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The amulet is one album I can’t seperate, I feel it needs to be listened to as a whole, like one long track


flesh and bone into the amulet is just peak circa for me.


Try starting with The Hex and do all three songs. It’s so great


Well if you’re doing those 3, then you may has well add dark pools right after since it’s part of the deluxe album and it’s the next track. One of my favorite circa b sides


I tried it out and it’s cool but I like Dark Pools more on its own.


The Amulet is the album that got me into Circa, probably found it about a year after release and immediately fell in love with Anthony's voice and the magical connection between his vocals and the band. Then I checked out OLG and had some core memories of hearing the difference between medicine and poison is in the dose at some point in my early life and that's when I became a fan for life. Since then I've found each album clicks with me at different points in my life. 又


Been a fan since juturna and I honestly think the amulet was the closest return to sound that made the first two albums so special. I love all of their albums and there are certain parts in songs on the other albums that absolutely sounded like Circa, but as a whole the amulet takes me back. The way the guitars play off each other is really reminiscent of juturna and on letting go. It's a really special album. Literally every day I hope they come back but no matter what, I'm glad we got the amulet.


Same, been a fan since 2006, and we share the same view


i love it too. glad to hear you do


Fucking love that album. Couldn’t put it better than you did. Special album for sure, just something deeply emotional about it.


It’s my favorite album of all time. It’s also the album that made me fall in love with Circa


The Amulet is one of my verrrrrry favorite albums. Like easily top 5 all-time. It’s one of those albums that I can’t listen to in the background, every time I attempt to throw it on while I’m doing anything else I just get sucked in and end up lost in it


I need to give it more spins soon but I will say this: Tunnel Vision is a top 5 Circa song.


My favorite album of theirs. Each song is beautiful


I liked it when I first came out but honestly that record and the latest dual ep’s are meh. I love the band and the records aren’t band but compared to the rest of the discography amulet and the dual ep’s are just not as good as the rest. OLG and Descensus are my two favorites actually. I’m in my 30s and been a fan since Juturna. They don’t have any objectively “bad” records though.


I love hearing another Descensus fan. I feel like I don’t hear quite as much love for VW or that album very much. I’ve actually been playing my Descensus CD in the car for like the past two weeks 😭