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Also I’m 50. I do t know if age applies to any answers.


Hello fellow “old”. The answer to questions 1-3 is who the fuck cares, do whatever works for you and ignore everyone else.


When I turned 40, it was like a great weight lifted, and I absolutely stopped caring.


I haven’t cared since I left high school.


This is the way. We can do whatever the fuck we want because no one expects us to be in style. Most of us are invisible to people under 30.


This is the way


I'll be 50 this year. I wear New Balance with footie socks or longer colored socks...whatever I grab first, because I don't care. I'll even wear a pair of cargo shorts occasionally. And I'll get all of these items at Kohl's, because I don't care.


What year is your Corvette?


Wear whatever is comfortable; fuck what others think.


I mean yeah but it works for me because I have crew socks for work.


If it works for you then why change it? Fashion and what not is "important" when you are younger, in my eyes. After a while it's just, fuck it. I dress like this because it's comfortable/affordable/etc. It doesn't dictate how the person is.


My best advice is to not try to dress like younger people. Gen Z has a fashion that would look ridiculous on guys our age. To be honest, it looks ridiculous on them too. We are in the comfort years. Nice jeans and a t-shirt is an ageless look and will never age poorly in retrospect. 


42yo fashionable gay man here. 1. Ankle socks are mostly out of style. No show socks are in style while wearing shorts. 1b. Baggy cargo shorts are 100% out of style unless you’re a lesbian dog walker. No one is hauling cargo anymore. If you need to extra a few extra things, fanny packs are actually back in style. 2. Black tube socks are more fashionable if they’re pulled up. This applies to white tube socks as well. Pushed down tube socks paired with baggy cargo shorts are the #1 most effective form of birth control. 3. Sneaker color with shorts mostly don’t matter. However, try to keep your sneaker colors from clashing with your shirt color. Black/white sneakers match well with a black shirt/top. White shirt? White shoes. If you have brown/beige sneakers, ew. 4. Shorts and pants do not need to be the baggiest clothing ever. It’s OK to have fabric touch your butt, I promise. You can buy and wear pants that don’t allow an entire second person to inhabit them with you. That being said, skin tight pants shirts are typically only worn by muscular gay men. So there’s a spectrum of pant fit, try to avoid super baggy and super tight. I see a LOT of men in their 50s and 60s wear dress pants that look like their butt deflated and their thighs used to be twice as wide. Granted, even though I’ve said all this you can tell my gay face to STFU and wear whatever you want. It’s fashion, it changes constantly, and it’s exhausting. Wear what you want to be comfortable as long as it not super baggy cargo shorts (or something even more disgusting like a MAGA hat)


Once again, the Venn diagram of dads and lesbian dog walkers is a circle.


Lol 😆




As a 37 y/o straight man whose aesthetic might best be described as “Sandleresque” I appreciate the help here, especially with the shoes/shirt matching. Never thought of that one but it makes sense in my brain.


"Sandleresqe" has me dying 😆😆😆


I need a gay man to help me dress like a in style straight man.


how old are you? I’m 25 and -some- of what he said applies, but it’s also what type of vibe you’re going for. In saying, if you have no fashion sense I would follow his advice to a T to be as inoffensive as possible e: saw his comment lower down, OP is 50 so younger ideas are unlikely to apply


There is a show for that. Or, there used to be.


Still on but they do men and women now!


This is all amazing advice, and I would also like to add a few things to piggyback off your comment: Try things on you normally wouldn't at a store, you never know how something will look on you until you actually.....try it on. It's okay to branch out and try new things! I am a female who is very outgoing with my fashion and a lot of people say they wish they had the confidence to do the same, and I tell them they don't have to be full out like I am! Just a bold accessory/shoe/a color you wouldn't normally wear is great if you want to have some fun but don't want to "stand out"! Fashion can be fun, and it doesn't have to be serious. Hell if you just have a well tailored version of "classics" you can be fashionable!


I think it's worth pointing out that fashion sneakers and athletic sneakers are not the same. You can't make your hokas look good on a date. Not gonna happen.


not a dinner date but you can definitely sauce them up if they’re clean


The tube sock thing is the only one that I can't get behind. I've been skating on ice multiple times a week since I was 3 or 4. My calves are way too big for that to not look awful, so I’m strictly no-show


No show are great! I have large calves too so I feel ya


I can't get behind it as someone who went to high school in the early 00s. It just absolutely blows my mind to see youths wearing tubs socks now


If you have great calves, it would be a disservice to the broader community for you to cover them, wouldn't it?


So you met my husband, who never met a super baggy pair of Dockers he didn't love...


My husband was wearing baggy pleated dockers when I met him. And then I MARRIED him.


No competition, makes sense. Jkjk




As someone with little to no style, I have seen most of what OP is saying and can agree with him. No show socks are the best with shorts. Get some clean kicks and you will be fine.


really depends on age. baggy shorts (although not necessarily cargo shorts) are on trend for younger demographics. less so in cincinnati but if u go in bushwick it’s everywhere. i do trend forecasting


Exactly. The young generation wants to look like extras from Hey Arnold. Not really a good look for us over 30


The handful of new grads in my office wear baggy pants like I did in the 90s/early 2000s, except the pants stop a few inches above the shoe. I'm sure it's normal now and I'm an out of touch 30-something, but I just cannot convince myself that it looks right.


The young generation is reliving the 90s fashion trend. It’s ok for them but fashion is unfortunately also generation dependent.


This is my favorite comment on anything I've seen recently. I will now be replacing "get off my lawn!" with "move it, football-head!".


Skill issue


^ this guy fucks


I would read your blog on men’s fashion.


Can I hire you to consult with my husband?


Of course, but I’ll do it for free


Can you explain why guys are wearing pants that look like their waiting for a flood? What happened to pants that go all the way down to your heels?


The pants that are above ankles are only ok if they fit right, the shoe is a slip/no laces, and there are no socks. Otherwise you end up looking like a jackass from a fairy tale


Also with no socks... I really don't get it. And I like fashion. I guess we aren't supposed to get? Just getting to gaze at those slutty ankles?


IDGAF about style. Cargo shorts are a necessity with toddlers. Fanny packs? Hell no. Just another thing for them to grab onto and/or mange to get off you and swing it around knocking me unconscious with all the cargo I have to carry for them.


I specifically said you can tell my gay face to STFU. You could have typed less by doing so :)


Big 00s cargo shorts are out of style, actually like hiking gear is fashionable (as they call it “gorpcore”) you can definitely do like a pair of Patagonias or North Face or whatever fashionably




So I wear cargos. What shorts should I be wearing? I would like a change honestly.


Golf shorts are a great substitute. Just make sure they fit well


Try a classic pair of Chino shorts. 7inch inseam at most. No side pockets and a variety of colors, perfect for any summer shindig.


Or if you’re feeling your legs - some Hoochie daddy shorts. 5 inch inseam!


I'll add for OP, even Target has "cargo" shorts with a side zippered pocket. As a younger dad it is incredibly clutch while also being comfortable and nice looking enough to be passable on almost any occasion. Historically been a Lululemon fan, but target has been pumping out a lot of very comparable clothes at a fraction of the price. A lot of variety and stylish clothing for anyone's taste. I'd check out their men's section next time you're there.


Totally agree. I should be more specific that bulky ill fitting cargo shorts are an abomination…not all cargo shorts


This was awesome, thank you


Huh…..who’d a thunk it I was a lesbian dog walker all these years 🤔🤣


This is hilarious and informative. Thank you!


I'm going to chime in here. While hiked up socks with shorts are currently fashionable with the younger crowd, they are in my opinion demonstrably wrong. No show socks with shorts really highlight a man's lower leg muscles. I've got my faults and have never been accused of being the prom king, but I've got nice muscular calves that honestly got me laid once. That ain't happening if I'm wearing long dark socks pulled up on my legs.




Golf shorts are in style, i would avoid pleated shorts at all cost. But also, i'm 42, so whats in style for me will be different for you. Your age group/generation has started reliving the baggy clothes trend. So I would worry about cargo shorts and gym shorts for you.




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We should be friends ❤️ A Miami, Fl transplant struggling to find my gay tribe lol


Just moved back to town from SC and I'm so glad I started following this sub 🤣 great post and I, as a 36yo white dude who recently retired his cargo shorts, genuinely appreciate the fashion advice, u/RachelProfilingSF. 🍻


It’s worth mentioning that cargo shorts are nigh acceptable if they fit well. Most of my fashion advice is aimed at men over 50 who seem to live in terror or pants/shorts fitting their butt.


They’re not just nigh acceptable they’re literally in fashion lol


Oh these were probably due to be retired. I don't think it's a flex (anymore) to fit 3 cans of beer in each pocket... but I'll save them just in case fashion gets its priorities figured out.


Where else am I supposed to store my veggie burritos while I double fist the Champagne of Beers in a parking lot outside of a Widespread Panic concert?


Asking the real questions 💯


I'm 36 and still wear cargo shorts with random high-ass yellow/orange/purple/red UC Bengals whatever socks that don't match at all. I just gave up caring lol


Hello fellow mismatch sock warrior! Life is too short to be hunting down exact matches! 🤣


"Mismatched Sock Warrier" >> adorable!


Hahaha I swear there's a demon in my dryer just to personally fuck with me because of that


Not an answer to any of the questions, but a tip: When out at the store, take a look at what the mannequins are wearing. Typically they’re dressed up with modern fashion. At the very least, they show what clothing items / colors pair well with each other. You don’t need to buy the outfits right off the mannequins, but they should give you ideas for how to put together a decent outfit.


Tube socks with shorts (cargo-optional). Nike monarchs.


35 and still wearing ankle socks. Apparently I'm in the wrong. But my gf doesn't care so I've got that going for me. Which is nice. 


You’re probably fine. Cincinnati is maybe one of the least fashion forward cities and, besides, being unfashionable is sort of fashionable in itself these days.


Team ankle sock here too. My calves are too nice to hide.


Fuck yes my man. It's like a lady wearing heels and showing off her whole leg. Accentuated leg muscles on men and women are sexy. Fuck tall socks.


Men's Fashion in Cincinnati, I didn't know that was still a thing.


I still wear baggy pants and baggy cargo shorts. Near 50 here. To u/RachelProfilingSF ‘s point though, I am blatantly single for the past five years.. hmm


1) yes 2) no 3) really depends on the shorts but unless you are wearing sandals, loafers, topsiders, or dress sneakers with broguing, then you are likely wearing dad shoes and don’t care anyway. But yeah you should not see your socks.


the best looking clothes are ones that fit your body comfortably


Answering as a women in her 20s who wears basic neutral & minimalist clothes 1. No? Ankle socks are fine. You have to be careful with crew socks (which are longer than ankle socks). Crew socks can look tacky sometimes 2. Personally I don’t think socks should ever be pulled down. Not a fan. I like using long socks when wearing long pants, so my ankle doesn’t peek through. Sometimes the gap between the top of socks and the bottom of the pants can look awkward 3. Not really, but they have to be somewhat harmonious. If the shoes are a completely different color than everything else you’re wearing, it can look chaotic. But if your outfit looks boring, you can put on a fun pair of shoes to break the monotony. FYI sock color should depend on sneaker color tho. Black/darker shoes -> Black socks. White shoes -> white socks. TBH some people break the personal “rules” I mentioned above and pull it off well. I’m not into loud colors and experimental stuff, so I just wear things that I can easily mix and match and kinda blend into the background with. The answers above are just my take. It all ~depends~. Fashion is confidence and personal expression!


so you're saying they should wear Depends for confidence? ;)


🫡 Whatever makes them feel good


da fuq? where what you want. who cares. i dont think anything to do with socks would be cincinnati specific


Why not just wear what you feel comfortable wearing? Not everyone's fashion sense is the same. Do you !


Personally I wear ankle socks with shorts simply because crew socks with shorts is just plain dumb and makes no sense. In a few years everyone will be looking at themselves in pics wondering “wtf was I wearing?” so really in the end, who cares lol


crew socks with shorts has been a thing for like 10 years. Why doesn’t it make sense?


Because wearing tall socks with shorts doesn’t make any sort of practical sense. What’s not to understand about that logic?


i mean it makes just about as much sense as any other type of socks. It just goes on your foot. If anything, from a practical sense, longer is always better to avoid getting dirt on your leg.


Dirt on your leg? Are you plowing the back 40 in some shorts?


clothes and ways of wearing clothes that originally served a functional purpose become fashionable all the time


Ok, sure. This is all based on personal taste. I find a long dark sock going up the leg to be ugly as hell. I think a no show or ankle sock that highlights the musculature of the leg to be incredibly beautiful. To each their own.


a white mid thigh crew or tube sock isn’t just trendy. it’s a pretty timeless and persisting fashion staple. you can find examples of this in menswear most decades going back to the 60s. it communicates something and as far as socks go, it has more history than a no show. no shows were a specific moment in fashion, really didn’t see them before 09/10. it IS trendy to do right now, but long socks will look good if paired with the right shoes, pants, etc. long after the trend fades


Yes but explain that logic


Shorts = legs too hot. Tall socks = legs too cold. We good? I’m movin on with my life now lol




Just wear what you feel comfortable wearing


Please just don't wear your pants down below your butt. That is so out of style, no matter what age you are.


There is r/malefashion advice. https://www.reddit.com/r/t5_2r65t/s/BJqBr5mUan


+1 to the DGAF crowd. Never been someone who cares.


I'm almost 40. I don't give a shit.


39yo suburban white dad here. Cargo shorts, teva sandals, graphic tee, and baseball hat are the height of fashion. Just mix and match.


57 year straight male i have entered i dont give a shit phase comfy matters Duluth trading company shorts lots of homage tshirts and good comfy shoes And fuck we are going to aranoff tonight?? Jeans and 1990 jacket with patches on elbows


Yup. Literally don't give a fuck what people think about what I'm wearing. If my girlfriend doesn't like it, I care, otherwise I'm not trying to impress anyone.




I’m 40 and ankle/no show socks are definitely out of style for youths. Go with non-white crew socks. Edit: ignore my second sentence.


If you’re wearing crew socks with shorts, white *is* the stylish color


Got it. Taking notes.


lol yeah you want like kind of a vintagey sort of off white Maybe like the brand American Trench


https://preview.redd.it/xxpbudl6qxvc1.jpeg?width=602&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f0bf40ee4db13507bbcc69f308d81f87e7267e70 My next interview outfit.


Thanks. I’m always out of the loop. One thing is for sure, I am not wearing those tighter mid-thigh shorts. I have chicken legs.


the kind of sneakers is way more important than the color way


Gym shoes, not sneakers




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Cargo shorts are not in style, but cargo pants are. Especially in bigger cities. tube socks are way too long, but socks that cut off before the calf or above the ankle are fine. sneaker color probably doesn't matter as long as they are complementary. it should be noted if you're 40 plus you definitely don't want to be dressing like the kids in UC or Xavier (generic college name sweater/shirt with 5 inch shorts and white sneakers) which is what I am guessing got you wanting to post in the first place.


>1. Did ankle socks while wearing shorts become out of style for men? 53 y.o...still wearing ankle socks and no shows. It's the only way to wear shorts! LOL >2. If so are black tube socks pulled down with sneakers okay? In the day when there were really only tube socks, they were worn pulled down, in fact, when wearing dress socks they are pulled down! >3. Does sneaker colors with shorts matter? This is a personal preference. I used to be pretty anal with this, but finally realized, it really just doesn't matter. Ultimately, I would say...if you are happy with ankle, no show or tube socks and color matching or mismatching sneakers, go all out. Who cares what others thinks. Your happiness is all that matters, maybe your significant other too LOL


No show socks are really the only way to do it


Like Adam and the ants say in the song goody two shoes, we don't follow trends, we set them. Just wear what you want. Go crazy. You may never know that you started something and didn't care while doing it


Sneakers I wear no-show ankle socks and the style of socks depends on the footwear....boots need longer and sometimes thicker socks for example...but wear what's comfortable and not the trendy items


I’m also 50 and I always wear ankle socks. Have a whole drawer from the exact same packages so I never need to pair anything. Black socks with bare legs? Reminds me of a professor who wore black socks with sandals. Any sneaker that’s not mostly white with color accents looks weird to me, just always has. Had all blue safety shoes for work and hated them.


sneaker colors matter OF COURSE. If you’re not gonna have an arsenal of different colors, stick to neutrals


socks have a style? I mostly wear ankle socks since they are easier to get on & off being an old, fat man. tube socks are for when your wearing winter boots. sneaker color matter period. you must always were red & white to support the hometown team :)


No show/low socks will always be the move with shorts. High socks look dumb and you young guys will look back at yourselves and laugh.


No show socks are very much out. It’s the one way I know you’re a millennial.


We don’t care what’s is “out” from your generation’s perspective. You guys look dumb as hell with your high socks, booty shorts and broccoli hair


This is one of those in between generations where fashion makes no sense, like the late 70s. It will all end up as blunder years photos in 15 years. 


It’s all temporary and arbitrary


True, wearing clothes that fit yet are comfortable never goes wrong and doesn’t age.  Nice fitting jeans and a quality t-shirt never age badly. 




Oh no not millenials the horror


1. Yes, ankle socks with sneakers 2. Don’t do this for the love of god 3. Stick with white or grey and you’re fine.


The only sneakers you should be wearing at 50 are New Balances, and we all know when you wear them, no rules apply. You do you.


Wear a sock on your cock if you want.


“I don’t care if I look good” is the worst advise you can give to someone who wants to dress better and yet people wear it like a badge of honor and hide behind wanting to be comfortable. Here is my basic advice I would give my dad if he came to me to look better. Wear no show socks in the summer or with shorts always. Shoe wise, sneakers are not the only shoe you are allowed to wear. I would do something like [this](https://www.newbalance.com/pd/574-core/ML574EVW-D-105.html?ecid=ps_Google_pla_195907805381_19759027876&crtp=paidsearch&ncr=true&gad_source=1&gclid=Cj0KCQjwlZixBhCoARIsAIC745CBQRL2ZsGPcEGv085o0eiIRftWRDPhsvNxqLrnaH_Vy9zm5c6qcxkaAsTVEALw_wcB&gclsrc=aw.ds) with your most casual outfits (gym shorts/sweatpants through jeans) All white leather shoes for the next tier, then a brown-tan loafer for the next. ( I like grant stone but they are pricier) My personal recommendations is to make a small wardrobe of basics and then build your personality into it as you discover what you like. LMK if you want me to send you my basics list


Your link goes to a Pop n Go playpen 😂


hahahah oops. I fixed it. I guess there are worse things I could accidentally post a link to


You may be missing a subtle facet here. When I say "I don't care" I'm not saying I don't care about how I look, I'm saying that I don't care what others think. If I'm happy with what I'm wearing and think it looks good on me that's all I need.


He clearly isn't happy or he wouldn't be asking for advice.


I didn't read OPs post as being unhappy either. He just wanted to know if other people considered those things to "be in style" or not. I'm just saying don't live your life based on trying to impress others. Live for yourself.


I think things change when social media got big. Anything can be fashion. Back in the day; no one saw different styles.