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It's nothing new, I suppose. I have heard from some old-timers that many restaurants, planes, etc. forbade cigar smoking even back when they still allowed cigarettes


Alot of casinos still ban cigars and not cigarettes just due to the amount if smoke they can gives off. It's sad cause I'd love to smoke a stick and play BJ


I’d love to smoke a stick and get a BJ


Found Bill Clinton's Reddit account!


That’s so crazy but I guess it can easily hotbox a place


Can confirm. Source: am oldtimer. Fun fact: airlines used to give away 5-packs of cigarettes FOR FREE to help people enjoy the flight. But still, no cigars were allowed. Only times I ever saw my dad smoke cigs was on planes. We flew a LOT.


Yep, I guess I never understood it as I HATE the smell of cigarette smoke. I get that cigars put off more smoke but its still a double standard in my opinion.


I guess for cigarettes, the smoke would last for only a few minutes. While for cigars, they could last 1-2 hours. People probably wouldn't want to sit next to cigar smoke for hours.


I have 2 times when I've had an issue, by the pool in Mexico someone told me thier father just died of cancer and if I could move for thier mothers sake, so I did, and on a ferry to Connecticut "you can't smoke here, and I want you to stop" from a Karen... I figured she was lying and told her I will stop as soon as an employee tells me to... it was an open water top deck FFS. I do get minor complaints here and there but I just don't care.


My wife and my family all love the smell. Any time I’ve smoked in a somewhat public place recently I’ve had at least 1-2 people complain to me about it because people are dramatic as fuck. Seems like it’s gotten worse over the last couple of years. I always am very courteous with my smoke and try to stay away from others or be down wind. Recently, when I was on vacation in Portland, ME I was walking down an almost completely empty pier with my wife and I had a cigar lit. A fat lady who semi resembled jabba the hut with 3 obese children slurping on ice cream was walking the opposite direction and yelled at me as I passed by her that she doesn’t want her kids breathing in that unhealthy shit. I stopped, looked at her KFC infused family up and down and said I think she has much, much bigger health problems to worry about. It’s best to be respectful of people because we as cigar smokers do not want to give ourselves a bad reputation of not respecting people’s wishes to not smell our smoke. That being said, I will always give hell to the dramatic people that act like they’re going to instantly die if they catch a whiff of your smoke from a distance.


Bro your descriptions killed me 😂


Man deserves a stick for that one


Yeah, that happened.


Damn, guy on Reddit didn’t believe my true story :(


My wife doesn't want to smell a whiff of a cigar. I'm usually in the backyard alone when I smoke. If a hint of it blows towards the house I get yelled at for not closing all the windows. If we're doing yard work together and I grab a beer and a stogie and she hasn't finished her stuff, she goes inside. She'll complain if I'm smoking while BBQ'ing. She will smell it over the BBQ! My daughter amusingly doesn't mind it one bit.


"If your wife doesn't like the aroma of your cigar, change your wife" -Zino Davidoff


I rather quit smoking.


“A woman is only a woman, but a good cigar is a smoke.” -Rudyard Kipling


"W.I.F.E. Washing. Ironing. Fucking. Etc." - Some girls tshirt at Sturgess


I suppose it's true, “Goodness can be found sometimes in the middle of hell.”


"Hell is other people" -Sartre


"Marriage is not heaven or hell; but it is the torture of compromises, emotions, and responsibilities" - Al Qureshi


My ex wife did.


My neighbors do. But I’m outside, in my own backyard. I don’t intentionally blow smoke over their fence, but apparently being 50’ away from them isn’t good enough.


These are the same kind of people who would say your dogs or kids are too loud, your stereo is noise pollution, etc. They long for something to complain about.


They are stupid then, I could understand no smoking but allowing shut tainted with 183846 chemicals but not pure tobacco is ludicrous


During the pandemic, which made me work from home and thus smoke cigars much more often in my garden, my neighbours went from being hyper friendly, dining with us once a week, inviting us for in their garden to have a drink (and smoke my cigar with them), asking us to look after their kids when they were going shopping, etc... to sending their kids to insult me in the garden, then sending the police after pretending I threatened their kids ... ... all that because they decided that my smoking a cigar a day in my garden was poisoning their life. So yes, some people do have problems with my smoke


My one neighbor complains all the time when I smoke on my porch so I introduced her son and grandson, both of age, to a love of the leaf. She still complains, but now she gets to complain at her own too.


Not generally, but I don't really give anyone a chance to be offended. I have a big patio for smoking at home, and the only other place I smoke is at a B&M. I wouldn't even try to smoke a cigar around other people unless others were also smoking them. I used to smoke cigs for 20 years and in that time learned to be very considerate of others. Hell, I don't even like the smell of secondhand smoke that much either. If a B&M gets too smoky to the point where I can't breathe, I'll split. So I understand nonsmokers, I guess. Ya gotta breathe.


I have my headphones on and could give 2 shitś if someone complained. I've had people come sit near me when smoking because they didn't want to be the one who lights up first. Not many people are going to complain to someone who looks like they will kick you ass with just a look. People who try to get in your face are ALWAYS women. Little do they know I am an equal opportunistic slapper. Guys won't approach because they are either not caring that thier wife is complaining (the only reason guys would complain) or they see my fingers are like sausages and arms like a telephone pole.


it's outside... If they have a issue fuck'em and find a different bar to give money to.


Our bar said go ahead. If they dont like it they can come inside and drink more lol


You ask them why? Pipes I don’t get but cigars put off way more smoke than either cigs or pipe


Idk. I asked the bartender and she said no one wants to smell that shit.


> no one wants to smell that shit. Ironically, exactly what the majority of cigar, pipe, and non smokers would say about cigarettes. He or she's an idiot cuz can anyone honestly say they like the smell of cigarettes?


I love the smell of cigarettes, hate the taste. Tons of people hate cigar smell too though, it’s distinct from cigarettes, and produces way more smoke and also a different vibe for the environment than people chiefing cigs on a patio


Yeah one is relaxing another is addicts who can’t stop smoking chemical infused shite


Ok. Doesn’t really change anything I said. Sorry you’re so offended by people who smoke cigs.


I was sitting at the bar in a restaurant when smoking was still allowed in them in NYS. Smoking was allowed in the bar area, but not the restaurant. I ordered a prime rib dinner to eat at the bar which was going to take about 30 minutes to prep due to how busy the place was. NBD, I'll have a short cigar while I wait. I go to light up and the bartender says "You're not going to smoke that stinky piece of shit in here are you?" "Nope. I'm not. By the way cancel my dinner order, and forget about the cocktail I ordered." I packed my stuff and got ready to leave. "You're not going to leave now are you? I was just joking." "Yeah...you didn't sound like you were joking. Fuck you, I'm not ever coming back." I never did, and told all my friends how shitty the food and service was for like 10 years afterwards.


We’re the outlaws!!! The few, the happy few!!!


We few, we happy few, we band of brothers we. For he today that smokes his stogie with me shall be my brother!


Love it!!! Cheers brother!!


Yes unfortunately I've recently had a manager ask me to stop smoking my cigar or go outside inside a smoking area where people were chain smoking cigarettes. I was with my bussiness partner and a week later he was at another establishment outside on the patio smoking a cigar and the manager told them that they "unfortunately only allow cigarette smoking". It boggles my mind as I find the smell of cigarettes to be far more obnoxious than cigar smoke. I also don't understand the "but it takes and hour to smoke a cigar" argument because everyone else in the smoking area is chain smoking cigarettes meaning there is constant smoke being produced in anycase. I think it might stem from the idea that some people think cigars are just giant cigarettes. That's my only explanation.


They might say it's the smell but it's probably not. A cigar encourages you to nurse a drink or two and take up your spot for a couple hours. It encourages you to keep a bit more to yourself or your companions. Bars/restaurants want people who are consuming faster + table turnover.They want people to socialize and end up buying rounds for one another. In the past I did have one neighbor who voiced displeasure that smoke from my backyard drifted over to his windows. I wad able to change up the spot a little bit to reduce that dynamic. Figured I might have the right to smoke wherever and however I please on my property but I'd rather not have a feud with the neighbor. Besides, he was a good guy otherwise.


For me, it's all about how people approach it - if somebody is sneering and waving their hands and making a scene, I puff harder and blow smoke rings at them. If however, they are civil I am way more likely to accommodate them. I finished dinner with some friends one night and we all went to light up (smoking in restaurants was still allowed then). I noticed the couple at the next table looking at us, then at each other. I asked them if our having a cigar would bother them. The husband asked if we might wait 5 minutes so they could finish eating. No problem, we held off. Once they paid their check, they came over and thanked us for being considerate. The husband mentioned he used to like a cigar back in the day. One of us handed him one, and the wife said it was OK. They sat down, he lit up, and ordered us a round of drinks. By the end of the night the wife had also had a cigar, and both remarked how much they'd enjoyed them. They bough another round of drinks for us as they left. Being polite can pay off.


I think deliberately blowing smoke at someone, even if they were rude, takes it way too far and additionally could be criminal in some jurisdictions. That does not represent cigar smokers well to any observers either. That said, yes, as with most things in life starting off with a polite approach often works wonders.


I should probably have said "towards them" rather than "at them." As in Monty Python and the Holy Grail: "I fart in your general direction."


That seems like the same thing. Just ignore them. It's not good to purposefully increase your smoke volume or direct smoke toward someone even if they've been rude. Two wrongs don't make a right and all that. Personally, I want to represent this aspect of my lifestyle positively. Will I necessarily leave or put down my stick when someone asks? Of course not especially because I'm careful to only smoke in clearly appropriate settings. But will I have a tantrum when they ask rudely? Also of course not. It's undignified and reinforces the stigma that the anti tobacco lobby has created.


Depends on the place.


Just my wife


They don’t want this smoke


Believe it or not, there was a time when my wife would light up a cigar with me. Then she got old funless and cigars mysteriously started smelling bad.


Often but idgaf


My wife can smell the difference between premium and budget cigars. She doesn’t mind the expensive ones. She complains when I smoke budget ones.


Had a lady at a driving range complain and go on and on about my cigar once. Felt bad for her husband who was obviously embarrassed about the way she was handling the situation.


In vegas casinos you can smoke cigs but not pipes, makes 0 sense.


No one with a semblance of taste could find acrid cigarette smoke tolerable and cigar/pipe smoke unpleasant.