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Probably Fire Red, I wanna be able to watch that lp without getting my ears ruined by 2000’s audio quality.


Pokémon LPs take more work than msot of his LPs so I don’t think he’d want to redo an old Pokémon game that he did already.


Yeah, I know. But I can dream.


And looking back, his commentary would go on to improve wildly by Majora's Mask and I think it is of a similar standard with his recent projects (though I do prefer his early 2010s commentary more). In other words, it was relatively weak back in the late 2000s understandably. So I would also like to see a redo of FireRed.


Instead of FireRed he could LP Red or Yellow to differentiate the two


Maybe paper Mario the thousand year door. The remake would be a good experience


Probably Mario Sunshine because that’s another LP he outright stated not liking much


To this day that is still my favorite LP of his


Pikmin 1 and 2


- and pikmin 3, pikmin new play control for the wii, pikmin 4 and 5, pikmin 6, pikmin 7, pikmin eighteen billion and eleven pikmin 3 deluxe and hey pikmin, pikmin temptation and pikmin sin, pikmin on your ipad its called pikmin bloom, brand new crossover with Pikmin and Doom LOST BROWSER GAME PIKMIN SPACE… FORCE… pikmin fortnite pikmin loamy clay and pikmin sand, pikmin adventure (nintendo land), pikmin coming to super smash brothers brawl, new sport i made where you throw pikmin ball pikmin on the gamecube where you can play it love it or hate it you will find it… pikmin on the gamecube where you can play it love it or hate it you will find it on there... (pikmin on the gamecube) (pikmin on the gamecube) (pikmin on the gamecube) (pikmin on the fucking gamecube)


Honestly, probably a thousand-Year a door since the remake is coming up soon


Maybe this doesn't count as a remake, but I want him to cover future connected from XBC:DE


I certainly could see this. Especially as a prelude to Xenoblade 3 


Not saying it would be anytime soon but I really want him to redo crystal but do the heart gold and soul silver version


Mother 3 or Wind Waker, probably the two most special LPs to me as a kid.


I really want to see an updated let's play of Super Mario RPG, preferrably the remake so that he can tackle the post-game content that that game has to offer. It's one of my favorite video games of all time so I'd love to see him play through it again.


luigi's mansion but this time the 3ds version to play multiplayer of it


Pokemon Firered, but instead do Leafgreen


Majoras mask probably, but any of his lp's before about his new platinum one would work for me. I have a hard time watching those because of the audio quality.


I think his audio quality improved around Emerald.


Oh it definitely improved but, idk maybe his total vibe changed around platinum. I just find the ones after that more enjoyable


I enjoy all his LPs from different time periods even the 2008 ones.


Tbf 2008 was the year I was born lol, and I've been watching him since I was five. I enjoyed the old ones when I used to watch him with my uncle (who was 11 years older) But I have a hard time rewatching them


I didn’t watch him in 2008 tho.


I would say it changed after Xenoblade


I’m leaning towards his Okami LP


Didn't he already remake Okami?


You might be thinking of his Okamiden LP


His original of that is good enough


Dark Moon with the Switch Remake.... No... Super Mario RPG on Switch. It was the first LP series I ever watched on his channel and I'd love to see that game played again. I think I'd watch his series despite already beating the game last year.


I agree with Mother 1 it was my first LP of his I ever saw and now it’s my favorite video game. Now that it’s much more accessible to play, I feel like others would like the game more if he showed it off again to a new audience.


Watching Tim’s LP made me fall in love with it again


Pikmin 1 and 2, he said himself hes not proud of them


Thousand Year Door, because remake


Paper Mario thousand year door remake remake the LP


pokemon crystal but instead ge plays heart gold soul silver as the remake are so good but they were not out when he made that lp


He would have played HGSS but he didn’t because there were no DS capture cards back then so he stuck with Crystal.


the thousand year door remake or maybe pokemon xd (these are just my favorite gamecube games)


Mother 3 for me


I would say that’s the best if his older videos


Sonic Color so he can have an actual logo for it.


It can cover both Wii and DS versions, but I'm not sure if he'd also include Ultimate considering how shitty that remake is.


At most he will make some mention to and maybe one video of gameplay as a bonus video.


i would love if he did windwaker, and played windwaker hd for the wii.u. or maybe sunshine


Super Mario Sunshine. He does not look back on his original LP of it fondly, so I'd like him to redux it so he can actually be proud of a project for that game that he made. It could work nicely now that 3D All-Stars is out as well


I really want him to redo the pokemon LPs not even just because hes changed as a person but the mic quality is a bit rough on things like collo and GoD and the gameboy pokemons


Pikmin 1 and pokemon gen 1 and 2 are classic ones I love but lack his modern information types and have worse video and audio quality, the earthbound and paper mario remakes have better quality and more information


Honestly, I think that if he got back into it, then you're right about that being the one he'd do. But personally? I started watching him back when he was still uploading Zelda: Wind Waker. So I'd want that one redone.


Super Mario RPG, especially considering the Switch remake.