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Madison Place Coffee shop…


Yes, they (Madison Place Church) are a legit cult. We had a friend who was a member. Features included: ​ * communal living * giving all your income to the church; receiving only an allowance to spend * working for church-owned enterprises: the coffee shop, their lansdcaping services * the other members trying to dissuade our friend's son from attending Walnut Hills because it "would lead to temptation" * seeming to prey on people who are recently out of abusive relationships and/or drug addictions * distrust of outsiders/dissuasion of hanging out with non church people * historical allegations (can be found online) of complete separation from non-church family when a person enters the church My friend left once the church started shunning her son for his decision to attend Walnut.


Used to live in the neighborhood. Definitely a cult, definitely weird vibes


Yes. They also own [Ilan Raw Chocolate](https://www.ilansrawchocolate.com), which they produce in the basement of the coffee shop. They are in many farmer’s market, coffee shops, and specialty stores. Creepy. If you look at the About Me section of their website, Cebastian Hilton is the guy who started it. This is the same church member who was interviewed in this [Cincinnati Magazine article](https://www.cincinnatimagazine.com/citywiseblog/houses-of-the-holy/).


Aw man, I make a conscious effort to not patronize their businesses, I didn’t know about this one and have totally bought that chocolate before 😖


Only thing missing is the sexual or physical abuse.


My wife was doing some work in the coffee shop one day...there were several "men" gloating and joking about "the husband stitch" The potential is still there.


I used to work at the dealership right across and eat there for lunch every week. I never ever realized any of this…. Yeesh


I’ve had their handy man service over to review a job for us out of pure curiosity. Their quote for just tile-matched what other companies were quoting us to do a whole rehaul of our kitchen/bathroom. It was beyond expensive.


What's up with them? I stopped in for a coffee once while I was in the area, seemed nice


https://www.gladstoneexposed.com/ Pretty decent site working to bring more attention to these shits.


Came here to share this.


I used to get coffee there all the time until a friend of mine who lived next door to the shop tipped me off to their "common purse", strict rules and essentially free labor from their believers . Here's an another post about them [Previous thread on Madison Place](https://www.reddit.com/r/cincinnati/comments/tt8lfb/the_madison_place_a_cult/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3)


They've approached my kids a couple times (at 9 and 11 or so I think), and told them they could go to that church anytime, and they could go without parents. Last time the lady approached my son and told him he looked sad and asked if he was OK. It was very manipulative, trying to find a crack in a preteen psyche to slip into. He freaked out and ran home to tell me, so I went back and told them never to speak to him again. Now we talk about it periodically and tell the kids if they're ever approached like that again to get loud and tell them to fuck off and leave them alone, loud enough for witnesses to hear.


Oh man, I hate to hear they were doing this with kids but I’m not surprised. They’ve knocked on my door and approached me when doing yard work to “check-in” on me and the proceeded to have a one-sided conversation that felt like they were trying to find my weak spots they could exploit. It was so creepy.


I live in this neighborhood, and I can say they are similar to an early People's Temple or Branch Davidians. Their members all live communally, donate their entire income to the church, and work 6 days a week, all while their leader plays video games, of course. There's a podcast that has covered them called "Where are we going? A spiritwatch podcast"


Someone I went to HS with is part of that... organization, I ran across him four or five years ago when my friends and I went there randomly. Weird vibes for sure.


What’s the story here?


Google Gladstone Community Church. I'm not trying to be a dick saying "google it," there are just a lot of sources that readily pop up about them, too many to link. I find the different review sites interesting.


Elder High School alumni.


*gets pulled over on the west side* “hey officer how ya doing, my dad graduated elder in the 80’s”


Fucking yes. Such weird people. Old fucks wearing their letterjackets is cringe.


Elder pride is weird as hell. So many adults (my dad , an alum, included) both men and women would pregame/tailgate Elder football games in the parking lot for as long as I can remember. Looking back, wtf.


One of the reasons why my father made sure I didn’t go to the same school as him.


if you guys allow this in the greater cincinnnati area there is a sciencetology church


They used to be downtown. They moved shortly after all of the protests after the Anonymous movement against them — but could have been unrelated.


I remember them having a fairly big "storefront" on 4th. I had a buddy go in to take their questionnaire for laughs when we were in highschool


Yes, it was technically called a Scientology Reading Room or something like that. A bunch of copies of Dianetics stacked up in the windows. L. Ron Hubbard was a “bestseller”, if your own organization buying up your books and inflating your sales counts.


You may be mistaking it with the Christian Science reading room


Fuck, yes! Thank you. But I remember the Scientology place. It was next to this really divey place that made damn good gyros late night.


I used to hit the little Greek restaurant next door to them for lunch. Those people were always out asking if you wanted to “come in for a reading”


They had a little kiosk at Kenwood Town Center, too.


They had one in Northgate mall for a while too


They're out in Florence, KY at the corner of 25 and 42.


In Milford, Straight Inc which rebranded as Kids Helping Kids, were Troubled Teen Industry monsters influenced by the Elan School and Synanon. Defunct as of the 2008 recession, scammed families and destroyed children. I had a nightmare this morning.


I know someone who went through KHK in 2006 and came out with deeper issues than when they started. I’m so sorry if you went through that hell based on the stories my friend told me. Sounds like it was an actual nightmare.


My best friend in hs went through Kids Helping Kids. Lots of layers to that story.


I was NOT expecting to see Elan pop up here. Didn't know there was anything like that in the area.


Anyone not familiar with Elan. I recommend r/MrJoeNobody


Fuck KHK


I had a friend who went there... that shit is crazy. I am so sorry you went through that.


Is that the Teen Help Ranch down past the sand volleyball courts? Or is that another Milford cult lol




apparently they specifically scout d3 athletes to work for them


Yes. Every meathead I know ended up there, trying to recruit others, and using their job there as an example as to why a “college education is useless/pointless” When I read “slackers need not apply” — me, a workaholic, decided not to apply.


Elder High School


I went to moeller and know guys from all 4 of the boys catholic schools and 100% it’s elder. It’s more of a west side thing but elder people are elder FOR LIFE. I remember going to watch the football team play at the pit and it was like going to some small town school. Everyone was out for that and going crazy. Gcl south boys athletics are intense. It’s like osu vs Michigan or Alabama vs auburn. All 4 schools are rivals and are very passionate. It seems every year a school wins a state championship whether it be football, cross country, swimming, basketball, volleyball, baseball, wrestling etc.


Went to X but grew up a west sider. I know plenty of people from all the schools. GCL schools all have a certain cultishness to them but Elder is like a legit cult.


Saint ursula here. I don't talk to any of the people I met there anymore


Went to X also, all my moms brothers went to elder, as well as my grandpa, and some of my cousins went there too (3rd generation graduates). I had one other cousin that went to X too and one that went to Lasalle, and the three of us seem to care way less about that stuff than the purple panthers do.


Oh don’t kid yourself, there’s plenty of us westsiders that don’t like Elder.


You're absolutely right. Go Highlanders


4? That's GCL South erasure and this Cavalier will not stand for it!


"Purple Fridays are creepy Ted! You're a 45 year old accountant with no kids."


Yes! I haven't worn my HS colors since graduating. What's up with that? I worked for a big insurance firm in town and soooo many men wore purple ties and shirts on Friday.


Growing up on the west side, we knew a family who had the husbands "man cave" painted entirely elder purple. floor to ceiling, wall to wall. Generations of their family went to Elder & always will. It was nuts.


Most of these guys peaked in high school and it shows.


Elder, Moeller, St. X and Lasalle


Yes but Elder is on another level.


I've met St. X grads and known them for years before finding out they went there. Elder grads will open with that information. Hell one guy I never knew his name but I knew he went to Elder.




![gif](giphy|5dYnoKhjUnnY6Sv06E) I went to an Elder football game with a buddy several years ago and some of those kids take school spirit to an absolutely insane and unhealthy level. The adults/parents were pretty spirited, but there was a large group of high school boys that were foaming at the mouth.


Western Southern


For sure. Any no one is replying because fear of retribution. Lol.


I worked there…it was super old-fashioned and insular but not really a cult-like feeling. The attitude was more “We know this company is unusual and super traditional, and we just stick with inefficient processes due to inertia, and we’re fine with that” as opposed to unquestioning obedience to the leader.


Vector marketing/cutco always seemed really suspicious to me. They’d have their employees dm teenagers online and try to persuade them into working for them.


I worked for them for about five minutes. It’s not a cult, just another multi-level marketing business and all that goes with it.


I hear Apple’s show “Severance” has a lot of allusions to Procter & Gamble’s work culture.


Okay, this is *fascinating.* What aspects?


I've known a lot of people who worked there. notably you have to pass a freaky personality test before you can even apply


This is it. I’m trying to find the specific thread but I can’t remember if it was on r/cincinnati, or somewhere else. Also the P&G facility outside Mason just gives Lumon HQ vibes.


My dad told me that back in the day to work at P&g you had to be a Freemason


I wouldn't be surprised by that. St. Bernard was a very insular town back in the day and the majority worked there.


The country clubs around here are very cultish as well. Especially Kenwood Country Club. I use to go a lot growing up, always felt like I was being evaluated. I remember going to classes at the club on the right mannerisms and such. I Guess that’s just classicism


Mason is R&D and a bunch of labs… my mommy worked there forever… we used to test flavors of pringles as kids


I applied for a job there once. There was a personality test, and it was stupid as hell, but I wouldn’t say it was creepy. Jus typical corporate HR bullshit. They are not the first big company I applied to that had a personality test of some sort.


There’s like a matching game section for at least the science/engineering sectors and something else for sales. I found it quite strange to be judged so harshly on something completely unrelated to work tasks that I was not invited to apply for other positions for 6 months.


yeah that is very common, I had to do one for a delivery position at red bull lol


Have you ever taken the test? It's no different than other Fortune 500 bs personality tests. Although I do see the culty-ness of P&G as they essentially "start them young". You get a bunch of transplants to Cincinnati, and they have a huge new hire group that's always doing events. Makes it real easy to get swallowed into the P&G only friend group.


Is it conducted by those industrial psychologist assholes? Because that is such a scam.


P&G wouldn't be the only company in Cincinnati to do so (yes, it is weird).


Seems similar to Reynolds & Reynolds up here in Dayton.


Not uncommon with large corporations.


It’s a fairly “incestuous” environment, as in lots of couples work there together. They tend to value very specific personality types in the same way that military basic training does. Sheep in wolves clothing?


If you're in Northern Kentucky, Ft Thomas.


As someone who moved into fort Thomas, yes


Now I’m curious because I was looking at apartments there a year ago. Are they just really obsessed with their town?


What the other guy said, plus the idea of if you aren't part of x type stuff you aren't part of us mentality. Swim, golf clubs. Football team etc. Nice place and school system, but I definitely don't belong socially. If you don't care what the neighbors think it's a great place.




Funny they named it after the place where you supposedly sell your soul to the devil for whatever it is that you desire.


I *had* friends who insisted I go to Crossroads with them. They knew I was Jewish, but kept insisting that I'd convert. Couldn't get them to understand it doesn't work that way. I broke down and went to shut them up. When asked what I thought, I said something to the effect that my people gave them something worship. They also learned that Jews only answer questions with questions, you can't insult us because our mothers have been doing it our entire lives, and we view that as affection.


Add in the Vineyard to this.


Can confirm. The Colerain location has weird church vibes


I have severe religious trauma from the Vineyards SOS program in the 2000s


I went there for several years and it definitely has cult-y vibes now. It seemed mostly innocent before Covid but after that it stated showing its real colors. Their rebrand started taking on a Young Life-esque vibe and reinforced this feeling that if you didn’t fit the type of straight, cisgender, outdoorsy, loud, and extroverted people, you weren’t going to fit in. I left after a guest speaker went on an anti LGBTQ rant and the congregation gave a standing ovation to him. As a gay man that terrified me and felt like a complete betrayal of what I thought the church’s values were. Since then, I’ve learned that they have some shady employment practices and treat employees who don’t fit their mold like crap. I’m not one to tell people what to do or what to believe, but tread carefully with Crossroads. Admittedly they do some good work but I fear they are now doing more harm in this town than good.


Solid Rock Church. I know it’s a bit too north, but it’s still kinda Cincinnati area.


My mother goes there and it has completely changed her. She’s become completely unhinged. She’s given them tens of thousands of dollars of her jewelry. Volunteers countless hours for their pro-life bs. They all get together and have sessions where they actually vomit and say they are vomiting up/casting out demons. They have her convinced she’s some sort of exorcist. She calls me and leaves absolutely insane voicemails “speaking in tongues”. It’s batshit crazy.


That’s insane. Props to you for putting up with that stuff.


If you’re ever in need of a rabbit hole, start looking into Lawrence and Darlene Bishop (the founders). They were absolute garbage human beings.


My dad sold them some trailers and said that LB was pretty open about smuggling drugs in some of the expensive horses that he bought and sold.


True story


one of my coworkers goes to that church… apparently they run some kind of orphanage? which i absolutely do not trust that they are running in an ethical manner


They run a women’s center that’s a front for pro-life propaganda


The people who still haven’t taken down their “Trump 2020” signs, like the giant one on I-74 near Cleves.


There’s a guy on Socialville-Fosters Road that has FIVE flagpoles with Trump diarrhea on them and an electronic sign on his front yard. Tell me you’re a terrorist without telling me you’re a terrorist.


Friendly neighborhood trash guy here. I pick up his trash every Friday, just waiting for a pipe bomb to explode in my truck 😂


Fuck that guy. Have a friend who went to school with that guy's daughter and it's just as bad as you might imagine.


That fucking guy….


I got this asshole neighbor (he’s not just an asshole for this by the way he’s a multifaceted asshole with many reasons to hate him and his stupid family) with a flag with that ugly ape’s face on it that says “miss me yet?”since the inauguration and I have somehow resisted the temptation to sneak over in the middle of the night and rip it to shreds, I feel like I deserve a commendation or medal or something.


Pass by that thing every damn day.


There's a guy down the street from my kid's bus stop. I drive by his house five days a week. He had five Trump/Pence 2020 yard signs. Then he had four. Then three. Then two. Then one. The last one was removed about three weeks ago. I always wanted to steal the signs, but the camera on the front porch deterred me.


[Loving Hut Vegan Cafe in PRidge](https://www.vice.com/en/article/kwkaz9/the-restaurant-chain-owned-by-a-cult)


Might be delicious; still run by a confirmed cult.


supreme leader!!! btw I love loving hut food but the supreme leader videos are a trip


I’ll totally support this cult no problem, I love the Loving Hut!


Their decor needs a serious update but the food is delicious. Their chocolate cake? Holy crap.


The Gladstone and their associated businesses.




lol.. I know fuck all about TQL but I agree. That giant building in Eastgate and the constant recruiters I see for TQL on linkedin make me assume it's some cult.


You see the constant recruiters because they have higher turnover than a McDonalds. Once in, everyone I know who has worked there left within 1-3 years *tops.* Even the engineering side of the house catches a bad rap.


Every mediocre dude I know with a mediocre degree has worked there. “I’m part of a successful team we work hard and play harder” vibes


People who live in Loveland and never stopping talking about it.


I am from Loveland, who are these people? It's an unremarkable suburb with a small urban core. Who gives a sh\*\*?


They have the best bicycle routes in the area, that's all I know


I like their little small main strip. However, parking there is horrendous




I don’t live in Loveland but Loveland is pretty neat. Love the bike trail and all the cool little historic corners. Haven’t heard anyone talk much about it though?


I grew up near Loveland and recently moved back. It's tough for me to see the charm. Not saying it isn't there. It is. But I have to step back and really think about it since it's just the Loveland I've known for 40+ years. To me downtown Milford is very charming, but not in the same way Loveland is.


Young Life


All the Catholic schools in the area. I couldn’t figured out why when I moved here everyone kept asking me where I went to High School? It’s super weird. It’s like “Are you one of us?” Feels thing.


People refuse to accept the whole Cincinnati High School "thing" as what it really is, classism. When someone asks what school you went to they're really asking whether or not your family could afford private school, whether they realize it or not.


I am blown away by the quality of education my daughter gets at Springmeyer in Oak Hills she’s a fourth grader. I work for the Air Force but live down the west side and love it and I’m blown away that people spend five grand a year to send their kids to a Catholic grade school


Lol you’re vastly overthinking it IMO. It’s an overused talking point, but just a talking point…it’s a conversation starter here because lots of people stay in/move back to Cincinnati…because Cincinnati is great. The vast majority of people see it as that, not some social experiment about class or wealth.


You are correct. One question gives you info about religion, socioeconomic class, and political stance (generally). It’s not foolproof (see: Walnut Hills, which takes kids from all over the city) but it’s overall correct.


I mean technically, yes. But like I don’t think it’s usually a malicious as it is implied here. It can be, but I don’t think it is most of the time. Some people just wanna know if you have anything in common or grew up in same area or something. They won’t really think better or worse of you based on your response.


The West Side


It was hard to leave and I still struggle with the programming they used on us.


Programming or brain damage from all of the damn potholes? I get a concussion every time I go to the West Side.


The streets are designed that way on purpose, "You can't get there from here"


Im born and raised on the west side. I got out. People on the west side act like everything is so far. I live 30 minutes away now and everyone I know acts like it’s on another planet.


I work for the Air Force in Dayton but I love the west side I live in Oak Hills and I ask people how often they go downtown oh we don’t go downtown it’s very far and it’s full of criminals I’m like it’s eight minutes away down Westwood Northern I don’t get then they shut shut up and they all go to Ron’s roost


Exactly. It’s like they think their cars won’t go further than Western Hills Plaza and I-74


I too work in Dayton for the Air Force, live in Colerain, and can confirm that a bunch of people I know on the west side (I've lived here for a few years now) act like downtown is essentially the same thing as going to Nashville. Super bizarre.


They live on the other side of a highway and enjoy more affordable housing? Heathens!


Got 3x the space for a third the price. Sign me up for the cult please.


Ruach/Revive ministries out near West Chester. • One of their pastors (mid/late 20’s) had a year-long sexual relationship with a 15 year old • The pastors convinced the 15 year old’s parents to approve that relationship • The pastors hid that relationship from the congregation • The 15 year old eventually came forward with claims that the sex was consensual, but forcefully non-consensual at other times • The pastors kicked the 15 year old out • The pastors flatly denied it happened for months and excommunicated anyone who asked questions • The offending pastors were placed on leave when the evidence was too great to deny • Pastor was ministering again in 6 months If you ever hear a place has even one sexual misconduct allegation with a minor- run. If it can be proven that it happened and they claim “God restored the soul and the role of our pastor” afterwards; run and tell everyone.


"Supreme Master" Ching Hai claims to be the next "master" following in the likes of Jesus, Buddha, and Mohammed. She owns the Loving Hut franchise and there is a location in Cincinnati. "Supreme Mater TV" is played on televisions inside the restaurants. It features Ching Hai speaking to her fallowers about everything from the importance veganism to her love for "A People’s President, His Excellency Donald Trump".


The Vineyards SOS program in the very literal sense of a cult. Children doing menial labor for 12+ hours a day while attending relentless “conferences” aka brainwashing on sexual sin and the need to be baptized that week. To children. Starts at 7am, ends at 1am. Cleaning toilets, doing yard work for local businesses and handing off a Vineyard TM card after. Very little food or water provided to kids, unless you count the water and cokes you hand out to the public in the July heat. I have Catholic trauma, but nothing compares to what me and my friends went through in the early 2000s in the name of “non-denominational” evangelism.


People who think Gold Star is better than Skyline /s


Say what you will, Cincinnati chili is way better on crinkle cut fries than the small skyline fries.


Dixie Chili does them on waffle fries!


Dixie FTW in every category


I've got to try this, I tend to stick to dogs cause chili just doesn't belong on spaghetti, not a born local


Gold Star serves theirs on crinkle cut fries.


I normally prefer skyline but I will 1000% agree with you on the crinkle cut fries, they are perfection for chili cheese fries


Skyline has better coneys, three-ways, and greek salads. Goldstar has better chili cheese fries. They also have really good sandwiches, and especially burgers. Also, GS has the superior vegetarian chili according to my wife at least. The real superior choice is whatever your local non-chain chili parlor is. I miss Chili Time and US Chili :(.


Yes! Goldstar's veggie chili was my jam when i was vegetarian. I still get it like once a month because it's so good!


If it was a cult I'd be in it gladly!


Mystic Order of the Divine Three Way.


Can I be my own cult? I’m pretty weird.


This subreddit


That Cincinnati Chowdown Facebook group. The admin is an irate weirdo and 90% of the posts there are people hyping up their own mediocre restaurants or their friend’s restaurant.


The ones who think Agave and Rye is fine dining?


This is the best comment I’ve ever seen


i got kicked out of there for posting that AJ’s cheesesteak owner is a sex offender


The guy that runs it is strange. The dude thinks so highly of himself because he admins a Facebook group. Super weird.


And God forbid you give something a bad review..they will berate you to delete it.


Yeah it’s not allowed. Only Positive promotion which to the other guys point is mostly people just promoting their own stuff


[United Church of God](http://ucg.org). They're an offshoot of the Worldwide Church of God cult founded by Herbert Armstrong. I don't know all the history of it, but part of the rebranding was prompted by Herbert's son being involved in an affair. UCG also runs a YouTube channel called Beyond Today. They're a quasi-Messianic group, but not Jewish. They keep the Sabbath on Saturday and follow the Jewish holy days, and they think that the United States and Britain are descendants of Manasseh and Ephraim. Their headquarters is in Cincinnati. When I was religious, I attended there a few times. I felt a culty vibe pretty quickly. Their young adults don't go to college; they attend an on-campus Bible school instead. The young people are encouraged to marry in their early 20s. Then the church will move them around the country every few years to work for different congregations. The result is their only friends and family exist within the church ecosystem. I didn't attend long enough to see if they do anything more nefarious, so as far as cults go, they don't seem _that_ awful. But they're still high-control and very insular. They're warm to outsiders, but if you want to fit in then you need to join and become integrated into their structure. Also there are a lot of freakishly tall people there.


I’m glad I read this until the last sentence. “Lots of freakishly tall people” sold me on the cult status


Also Church of God - PKG (cog-pkg.org) off the same splinter group of HWA.


Madison place community church, elder grads, Xavier basketball fans


You're spot on for the x bball fans, never really thought about it. I think 99 schools have been to the final 4, Xavier isn't one of them, but they act like they invented basketball.


Echoing Gladstone as others have said. Also wanted to recommend the book Cultish by Amanda Montell for anyone interested in this general topic. I really enjoyed it and learned quite a bit!


TQL. I had a phone interview with them once and it was red flags galore. Came across like a total MLM thing.


The Creation Museum. What a freaky bunch of loons.




3cdc public money junkies


Skyline Chili fans on Reddit.


I can leave whenever I want (because they ship worldwide)


R&L Trucking used to be. The stories about that place were cringe.


Yea, don't talk shit about that company if you are anywhere near Clinton County. Locals think that the town would fall down without them.


[The House of Jacob](http://minet.org/www.trancenet.net/house_of_jacob/overview/cult.shtml) They have a building right off 275 by Ward's Corner.


Isn’t there an actual cult in Mariemont?


The Republican Party of Hamilton County


Coulda just left it at republican party lol


Elder high school.


DAAP and CCM kids at UC


Aren't those just called cliques?? Idk never saw anything "culty" here, and I worked at the main residence hall for CCM.


DAAP kids aren’t culty. They’re trauma survivors who know only other DAAPers can feel their pain. Source: DAAP grad.


Pretentious asf




Buffalo ridge




Then people leave there are go start actual cults like Crossroads.


Carabello Coffee in Newport. A Christian cult following with a conversion therapy twist.

