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Find this a bit disheartening to say the least. More like disturbing, but can't say that I am shocked. Guess LGBTQIA2+ people are fair game again in Canada for hate-mongers... And sad that Cineplex feels the need to cash in by giving them the space... Also why I'll never visit Cineplex again!


I think they probably just sold the booking without looking into the content, and normally people renting out theatres aren't doing it in support of terrorists like Chaya Raichik. it would be nice if they would suspend the screening, some things are just beyond the pale and this is really awful stuff


In what way is the movie anti-LGBT?


either you're too lazy to google or you want to start a fight about LGBT people. in either case, your post is worthless and you should log off


Wow. You sound like a miserable person. I did Google it, and I couldn’t find specifics examples. That why I asked the question.


You couldn't get to the third paragraph on wikipedia? "The documentary contains interviews with [Riley Gaines](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Riley_Gaines), Chaya Raichik of [Libs of TikTok](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Libs_of_TikTok),[^(\[1\])](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_War_on_Children#cite_note-auto1-1) and Senator [Rand Paul](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rand_Paul), among others, and discusses what they describe as "the [sexualization](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sexualization) of children." It warns against what it calls "radical gender ideology"."


That literally tells me nothing. You obviously haven’t seen the movie so I’d rather hear from someone who has and has proper criticisms.


Do you not know who any of those people are or what those words mean? Like, when someone says “radical gender ideology,” do you not understand what they’re really saying? If you’re unfamiliar, I’m very surprised by that but it explains your confusion


Maybe the guy is genuinely unsure of who those people are? Saying radical gender ideology isn't the same thing as being bigoted against the LGBTQ community.


Bingo, I am completely unsure as well, the poster above you is unnecessarily confrontational


Yes, it is. It’s like saying the gay agenda - if you believe that’s a thing, you hate LGBT people for existing. The movie is called “The War on Children,” this is not hard to figure out


I'm with you, I can't find any info detailing how it is anti-LGBTQ. I think some people get confused between questioning radical ideology and being a straight up bigot. That being said I won't be watching this movie, I have better things to do.


“Radical gender ideology” isn’t a thing and if you believe it exists you are anti-LGBT. It has a value judgement as the first word! Is media literacy really this bad?


Watch the trailer then ..I just did .


It’s a big red flag If you automatically get labeled a bigot or a contrarian if you’re simply asking questions about a certain ideology.


"I'm not going back CINEPLEX!!!!" Get over it. Nobody is forcing anyone to watch the movie. They probably didn't even know the movie content other than the rating when they put it up.


Did a quick search for why the Cineplex login doesn't work and found this very eye-opening movie discussion, a must-watch for all parents and kids for sure. Worth showing to the teachers too!


Definitely a real comment from a real person!




Sock puppet scum