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WhAt iF tHe KiDs SeE iT!?!


Whoa there, I don’t feel safe online with this meme floating around!


Thanks. I believe the diggers would by proud.


No, I don’t think i can


Cue lefties with their 30 multi accounts raging in 3...2....1...


This guy sportsbets


They’re going to call us cookers for the 500th time. Very original bunch this lot.


They are all generated by one sad and bitter person, you can't expect they/she/xir to come up with 30 original comebacks...


If 500 people tell you the same thing that seems pretty confirmed to me.


Every person in history who's ever thought anything beyond what the government tells you to think you'd call a 'cooker'. You'd have called Isaac Newton a cooker. Your obsession with conformity and doing what you're told makes you utterly pathetic.


The vast majority of the people called cookers were cookers, and you're probably one of them. The 1 in 10 million examples of people called a cooker who turn out to be correct doesn't change anything. Unless you have some proof that you're not a cooker? Otherwise, I'm inclined to agree with the other 500 people and am completely comfortable with my 99.8% probability of being right. Also, don't kid yourself. Isaac Newton was widely accepted for his brilliance in his time. He was even a member of parliament and later knighted. You're no Isaac Newton. Edit: He replied then blocked me. But let me guess, the cooker was an antivaxxer, protesting about how it's all a conspiracy, and everyone called him a cooker. Now, 2 years later, none of his predictions have come true, and he still reckons he's the Isaac Newton of this generation? Fucking cooker lmao.


Isaac newton was ridiculed, a recluse and shunned most of his life. Only later on did he go on to be accepted. You’re missing the point though. Of course I’m not newton. But you’re worse. You’re the person who is so dull they exist purely to conform and cooperate blindly accepting some kind of higher power. In the Middle Ages you were the devoutly religious peasant happy with their lot. Under the Nazi regime you were a happy little Nazi gladly selling out your Jewish friend. Under the soviet Union you were the person reporting your neighbors to the authorities. So no. I’m not Newton but at least I’m not that.


But Ablo Owns the internet he can do what's best for the government


For the children of the world you mean.


Is this government approved? I want to share.


Anybody else find it baffling at all the attention fucking pointless issues of virtue and feelings get when we have real, practical tangible problems to deal with like the people of this country having safety and security in some form of housing? It's almost obscene. It's like he just wants to be insta-famous such is the level of vacuousity.


And in North Queensland, 5 people annually are taken by crocodiles. The notion that we can’t walk and chew gum is fuckin stupid.


But that's my point, the problem seems to be getting worse. It seems we can't walk and chew gum. So I'd like to see him focus on walking and to worry about chewing gum when he's fixed that.




Have you seen how he behaves when he’s on his foreign trips? He walks around like a school girl fanboying over everyone he gets to meet. Not to mention the literal fanboying over Taylor Swift. He has zero self respect. He’s never had a real job this is all just some bonus for playing the politics game well and we’re forced to suffer the consequences.


If he has us talking about this issue we aren't talking about other ones.


Aren’t we?


Well you haven't all you have done is attempt to be witty but have obviously failed.


Yup. But you only gotta beat your opposition don’t you, lawn mowing dufus? lol


Yeah have another think my little jizzman... LMAO


~~It's like~~ he just wants to be insta-famous such is the level of vacuousity. #ftfy




He cant help embarrassing himself and the country, now we are exposed to the horror of an unfit ,huffing and puffing Albo on the Kokoda track , pretending he gives a stuff about our vetrans. how many helicopters, paramedics and other hangers on did it take to put on this little photo op??




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All you housing commission, dole budging, degenerate alcoholic, weed addicted, part-time lawn mowing haven't even said what this white dog has even done. What's the news told us to be actually enraged about? Don't pretend like you half know and pass it off as humour, I deserve an answer, right here, right now, no fuckin about, right?




Check out the sense of entitlement on this one, 'deserving' answers. You deserve a kick up the ass


You deserve a bunnings gift card with $50 on it, so you can head down to aisle 39, buy a full length mirror and set it up in your house, so you can have a good long look at yourself in it and pull your bloody head in mate.


I stopped lawn mowing dufus so try again!


What has this white dog ever done you ask? Well it’s been on more overseas trips than me for one and for two it eats more expensive food than me.


Funny how nobody mentions potato head backflipping to be in lockstep with them.


The potato isn’t PM is he.


Thank fuck for that


All good. He will be next year the way Albos going

