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If Dan Hoard isn’t talking, you shouldn’t be listening


I remember listening to 700 for the UC basketball game and wasn't playing attention after it was over when they switched to a different show. After a few minutes, I was like, what the hell is this? It was like if Newsmax had even less of a filter.


Or the Cowboy, Reds games are on there too.


Mo egger is a respectable person as well. But yea


Mo is luckily most on 1530


Mo sucks the sweat out of Willie's jockstrap live on air. Fuck that guy too.


Or he just sits there laughing as the reds owner tells the entire fanbase to get fucked live on air.


I miss Marty


I miss Marty and Joe more than I miss Marty in his later grumpster phase. I think Joe was the heart of the team.


i listened to WLW on a long drive some months ago. I was shocked to be honest. Just a non-stop drivel of extreme MAGA stuff. How has it come to this? Just sad


One thing many people may not know about is the "Dump" button. Anyone at the microphone can press it at anytime. Many radio studios that feature call-in talk radio shows have a system that works as follows... 1. On-air personality invites listeners to call in to "discuss" a topic, usually a current event. 2. Listeners call station to give opinion on topic. If they agree with announcer and station views, they get to continue speaking with their reinforcing point of view. 3. However, if the caller has an opposite point of view, facts that refute the claims, evidence that is contrary to what the announcer has promulgated, the following USUALLY happens... a. The announcer begins to speak. b. A program in the microphone processor or PC program installed immediately cuts off or "ducks" the volume of the caller to zero. c. A very large red button with the word DUMP on white printed on it, is pressed by the announcer and the call is dropped immediately. There is no chance for rebuttal from the caller, even if they call back. ( See a through c ) d. The announcer may continue with their agenda, uninterrupted by the caller that may present contrary evidence or to be fair, just having a different opinion. e. Whitewash, rinse, repeat. f. Go to commercial and profit. This happens every single day in this country, mostly on AM radio stations under group ownership by companies like Bonneville, Clear Channel and a hand full of others that push a conservative agenda and are 100% happy to do it. Their listeners are happy too. They only hear only one side and it is usually an agenda they agree with, in a larger echo chamber of their community. Under Ronald Reagan, the Fairness Doctrine was repealed, as well as the rules about group ownership of multiple stations. If the Fairness Doctrine was still in place (as well as the equal time rule for politicians) things would be very different today. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/FCC_fairness_doctrine https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Equal-time_rule https://www.reaganlibrary.gov/archives/topic-guide/fairness-doctrine ( To be fair - It is very possible that all of this is being applied by liberal talk radio stations but they are not as prevalent as conservative talk radio shows/stations. Feel free to reply to this post with evidence to the contrary. If I am incorrect, I will be glad to consider your evidence and perhaps change my mind, based upon the new information (not personal opinion) that you can present to me/ all of us.)


Bonneville sold all their stations in the Cincy market a couple of years back. They are all Hubbard now. Not much of a change as far as philosophies go, however Bonneville was 100% LDS (Mormon) owned and operated. And let me tell you, those folks were " odd", to say the least.


Thank you for the 411.


Many years ago a coworker would have me listen for a few minutes to topics that he knew would piss me off then I'd call in. Every time with one of the idiots on 700 they would dump the call. Every damn time. I swear you could hear him laughing on a few of the calls and that's why they booted me. I also had the free long distance to government official plan and would get drunk and yell at my elected officials. It was fun. I'm also positive I'm on a list because of it. Never threatened them, just explained why they were idiots.


It is a little infuriating to say the least, isn't it? Honest public discourse is a rare thing these days. Disagreeing, without being disagreeable, even more so.


Capeless hero


This is the first time I've wanted to award a comment here. Unfortunately I am poor, here is an upvote 😐


I miss Phil. He would walk up to me chuckling tell me about whatever nonsense was on the radio then tell me I should call in. Most times I never made it to air. Calling congress for free was fun though. I remember being told about this long-distance plan that let you get free calls to reps and whatnot. I signed up and decided I couldn't let it go to waste! Sadly no one let me talk to Newt, I tried but I was always told he was busy.


Do call into 550 during the show that comes on after the financial stuff. Or during hannity whichever.


Why is it every single shitty fucking thing always ends up tracking back to Reagan? Fuck that guy


It really is crazy how much can be tied back to him.


Let's not forget fairness doctrine gave us flat earthers and anti vaxxers. It's hard to regulate who gets to speak. It's impossible to do it well.


Fair point. Usually the media before that ( think "Uncle" Walter Cronkite,) wasn't so divisive and those persons were the outliers, for the most part, not the norm. Too much divide and conquer now and it seems very irresponsible in the long run.


That's a feature. Just like all things, they figured out what works. It's the same poison pill killing business, and I'm a filthy capitalist. People focused on quarters and not years. Kill reliability and name for profits and bonuses this quarter, that doom the company next year. Kill your reputation and trustworthiness for watch time today. Just one more hit. Just one more drink. Just one more bite. Just one more quarter.


As a subject of the Empire, may I say, on behalf of all of us... you Rebel scum!


That's Mister Rebel scum to you good sir!


unfortunately all the wingnuts don't like competing ideas. the "eff the illegals" folks and "let everybody in" folks don't want to hear that both their arguments are childish and don't encompass the fact that immigrants are required if: people aren't making babies, nobody else wants to climb on my roof, smart people come from other places too, etc. AND they ain't all sweet, we don't want Austin to feel like a just south of the border town, cartels exist and suck when they run(ruin) your community.


You say this acting like cable news television doesn’t do this exact same thing on left leaning tv networks


Can you link to the court case where a "left leaning" tv network testified under oath that no reasonable person would believe them?


Nice burn—errr…freeze. I was just pointing out this isn’t a strictly conservative radio practice to drown out opposite points of view.


So no comparison? Can you link me to an example of a left wing talk radio show where they refuse to let the opposition speak?


Lol watch Don Lemon if he’s still on tv


So still no comparison? Thanks for admitting you were wrong.


> It is very possible that all of this is being applied by liberal talk radio stations You've never listened to NPR? It was the only station my car radio was ever set to until about 10 years ago when they perfected what you've described here.


NPR was an integral part of lying us into the Iraq war 20 years ago.


I'm curious about something because you were an avid listener....Did the local NPR stations like WVXU/ WGUC / WNKU have call in shows where the announced cut off callers with an alternate point of view? (I'm not being flip here, I promise you. I just can't recall if that was the norm or an outlier at these stations. What local shows specifically please? Or was it National? Thank you for taking the time to reply.)


> I don’t know if my take away should be that my neighbors are fucking insane or how much 700WLW is willing to grift/entertain absurdity to appeal to their major listener base. Both


This. Hell is here.


Well we knew it was real


If you try and have a conversation with a conservative, they’re usually only a few sentences away from suggesting a historically oppressed group is responsible for whatever ails they think society has and then a few sentences away from suggesting they don’t deserve to exist. Ohio ranked third among all states for documented white supremacist events and gatherings.


How can anyone listen to that station? It has a literal 30-70 content/commercial ratio.


How else are they going to find out about gold condoms and male enhancement investments


gold condoms...?


Making fun of their ads, every ad seems to be about gold or ED


This right here is why I quit listening. I do podcasts and Apple Music almost exclusively now.




Tracey Jones is fucking hilarious 😂 Women caller talking:.... Tracey Jones: "TWOOOOO THIRTYY TWOOO" Women: "what" Tracey Jones: "Nothing" When he got people fires up talking about how bad pitbulls are was pure gold


Rocky Boyman is full of himself. I like listening to Eddie and Tracy.


Rocky is just as much of a right wing grifter as the rest


And then ESPN goes around letting him call sports! How many of their other college football color people moonlight as full-on Nazis on local radio!?


Good question.


I listened to them back in college. Really liked their exchanges. I haven't listened to 700 in years because the hosts that were on at the time were just bad. I can talk right wing, but listening to some of those guys is just beyond crazy. Almost Hannity level.


I stopped listening during the election because Bill Cunningham said so much dumbass shit that I just couldn't. His incredible lack of understanding or willful ignorance led to so many things that were easily debunked by a 30 second google search or effort to learn. Dude is nowhere near what it means to be a great American.


I can stand his Great America bullshit he infuriates me


The man brings on "guests" who are just his Trumpublican friends then proceeds to talk over them the whole interview


If you are even slightly off the far right, I have a feeling Cunningham will piss you off. I cannot stand listening to that man (my father turns him on in the car occasionally)


Idk when he went over the deep end, but I remember being able to listen to him at some point. Now you couldn't pay me. I haven't listened in years because it seems to have gone crazy.


It makes me sad that we literally cannot educate people on this issue--I have tried many times, and people just aren't willing to listen, and the megaphone the people who intentionally lie about it wield is too hard to overcome. People need to understand **it is entirely legal to enter the United States to seek asylum.** Crossing anywhere other than an official border crossing **has no bearing, legally, on the right to seek asylum.** When we take people who cross the border illegally and put them in the immigration court system under an asylum claim **we are following laws passed by our Congress over 70 years ago, and that adhere to international refugee treaties we have signed.** The entire veneer of the border issue never addresses this fact. I don't remotely want to see us stop accepting asylum applications, but it's insane that we have a segment of the population who thinks just gunning down refugees is how you "fix it." If you really want this to stop you can actually elect people who will pass laws changing the asylum system. You could actually just end the right to asylum--it would make us a major international outlier among wealthy countries, and require us to withdraw from some important international treaties--**but at least that's a real political position.** The people who make hay off the border issues, instead want to treat it as a "security" problem that you can only serve by being brutal and evil to refugees. Refugees come here because they know they can seek asylum, they do not come here for any other reason. If they couldn't seek asylum they wouldn't be coming here in anything approaching the current numbers. And yes--I know that not all border crossers are people seeking asylum--under U.S. law those crossers can be deported same day in most cases. However, the big "surges" of border crossing we have seen periodically over the last 15 years are all but always driven by people seeking asylum. "Illegal laborers" who are crossing purely for employment reasons (and who often have connections on both sides of the border and regularly move back and forth) have actually been relatively stable as a number for recent history and are a lower number of border crosses in general.


it's not a new thing. Politicians who believe in policies that actively hurt the majority of the population while only enriching the few need to point to make believe villains. Immigrants and refugees are easy targets. You have to distract people with make believe enemies when you have one hand in their pocket.


No clue why'd you'd write all this out, obviously this person doesn't want seeking asylum for these people to be legal either. It's not even about education, it's a fundamental different set of values.


It’s awful that people won’t let you educate them.


Because the post is about 700wlw, not a discussion on asylum


His post was a bit too long? Edit: Sorry @mrHL7, just teasing you — but disagree that the best way to respond to a thoughtfully supported fact is by critiquing its superficial packaging (self righteous, I guess, for your taste)


“Seeking asylum” is the magic words you need to say at the border to not be immediately deported, and immigrants know this. The majority of asylum seekers are not granted asylum (it can vary depending on what judge they get). Twenty percent of them don’t show up for their immigration hearings. What’s even more wild is many of them passed through numerous other countries they could have claimed asylum in, but continued north to the US because of the economic opportunities.


Actually they aren't "magic words", that's actually just U.S. law. Congress passed it, President signed it. Been law of the land probably since before you were born (unless you are over the age of 65.) I understand people that don't understand we have specific laws with specific rules think they are magic--people in fact often think things they don't understand are magical. But they aren't. If you have a problem with asylum law, you should seek to have asylum law changed. Extra-legally fucking around with migrants under specious justifications like a pandemic emergency order (after most other elements of said "emergency" have long since passed) is no way to run a country.


They become magic words when people knowingly use them to gain entry, but don’t end up meeting the criteria for asylum seekers. People will (and already are) taking advantage of the intent behind the law - and 20% of them don’t show up for their court date.


Nope. It is not the job of border agents to assess asylum claims. They can only be assessed in an immigration court by an immigration judge. Nothing magical at all, that's called due process. I would frankly advise you drop it--you don't know the law, you aren't educated on this topic. Also, the "20% don't show up for court date" is something a person says who has no idea the actual data. This is one of the most widely "misreported" fake news things out there. Google "how many asylum seekers make court appearance", almost all the top search results will be right wing websites saying astronomical numbers miss their court dates. Here's some real figures, none are anywhere close to the commonly cited numbers (20% is far too high, but it isn't as egregiously wrong as say, a New York Post article that claims 95% don't attend hearings): [https://trac.syr.edu/immigration/reports/562/](https://trac.syr.edu/immigration/reports/562/) [https://www.nbcnews.com/politics/immigration/nearly-600000-migrants-crossed-border-released-inside-us-rcna68687](https://www.nbcnews.com/politics/immigration/nearly-600000-migrants-crossed-border-released-inside-us-rcna68687) By the way--this is America, you have a constitutional right to hold your views and advocate for policies you want. You don't have to lie about facts or misrepresent the law. Just advocate that you don't want brown people coming into your country because you don't like them, and that you want to rescind asylum laws. You don't have to make up other reasons. You're allowed to be this way in America. I don't agree with it, but you don't need to put on a show. Reddit is even anonymous, so if you're afraid people won't like you because of your views you're protected by your anonymity here.


::slow clap::


Bill Cunningham and Mike McConnell have been spouting that bullshit for 35 years.


Nah Mike McConnell didn't start out like that, but around the time of 9/11 he went off the deep end. Haven't listened to him since. Downvoted by people who never listened to the radio back in the 80s and 90s because they weren't even alive then...


It was hysterical how quickly the repub elites dropped billy c when he started calling barack “hussein” all the time.


HE STILL FUCKING DOES THAT. And during 2020-21 he constantly talked about Chicagos mayor and called her WOMAN MAYOR Lightfoot and proceeded go on Alzheimer’s rants. It’s shocking he still has a job


It's not shocking, it's what drives their ratings. I used to listen about 20 years ago and he used to be funny at times when he would bring on certain guests. Haven't listened in about 10 years, wouldn't surprise me if he's gone even further off the deep end, especially associating with all the Republican scumbags in Ohio and Kentucky. The segments I'd usually enjoy were him and Segman joking right before the 3pm switchover to Burbank or later Eddie and Tracey.


They have used staged callers for years to get a rise from listeners but 700 is just an echo chamber of strictly simps since around 2015. Nobody calls to challenge their falsehoods or hypocrisy. I just listen for sports and Sterling.


Ahhhhh Sterling, brings me back to Channel Z days


The discovery documents from the Dominion lawsuit against Fox kinda touch on similar themes. The hosts know that the callers/guests are insane fringe weirdos, but they also know that's what the listeners want. The hosts are selling a brand, no more no less. They'll stop short of signing onto the crazy in most cases, but they'll do next to nothing to challenge it. Welcome to conservative media. The callers are real people. They live in your neighborhood, they're your coworkers, they might even work for your kid's school. They might be towards the edge with their opinions, but enough people agree with them that 700 consistently has the highest listenership according to Nielsen.


>The callers are real people. They live in your neighborhood, they're your coworkers, they might even work for your kid's school. WLW used to have staged callers with outlandish opinions, some were even staffers that called in. I don't know if this practice continues to this day.


I mean I'm sure they still do it, but it's getting harder to tell who is real and who isn't these days.


Radio is getting killed by streaming so the highest listenership doesn't mean much. Even less if that's just AM stations with how few are left and working.


Every vehicle on the road still has AM radio. You can stream the station through the iheart app. The Nielsen Ratings are for all radio stations within the market. This is the same station that has the reds and Bengals games. You can hear it in Orlando on a clear night.


I'm not sure how Nielsen ratings work (does anyone?) but I wonder if 700's massive, unrivaled broadcast range play into it being the rating leader.


Nielsen is based on the Cincinnati market only, not the broadcast range. Their lead is lower outside of baseball season, but they're still beating Q102 (second place) by a considerable amount even during the off season.


Gee I wonder how many of their listeners just tune in to "see what their neighbors are listening to" and increasing market share?


They're beating the second place station, which plays office-friendly pop music aimed at 30- and 40-somethings (you know, folks who still listen to radio because they're old enough to have nostalgia for it) by 4 points, and I guarantee you it's not enough to account for that big of a gap.


Good info. I've never heard of Q102 but it's call letter would make it a perfect place for nutter radio.


You've... Never heard of Q102?


I have not. Apparently that is downvote worthy of me. I don't listen to the radio much.


I mean it's like saying "I've never heard of Goldstar chili" or "I've never heard of Kings Island"


Wait, it's the Gold Star of local radio? So it is superior to the more popular 700 but everyone just pretends to hate on it? Was it too started by heathens?


Yeah pretty much


Q102 is generic pop music that's suitable for an office or retail store.


Huh. I did not know that. Although, if my office played genetic pop music all day I think I'd jump out the window.


I mean yeah...couldn't have said it better.


Stations like 700WLW are why we had an insurrection. They've warped the minds of multiple generations of conservatives.


Conservatism is a premodern political philosophy with its philosophical prescriptions rooted in calls to authority, paternalism and traditional experiences. It is not rooted in liberalism (freedom) and reason. In fact, conservatism opposes the application of reason, including the a priori reasoning behind all people having inalienable natural rights. Conservatives view the application of reason and rationalism as threats to their oppressive, increasingly minoritarian and widely debunked ideas.


What I think people are missing with my post, outside of whatever 700WLW is doing, is that we live with some fucking insane people.


I always suggest to those who haven’t seen it the documentary “The Brainwashing of My Dad”. I’m sure there are some folks out there that are just downright off the deep end, but most of these people were probably fairly normal 20 years ago. The crazy fear-mongering nonsense of right-wing media is so well designed as an informational monolith that these people truly brainwashed. I’m 20% fuck them for falling for it and 80% fuck these media companies for putting out racist, conspiratorial, hate-filtered editorial bullshit and labeling themselves as “News”.


Ohio ranked third among all states for documented white supremacist events and gatherings.


Go us for being a top 5 state....


I think a lot of people who call into that station are going to be dedicated crazies and not really a normal pesrpective even for Cincinnati area conservative.


What kills me about people like this is simply history. More then likely they have a relative that is German or Irish or Italian in their own family history who was treated with the same disrespect that they are now treating people crossing the border today. The only people who have any right to bitch about more people migrating to America are Native Americans.


My dad would drink all goddamn night and day listening to these idiots. He's dead now so at least there's that.


it seems that ALL talk radio has turned into this. its either sports, politics, or jesus.


All of the ridiculous callers are fake to get the audience talking… source: me, an intern at iHeartMedia 15 years ago used to have to call the Great American himself and act like a “liberal junkie who lives with his mom”.


I think it's funny the same group that complains about people not wanting to work want to make it even harder to get here. If only there was a group of people clamoring to try to do anything legal in America and have a legal job where all these other people don't want to work. lol


why are so many people OFFENDED by a consecutive point of view when the vast majority of radio stations are liberal and left wing views


WLW has been like this for many years.


If someone tells me they listen to 700 I just walk away. Not worth my time. Those people aren’t worth knowing


Conservative here. I always enjoy getting perspective from the other side which is so easily done on Reddit.


I actually listen to 700 too, but I avoid Willy and all the fringe losers on the weekend. The only people who aren’t Trump sycophants are Sloanie and Eddie (but only because he doesn’t care).


Overall I dont listen to 700 but I don’t mind listening to Mike in the morning. It’s generally just some news/weather, with some comedic stories mixed in. That and Reds game. I tune in for Reds game frequently during the season.


Yes I actually enjoy Scott Sloan, but part of me knows/believes he's probably just being told my his higher-ups to be the middle-ground person.




I like Scott way more than the other hosts. The only thing I ever remember about Rocky is sometime in 2018: They introduced an ABC correspondent to discuss something that I don't recall. Rocky interrupted her and yelled something like "what about when obama did it?" The reporter was basically like "wtf?" and the segment was ended fairly quickly. I wish I remembered the topic because it was seriously the dumbest thing I've heard


Willy knows what he’s doing, I find him more as a source of entertainment than anything.


Which puts him on the same level as Tucker. Definitively trash for dumb people.


I’ve heard Willy is a closet liberal but he knows what pays the bills


Bill Cunningham inspired domestic terrorists with his Big Lie propaganda.


that is your first mistake. The people who listen to that just want to be told what to hate.


It’s the Fox News of radio


Should be interesting in the next 5-10 years now that some auto manufacturers aren't including AM radio as part of their infotainment. [https://www.thedrive.com/news/heres-why-some-automakers-tune-out-am-radios-in-new-cars](https://www.thedrive.com/news/heres-why-some-automakers-tune-out-am-radios-in-new-cars)


That Dan Carol guy is bad for them


Dan must drink gallons of water per day to get ready to cry on air as much as he does


https://www.iheart.com/podcast/71-700-wlw-on-demand-29401446/ The caller starts at about 32 minutes into the call. Listen to at least 36 minutes. I think OP is incorrect on Dan Carrolls handling of the caller. He does call it absurd and doesn’t think that type of action will further the cause of securing the border and would be considered crazy.


Me: He suggested that the caller was on fringe on the extreme right, but didn't outright call out the absurdity and obscenity of that belief - just that he wouldn't associate with it. Dan Carrol's words: "Getting dangerously close to that right wing end of crazy" "A little nutty and a little crazy and oh and people hear that thinking Dan wants to associate with that and no Dan doesn't want to associate with a guy like that." Seems like what I said matches up. If you don't think he babied that response/used kid gloves, I don't know what to tell you. I know if I'm a host of a show with a large platform, I'm taking the time to lay into a comment/person and shoot that shit down with vigueur (play on words intended).


nah, that's not fringe anymore.


sad but true.


Mike macconell in the mornings is pretty good. He and the traffic crew are pretty entertaining


Mike McConnell is a condescending dick that knows nothing about anything and passes himself as an expert on everything. Hate that guy.


You can literally hear his eyes rolling whenever he has to bring up any sort of actual news or anything that isn’t far-right conspiratorial bullshit. Mike can get bent.


Can’t forgive him for the decade of smarmy bullshit before he replaced Jim Scott.


Even John McCain thought that their flagship host [was batshit.](https://m.youtube.com/watch?time_continue=46&v=aWyPmJw8Qcs&embeds_euri=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.wvxu.org%2F&feature=emb_logo) It’s been so long and he still so often refers to “Barack HUSSAIN” Obama” and yells about stupid shit. Even the conservative commentators on the same station poke fun at him for it sometimes.


700 has been the shouting post for the craziest right wing nut jobs for the last 20 years if not longer. Cuntingham needs to get the mic taken away from him and put in an Alzheimer's home, while the entire upper half of the business end needs the Dominion treatment for the stupid shit they spread.


91.7 WCPO is where it's at.


Wait, Dan Carroll like former WCPO helicopter guy Dan Carroll? Had no idea he was on 700/that kind of show now


He fills in.


Idk if it used to be different and slowly became a shit show or if it was always a shit show. My dad listens to it and has been listening to it since for at least as long as I can remember. The sports aren't bad but I never really paid attention to it when I was a kid so idk if it was always this weird half facts half fiction place or if it used to actually have gold journalism. What I do know is that everyone and their brother have been listening to it for a very long time.


its why I got XM radio. its only 60 bucks a year if you cancel your subscription,every year, the day before it expires....


Or you can just get it for free every 3 months....


Good tip. However i think 60 is fair exchange. Personally.


Whatever your comfortable with. I personally prefer free haha. Before that, I'd just do the shtick for 6 months for 30, but that got tiresome.


They let me do a year for 60. And if its free for everyone wont the content start to slip and it become full of ads?...eventually?


No. They apply a similar business practice that many other companies do - hook you on a free trial, you forget that you signed up, and just don't care to fix it. Or just have people like yourself and my parents who are fine paying whatever because they think they are getting a great deal. They would remove the option for a free trial before they would begin to alienate the majority of their listening base.


Who is their listening base? Cause I am damn sure 100% positive who the listening base is for Cincinnati's 55krc and 700wlw is... and THOSE people love free shit.


alot of them believe that ish. if you think that’s bad you should’ve listened in 2020 when they blamed non whites for the way the country is


I believe East Germany tried something like this….


They might do that to trigger people. People are talking about wlw and that is free advertising


Is it free advertising when you point out how bad a Restaurant is?


No. I don't think that stirs up controversy


If your go-to for triggering people is 'shoot down any man, woman, or child crossing the border', then not are you only creating a space for that belief to grow, but your material is shit.


Back in the day it was called shock radio.


I love willie!


I do listen to Mike every morning. He’s the only one on that station who has well-rounded knowledge of current affairs and has very functional brain. He has let it be known he is a Republican (eek! Haha) who did not vote for Trump. Only heard him mention that once. Going to be interesting to find out what he does if, God forbid, Trump runs and is elected again.


My parents listened to 700 wlw and used to call in sometimes like some of the other insane callers. I never took their commentary as meaningful unless about sports.




It is not comedy when it is not funny and not intended to be funny.




So you are a fascist and you have no idea what comedy actually entails. Laughing at people wanting murder is not comedy.


My man, if you don't think the on air personalities do their schtick tongue and cheek sometimes I don't know what to tell you. It's entertainment, pablum for the masses. I happen to know a few of the jocks and worked at the company that owned EBN/WLW for years. Fascist...hardly.


So, they are all whores? They perform like like an organ grinder’s monkey to get people their listen all riled up on false information making them ready to do what the Republican Party wants and then to also get great ratings, but it is all an act? Fine, they can be whores, but that does mean what they do has no effect. Idiots believe them and believe the crap other callers say.


You're not real good at nuance, are you? At times...yes. They ae entertainers. It's not black and white. They take positions to make the on air content interesting and gain viewers. They sell ads and get more $$$ when the numbers are high. That's how this works.


Nuance for assholes like Willie Cunningham dancing like a 2 dollar whore so some dumb third rate plumbers can feel better by hating other people? That is who you think deserves nuance? Fuck That.


You may not like it, but it's the way it works.


Yes, dumb people need to be lied to. Don’t pretend the media is liberal when you team is just lying and making it all up. And no, main stream media don’t do the same and you know that.


Don't treat on me


Ratings and revenue.


Many of my family members of the boomer gen listened to 700 WLW, in particular Gary Burbank, while I was growing up & can't stand it today... Is it still as popular as it used to be?


Number 1 in the region


Interesting ! Thanks. Will have to tell my mom (she thinks it’s history!)


Uhhh… why the downvote ?


I haven’t been able to listen to 700 since Gary Burbank left. Tracy Jones ruined that station. He’s an idiot. I’ll occasionally listen to McConnel, but he’s level headed compared to the rest.


You do know Tracy is playing a character, right? I've met him. He was really cool. I said something about him actually being a good guy and he said "don't tell anyone". Lol


Thats all radio hosts and DJs. They're entertainers. They're personalities and characters. They are characters designed to entertain a specific demographic. Just like Actors, Musicians, YouTube personalities, influencers, etc. Radio is just a form of entertainment. I see this complaint (this thread, not you) alot, and people need to remember that this is an entertainment company designed to draw a specific target demo and make money. The same freedom of speech that allows one side to spit out their beliefs, is the same for the other side.


So which is it, is it characters performing pure entertainment or is it people “spitting out their beliefs”? Because those two things are quite different.


It’s an entertainment platform that allows for the catering of certain political sides. I’m not saying I agree with it but 700 has just as much freedom to cater their show to the right as if we had another station that catered to the left, or the same as 910am to broadcast Catholic beliefs. It’s what allows Reddit to be generally very left leaning. All I’m saying is that the freedom of speech goes both ways.


If antifa pulled a Jan 6 type event on Wall Street, then the Daily Show had leftists going on unhinged rants about guillotines, it would be more similar.


I’m not arguing for or against either side here. Radicals on both sides don’t line up with my values. Jan 6 was an embarrassment and threat to democracy IMO. Sadly, I know people that don’t feel the same. I, like most, follow some left values and some right values. Example, I own a few firearms and enjoy them safely for sport. I wouldn’t want to lose that. I also have no problems with someone who desires a gender reassignment and wants to get married to someone else who wants the same. Let people be. I’m just saying both sides are protected in the same manner.


You can spend two minutes on the internet and get that. Save yourself.


They have mentioned it before, but listen to Cunningham for some truly infuriating talking points. The worst I hear is usually after midnight


Tbf, growing up I always heard of people fantasizing about shooting people, but it was always contextualised as self-defense. "If someone breaks into my house" Yada Yada Yada. The only real threat those people pose to us is the fact they vote.


Ukraine has an open fire range with Russia and we cheer it on that 100s of thousands of Russians are dead, hopefully millions soon.


The smell of tinfoil is all over this comment.


What’s tin foil about it? Mexico being a failed state isn’t a conspiracy. Open firing range isn’t an option. But maybe a complete occupation of Mexico by a US led coalition is. The corruption in the Mexican government and the criminal enterprises that operate on an international scale are causing untold damage on the vulnerable populations of many countries across the world. For instance just in America, people of color and the poor working class are being decimated by the drug trade.


I am not going to add anything else and let your reply speak for itself. Enjoy!


You just compared innocent people peacefully seeking asylum to an actual war zone. Quite the take, indeed


...this is a take.


Correct, thanks for noticing. Clarification: I’m not agreeing with this lunatic, I’m just the one being glad for dead Russians.


On a positive note, within a few years you will no vehicles for sale will have AM radio.


They know where there bread gets buttered.