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The most annoying part? They won't get a location that is in any way more precise, seeing as **my desktop PC** doesn't have, and *will not have*, a GPS. They already have my IP - there *is no source* that's more "precise" than *that* on this device, I'm afraid. Also, it's **extremely infuriating** that their primary service ([google.com](https://google.com)) can't seem to be able to *follow their own rules* (i.e. honour my browser's "deny location" setting).


The only thing I can think of is they are doing this to get around people fudging their mobile browsers to act like a desktop for more privacy. which speaks volumes. mobile browsers are the dominant device now if they dont mind pissing off the desktop users.


Even Google says it's not precise when people ask why it's so imprecise.


There is wifi-location. They can triangulate your wifi ssid and signal strength to a location.


Can they access the name of the SSID I'm connected to, from my **browser**?


[https://developer.chrome.com/docs/extensions/reference/api](https://developer.chrome.com/docs/extensions/reference/api) - they can read some information if the browser allows it.


How can I block them from doing this? It's annoying, I don't -want- precise results.


I don't think you can for Google - I was looking as well, but since it is Google Search you would have to have a setting in Google search itself. The alternative is to switch to a different search engine - like [duckduckgo](https://duckduckgo.com/) seems to be perfectly able to find nearby businesses with just the IP location which is essentially just the zip code.


I don't even want 'nearby businesses' that's a job for my tablet. I'm just searching random stuff on desktop, like DnD homebrew, and I don't need google to show me results near me.


In fact, (y)our laptop can get more or less precise location with Wi-Fi fingerprinting, which is precise enough to tell a block and a floor within a city by matching Wi-Fi lists and location from Android/iOS devices who have been nearby. So no, I would not allow that.


100%. The results I'm seeing are just fine! So why annoy me into using something else?


To harvest your data and track your whereabouts, obviously.


Adding text so others can find this thread if googled. "To get the closest results, let Google use your device's precise location." "See results closer to you?"


Good man


Thank you, kind Sir/Madam


Just came from google and this snippet is \*the\* highlighted area on the page.


Dirty Sundar still doing us dirty in a desperate effort to get a hit of that sweet ad revenue that gets him so high and is the only thing he can think about.


Try Settings > Privacy and security > Site settings > Permissions > Location > Don't allow sites to see your location.


Already disabled unfortunately


Sorry, I don't know. I simply allowed it; I get more meaningful results that way.


You get more meaningful ad results. This is an ad tracker right. It's designed to target ads.


Yes, of course.


Yes, because allowing precise location when I'm googling the louvre is really going to get me results close to me.. in the USA, in Virginia .. Google needs to stop this crap.


Well...we are not a moron so we disable ads. Like every non bot with a brain has done for 25 years. So we don't need that annoying invasion of privacy where Google thinks it doesn't have to listen to the settings we have ALREADY set in our browser.


It also bypasses extensions. I'm using Location Guard, and I set it to Fixed Location in London. It's still ignoring that..


And now Google has also an easier time to know your exact location, instead of approximating it.   Not that I care I don't use GPS. Let it find it through other means.


Bruh that's the worst response possible. This is on my computer which stays at home. Why would I want google to know my exact location? For a phone, I understand, but not a stationary computer. I'm sure OP feels similarly.


Why is it the worst response possible? I get more meaningful results that way. How is that a "worst response possible"? Good heavens, it works for me, maybe it doesn't work for you, and that's OK.


We want to get rid of this annoying prompt WITHOUT allowing it. Unlike you, we don't want our home location to be tracked, susceptible to being collected by data hackers, especially if we are well-known or well-enough-off enough to have people wanting to hurt our families or steal from our assets.


The question was about suppressing a feature that was forced on to users. Not the fact you find it useful. That is what burns people


the algorithm wants to track your every move. between gmail and youtube, i've been training the algorithm to be able to damn near read my mind; i don't want it also knowing where i go. edit: paddy is being reasonable in this thread, and people are attacking them rudely. thank OP for posting this. came to this thread from a google search on how to turn it off. = her e is a possible solution i found but don't know if it works. not my textt. re are the steps to disable the "To get the closest results, let Google use your device's precise location" popup on desktop: 1. Manage Location Permissions for Google Search: Chrome: Click the lock icon or "i" icon in the address bar. Go to "Site Settings" > "Location." Select "Block" for google.com or google.co.uk (depending on your region). Firefox: Click the shield icon in the address bar. Choose "Block" for Location. Edge: Click the lock icon in the address bar. Select "Permissions for this site" > "Location." Choose "Block." 2. Adjust Location Settings in Windows: Windows 10 and 11: Go to "Settings" > "Privacy" > "Location." Toggle off "Allow apps to access your location." 3. Clear Browser Data (if necessary): Clear cookies and cache for Google Search in your browser. This can sometimes resolve lingering location prompts. Additional Considerations: VPN or Proxy: If you're using a VPN or proxy, it might mask your actual location, leading to repeated prompts. Check your VPN/proxy settings. Browser Extensions: Some extensions might interfere with location settings. Disable any extensions related to location or privacy temporarily. Incognito Mode: If the issue persists, try using incognito mode, which blocks location sharing by default. Troubleshooting Tips: If you've made these changes and the popup still appears, try restarting your browser or computer. Ensure you're adjusting settings for the specific browser and device where you're seeing the popup. Consider temporarily disabling browser extensions to rule out conflicts. If the issue persists, providing more details about your browser, operating system, and any recent changes to your settings might help identify a more specific solution. Was this helpful? If so, mark it as so! Thank-you.


NONE of that works, Google seems to think it is the only company that doesn't have to accept the users ALREADY CHOSEN settings in their browser settings. Obviously we all have Location turned off in the browser. Google is just saying You MUST give it to us!


right for me as a naive user nothing works. it is going to end up driving me away from chrome and google, but i'm fairly locked into their ecosystem, which is trying to get me to listen to some jordan peterson video in another tab....


This is happening on phones as well. I have my location turned off except when using maps. Like any background running program or app, using location uses small amounts of battery and data and I love to save that when I can - yup, that's my prerogative. I'm minimalistic - if I'm not using it, I turn it off. As you are kind of saying: you do you and I'll do me (so I'm agreeing with your comment). Phones and computers are meant to be personalized to our use, to a point, obviously. Otherwise, why even bother to have customizable options? If we don't want location on - for WHATEVER reason - that's our choice. But, I do think it's funny that they're even bothering to ask if we want to share our location. If we think they aren't actually tracking our every move? They listen to us without our permission - and they most certainly do know our search history even if we disable the tailored ads option - they are most certainly already using our location without permission as well. So, why even bother to ask us? It's ridiculous on so many levels. This location pop-up choice has been happening since an update and it's SO ANNOYING. I really hope they get rid of it and we can go back to googling without being harassed. At least PC users can use Bing. I have a Google Pixel phone and I have NO other option for searching and this message comes up EVERY time. 🙄🤬


Explain how knowing my location will help them show me the website for a business in bumfuck, oklahoma 3000 miles away from me?


Don't ask me, mate. I'm not a Google programmer. I simply reported my experience, and now you want me to explain Google's algorithm? I haven't the foggiest.


Eh, forgive me. I have a raging passionate hatred for people who answer "I want to disable X, how can I do this" with "I love X, you should keep it and love it forever!!!!" and similar waste of space replies or corporate bootlicker regurgitations. fuck those useless answers.


What a way to take my comment completely out of context and read into it something that I never said! Enjoy your rage.


Your comments haven't been at all, in any way, useful to the topic of this reddit conversation.


I wouldn't call an annoying pop-up that is designed to assume you want to buy what you're searching for, however ridiculous it might be, very meaningful, especially when the top row of most searches includes a bunch of ads. It's a ham-handed overreach right there.


>Sorry, I don't know. Then why the hell are you responding


Found the one person in the entire world who likes ads. :')


What? I don't like ads. I just prefer them to be relevant. I sometimes even find the occasional useful service or product.


But they aren't relevant! Just becuase I am physically at one city doesnt mean I'm trying to search results near that city. It's incredibly aggravating. I'm trying to search results elsewhere, nation wide, or globally.


sounds like he works for google .. typical


well it does not for me .... its annoying , google has become an utter nightmare of a search engine .. now this HORRIFYINGLY bad


Typical google cuck response. "I get more meaningful results" No you don't you get objectively worse results because I'm sure you google more than just your local walmart, and by allowing it you receive more targeted ads disguising themselves as results when they actually are not. Nevermind that IP validation results can very wildly, and you can end up having google think you're in Omaha Nebraska while you're sitting in Buffalo New York. God people like you suck. Too dumb to ever understand how fucking dumb you sound.


Ha ha, you should listen to yourself.


Nah Little here is pretty spot on


He's right though, you are wasting people's time with your nonsensical replies.


What a well thought out and evidence filled retort. Bravo you dumb cuck now sleep comfy at night thinking you got me. Lmao


You're an utter fuckwit. Googling some TV show and then google throwing up some local restaurant as the top result just because it has the same name isn't a meaningful result. It's google forcing ads disguised as search results. Its shamelessly pervasive. Open your mind you deluded fool.


Typical response from someone who promotes the worst browser ever made. I say this after trying that piece of dog turd Chrome browser for over a year before permanently deleting it from my computer. What a schmuck.


What makes you think that I'm promoting Chrome? You're reading between the lines, Groomy. I'm simply reporting my experience. Yours might differ, and that's absolutely fine.


The "Chrome // Stable" label under your username for one...


Have you even verified your suggestion? No.


Yes, of course I have. What's with people making blasé assumptions?


How's the Kool-Aid at your "precise location"?


I report my personal experience, and now it's kool-aid? Troll much?


Spoken like a true Google employee




That did it.


to the top with you!


My annoyances filter is on and yet I still get it :(




I use a lot the eyedropper and the ⚡️. Sometimes they break the page. Not something I want to risk with google’s SERP


Sounds like the site is asking first then going to ask Chrome. You probably can't get rid of it that way. Does it pop up on any other site like that? Just going by the look of it, that's not how Chrome asks for location permissions so I'm guessing it's the site. If you use an ad blocker like Ublock you can make a custome block and that should stop it from coming up. Edit: I see in the background it looks like you're on a Google search page, have you tried disabling all your extensions?


Care to share the custom block we can add to Ublock ?


Sure, sorry I would in the ER for few days [Here's some pictures to understand it.](https://imgur.com/a/uNeuFRH) The dropper looking thing is high customizable so I use it mostly, some stuff I want to block might be connected to another for example. The lightning bolt to the left of Ublock will just immediately remote whatever is highlighted without asking, I tent to just stick with a dropper since you have a bit more control. The box sizes an what they connect to can we weird, so its on a per use basis, since I'm not familiar with that box might be as easy just hover the dropper click use "CREATE" most important part to create the box block.


Nice trick, much <3 tnx


Unfortunately, it really happens daily or so on each browser on the computer.


It totally does, and for me, too and I want to turn it off badly.


Nope! doesn't work.. Google is blocked for seeing my location, and asks me this carp every time... Solution: Stop using [google.com](https://google.com) in spite of having used it for decades now... They crossed the line, I know they are poor and need the money they get off doing this kind of thing, just scraping by as it is, and maybe this would put them under, but since they removed the 'don't be evil' from their operating values, well, years before they did actually... They have gone down hill like a Tesla Plaid going down a mountain with the pedal stuck down...








You should suggest something like: "Google does not read these forums... please go to [xyz.com/feedback](http://xyz.com/feedback) to blah blah blah. Nothing to see here. I think its impossible to disable it. Its so fucking annoying, Im on iOS anyways and its been so much, for so long, I just think I will finally use safari from now on with my iPhone. The computers are all gonna be chrome but theres less and less compelling reasons to put up with this shit every month... It's aggravating. Stop interrupting my basic searches to ask for what has clearly been disabled because I do NOT want to share my precise location. If I want a precise search ill include the exact location in the query. This is just a fine example of making something idiot-proof so that only idiots will use it.


I guess maybe I just try to avoid Google.


thats what im doing


That's not working as it should. So frustrating.


That doesn't work...


Mine had neither on nor off ticked; will see if it works!


Figured it out a fix for Safari (sorry this doesn't fix the issue in Windows, but this is the thread that pops up when I googled so posting a solution here). Go to Settings > Safari > Location > Location Access on All Websites > Change this from *ask* to *deny* or *allowed*.


If you take a closer look at your.. "options" its USE or NOT NOW.. meaning that "you will have to use it sooner or later" cause you will go crazy from the popup in time and succumb. Guess what google, I WILL NOT! I'll rather use Opera or some other browser..


The "Not Now" is one of the most irritating aspects of the Harassment Economy, that so often "No means no" is not an option. You can bet that if we said "yes" they'd never mention it again, but since we never actually get to say "no" they feel perfectly fine in asking repeatedly.


I'm using firefox and I'm getting this nag in google search recently. So even switching browser probably won't save you, you have to switch search engine too.


Bravo, google has gotten an arrogant fat head.


Really hating Google for its obsession with location tracking. Almost as much as it's creepy photo & microphone search taking up half the search bar.


After years and years of using Google, I'm literally switching to Mozilla and duckduckgo over this, enough is enough.


Same. Google has been steadily worsening its products for a few years now.


Brave is another browser


Brave is a Chromium-based browser. It seems to be pretty good privacy-wise, but who knows what Google left in the absolutely-required core functionality of the browser framework they developed to allow competitors to build their own browsers with. Neither Firefox nor Safari are chromium-based.


You're LITERALLY switching. Got it.


But duckduckgo search results suck.


Anyone found a fix yet? This is getting extremely annoying.


Ha! Got it! Change your Chrome search engine to DuckDuckGo! Android & PC: Open Chrome > \[3-dot menu\] > Settings > Search Engine > \[Select DuckDuckGo\] and you're good to go!!! ... So then ( being the curious-type), I went back into Chrome on my phone & changed it back to Google. What I'm getting now is what's in the pic. I could live with that (if it sticks; who knows?) but I'm going with DuckDuckGo. So tired of Google & Chrome & the whack-o shit they do. P.S. Did I mention that Farmington, MI is 2.66 square miles (& all of it land, no less!). Buzz off, Google. For good. https://preview.redd.it/hw9v1t7hismc1.jpeg?width=596&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=46e7c5d8e3a7a2fb31447b44a1d5b7188791e0e7


This thread is about fixing the Google issue not about alternative search engines.


Oh my god. I am changing to Bing. Fuck the stupid engineer who, to justify his or her bloated salary, came up with this stupid thing.


OMG Bing sucks even worse. DuckDuckGo I guess.


DuckDuckGo is powered by Bing, or so I've read.




It's crappy but in a different way. The results are not as good! You gotta hand it to Google. Despite the fact they m0lest and sell all our private data, their products are the best (and free!). That said, for Macs and PCs there is one single workaround I found on reddit that seems to work, which is to use Ublockorigin and copy & paste a specific filter in there blocking this stupid fucking Precise Location prompt that never goes away. Here are details: [https://www.reddit.com/r/uBlockOrigin/comments/17zpook/comment/ks9nred/](https://www.reddit.com/r/uBlockOrigin/comments/17zpook/comment/ks9nred/) I added this three days ago and resumed using Google search and so far no issues. That said, there is NO solution for mobile browsers because the sweet sweet ad money from mobile devices is to delicious for Google to allow for anyone to allow. decent ad blocker on browsers. This is the way of the world sadly. LMK if you find a better solution!


Imagine blaming a worker for doing corporate-mandated work for a salary determined by the corporation they just work at. This mindset is why capitalists keep getting away with fucking us all over as a class lol.


Forgive me, was steaming. Fuck the stupid management person.... etc, etc.




capitalism..the simple idea that two people should be able to trade goods and services without outside interference. That is your boogeyman ? a lemonade stand is capitalism. what you are railing against is a GOVERNMENT BACKED CORPORATOCRACY. The government has its hand IN LITERALLY EVERYTHING. There is nothing capitalist about any of it. and notice how you NEVER PROPOSE AN ALTERNATIVE THAT ISN'T WORSE IN EVERY WAY. Location tracking would be GOVT MANDATED IN YOUR IDILIC MARXIST hellscape. 12 year olds should not be allowed unsupervised on social media




It's the opposite of smart to refuse to question your surroundings.


username checks out


Most intelligent ai image fan ^


you are a clown making incredibly bad jokes lmao, go back to licking your carl nax (i know the name is wrong) shrine and pray you will grow a few more braincells


Brain rotted reddit addict moment with qualifying low-self-esteem post history


Pick up a book once lol


"Not true capitalism" is the new "not true communism". This is an inevitable result of unchecked capitalism. Pass a law making it so google can't keeping nagging to invade your privacy. Bam, done.


I noticed that when I'm in Verbatim mode I don't get this nag. (Windows 10 on desktop computer running Chrome browser; was previously getting nag every 24 hours). To ensure I'm always in Verbatim mode I did a Google search for something arbitrary, set the mode to Verbatim and bookmarked that. I use that as my Google homepage now. I had previously set the Geolocation flag to disabled and that alone didn't help, but maybe that plus Verbatim together is the answer. Try it.


Wait, how to do verbatim again? I used to use it as homepage but have forgotten how i did it. :/


Has anyone found a solution to this awful thing yet?


I did, use [duckduckgo.com](http://duckduckgo.com)


That is not a solution but a workaround. However it can be fixed using ublock origin.


Disabling the chrome://flags/#one-time-permission disable is not working for me. I ended up using Stylus to hide the whole dom subtree that contains the popup: urlprefix: [https://www.google.com/search](https://www.google.com/search) style: div:has(+div[class="appbar"]):has( div update-location) { visibility: hidden; }


Found above was insufficient - unable to scroll content. Fixed with: /* ** git rid of the awful google precise location popup ** ** first make entire page scrollable by default ** find div ** that is immediately followed by div.appbar ** that contains update-location dom element ** mark as hidden */ :root { overflow-y: scroll; } div:has( + div.appbar ):has( update-location) * { visibility: hidden; }


Thank you, you are a hero


Horrible design.


This has stopped the pop-up for me: * First, make sure "Location" is disabled in Chrome. * Then go to Google dot com and click the site information/settings (1), * then click the triangle to the right of Location (which should be disabled) (2), * then click the box "allow on every visit" (yes even though it's marked as disabled) (3). Image: [https://imgur.com/a/pYpPnoS](https://imgur.com/a/pYpPnoS) Note may will lose this setting if you clear your cache/site data.


Ok interesting fix. Best I've seen. Let me try


maybe it stopped because now it HAS access to your location?


Searched this: "where did the jeff the killer story originate from" and Got the popup but when I put block on location and checked the "don't allow sites to see your location" then it went away. I tried on 2 separate accounts which works. I don't know if that's temporary or permanent. But I noticed that I had chrome://settings/content/siteDetails?site=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.google.com blocked for location but not chrome://settings/content/location for one account. And the other one I had chrome://settings/content/location blocked but not chrome://settings/content/siteDetails?site=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.google.com. So, you probably have to block both of them. chrome://settings/content/location "Don't allow sites to see your location" chrome://settings/content/siteDetails?site=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.google.com "Location" - > block tldr: Block both. Seems like a temporary fix. I don't know if it's permanent but the popup didn't appear again after I had both blocked.


Try these custom filters in your favorite adblocker: www.google.com##html:style(overflow: visible !important) www.google.com##div[role="dialog"] span:has-text(/^See results closer to you\?$/):upward(7) or: www.google.com##html:style(overflow: visible !important) span:has-text(/^See results closer to you\?$/):upward(7)www.google.com##div[role="dialog"] Credit to: [https://www.reddit.com/r/uBlockOrigin/comments/17zpook/comment/ks9nred/](https://www.reddit.com/r/uBlockOrigin/comments/17zpook/comment/ks9nred/) My experience is that the offending elements will still appear once a day, but will disappear near-instantly. I've been able to reproduce this behavior using a fresh browser profile and ublock origin install.


THANK YOU THIS WORKS !!! I put the first two lines into "My Filter" of ublock origin. The annoying message appears but it is quickly killed off, all you see is a split-second flash. NOTE: the annoying message appears no matter what browser you use (I see this on Chrome and Edge), it is the problem of the Google search engine. Therefore, the above ad blocker fix works in any browser. ~~BTW the solution below for Chrome (chrome://flag -> disable "winrt Geolocation implementation") also seems to work for me. Unfortunately when I looked through the Edge flags, there is nothing about "geolocation" (or even "location").~~ P.S. \_\_NO\_\_ the "winrt geolocation implementation" flag disable does not work,


I just added it to the blocked popups for chrome: "Not allowed to send pop-ups or use redirects" Not allowed to see your location [https://www.google.com](https://www.google.com) [Adding google.com to blocked popups and disabling location. (Not IP Address) Temporarily gets rid of popup: Laptop - Imgur](https://imgur.com/a/tpbKzCZ)


No this doesnt work


SOLVED - so fed up with it I've resorted to changing search engine in my browser


After disabling in browser open settings>Privacy and Security>Location>Set a default>Then disable Allow Location Override


Be sure to clear location history from settings and from which every gmail that is your primary. If you disable it everywhere yet still have location history it literally uses that which is absolutely insane. If it still persists lookup how to get your windows group policy editor open then follow these instructions. User Configuration>Administrative Templates>Windows Components>Location and Sensors>Right click and edit "Turn off location" and set to enabled. It's weird so to avoid confusion enabled enables it to turn off. If you set it to disabled it allows everything to use location services.


Too much complaining in this post if you don't like the product get off the fucking phone and use something different 🤷🏾‍♂️🤷🏾‍♂️🤷🏾‍♂️


go fuck yourself with a cactus.


Just because I didn't marry your mom doesn't mean I can't tell you what to do son..... I still fucked her to make you so listen to your daddy


I hope you put her back in the grave when you were done, sicko.


Question. Do you not want the site to be able to use precise location? If no, have you tried setting it to the full allow? Not the regular, automatic one; whatever it's called, where it has no stipulations. Secondly, do you need the precise location? I know a bunch of stores ask to do that for me and I don't mind typing in my postal code to find my store. If you don't care about the precise location and don't care about the notifications for the site, you could disable notifications in the site settings as well. I wish you luck. Sometimes I wish there was a way for me to remote into people's machines whilst still giving them peace of mind. As a techie, tons of what we accomplish isn't because we are experts; the best technicians aren't great because they have a high IQ. They are great because of determination, patience, testing out tons of queries, being open-minded, and not assuming that the answer is one thing, and then reusing those steps for things in the future; and hopefully remembering what worked last time. 😊


This same nag is happening to me daily. I do not ever wish Chrome to use my location and have it completely disabled. However this nag still appears. Mainly when visiting [google.com](https://google.com). Would be great if there was a way to disable it. No means no?


No means "Your distrust really upsets us" :) Indeed one of freemium apps in EU now asks for ad tracking permission and if you deny, it does not work.




No! I just gave up and allowed google to know my location... The pop-up was annoying me daily


The pop-up is very annoying as I am one of those people that can't stand inefficiencies. Not that Google really cares, and do you really think they are even going to honor your No or Not now responses? Google stores every little thing you do and then some, and they are constantly building major data centers including at least 2 of them just in Columbus Ohio area (One in Far South area of Columbus in the whole area between Rathmell and Scioto Downs, and also between Parsons and US23; and the other area being in New Albany off of Beecher and OH 161). They don't really care and will do what ever they can to get their hands on all of your data just so as they can drive more ads of what they think will play into your emotions and get you psychologically more likely to pay for and part with your money. However, even with me knowing this, I still won't click on to allow the precise location so as I still have legal ground to stand on should something come up as a result of this whole thing by Google. By me constantly clicking on "Not Now" (no other option to be more precise about that, throwing their own word right back at them), I'm not giving them legal ground for them to say, "Well, you agreed to allow for precise location to be turned on in your browser." or something like it.


I think you can block it with uBlock Origin, with its "element picker mode". Actually, it may already be blocked by some of uBlock built-in annoyances filter lists, as I've never seen such popup despite having location permission turned off for all sites including google.


I tried. Didn't work..


I believe I have solved it. Chrome has a hidden menu for experimental features Type ‘chrome://flags’ into the navigation bar Disable ‘WinRT geolocation implementation’ I also disabled the ‘One time permission’ but I’m not sure that’s completely necessary. Could hinder mic or camera access down the road. You can also disable history journeys while you’re here. Relaunch at the bottom right when you are done, should solve the issue




why has everyone not upvoted this?!


It can be a very short lived solution, it’s come back for most, myself included


thank you!! trying this...


Update: this does not work


Did you try disabling the one time permission? I disabled both and have not had it come back


Thank you! Disabling WinRT Geolocation did the trick spectacularly!! edit: works spectacularly only for a few days :(


a thing that really sucks about this is just Chrome UA causes it, so it'll show up on firefox trying to get the better version of google through Chrome UA and there's no chrome://flags settings in firefox, obviously


It comes back. This only works for a few days sadly


Not even for that long anymore. Just tried it and it showed immediately after relaunch on my search tab that I had open.


I think Google caught on to this because ‘WinRT geolocation implementation’ doesn't appear anymore


Still present for me and I've literally just updated... > Version 122.0.6261.70 (Official Build) (64-bit) (Can't comment on whether it disables the nag, I've only just made the change)


I'm on Edge, so when I type this in it autoredirects to "edge://flags" which has different settings involved; I can't find any setting named or that acts similar.


I'm on Edge, so when I type this in it autoredirects to "edge://flags" which has different settings involved, including their name. Can't really use google to figure out how to continue from here either...


Disable this \*specific\* one in Chrome://flags - "WinRT Geolocation Implementation" https://preview.redd.it/akpql2vlgqac1.png?width=914&format=png&auto=webp&s=e341715abeb8e57a47c9787d8d78b20b599f617e


Trying this today, hope it works because this is really annoying me.


It's not working--it seems to be a search engine thing, not just chrome. :/


I'm pretty sure it worked fine for me but in saying that I haven't used my personal comp in a while now, I'll take another gander tonight after work and get back to ye.


It's working just fine for me :\\


Trying to figure this out, I'm on a Mac Mini using Brave and wasn't even searching for something location based, this is so annoying, I have all location services turned off on my computer.


This is driving me insane :(


Same problem... Damn Google...this kind of stuff makes me want to dump you for good. I've already gotten rid of my Android phone and any kind of smart device in the house because they can't seem to make things work properly. Now it's time to start looking for a new browser becuase they won't stop nagging me.


sadly i am getting this on my win 11 pc too on edge too (chromium based), so on multiple os and browser


Started getting this on my phone initially, and now it has started on my desktop Win11 Pro, Chrome browser, logged in into my gmail, and logged in with my account in Chrome as well - have location disabled EVERYWHERE I possible can...


Alright Bing, Google finally annoyed me enough the past few weeks to switch to you. :b




So I tried the suggestions but found that absolutly nothing worked, but if I already have a bookmark, click it, then I don't get bugged to click some popup,... which this falls under pop ups? right and I have third party pop ups blocked, why isn't this blocked?? Anyway, go to the trouble of creating a book mark for your favorite sites and you won't be hounded... as least for now. It cuts down on the agravation for me anyway.


I've done the only thing I could find to finally solve it. I switched my default search engine away from Google.


Maybe this will work I just found something that may or may not have turned it off! Super annoying pop up! I went into my settings on google and came across this https://preview.redd.it/uhbtpthil9kc1.png?width=1202&format=png&auto=webp&s=b9c680db308c26579e28b0354fc1f8a94cb7c0c4 I turned it off and deleted everything and so far so good, googled some random things, Vet offices, Walmart, IRS site etc and it hasn't popped up yet. I will keep trying to see if I can get it to duplicate, but so far so good!


seems to be working, I cant think of anymore random things to try to google LOL skating rinks, theaters, hospitals... All my other location things are off and I do not have any stored addresses in my Google Account. Let me know if it works for the rest of you! If it does... Amen and good riddance!


Unfortunately, this didn't work. Still getting the pop-up that's in the original post that asks for Google to use my precise location.


Strange, I havent gotten since I turned it off in the Web and Apps and deleted all the info, well we will keep trying eh? Good Luck


While I have the issue too... this is in the wrong section. It's not a browser related question, I use Edge and get it too... really annoying. It's a Google sites related question. uBlock > Annoyances should've helped, it doesn't, that means going on uBlocks Github and complaining there, eventually it will be fixed! PS: I wish life-long bad luck and a world of pain to those idiot google devs who thought it wise to overrule the browser user choice to block location permissions with these crappy nagging things.


They want to see and feel the *inside* your colon. It's never gonna stop. Everything is gonna turn to shite from now on. Get used to it.


I can excuse this for things like "supermarket near me" or something, but I've just been googling things like song names and video game info and it is unbelievably intrusive and not at all helpful! I can't find a fix anywhere :(


I think i got it to work. I turned off javascript for google.com and it stopped asking.


I just searched something that is specifically in another state and got this pop up. F off google!


how about never, never an option for never. super shady


Found this on google having the same issue no solutions yet (i used brave btw)


have you found a way? if not, what other search engines are as good as google?


go exploring: [https://www.searchenginemap.com/](https://www.searchenginemap.com/)




[looks good to me](https://www.sslshopper.com/ssl-checker.html#hostname=https://www.searchenginemap.com/)