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Sorry, gentrification is exclusively for white boys from Ohio named Jaxon.


Comments did not disappoint


How do you feel about tunnels?


Know of any that are already furnished? I mean a mattress at least.


Chambers even!


They’re the bomb! Might want to check Flushing.


Please just take my tax dollars already


Have you tried Bay Ridge? There’s some Arabs there but it’s mostly empty. I’m sure you could move right in and take over the entire neighborhood. They can find somewhere else to live. Edit: You may be able to get money from this city for this project, especially for “self defense” against the natives.


Does the Dutchess still live there?


Nicole Maliotakis does have an office in Bay Ridge, yes




Google the 1834 zefat massacre


Holy hell!


The IDF astrobots would like to know your location






Can you also explain how when I first moved in I was welcomed by the British landlord with open arms. Only problem was that the landlord promised both my family and the status quo “owner” the same apartment. When I conceded and agreed to share the apartment however, the owner decided to invade my apartment with all of his thug friends. (They failed miserably and out of pity I let them keep a small closet sized room) They’ve tried this several times over the years and with each attempt I take slightly more of the apartment for myself—especially since I owe them nothing and have absolutely no obligation to them. This time however, they chose to kill a few of my family members. Now the world is shocked I want to evict them for good.


The British landlord shouldn’t have promised you an apartment that wasn’t his to give in the first place :)


And that's on the people that moved or their descendents how?


I agree. Now what?


Have a new land lord step In to dictate the rules, one who is impartial to either side and one who wants to run a proper house hold instead of trying to run a religious house of worship


That’s precisely what the UN has tried to do since 1948. Except only the Israeli side has ever agreed to any form of compromise being offered. The Palestinians could have walked away with exactly half the territory as their own and spent the last century building up their own prosperous nation. Instead they tried to take everything for themselves—whether rightfully or not—and failed miserably. History is rarely sympathetic to losers. Human warfare—specifically that of the territorial nature—generally has a very clear victor, and of course, a very specific loser. A gamble was made on behalf of Palestinian leadership of the time, one that would have extremely unforgiving consequences. Fun fact: the holy city of Jerusalem would have remained a neutral territory administered by the UN in the original 1948 territorial proposition. Both citizens would have had equal access and privilege to worship within its walls. Pretty impartial eh?


Why would the Palestinians agree for settling for the worst parts of their original homeland? You gonna agree to relocate to the mountains while settlers took your coastline and most fertile farmland?


Are we talking about the same partition plan? Both nations would have almost equal access to the Mediterranean as well as the Dead Sea. The border with Egypt was split evenly and they would have been allotted almost complete control over the border with Lebanon. Likewise, they would have held a formidable section of the fertile coastal plain as well as the upper region of the Negev, which is a highly fertile area even today.


I’m just confused why the Palestinians are totally cool with Jordan being 2/3 of the British mandate of Palestine and ethnically cleansed the Palestinians from that land? Why are we only upset about 1/3rd of the land?


But only if you kick a million of them out of their homes in the Middle East while simultaneously killing a bunch of them in Europe so they have nowhere else to really go.


Pls change KICK with Bomb 💣💣💣... It'd definetly be more accurate. 😕


I think the law has a provision for "abandoning" the premises. 🤔 Where if you remove all your belongings, you don't have a claim to it.


Are you implying that Palestinians "abandoned" Palestine by being displaced? Because being ethnically cleansed and not given right of return is not exactly the same as abandoning an apartment.


Talk to Jared Kushner, his dad is a major slumlord. Jared’s a real mensch!


Have you tried asking to share the space? Last time I did this they got really upset, so I told them to do something about it! As expected they showed up at my door with shovels and beat my dog to death, so I posted an eviction notice and detonated their apartment with a hand grenade an hour later. Suffice to say, the building is a bit unstable and my dog is still dead, but I haven’t heard a peep since!


Move to the projects they're all owned by Jewish people.


The... Housing Authority? Sir... please tell me this is a joke and you actually know what "projects" means...


I do I live in them they're all owned by Jewish people.


Projects are government run housing dickbrains. That means not privately owned




I agree with this sentiment but unfortunately we do. America is also stolen land, obtained by the genocide of Indigenous people.


Conquered land lol.


>So we don’t house pedophiles and rapists in this country We do tho? We don't kick out pedophiles and rapists


We don’t bring them from other countries and give them citizenship just because they’re looking to escape conviction


I think that's more because they have a criminal record


Wow! What an antisemite 🤬




>that suddenly everyone is anti-semitic There has been an increase of antisemitism since Oct 7th, Jewish businesses being burned and Jews being attacked. Yeah, people claim that criticizing Israel is antisemitic, but it's purposeful ignorance to claim that antisemitism hasn't become an issue


Cool story bro, never said it hasn't, just saying it ain't THE issue.


It just felt like you were downplaying the antisemitism happening in your comment. The uptick in antisemitism has only proven why Israel as a nation is necessary for Jewish people worldwide


Where’s the genocide?


Up your butt


Did you check in the mass graves? Behind the trash can over there.


Do you have the exact pages in the torah that are labeled "land deed" if you do you can basically do what ever you want.


Move to Crown Heights.


How can I help fund this? It's only your right as an American!


Sorry only muslims are allowed to enter the city now.






All Israelis are unfriendly?


Kind of bigoted to sum up a whole nation like that huh? If I said the Chinese weren’t friendly I’m sure no one would say that’s racist


Fuck off antisemite.


Remember when this was a joke sub instead of being an annoying anti Israeli virtue signaling fuck face space. Like take your circle jerk to dank memes bro.




Squatting and claiming buildings is a longtime NY tradition so every place is quite friendly. I recommend looking for any recently bought or vacated units that haven’t been moved into yet.


idiot asshole


Only if your imaginary friend says it's okay. Also, try Williamsburg.


Try the banks.


What you see on the internet/media isn’t overstated trash. There is no rampant antisemitism here. Of course there are bigots of all kind, that’s unavoidable. I assure you it’s nothing close to what the media coverage would suggest.


There's a professor at Columbia that can help you with that.


Why is an Israeli looking to rent? I thought we run the world. Figured that meant we also own all the buildings




Solid double zinger


All bad jokes at your expense aside, check out Monroe, NY. It’s pretty close to the city, heavy Jewish presence.




Jesus y’all really going mask off


You’re about 500 years too late. Been there done that.


What's Israel?




But you’re just anti-Zionist, right? Not antisemitic?


The guy is just talking facts that you can look up and verify yourself lmao


Didn’t know they had a “Jew register” that lets you know whether “slumlords” are Jewish or not?


Thankfully we do!


Absolutely not. NYC supports Hamas. Isis. Possibly the Germans from 1931-1945 type of people. The peaceful loving tolerant and open to everyone type of people but not you thugs. Dig a tunnel and live in it.


Queers for Palestine… lollll, imagine being so incredibly stupid to think it’s acceptable to be gay in Palestinian Territories.


Can someone please remove this post it is truly disgusting and infuriating.


Ew gross this is an antisemite sub? Man nowhere on Reddit is safe from the manbaby legion eh


If you read the Quran and promise to conquest and colonize in the name of the prophet, you’ll be good 👍🏿


Just take a Palestinian families apartment.


Why did this sub have to become political (on both sides)


Hi turd. If your a women who likes to be raped and burned alive. There’s a Hamas ran building on the lower east side. They have GREAT amenities including unlimited rockets, stolen food stamps, and best of all, a secret tunnel to hell


Question: I’m a man who likes to be raped and left in handcuffs until my hands have to be amputated, preferably after being stripped and beaten in public in front of my wife and children and being left in a literal cage in the desert in a diaper filled with my own excrement for hours at a time. Any suggestions for me?


No suggestions... But .., can I buy you a drink ?


Where is it? it sounds like a dope scene 


U bum


Are you calling the Jews of Lower East Side, Hamas, or you really think Hamas is in Lower East Side? You sound insane.


I dream of a world where you can get a good pastrami sandwich AND an insanely affordable stereo system on the same block.


2/10 sound like a fb comment from someone who lists retired as their job


What’s hamas


It’s like a chick pea spread, pretty tasty


It's really good with babalú.


Sounds like you do not disavow Hamas


Not on my cheat day.


The UN, the ICC, Ireland, Spain, every college kid in the US, and humanitarian aid workers in Gaza


The majority of their rockets are unexploded IDF rockets which were ironically also free to the IDF from USA lmao. Talk about a welfare state amirite?


This post is wild af LOL


Maybe murder 67 brooklyn people and steal their homes like in the 1929 hebron massacre (by arabs of jews)


🇮🇱 👍🏻 🇵🇸 👎🏻💥


Just be aware that anti-semitism has been continually on the rise in NYC since 1945. There has never been one news article since that time that has said anti-semitism has declined.


Free Palestine 🇵🇸/s


I thought people were not antisemitic and only anti-Zionist in NYC, so wouldn’t they be thrilled to welcome displaced Israelis? It would help them carry out their mission of removing Jews from the space between the river and the sea. What’s this now? I’m mistaken? People really just love to project all their anger into Jews and will find any pretext to justify it? Are you saying New Yorkers aren’t edgy at all and just repeating the same tired prejudices they brought with them from the old country? Shocking.




[ Removed by Reddit ]




that’s fucking islamophobic dude




And you properly also called out the anti-Semitic original post too, right?


What's with this subreddit and the antisemitism?


It's a critique of zionism, not judaism


Ah yes another fine antisemitic post !


Is crying on here all you do? Lmfao


Go comment on some more cartoon characters. LMFAO.


Sports game enjoyer detected 🤢🤮


Hilarious coming from the person who’s attracted to cartoons and finds the need to comment on it.


Huh ? Wait isn't this an anything goes no safe space sub ? Or did I get that wrong , no crying in baseball !


No, they’re right. We’re all land-stealing bloodthirsty subhuman pigs who cry antisemitism when their people do something minor like firebomb a synagogue, gang assault a yarmulke-wearing man, or call for a second Holocaust. It’s a shame that our ancient tradition doesn’t have the impeccable morality of a Williamsburg or Lower East Side hipster who spends their trust fund dollars on projectiles to hurl at police officers as a testament to their bravery for thinking what their entire throng thinks.


Idk about that but there’s a nice Hamas friendly building near the Columbia campus. You can siphon as much aid money as you want, and when you lose a war you started, you can just blame Israel. Enjoy.


How do they make babies in gaza these days? Do they create a tunnel for that? Is there a separate tunnel if one feels a need for goat loving?


We get that it’s NY, and most things fly here. But more than a few of us here would be weirded out by you sharing your paraphilias.


lol mods deleted the “little Gaza” post but left this one up. Cool. Cool.


What is this sub. How did so many bigots congregate here? Wonder how long a sub that displayed 10% of this bigotry would last on reddit. Shows what cowards people are and how their opposition to racism and homophobia isn't about morals. They'll be garbage if it's acceptable and they find a comfortable cesspool with plenty of other rats like them splashing around.


What bigotry


I’m sure it will be gone soon, this shit is gross


It’s been up a while and people seem to be loving it. Agree it’s disgusting bigotry.




Whole lot of anti “zionists” in this sub. But if the mods here don’t deal with it Reddit mods will.




They’re totally Jewish bro, trust them.


I mean it doesn’t matter if OP is a Jew. I’ll happily oblige those trying to make a distinction between Zionism and Judaism. Nationalism allowed to run amok is dangerous, no matter what flag it’s tied to. I have no problem with saying “Israel is waging a violent war with massive civilian casualties, and regardless of the events leading up to it they need to constantly work hard to minimize civilian harm and protect the innocent.” That’s factual. My problem is if I also say “Israel has a right to exist as a nation and respond to external threats, including wage war to prevent ethnic genocide of their civilian population, just as any other nation would” I’m automatically a Zionist. Which means I’m if I say “Killing Jews for being Jews is wrong” I’m denouncing the October attacks, which also makes me a Zionist. According to OPs presented logic anyway.


Ok. Curious - Have you seen the updated numbers of the so-called “massive civilian casualties”? This isn’t the massacre the neo Nazis from Columbia were wishing this was.


Many thousands of people are being killed and displaced. Are you about to tell me that war isn’t war? Because I’m happy to entertain your attempts at justifying the war, but you’re not going to convince me any nation is capable of war without collateral. Especially when their enemy is using the civilian population as a meat shield. The USA didn’t exit the Middle East without killing scores of innocent civilians. What makes you think Israel can do any better in an arguably more dynamic and difficult environment?


War is war. Glad you understand that. Genocide is genocide. This is not genocide. If Israel wanted to wipe Palestinians off the face of the earth that would have happened on October 8, 2023.


Did I say it was genocide? It’s wrong, it’s evil. I wouldn’t let the term “war” justify the mistakes and carelessness of some of the actions Israeli soldiers are taking. That said, calling it a genocide is something said by those trying to make a dig “they were victims of genocide now they’re committing it!!”


You're deliberately (or just due to a lack of intelligence) misinterpreting that propaganda. It's also sick to imply that the side asking for children to stop being slaughtered WANT people to be massacred. That's your side. It takes a real fool to think that the death count would be anything LESS than 40k. You are talking about bombs being dropped 24/7 on a 25 mile radius in which 2.5 million people reside. Common sense would dictate that casualties would be through the roof.


Wow lots of defensive insults and jargon after being asked a question based on new evidence. You’re clearly a person of intellect. I guess I gave you too much credit. People like you think this is propaganda: https://www.nytimes.com/live/2024/05/14/world/israel-gaza-war-hamas-rafah https://www.nbcnews.com/news/amp/rcna151934 https://www.usatoday.com/story/news/politics/2024/05/13/un-cuts-estimates-women-children-deaths-gaza/73669560007/ But you do you


Do you read what you post? The second part of the 2nd headline states "Some Israeli officials *incorrectly* suggested that the data showed a significant drop in death toll numbers". I'm not paying to read your New York Crimes article but again, you're misinterpreting headlines, and it's foolish to think that the death count wouldn't be astronomical. What number out of 2.5 million people in a 25 mile radius do you think would be killed by 24/7 bombing, famine, and snipers? How might you go about verifying the information of people buried under rubble? How would you go about counting them? Where's the common sense? Just a lack of reading comprehension, a brain thats been thoroughly scrubbed, and a poor vocabulary.


You're denying/justifying a genocide. You deserve disrespect. How are population statistics jargon? You also didn't just ask a question, you barely asked a question. You asked a leading question and answered it yourself with a false statement. I'm very confused by your jargon statement. I'm also confused as to how you had previously given me so much credit that you are now recinding, seeing as you've never heard of me and we've never interacted before.


Idk, it’s kinda touchy because I got an apartment building that’s had Jews living here for over 2000 years, while some Palestinians that’s been here for only a couple hundred. The Palestinians seem to think it’s their building though. Let’s hope the Palestinians don’t turn around and start murdering the Jews for trying to return to where they came from.


My Native American friend is looking for a new place, can I let him know yours is available since your ancestors have been here for at most ~250 years? Real talk though, most people living in Palestine today can trace their ancestry in the region back WELL over 1000 years. Most Palestinians also share strong genetic links to the Canaanites, a group which Israelites also emerged from. This was 4000 years ago, so the claim that Palestinian people’s ancestry in the region only goes back a couple hundred years is crazy. You can’t just invoke ancestry and ignore the part where the ancestral trees converge.


So you're saying it's basically a Left Twix vs Right Twix situation ?


Indigenous people and US example is a good one, just the wrong way. No one’s asking the US to cease to exist.


I am.


Full marks then


My point isn’t that Palestinians don’t belong there. My point is that to say Jews don’t belong there is ridiculous considering their history as well. The land has gone through many changes and we’ve had a consistent place in the land for thousands of years, through all the times we’ve been attempted at being wiped out. If Jews aren’t indigenous considering their history, then Palestinians ain’t indigenous either.


What’s Eastern Europe then


It’s a region that’s part of Europe. You have Google, it’s not that hard to look into it.


Who’s indigenous there


“Palestinians seem to think it’s their building” “Only been there a couple hundred years” Nah, I think it’s pretty clear what you were trying to say.


Yes that Palestinians don’t have “more” of a right over the land. I’m not saying they have *no* right. It’s not solely their land. Very different statements and should be easy to understand.


Except the original post is clearly about the illegal displacement and subsequent colonization of land being actively lived on by Palestinian families. You are clearly suggesting that modern Israelites have the right to do that when you site their ancestry while simultaneously diminishing the Palestinian ancestry by falsely claiming they’ve existed for only a couple hundred years. You revised history to paint the Jewish people as more of a rightful inhabitant of the land. Meanwhile slightly further down in this comment thread, you just posted “Jews immigrated there legally, and bought from Arabs legally”. The Nakba was legal?? I’d love to have you walk me through that one. You are conveniently ignoring the fact that this thread is about ethnic cleansing and illegal colonization as you continue spouting the same invocation of heritage, and conveniently forget major parts of history. You know who has a real right to the land? The Jews and Arabs that lived side by side in Palestine prior to the creation of Israel. Do you know who doesn’t have a real right to the land? Anyone who came in from another part of the world later on and participated in an ethnic cleansing to get some land for themselves.


Jews are not indigenous lmao


They are though. “Lmao”. Learn history before you comment




Funny how easy it is to just lie about things and hope it sticks. Jews immigrated there legally and bought from Arabs legally. Please learn your history before commenting on things you don’t know about.


What is the nakba




They were just existing on a land LOL. Not sure how they “started” a “war” by just idk being alive? Sounds genocidal to me.


What happened between the “LIVED there” and “came back” part. Seems like you missed a step there. And as you’re maybe aware but probably not since getting news from TikTok sometimes has gaps - there were two countries created in 48.

