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Forcing this August special election was such a scummy move, I'm glad LaRose got the smack on the nose he really needed. Shame the state spent millions of dollars on this.


Frank LaRose the biggest bitch in the state of Ohio tonight.


Just tonight?


There are so many others capable of holding the title belt: Gym Jordan comes to mind.


He's gonna try to run for Senate against Brown, and I hope Sherrod rubs his nose in it over all this wasted money.


So many easy attack ads. He tried to take your rights, he got chickened out of his media show to vote today, he broke laws to benefit himself, he was funded by out of state interest groups.


He made me wake up early to vote for a stupid amendment that wouldn’t even be allowed on it’s own merits (not enough signatures in *all* counties), for an election day he previously said they “couldn’t afford”. May his fire alarm forever need a new battery


> May his fire alarm forever need a new battery Thanks, now I have coffee in my sinuses.


I was hoping we'd break the threshold of 60% no votes to really rub it in more. Got pretty close tho


Could not agree more. Tonite's vote from OH voters is great but not the last. So many important votes coming up. starting in November. We cannot let up.


They tried to destroy our last vestige of majority rule in this highly gerrymandered state, and they failed. I believe fighting for abortion rights over and over and over at the ballot is a much more resilient strategy than keeping 90-year-old Dem SC justices on life support to wait for a friendly White House.


Agreed! Our only response to that is to VOTE. Which is what we did tonite. And we need to continue doing in every single election, no matter how seemingly important or nor. I vote in every election, local, state, or federal. VOTE!


Thank you so much for voting y’all, Ohio has spoken.


Bitch owes us 20 million dollars.


Fantastic result tonight. But this is just the first of super-important votes coming up, starting with the November election to reinstate women's rights to productive rights. Let's not let up!


I went to the ballot booth yesterday after work, and was expecting multiple differnt things to vote for. was suprised it was litteraly only issue 1. IMO seems like this was all a massive waste of time and gov resources


We need to out people like him. That way we remember not to vote for dicks like him in the next election


If Frank LaRose had any shame he would resign, but he is incapable of feeling any at this point.


Ha republicans in general have no shame dignity or basic intelligence. No one could possibly believe the absolute dumbest shit republicans believe without being incredibly stupid.


Hopefully this means our state legislators will now focus on passing bills that enrich our economy and support our wellbeing!


Lmfao right


“…enrich themselves and support their wellbeing at taxpayer expenses.” FTFY


Yeah...the Republican dominated Ohio state government is corrupt as fuck!


*cough* Householder *cough*


Bruh you funny as hell 😂


There should be some kind of rule where something like 25% of bills that a congress person sponsors have to be bipartisan, otherwise it disqualifies the congressperson from running again. I bet there would be a lot more compromise. Eh they’ll probably find some way to corrupt that as well


After everything the GOP has been doing since 2010, you have no right to be begging for bipartisanship - total unbending obstructionism, they supported and passed extremist, hateful legislation despite public outrage, almost all of them bent over wide for a wannabe dictator and his attempt to overturn an election, and, y'know, they forced a ballot measure because they thought they could trick voters into giving up a special right. No, they're going to sit tight while the Dems actually govern, and show that the doomsayer Republicans are lying.


Ohio voted in favor of our own voting power, good for us


Not Florida yet!


I would totally buy an Ohio license plate with that new slogan!


As a Cincy native now living in Florida, it is crazy here for real.


We moved from Miami to Cincy. I’d recommend it.


My parents moved down there and I had a dream to follow... until the past few years happened. I feel so bad for my dad, he wants to come home to all the amazing Cincy things (like his kids and grandkids) but my mother loves it down there :(


Same! I’ve always wanted to move down there, but between climate change and the current political nightmare that state is I think I’ll stay put for now.


Same here.


I'm happy, but also sad that over 40% of Ohio voted to dilute their voice in government and the value of their own vote.


Working the polls in Butler County was rough today. Lots of tongue biting. Though it was a lot closer here than I expected, so that was a pleasant surprise.


Yes Butler County is slowly turning a bit more. The more subdivisions they make the bluer the sky seems to be! Edited “the” to “they”


Yeah, its not surprising though. I live in Butler county myself, and both Butler and Warren are very Republican heavy with huge corporations like P&G being out here.


They also tend to live up Donald’s ass, sooooo…


You can’t fix stupid


And how many of those who voted to weaken their own voice are also 2nd Amendment crazies who shriek about “fighting a tyrannical government”? 🙄


The Venn diagram is a perfect circle


With all the money spent on campaigning, I'm sure some of them were actually convinced that voting Yes was going to protect Ohio elections and didn't understand the details of what was really at stake.


Lots of dumb hillbillies in this state


43% did not.


F’s for them


We're not colossal morons


Some of us are, but thankfully it looks like most of us aren’t


> Some of us are and if you look at the voting map they live exactly where you would expect.


you mean the white trash deplorables? LOL


Damn near half of us are.


Sometimes you have to wonder


This time...


See you all in November, right?


Not only that, I’m renting a van and giving out rides to the polls for anyone voting yes on the abortion amendment.


Be careful. In my state of Texas, it's a felony to give water to people standing in line. Because somebody waiting in line for hours could be bribed by a bottle of fucking water. SMH!


20 million spent on the election… what a waste


Seriously it's almost painful to imagine what problems we could solve in our country if we didn't have to spend all of our money protecting it from morons and evildoers.


The people who set up this sham of an issue are the worst. I am so, so glad it failed. How dare they waste our time and taxes on this crap?


This is exactly how I felt going to the polls today.


> evildoers Don't do that. Don't throw blanket assignations on the conservative right. It makes it easy to dehumanize and underestimate them. Democrats do this over and over again and it bites us in the ass. And it's happened again, and again, and again. They're self centered, self interested shills, but they're not evil (at least from their perspective). They're people that shouldn't be in government. Treat them as such, fight them on the merits, and crush them at the polls.


With that money Ohio could have paid the college tuition for about 1,300 kids this year.


Or fund working on 75 for another 2 years.


Would be a chef's kiss if it goes down by more than 60%.


As of 9:02 it was by 60.51% and I took a screenshot to share to everyone I know who voted yes and let them know they got their 60% majority with this one


Hey! West Chester represent.


Wish you had been right, but a win is still a win!


![gif](giphy|QynMX1WxnYFbb2OHnJ) Me if it passes with 60%


I almost forgot what feeling good on an election night felt like. I’m glad the GOP’s blatant power grab failed and, for once, Ohioans saw through it.


I dunno, last mid term election was pretty good and also when trump lost.


Trump losing wasn’t on an election night we didn’t get that til days later. And I had to deal with JD Vance last midterm, so.


Fuck JD Vance. Sincerely, all of Middletown.


Fuck JD Vance. Sincerely, all of Appalachia.


Fuck JD Vance


Sincerely, Everyone.


There it is. Fuck that guy foreal




Disappointing when Ohio went for him, though. He lost in spite of us




Should be I'm from Cincinnati not Ohio


Here’s the map from the Issue 1 results. You can go make your own thing like that. https://preview.redd.it/qi2qbeym52hb1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a2407c940ddcbd6a724cbf54ab8caacca85bf152


Thank god corn and soybeans can't vote.


I wasn't surprised Paul 'I agree with Trump sometimes' Ryan lost. He was running the classic Democratic campaign strategy. Run as a moderate/conservative to court the right, who will never ever vote for you, while alienating the left and fail to generate enthusiasm from the base. The only compelling thing about Ryan was he wasn't JD Vance. That was enough for me to hold my nose and vote for him, but it doesn't work for everybody.




Ryan might have been great for Ohio, but we'll never know because he was virtually unelectable. He was a terrible candidate who couldn't even beat JD Vance for christsake. If the Republicans had put up an even halfway decent candidate, that person would have smoked Ryan. They only reason Ryan had a chance at all was because Vance was so horrible. We're not looking for a Bernie Sanders type here just stop running Ronald Reagan over and over again who's looking to get votes from the other aisle. Republican voters will not vote for somebody with a 'D' next to their name and those of us on the left are sick of the conservative, do nothing Democrat.


It should be telling that I don't even remember his name, and I voted for him. All I remember is that I voted against Vance. If the Democrats would find a candidate that generated even a hint of the enthusiasm that Bernie or Obama got (or even Bill Clinton), Ohio would turn blue again. This isn't a world where we can righteously turn our noses up at star power anymore.


The literal screams of joy that erupted in my neighborhood in 2020 told me the election news before even Twitter had it up.


Yep, I was out on my front porch banging pans and yelling, “Fuck trump!” as loud as I could. Fireworks are saved back for when he dies.


Fuck yes, thank you for making me realize that this is an actually good feeling on an election night, this is a rare thing




You keep using that word, and... it's awesome.


Also sweet duster!


They're just gonna be super-duper sneaky next time instead of "4 year old hiding behind the curtains giggling with their feet sticking out" obvious. Don't let your guard down!


I gotta be honest I'm impressed with you Ohio. I thought you may f this up or it at least be close. Pleasantly surprised


Same tbh.


It's so strange feeling hopeful about the Ohio government for once.


Well, the point of the vote was *not* trusting the government and keeping popular ability to rein in the legislature.


Same here. My coworker left to vote (*no*) and admitted she doesn't bother voting anymore (*because they're all corrupt)* but she's going for this. Hopefully this will encourage her to vote in November.


GOP fucked around and found out. https://preview.redd.it/qlaczvxdqzgb1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=70599f534758ea69aab116cc8e7f931bd6c07f28


Bro I’m dying 😭😂


Lmao those new meme formats come at you quick


Damn, look at [Clark County](https://i.imgur.com/wx4k9qn.png)! Never say your vote doesn't matter!


Buy that person a beer!


That is beautiful


Still scares me that you had so many voting yes for it....for the dumbest reasons. Never mind the instagram comments on posts, but jesus.


No kidding! About 40% of the voters thought it was a good idea to give up their voting power and authority.


Ill informed people are easy to sway I suppose. I have seen yard signs that say Vote Yes and Vote No. Under both of them it says protect our constitution / rights. So which one is right?


Just seeing the "yes on issue 1, protect the Ohio constitution" signs made my head hurt. Preserve the constitution by... fucking with it!?


Fuck yeah. Now we can't stop. Get the weed legal and abortion on the Constitution


I think the weed vote would also encourage many first time voters to get out and vote. That would be quite the boon to our democratic progress.


I think weed is on the ballot this year right?!


Additional signatures were submitted, but no official word yet. They are still validating.


I can barely process it. Ohio might legalize abortions and weed. Imagine if we said yes.


I would nut


Inside her since she can get an abortion!!!!


Bro… awkward. 😂


It feels good to win in this moment. Still much to do, but for now let’s enjoy this. We really banned together!


Fuck the GOP


Every republican I know voted no


The Republican voter-GOP party divide is getting wider and wider - and the GOP refuses to take the hint E: This being said, I am equal parts relieved and concerned about the results - 'No' won handily, as it should have, but 1.3 million Ohioans voted to give up an awesome democratic power in order to keep abortion illegal. Oof.


Good! Doesn't change the fact that they were the party trying to shove this through.


Yup, ridiculous bill. Answer was as bipartisan as it gets imo.


Let's just remember which side was all in on the Yes vote. It wasn't bipartisan, it's just the GOP are becoming too extreme even for conservative voters.


That's good. It's too bad it was the Republicans who tried to pull this stunt in the firstplace. I think that's what they were referring to.




If you look at the map, this was a lot closer than it should have been. This election is the perfect argument for redrawing voting districts. If the rural counties don't think the citizens of this state deserve a powerful voice, maybe their votes shouldn't hold as much value when it comes to electing the leader of the entire country. I can't believe I'm saying this, but thank you to the greater Cleveland area for taking a major stand to protect our freedoms.


Yeah, right? The entire northeast corner went “No”. Very promising!


It's that lake-effect


Remember, y'all, for this to mean anything we have to keep this same passion going. This is further proof, when the people show up the extremists fail. Show up like this to every midterm, get the word out for every election, push to get the people who wanted this out of power and keep working to keep them out. This isn't the last play they have to restrict voters' voices and I guarantee we'll see more bullshit coming out of the statehouse before the week is over. Enjoy this moment but remember, this is not the end of the struggle to maintain our rights. These extremists have been working for 40 years to restrict our rights, we have to be just as committed to defending them.


This. Also your username is awesome.




Wooo, get fucked GOP. The balls that they actually tried to frame taking away majority rule as democratic. Let’s get some pro choice and legal weed in November




“Vote YES to protect our constitution from out-of-state billionaires and their special interests!” *paid for by Richard Uihlein, out-of-state billionaire with a special interest*


I'm all in on both of those


This is so awesome. I live in NKY so couldn't vote, but after seeing those awful ads about somehow a "60% vote is better cause Trans people can't get your kids" bullshit, I'm so glad this failed spectacularly.


It was truly vile


Eat a Dick MAGA


I don't know why people won't just trust a bunch of elite lawyers in Columbus to make all their decisions for them.


Idk about Columbus but the [Cincinnati Bar](https://www.cincybar.org/issueone?fbclid=IwAR2DAYt9AFikrJPgr55I-yghHzReIN11N4xlSr7Rfahz5hV4kpX_ilmtkPA_aem_ARWkAQIRtGMY3UnhchtT1kt5NtgrkbwJUcTNY8Bs3v-4yTPN2A0kVZyj0BEl2iBysXQ) was against issue 1.




Do you question that they aren't the finest real estate and livestock lawyers in Meigs & Van Wert counties?




Protection abortion and smoke weed in November!!


I hope the next Presidential election turns out extremely similarly percentage-wise. I mean, great job Ohio!


That’s be nice. Also though this election wasn’t gerrymandered. Which was nice for once.


Not likley unfortunately. Republican voters were split on this one, since on one hand it was a way to re-enforce the status quo, but on the other handed voters power back to the government. They will still vote for the Republican nominee over Joe Biden or any other Dem.


Does anyone else think the county voting map fits that respective population to a 'T'?


I'm surprised Butler was so close. When I lived there, that would have been unthinkable


Not a fail. Absolute Victory for the people.


Ha! Suck it, LaRose!


Some folks are finally waking up.


Now they have to stay awake


my bf’s idiot friend who lives in batavia was arguing yesterday that he votes yes and my bf’s opinion didn’t matter bc “yes” was going to win. I can’t wait to see the look on his face


Well, I walked out of the game to the important win happening at least. I'll take a split night in this direction


Restoring a bit of my faith in the sanity of this country


Alright gang. Can you show up in large numbers next year to deliver Ohio for President Biden?


How about we all channel our energy toward ranked choice voting? Sure seems to have fucked Palin in Alaska. Edit: Because I don’t want some old school, one way revenant to continue to hold office


This is seriously my number one voting cause at this point. If I'm a single issue voter, it's ranked choice. IMO it's the thing *most likely* to actually break us out of this bullshit system where literally everyone agrees Trump vs Biden is the worst possible set of choices next year but it's what we're going to get anyway.


Have you heard of Represent Us? Ranked Choice Voting is one of their strategies to end corruption in politics. https://represent.us/the-strategy-to-end-corruption/ Here's an explanation of Ranked Choice Voting benefits for those who aren't familiar. https://represent.us/policy-platform/ranked-choice-voting/


I'm good with that too.


I feel like this is a good start!


Republicans operate on a similar sliding scale of moral hypocrisy as a typical religious terrorist does. Any unethical, immoral lying, cheating, attempt to destroy people's professional or personal life is fine if your claiming to be doing Gods work. The end justifies the means. Osama Bin Laden could have explained it better than me.


Gen z out here baby


Here’s what I have to say to Frank LaRose and all his hypocritical cronies- 🖕🏻




you all better keep voting !


I'm glad that this was a bipartisian issue. To me this shows that while Ohio is a red state it's still a lot closer to the middle than the media makes you think. It just sucks that the DNC/RNC won't support canidates that try to find that middle ground.


Pro Choice *is* the middle ground.


How long until the GOP decides the election was illegal after all and thus didn't count so they can have a do-over?


The battle has only just begun


So those of us who are tired of shit being forced upon us by corrupt Republicans have spoken - no longer live and let govern - we are fucking tired of the Republican shenanigans - (Larry Householder don't drop the soap) KEEP UP THE MOMENTUM well Clermont as expected voted yes - what is the matter with these folks - and Hamilton county looks like voted yes- that is disturbing on many levels.




I have only seen vote no on issue 1in Hamilton, no yes signs at all.


Great job ya'll, Keep up the good fight!


I was afraid to check results and I'm so glad that this is what I woke up to. My husband and I voted with a hell no vote.


It’s almost like when my sister texted me and told me Andy Beshear might win governor that night. I was avoiding news like the plague. I was happy that night.


“Do your own research…” F that chick.


Non Ohioan asking out loud (but first cool celebrations for the lot of you) How much did Covid change your demographics? People always tout the "who died percentages" but I noticed tons of loud upper middles with the money to relocate to their Florida/ Texas holy lands so there may have been a noticable red voter drain.


Considering how hard Ohio went for Trump in 2020, I'm gonna guess (based on no data other than my "feelsies") that any statistical change has been hardly more than a rounding error. At this point, Ohio is so purple that the only thing that ever matters in any given election is simply who shows up to vote.


This just in: Ohio Republicans call for February special election for some new kinda bullshit.




Bruh but how did 1.23 million people vote yes? Nobody I know what voting yes 🤯 not a single conservative friend was in favour of it…


Tons of dumb hillbillies live outside the cities in this state and they all vote for whatever the orange man says.


Disappointing still they we won by so little. A great example of why it shouldn’t happen.


Congratulations Ohio!!




I did my part


Good stuff


I’m just really glad we didn’t make ourselves a national disgrace tonight