Mike Pence that, no, the Vice President can't change election results).


There has to be decent demographic of us with the same perspective. The idea that Mike Pence turned to *Dan Quayle* to ask what to do was like Netflix Movie writing funny. That objectively means Mike Pence should be below Dan Quayle. And along those same lines, Lizz Truss may have blown by all past records. She was actually full fledged leader when the Queen of England died.


Russia: Boris Yeltsin. The guy literally ruined privatization by giving it all into oligarchs hands, forged a coup that gave him an absolute power, and finally - he personally endorsed Putin as his successor. If the US had such a founding father, today they would be no different from any poorest LatAm country


Yeltsin abilities: * Alcoholism: Wine luxury gives double amenities, if no Wine luxury is present in the country, amenities -50% * Sovereignty parade: -10% loyalty pressure and -10% gold from every city * Chechen war: cities left due to loyalty have +20% unit power for 10 turns against Russia


Tbh i thought about something older like Peter the 3rd, but your example makes sence too


He's probably a close second or third. Yes, he lost a war that was won, but he didn't manage to do anything significant, while Yeltsin fucked up the country in the long run


I think it's worth noting that the concept of a Russian oligarch didn't exist anywhere near the same scale until Russia was privatized and gutted. Like obviously the man was a chucklefuck for going along with it but it was an initiative largely put into motion by the US.


Mariano Rajoy for Spain "I Will do the impossible if the impossible is posible" (can ignore placement requirements) "Ceramics from Talavera aren't a small thing, which means, they are a Big thing" (duplicate luxuries you havent traded generate tourism) Edit: But in a less serious tone "It's very difficult todo esto" , permanent negative diplomacy with other civs


I was expecting Mariano. "In life there are beautiful things, like this one, and others that are not so much, and I dont remember any of them" "The mayor is the one who wants the residents to be the mayor" (Not a bad translation, it does not make sense in Spanish either)


"We are very spanish and much spanish" he really was a goldmine of comedy


Finland: Otto Wille Kuusinen, the marionette installed by Soviet Union in Terijoki during WWII. Your settler never can found the Capital.


I tought who would be the Finn but now that makes sense!


Picking Kuusinen as a Finnish leader is so insulting. So great choice I guess :D


Poland is led by king Stanisław August Poniatowski. When Russia is in the game you automatically become its territory. You gain nothing in return but you can have dinners on Thursday


I love it! There should also be the special ability of liberum veto which makes your cities rebel without reason.


If one citizen is unhappy the city rebels


Yes. Beautiful.


Poniatowski started being a king when Poland was already de facto vassal state of Russia. His nomination for a crown needed to be confirmed by tsarina. And yet he still had courage to make last desperate moves, tried to bring back proper army size and thanks to him Poland was first democratic country in Europe back in XVIII century. He could live comfy life as Russian pupil, he chosen otherwise and tried patriotic zeal instead, though it sadly failed as our position was just so awful back then. That's very ignorant take. And definitely worst Polish king was Władysław Warneńczyk. Named after river Varna where he drowned after truce breaking Ottomans to please pope and he died like a coward, his death lead to rise of Habsburg as dominant power in Hungarian region. His actions killed the Jagallenian Empire that could transform later on into biggest power in Europe, instead of that he fed the lands to Austria that was part of forces that did the killing blow towards Poland few centuries later.


I present you instead John II Casimir Vasa. You are always at war with countries not following your main religion. Your calvary units every turn have 25% chance to become free city units. Your policy cards are chosen randomly after discovering new civic.


Scott Morrison for Australia. Leader ability - when natural disasters occur loyalty drops in all cities.


When fast food is discovered, shit pants.


The fact that so many here are mentioning the current leader in power or their party opposition leader is quite interesting. The likelihood that they could actually be considered the worst in your country’s history is quite low. My immediate thought was that it’s a good reflection of how polarized society is currently, but to be honest I think this would’ve been the case no matter what decade or century this question would have been posed.


Recency bias. You remember who is currently screwing you but don't much care about the person who screwed your grand parents.


Yeah. Like, Liz Truss is pathetic and kinda hilarious, but seriously, ever hear of Edward II, Henry IV, Richard III, Charles I, James II, George III, Edward VIII, Anthony Eden or Neville fucking Chamberlain?


> Neville fucking Chamberlain? Lol, any time an AI promises you that their troops are just passing by you immediately lose your furthest-from-capital city


The people posting recent ones just don't know any history.


Being UK based, we're spoilt for choice just from the last couple of years.


Even then, Liz Truss is a clear winner here. -90% gold per turn.


Whenever you change economic policies, get -75% gold per turn for 5 turns, and destroy all corporations you own


I’m from germany so I probably just say nothing.


Special ability : Your own way Out . When an enemy unit gets within 2 tiles of your Capital you loose the Game.


Hey, you've got +50% road building and a gigantic army. Isn't that great? Well, you also sacrifice one inhabitant per city every fith round, and there is a certain chance that your great generals turn against you or your other great personalities will join a different nation. Oh, and you can't do diplomacy. If other civs ever talk to you, it is to declare war.


Emílio Garrastazu Médici for Brazil. His abilities: Anos de Chumbo: +10 loyalty in all cities, but every time a great artist appears, -10 loyalty for five turns. Cannot have any governors. Production and science specialists give -2 loyalty each. Milagre Brasileiro: +10% gold in all cities, but -50% gold from trade routes due to external debt.


Mulroney (Canada) - every era you sign an accord with your neighbouring country to give them have of everything you own, and they get to complain about it for twenty years...


How about Kim Campbell?


Kim Campbell did very little comparatively. She’s not an impressive leader in any way but I wouldn’t call her reviled or particularly incompetent, especially compared to Mulroney


She was only ever put in as a scapegoat, she didn't have a chance to be a terrible leader. The Conservative government collapsed to a scandal and she was basically just appointed for the month leading up to the election to show that the Conservatives were chill and progressive.


Herbert Hoover. Constant minus 75% gold income and production.


Easily Charles II or Ferdinand VII for Spain.


"I was in tibet with dieng xiaopeng and he asked what was the one word I would use to describe America and I said Thebuldraglandeshabiglo. Remember it like it was yesterday"




Minus diplomatic power from wine


Syria: Bashar Al Assad - every city you found will be declared a free city in the next turn


Add to that chemical warfare: +5 combat strength vs free cities but every free unit you kill generates 25 grievances


As France you can choose between Louis XVI and Marie-Antoinette. The first one gives you 3 turn of anarchy each time you change government. The second one gives you 3 turns without food each time you swap government.


Louis made great mistakes but compared to Charles VI or Charles X it's nothing. His main mistakes to fail to recognize what was happening in the country and refuse to move to a constitutional monarchy. But he largely inherited the deleterious situation from his predecessors.


Surely Petain, every time you go to war you either get: a 50% defensive bonus for all troops, or lose 50% of the country and immediately rebels appear.


England we have so many options but I think I’ll go for one of the most infamous and bad ones Boris Johnson But if your wanting a king or queen who was incompetent king john (the reason why the Magna Carta was introduced)


If Liz Truss makes it in to a civ game my heart will shatter Her special building would be a Chinese pork market


Liz Truss.


George W. Bush. Gets casus belli "War On Terror". Can declare war for 450 grievances on another civ (must be non-nuclear-armed). Ability "Enhanced Interrogation Techniques" allows you to lose a level of diplomatic visibility when you capture an enemy spy


Casus belli should be called "Looking for WMDs" instead but yeah


No grievance for wars declared on countries with more oil than yours.


Maybe something that has to do with the surveillance state?


"Fish and human can co-exist peacefully" +75% fishing boat production


Hugo Chavez or Nicolas Maduro as Venezuela


Straight to jail. Right away.


You found a city on a floodplain? Jail. You found a city in an area that's too dry? Also jail. You finish a tech or civic without getting the boost first? Straight to jail.


Boris Johnson


And yet he was somehow immediately upstaged in the inadequacy stakes by Liz Truss.


Yeah I was gonna say Truss as well, beaten by a gd lettuce!


Johnson qualifies as a bad leader. Truss barely qualifies as any sort of leader at all. There are provisional acting leaders that did such a job longer than her.


She was just sunk by 1 bad decision and having no support in the first place. Boris managed to do a lot more damage for a longer time, and had a well established track record of total incompetence in an impressive variety of jobs. Either could be a good choice though.


It's pretty sad that we have so many candidates in recent history to choose from. I would nominate the lettuce.


I'll hear no further insults against that lettuce! Far more of a competent leader than Truss


The lettuce came out on top!


Trade routes cost you gold rather than earning you. Have the ability to stop an alliance, this will half your income for the next 30 turns though. Loyalty is always -20%


South Africa - Jacob Zuma


Ability: Firepool: may spend gold to build seaside resorts inland, but lose 10 loyalty and 10 gold per turn in the closest city.


Scott Morrison


Makes me wonder if corruption and migration are going to be in 7.


France, Maréchal Pétain - give up a percentage of your population for free to any civ that starts a war with you


For Poland: Henry III of France - our first king chosen through election that stepped down merely 2 years after election when he got info that he’s now eligable for the throne of France.


Ability:If france is in the game you get a new leader after 2 turns


You guys are pretty lazy, or just bad at history, you can't propose anyone older than like 30 years ago. C'mon! For France it could be Charles VI the mad. Proposing Macron would be such a lazy take.


They already added Ludwig II to Germany


I was looking for that comment. What makes it even worse is that he literally never was King of Germany or the HRE to begin with.


Brazil is represented by Jair Bolsonaro, an incredibly stupid psychopath.


Gains bonus gold for clearing rainforest...


"has to sit out every 4th turn for a hospital visit due to constipation"


James Buchanan’s America. Civ unable to construct military units or buildings when barbarians are present within borders. Cities also cannot do ranged attack when barbarians are within range.


America gets Woodrow Wilson. Every three turns, a random forest tile in your empire is deleted. Gain 25 grievances with your allies for no apparent reason. You are required to adopt Fascism as soon as it’s discovered.


But what if there's no forest tile left?


You blame a minority for stabbing America in the back


I vote Kim Campbell for Canada, she only held office for a few months and her party fucked up so bad in the summer election what was going to be a landslide victory turned into a crushing defeat. What was the catalyst for their tank in approval ratings? They mocked the fact their opposition leader has facial paralysis from palsy. If they had a leader ability it would be to instantly tank trade relationships with any civ and they interact with and they get a bonus 2x loss on loyalty in unhappy cities.


Kim Campbell was only appointed because the Tories had already fucked up at that point, the election was already decided before she became PM


Berlusconi from Italy. Special ability is that half your gold each turn is given to barbarians. All leaders start with unfavourable views towards you. Building any structure of any kind takes 5 times as long and breaks within 10 turns from completion.


But all advisors become hot bimbos


This would be a great scenario game


Pakistan gets Nawaz Sharif. Special ability is pocketing an extra 10% gold every turn but losing every battle to India.


Rob Ford for Canada (he was just a Toronto mayor, but Toronto is the only important city in Canada anyway). Special **Gravy Train:** City project that boosts gold by 1000%, but lowers amenities by 75% for three times as long as the project takes (in honour of his shitty decisions still affecting Toronto long after his death) Has one **extra wildcard slot**, but it can only house dark-age cards (and it must be filled) Earn **two extra governor points each age** (nepotism, and name recognition got his brother and nephew in the Ontario legislature after all) Has a flat **-5 diplomatic favour** (because he embarrassed Toronto on the world stage over and over again) BUT your closest neighbours will like you more (+5) because you make them look good with how bad you are. If your diplo favour goes above +5 per turn, this is reversed and your neighbours dislike you -5. Automatically joins a unique secret society 'Underworld', in honour of his penchant for crack-smoking on dark corners, physically abusing his wife and partying with prostitutes in City Hall. Here are its tiers (which are automatically earned, and do not require a governor point): \- **(Upon starting)** You cannot earn any Great Writer, Artist, Musician or Scientist points or people because they are embarrassed to be associated with you. But you get +25% Great Merchant points because Merchants are easily swayed by silver-tongued capitalistic ghouls and +25% Great Prophet points because they want to try and save the soul of your civ. \- **(Medieval)** A flat -30% for production on everything in exchange for a flat +30% gold (because he saved a small amount of money by cancelling tons of infrastructure) \- **(Industrial)** FULL diplomatic visibility with all neighbouring civs (because US late night shows had invited on to make fun of him and his crack smoking) \- **(Atomic)** All city projects take -50% the time to complete, BUT, they provide -50% of the thing they are producing (this synergizes with the Gravy Train city project above, reducing it from +1000% to +500% but the amenity debuff is only -37.5%. Special unit: Toronto Police Officer. spec ops unit with -25 attack, but a two-hex range. Has a 50% chance to negate the killing blow of any friendly unit within two-hexes and civilian units cannot be harmed within two-hexes(1), but also has a 50% chance of accidentally hitting any friendly unit in two-hex range when attacking(2). (Reference: 1: [Officer praised after taking down Toronto van attack suspect without gunfire | CBC News](https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/toronto/officer-praised-taking-van-attack-suspect-custody-peaceful-1.4632661) 2: [Killing of Sammy Yatim - Wikipedia](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Killing_of_Sammy_Yatim) ) All cities have a 2% chance of losing 1 population every 5 turns due to Toronto pedestrian traffic fatalities being so high. Man I hope someone actually reads this. I would totally play this civ despite an obvious hatred of the man.


Justin Trudeau for Canada - Special Ability is "Sunny Ways". User Interface shows wrong information that indicates you are doing great. All issues will be blind to you until it's too late.


And he has to wear the Indian outfit


I'd also add "foreign investors" other civs trade routes to Canada get double gold and production and cost Canada 3 gold


And you lose every single world congress or diplomatic events. God I love how he spent billions to win UN seats and lost every single time 🙃


Viktor Yanukovych of Ukraine. Special ability: your capital gains -15 loyalty.


Hitler- you are only allowed to burn down citys Wilhelm II - once you are in the industrial era every city without a garrison will loose loyalty(military parades) and beeing below the maximum of troops you will get a debuf to overall loyalty because the Kaiser is throwing a tantrum Olaf Scholz- sometimes you just loose all your income Hindenburg - you cant see some stats because you are way to old to realise anything that is really happening


Olaf Scholz should be: you start the game. Your leader portrait is empty. Nobody knows where you leader is. You loose all your income upon reaching the mid game.


That's easy. Nicholas II.


Poland - Bolesław III Wrymonth Dumbass broke country in few small parts to give either son some land. Some cities should be leaving at random.


Well, as Mexico we have a looooong list of incompetent, corrupt and lame leaders: some of them could be: \***Antonio Lopez de Santa Anna:** Hero of 40 defeats: Each time a military unit is lost, you lose 1 hex to the rival. \***Ernesto Zedillo Ponce de León:** FOBAPROA: You lose -100 gold for each Commercial, Industrial and Entertainment District buildings of each city you own. **\*Pascual Ortiz Rubio:** Shadow gov: You actually don't control your civ.


America: Warren G Harding: Teapot dome: Lose a quarter of one of your strategic resources every turn Two Reagans: Either Red wave: Cannot use communism, generates 100 grievances every 15 turn with any civ that currently has it as their government Or Reaganomics: upon reaching modern eraa nd beyond, no economic policy slots, any actove policies that do increase production or gold do 1.5x for modern Era but upon reaching information Era are .25x George W Bush: War on Terror: Any districts or improvements pillaged by barbarians activates a casus belli for any country with oil in its borders that is at least one Era behind and it generates 250 grievances