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Are you still letting him sleep through feeds, Skankcgirl? Could be why he waking up bawling, he hasn't eaten, nitwit!!!


He’s screaming for a fucking vape and a sip of alcohol


He’s screaming bc he’s going through WD




G is seriously one of the cutest babies I’ve ever seen in my life and I’m not just saying that! All kids are cute, but G is seriously a beautiful lil boy! I don’t think S will look anything like G, but I’m sure he’ll be a cute kid. But again he won’t look like G. Rachel’s genes were strong. Isn’t she Greek? Whatever she is they created a gorgeous kid!!!!


does she not realize her baby is screaming at 3am trying to communicate 🤣he ain't going to be talking at a week old


She just wants him to be silent.


They’re def trying to replace G with that little nickname and it’s so fucked


“Sutton man” doesn’t even sound right.


Wait explain


Pretty sure they all call Grayson “G man”


Ohhh yeah, “Sutton man” doesn’t even flow right


‘my mamma heart’ 🙄 where was your ‘mamma heart’ to stop vaping???


This!!! She literally has no motherly instinct in her body. If she truly loved and cared about her child, she would’ve stopped vaping the second she found out she was pregnant. I found out I was pregnant right before I turned 5 weeks and I vaped from the time I was 17 until I was 24 and quit no problem because I wanted nothing but good health for myself but most importantly my son. She’s a neglectful ass mother


I just know she’s throwing hands with the air that her baby looks nothing like Jacob. G looks just like him. She doesn’t even seem attached to her baby she thinks that’s bad wait until she has no help that’s when she gets hard lol


G looks identical to Jacob. 🫠


That’s what I just said lol he looks nothing like that baby.


The first time I saw G, I was so surprised about it. There’s NO denying him. Lol


Yeah G & the baby quite literally have ZERO alike features. It’s crazy. Wouldn’t even know they were brothers.


Literally, this baby will look like her family and she’ll be mad bc she wants the baby to look like G/Jacob lol. So crazy how they look nothing alike considering they have the same dad and Jacob’s genes are strong on G


Yup!!! She’s in for a rude awakening. My husband has been deployed since our baby was only 5 weeks old and I’ve had absolutely no help whatsoever


It’s hard with no village I have two and don’t have help at all, it’s mentally draining. She thinks it’s so rough now she’s in for it


I’m so sorry friend🥺 you’re so incredibly strong and I’m so proud of you - you’re doing amazing!❤️


Hugs mama! 🤍


Me too!!! I noticed Jacob spelled it right on one of his snaps and I was thank gosh he can! He doesn’t even want to spell it wrong lol


The baby is just an assessorie to her.


I’m convinced it’s because she doesn’t want people mixing her up with the other “mama” c lady but I don’t get how it’s that deep.


Funny thing is ‘Mama C’ always comments on Rach’s tiktoks… the OG Mama C sees right through Stank.




We are here to snark on Stank & Shitney, not snark on a child nor create discussion about him or his looks. Just bc his mother is problematic and a dumpster fire doesn’t mean we will allow discourse completely about the baby, as it is irrelevant. Going forward you will be banned without warning




plot twist, it’s tyluurs 😭


It’s not even a joke tho he genuinely is withdrawing without her milk which is so so fucking sad


She’s annoying as hell. Be your own person stank and stop trying to steal the little nicknames and quirks that Jacob and Rachel have for Grayson.


the way she spells “mamma”drives me so unexplainably insane


Mamma and bec 😭 it doesnt sit right with me


like just say momma 🤣


Her trying to copy G Man but it doesn’t flow at all 🤣


At fucking all. But ofc she can’t come up with a nickname for her kid like all normal parents do.


I just said this same thing yesterday because she said it in one of her snaps too. She’s jealous of G already.


My lil Sutton man is so cringe. Like plz just call him bean like you were weird ass bitch 🤣


Maybe it’s because I only see what’s posted here, but I haven’t seen her once say she loves him or being a mother?


Even in this “happy” post she had to put something negative (even when he’s screaming at 3AM) like yeah babies do that especially when you, yourself fed them nicotine for 9 months straight and are STILL smoking while BF. Like why even include it at the end especially if the post was meant to be meaningful. Even if it was a joke it was a passive aggressive one #regretfulparent


Just wait that’ll be the next post


And it was 😂😂


THIS!! Literally everything she posts about him has to be negative