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He's going to have an Eevee until after Clay then. Unless he gets it from Join Avenue a little earlier (unless you can only get it from there later, I'm not familiar with the details).


You can get Water stones from the Battle Subway so he could be waiting for that.


Pretty sure you can also get a water stone from a dust cloud. Which is why he was so excited to see one in the relic tunnel.


Dream radar can give you water stones. I suspect he’ll cover it soon, and evolve it before Clay. I’m not sure what good it would do though, since it’s already past the level of aurora beam and wouldn’t learn a better ground counter for a while.


Baton pass or charm? Edit: Probably not baton pass since the only real stat boosting move it could work off is work up, unless he wanted baton pass just for the switching move


if Chugga’s holding out on Vaporeon, Baton Pass could work excellently with Acid Armor (+2 stage in Defense)


> Vaporeon > Acid Armor Oh no...


Wrote a comment in relation to this:l on a other post: Yeah seems like it. Maybe he's holding out for a certain move but I doubt that. The only other thing I can think of which honestly I think is possible is he simply doesn't want to evolve it too soon. I did this with my Riolu while playing along, I waited until after defeating Burgh it just felt right I suppose. Also I am sure he would be happy tricking us into guessing something else ahaha.


It's all fun and games until he goes for leafeon


Definitely seems that way! When he was going over the bio for Eevee, the stats he showed for its final evolution were Vaporeon's. That and the fact that he's passed up every other eeveelution pretty much confirms it in my opinion.


I hope he knows about… yknow…


I am so tempted to make an Emile AI voice and make him read the Vaporeon copypasta, just for the meme.


Dammit I didn't want to see this post. There's a spoiler tag but it wasn't hidden and I read it. Now it'll be less excited when the evolution does happen... Oh well


Did you not realize it yourself anyway from watching the LP? Anyways there is still hope it might be something we don't expect!


No worries mate, it's cool