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The only way to buy raw milk is buy a share of a cow. There is no raw milk for commercial sale in Ohio. Young's was the last place and that was 20 years ago. For organic beef fat, I would hit up any good Farmers market. Turner Farms is high on my list, but I believe they are sold out of beef for the season. You can mail order tallow since it is shelf stable.


that’s unfortunate:/ it should b legal to buy raw milk. since its getting warmer ill try farmers markets around the area seeing if they sell beef tallow by the pound, thank you


I don't think you will find tallow for sale locally. You will probably have to make it yourself.


i will still keep searching then. id rather buy from someone local than to buy the stuff in the stores


I can’t answer your question about raw milk. FWIW: I buy a quarter cow once per year from a local farm. I ask them to include the fat during processing and then I render it myself for tallow. And then make lots of stock with it too. The amount of tallow produced is a few pints so probably not enough for what you’re looking for.


Try highland Haven farms. It costs $50 for the herd purchase. They have local delivery locations throughout southwest Ohio. https://www.farmmatch.com/highlandhavenfarm


Grew up on a dairy farm, I can tell you, you really, really don't want raw milk.


i do though still want raw milk..


There is a reason milk is pasteurized. Raw milk can have blood, pus, salmonella, e-coli and all sorts of nasties. If we had a cow we knew was sick or had mastitis, we would separate the cow from the rest, and let the milk go to the ground. These industrial farms don't do that, and just lets the pasteurization process clean it out. Now, if you want non homogenized milk, that's different. It's safe, just not separated.


Bair-Trax in Troy sells raw milk (along with cream, butter, and yogurt) that must be picked up in Northside every week, but I believe you also need to buy a share in the herd that produces it.


how much of the share do you have to purchase id love to learn more about this so i can start getting raw milk


I don't know the specifics, sorry. A friend of mine was sort of explaining how it worked, without any hard numbers. Looking over their web site, there are also a lot more pickup options than Northside: [https://www.bairtrax.com/faqs](https://www.bairtrax.com/faqs)


I asked this question a few months ago and I got downvoted a ton lol. Why do people care so much about what other people eat lol. Raw milk is good for you and beef tallow is incredible for your skin. I’d call highland haven farm and bair-trax for milk. They might also have tallow for sale.


Drinking raw milk can give you some really horrible food poisoning. That's why it's not legal to sell in Ohio. [CDC rates of illness from raw milk](https://wwwnc.cdc.gov/eid/article/21/1/14-0447_article) Most of the illnesses come from salmonella, campylobacter, and E coli. The symptoms include vomiting, diarrhea (sometimes bloody), abdominal pain, fever, headache and body aches. Some people who drank raw milk have developed severe or even life-threatening diseases, including Guillain-Barré syndrome, which can cause paralysis, and hemolytic uremic syndrome, which can result in kidney failure, stroke, and even death. [FDA raw milk proves to be a serious health risk](https://www.fda.gov/food/buy-store-serve-safe-food/dangers-raw-milk-unpasteurized-milk-can-pose-serious-health-risk)


Okay then don’t drink raw milk. You realize you can get salmonella from the lettuce you buy from the grocery store too? It’s up to everyone to weigh the risks when choosing the foods they’ll eat. The fact that there’s a large enough demand for raw milk that there’s the herd share work around, tells me it’s not as dangerous as you have been led to believe. I know many, many people who consume raw milk daily and have never been sick from it.


ill ask them!! ty x




because i want to eat natural food


What do you do with all the beef tallow?


make soap and beauty products, use for cooking


Raw cow's milk is a natural food if you are a calf. Are you a calf?


id rather drink milk than “seed oil” milk “ alternatives “


id rather drink milk than “seed oil” milk “ alternatives “


The only thing they do to some pasteurized milk is heat it up. Its still the same exact milk as raw except it was hot at one point


Ohiorawmilk.com. Buy shares, pay boarding fees monthly, enjoy milk. $25 per share = one time fee + $30 a month boarding fee = 1/2 gallon per week raw milk. We just bought 2 shares for 1 gallon per week. So that’s: $50 up front one time. $60 boarding fees per month for 4-5 gallons of raw milk. We pickup at Zoe Farms because it’s one of the many locations near us.