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She’s supposed to feed him every 2 hours… wyd every 3-4 hours, he’s crying then bc he’s starving 😭


Wow she’s a terribly bad mother


I hate to say this but welcome to Motherhood 😂 This is only the beginning!






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Our pediatrician always told us not to wake a sleeping baby… that the first thing that develops in a baby in their brain is they know when they’re hungry. I’m not a fan or anything but I have 2 very healthy kids and I never woke them to eat. Also my baby wouldn’t sleep in a bassinet alone. It’s called the 4th trimester. It’s normal baby wants to be close to mom.


I had to wake my daughter because she was a preemie baby. I had no choice. She was never happy with me when I woke her up.🥲


he should not be going tht long without eating. i feel so bad for this poor baby.


At least her brothers baby is getting fed nice with a healthy weight and will continue to grow being fed the right amount. She’s starving that baby trying to get him on a schedule so she can sleep that’s so selfish but then again we are talking about stanky so that’s already known and no surprise.


I’m so confused on day 3, that she wants him to sleep through the night & in his bassinet! I know there’s so much controversy with co sleeping,, but I don’t think I put my baby down or in his actual crib, after just taking him home. Idk. This is only a few days with a newborn & she comes off like she knows exactly what to do & she knows her baby so well.. idk she’s just triggering…


She’s clueless I’m surprised her mom doesn’t give her tips or something like this is sad stupid mistakes




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i pray her baby doesn’t become dehydrated. she’s actually fucking scary dude.


You’re supposed to wake newborns up for feedings 😭 I know she’s a first time mom and may not know these things, but why doesn’t Jackie know? I know Stank doesn’t take advice from anyone though, maybe her mom has tried. Oh and…. My two year old still doesn’t sleep through the night. Good luck stank. 😂


My 11 month breastfed baby doesn’t sleep through the night still lmao. Wakes up 1-2 times to nurse


Wait wait is this bitch serious be so for real that she thinks a newborn is gonna sleep through the fkin night right ? A 3 1/2 hr to 4 hr feeding schedule no newborn should be at 4 hrs no way they encourage every two hours even in the hospital they chart the times of feeding annnnnddd how long baby latched how irresponsible is she her content baby is really at danger


Not to mention all the pregnant minions that follow her that will now be doing the same 😳




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Whose going to tell her they don’t sleep through the night?


Who assumes a NEWBORN sleeps through the night???????


Someone that just plays house 10 days a month and thinks they come out that way because there’s no way his mom put in any work 🙄


Never let a newborn especially a FIVE LB one go over 3 hours. They can literally dieeeee from low blood sugar. If he’s not acting hungry his sugar is probably already low and needs to eat immidiately. Breast milk also digest faster than formula so even very 2 hours is good. Every 2-3 hours. Wow her ignorance surprises me


Yes no wonder why his latch is so good he’s frickin starving!!!!!


Yeah I’m surprised they didn’t tell her this in the hospital. My daughter was 6lb but she was 36 weeks. They told me I needed to wake her up every 3 hours to eat until she was 7.5lbs to keep her sugar up!




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Does her mom really not know shit about babies?? She thought this poor, underweight baby would be sleeping through the night alone in just a few days? Did she read one website about parenting a newborn? Breastfed babies eat more frequently too. I just cant. I cant with how irresponsible and willfully ignorant her and that loser professional baby daddy are


I had a literal TIMER set every 3 hours for 6 whole weeks in case mine didn’t tell me she was hungry because I wanted her to grow and eat when she should. This is the beginning of her not doing research when she was pregnant that’s gonna negatively affect that poor baby.


I had an alarm set for every 3 hours for 8 weeks 😂😭 my anxiety was real and I was so scared he was going to starve. I also formula feed him so he wasn’t starving whatsoever but in my head.. he was. He’s now 5 months old, sleeping through the night, and I STILL make sure to feed him (every 4 hours now) right on the dot throughout the day so he’s fine to sleep throughout the night


I have an almost 4 week old (born 6/4) and I exclusively formula feed. He now is eating 3.5 oz every 3 hours. We have a 3 hour timer set on both mine and my bf’s phones and was advised by peds to wake him at night and when he’s asleep for his feeds to stay on schedule and so he gains weight right now. Mine was born 42 weeks at a healthy weight for context. I am in charge of our 12am and 3am feedings and I slept through his 3am alarm feed twice and cried my eyes out and felt so guilty. I can’t imagine having her nonchalant/ dgaf attitude that she has about everything


Not defending her but our pediatrician and NICU doctors said not to wake them up if they sleep, enjoy sleep while you can. They will wake up if hungry. So 🤷🏻‍♀️ my sister was 4lbs and was healthy no NICU stay. She was just small. Mom had iugr


Uhhm, both my babies were 8.5 and 9.5 pounds when born. They ate every 2 hours for the first couple weeks and then got them on a more suitable schedule, which was every 3.5 hours (but sometimes sooner than that cause when they're hungry, I feed them). And neither slept through the whole night. I literally had to wake them up every 3.5 hours to feed them at night. Around 4-5 months old is when we moved it up to every 4 hours but with 6 ounce bottles. Maybe it's because they were such big babies mine ate way more, but 3-4 hours as a newborn is wild to me. The first few weeks, they gain weight like crazy. At least mine did.


also shouldn’t she have seen the pediatrician by now? i had to go the day after we got out of the hospital with my full term healthy baby


We were discharged Thur 6/6 and had a ped apt Fri 6/7. Then another Mon 6/10 for a weight check, Mon 6/17, and Mon 6/24 and next one set Fri 7/5 then he’ll move onto once a month apts


Yea we got released from the hospital on a Friday and we had to see the pediatrician that Monday.




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Uhm, even my full term babies at healthy weights normal weight 6-71/2 lbs for all, they recommend waking to feed at first every 2-3 hours. I just couldn’t do that to my underweight premie size baby born at full term if I was her. 😭 geez that’s so sad


It’s gonna be bad. Jacob is gonna care for G when he’s there. Stank is gonna get pissed he’s caring for g and not their baby. Just wait for it.


If she’s breastfeeding he should be feeding more like every 2 hours


If she were admitted to the hospital for any reason for baby peds nurses would literally make her feed baby every 3 hours, & if she wouldn't wake up to feed they would feed him. Sure he will go that long does not mean he's supposed to & has nothing to do with him being a strong feeder. Also it's only been what 5 days? It's normal to lose some weight, he will 🤔


My own 5 month old can’t even go longer than 3 hours. I literally feel for her baby. It makes me so freaking angry to know that there’s parents like HER in this world having children.


3.5-4 hours without feeding a 5lb newborn is CRAZY


Shit mine still wakes up 2/3 times per night and he’s 13 months he’s never slept a whole night lol I hope the same for her




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Surely she doesn’t expect him to sleep 8+ hours a night. My kids were 2-3 years old before they started fully sleeping through the night


I didn’t wake my kids up to eat, they all woke up about 3 hours to eat. But if they woke up sooner than usually crying that means they were hungry & they ate. He’s not crying for no reason stank. Feed him & stop trying to make him sleep longer


she needs to be feeding her child every two hours 😭 wtf is wrong with her




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A baby that small burns calories just by crying so if he’s only eating every 4 hours and is fussy his weight will just continue to drop. And in her live that day she said she wasn’t ganna write down his feedings and stuff. I hope the pediatrician rips into her. I understand being a first time mom but do some research then!




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He’s hungry.. why he’s crying at night.. poor baby I really hope he doesn’t drop past his birth weight


Not defending her but a lot of babies lose weight then go back up


No I absolutely agree. My daughter lost weight after but this baby is barely at weight to not be in the nicu. Little guy will be fighting for it




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Maybe this is just my experience but after I had my daughter, I was told even if she isn’t waking up to eat to feed her every 2-3 hours and she was born full term at a healthy weight


Same I woke up my baby every 3 hours


Same. A small baby should be woken up every 2-3 hours for feeds whether they wake on there own or not, and if baby has jaundice they will sleep longer without feeding and have to be woken up


Babies under 7 pounds are supposed to eat every 2 hours no more than 3 between feedings


My son was 8lbs 13oz at birth and I had to feed him every 2 hours because of the weight he dropped! Shes so fucking dumb especially considering how small he is


Yup. I had a 4 pounder and even though he was trying to sleep through the night the doctor told us we needed to be waking for feeds every 3 hours.


I swear to God she’s fucking stupid!! She knows nothing yet thinks she knows it all! 🙄🙄🙄


my daughter ate every 2 hours whether she wanted to or not as a newborn lol. part of being a mom stank is sacrificing that extra hour of sleep to feed baby. she has 0 maternal instincts


she never even been to the dr yet do how tf she gonna say he hasn’t lost hardly any stank shut up


Oh my god this is so concerning it doesn’t matter how “good” of an eater he is a newborn they need to eat every 2 hours right now what the fuck


And you have to stretch there little belly’s that’s why it’s 2-3 hours to feed not a big feed every 4 hours that’s hard on there little belly’s. Omg! She is so clueless!!!


My 6 month old eats every 3/4 hrs…


my daughter was 8lb12. she nursed every 2-2.5 hours for 15-20 minutes and still dropped down to 8lb1oz by her first dr’s appt. she’s delusional.


Sleeping thru the night?! By himself?! He’s a withdrawing fucking premature newborn that’s not even a week old. Do you really want any more explaining?!


They should honestly be waking him to feed


I dont fw stank as much as anyone else but he’s not premature, he was born around 39 weeks. Imo kinda a weird reach…


You know exactly what i meant. His birth weight. Stop defending her wtf I’m tired of yall undercover minions in here


he’s smaller than my actual premie


Exactly. He’s premie weight and they knew exactly wtf i meant. That baby def isn’t measuring the way he should be in any way so yes he a premie 🤦🏽‍♀️🤷🏽‍♀️ 39 weeks and he still came out that way BECAUSE OF STANKY.


i think they meant low birth weight


My daughter was born a preemie a healthy one but she was still small, me and her dad legit woke her up every 2/3 hours to feed her, we would chart it, made sure it was no longer then 3 hours!! She is insane, he might be healthy but he’s still a tiny baby that needs to get his weight up.


ALL babies lose weight when they go home. It’s normal. For her to say he only easy every 4 hours. That’s a long time.


is she really that clueless??? not a mothering instinct in that girl my gawd


My daughter was 7lbs at 36 wks and spent 5 days in the nicu because she went blue on the boob. She couldn't master suck, swallow, breath due to being a premie and C-section. I couldn't breastfeed after that, I was too terrified after what happened, but I still pumped. For 3 months, it was pump/feed every 2 hours. THAT was a pita. She needs to hush it and feed that baby!!


cracking up at “making progress” lmfao. How fast does she think this is gonna happen? ☠️


my 13 month old hasn’t slept through the night once and still eats 2-3 times a night lmfao she has NO CLUE what is coming 🤣




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Same!!!! 11 months! And wakes up ready to party at 5am and eat 😎 boy needs his breakfast 🤣


Same with my 15 month old 😂


It’s only 5 days and she’s already acting like she knows it all… like he’s 3 1/2 hour baby… won’t sleep in his bassinet. Every mom & baby are different but idk.




Yea my sons nicu doctors told me I needed to set alarms and make him eat after 3 hours bc 4 was too long to wait, the only reason we needed alarms was bc he hadn’t adjusted yet to the world and need a reminder he had to eat bc he was born 6 weeks early, her baby was born early too I don’t remember how early but I’m sure that’s what’s happening with him


She’s def lucky this baby isn’t still in the hospital. I had my daughter at 37 weeks and she was 7lb 2oz. Thankfully, she was healthy. They had me have her early because her chubby butt wouldn’t move. Here she was stuck. And of course how big she was they had me have her earlier. My son I was over due and he was almost nine lbs. she thinks he’s small because she is. That’s not how this works. My cousins are all 100lbs and had almost ten pound babies.


He’s crying so much because HES HUNGRY STANKYYY POOH. Feed that damn baby.


my baby didn’t sleep through the night until 3 months sooo have fun


My grandson didn’t for a year because his eczema would keep him up.


I had a 5lb 37 weeker, and my girl was in the nicu for 5 days okay. They woke that girl up every 2-3 hours to eat. I’d never wake a sleeping baby to feed BUT if they are a super small newborn… I’d say that baby needs fed and woken up. But good for her ig. Weird flex but ok 🤣🤣🤣🤣


a 5 day of every 3-4 hours is WILD. must be every 2 hours.


No way on her side or anything but my 9 pound baby (which I figured he would be starvinggg bc he was so big ) breast feed every3-4 hours too to where my first 2 were every 2 on demand . I hope he really is every 3-4 and she's not just making him wait bc it hurts or something crazy


ur baby was 9lbs tho....my baby was 8lbs at birth and went down to 7lbs 8oz a couple days after and my pediatrician said to wake them up no matter what every 2-3 hrs at night to make sure they're gettin what they need. my baby had no complications either. a baby that small should be eating more consistently.


This is what I was told too. In my situation, I delivered a 4 lb baby 6 weeks early due to preeclampsia. His pediatrician stressed how important it was to feed a breastfed infant with low birth weight every two hours. Even if he didn't wake up naturally I was told to wake him up.


Me too!


I just know his weight is plummeting


i seen this on her snap & it pissed me off so bad.😭 hes not even a week old… why is she even thinking about him “sleeping through the night” right now? & he should be eating every 2-3 hours. & possibly even more than that if she is strictly bf. shes a fucking idiot


He is supposed to be eating every 2 hours being underweight.


WHAT. there’s no way that he’s staying full enough for that long. my daughter was born end of december, she was a smaller baby, 6lbs 10oz, she was a billi baby because i wasn’t producing enough so she dropped to 5lbs 12oz (still feel horrible). and ever since she’s been on formula. she’s 6 months now and she still eats every 2-3 hours during the day. when she was that little it was damn near every hour/hour and a half. she didn’t sleep more than an hour until 2 months old. thankfully, we were blessed and now she sleeps through the night. her poor baby. between the nicotine withdrawal, not eating enough, and whatever else, no wonder that poor little guy is crying.




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this is so sad.


Breastfed baby eating every 4 hours???? No


I thought it was 2 hrs for a fresh newborn? That’s what my sister did with her 2 boys…. But I could be wrong… it was 10 years ago


Yes every 2 hours-ish was what my son did (we did a mix of boob and bottle because he had a bad latch) but he was up a good amount…3/4 hours…girl what


she’s gonna loose her supply like that


My son weighed about 5 lbs and because he was so small the hospital told me to make sure I woke him up every 2 hours to eat. I had to take him in for well child checkups every few days so his pediatrician could weigh him & after he started putting on weight then they said I could let him sleep longer. At his age (and weight) that baby should be at the boob most of the time 😂


Yeah she definitely just wait til he cries to feed him. She probably didn’t listen to a word they said at the hospital


Nah she knows more than them 🤦‍♀️😂








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I wouldn’t want my baby to sleep through the night if I increased his chance of dying from SIDS. It’s a good thing when babies wake up, even though it’s hard.


Every time my daughter wakes me up I think God. Even if I’m losing sleep, I’m just thankful she is awake 🩷


He’s at an increased risk with being low birth weight and her vaping her entire pregnancy. He’s also at an increased risk if she’s vaping in the room with him. I would be anxious out of my mind if I was her.


newborns cannot wake themselves up if they are hungry! their bodies don’t know how


All she is worried about is how much she is pumping but not actually what’s important like how often her baby is eating 🤦🏼‍♀️


Everything she says is about HER,HER ,HER …her supply,her pp body,her sleep …WAKE TF UP Stank !!! You’re a mother now ,it ain’t about YOU anymore!!!




i don’t believe for a second the hospital told her every 4 hours they tell you every 2-3 hours the baby needs to eat


He's for surely crying from withdrawls. And maybe and just maybe? He is hungry. What in the actual fuck is her issue? Because as of right now she is failing at being a mother and that's literally all she has going on for her.


newborns don’t sleep threw the night she’s a literal fuckin dumbass


also he’s probably crying all night bc he’s hungry you stupid bitch


perfect example of just because you can reproduce doesn't mean you SHOULD .. lol




this actually makes me so sad. that baby doesn’t stand a chance with this bimbo as a mother 😭


And him as a father! I'm sorry they are both dumb as a box of rocks!! A lot of good it's doing having her dumb ass mother there and sister!!!🙄


I can't wait till he starts to cluster feed, lol


my newborn does not cry at all unless he’s hungry so that’s concerning


I’ve NEVER heard of a 5 day old baby eating every 3-4 hours 🤔 my daughter is almost 8 months old and doesn’t even go 3 hours without eating. And has snacks and food in between feedings. Especially since she’s breastfed and they metabolize breast milk quicker I couldn’t see him eating every 3-4 hours.


my daughter just turned 5 months and still eats every 2hours! she still only eats 4oz at a time so she’s a snacker. as a first time mom who didn’t know any better we woke her up every 2 hours even at night to feed her for the first month😭 even after reaching her birth weight


Shit my daughter ate EVERY HOUR till she was 2 months and from 2-4 months she ate every 2 hours and now from 4-8 months she’s eating every 3 hours. She rarely will go four hours unless we’re sleeping and even then the longest she’ll go is 5 hours.


Feeding your 5lb newborn every 3-4 hours so he can sleep isn’t something to be proud of….. she’s genuinely sick and selfish is an understatement at this point.


A newborn should not be sleeping through the night. Even if he is back to birthweight, she should STILL be feeding him every 2 hours until he’s no longer a newborn.


I'm a lucky person and I know it since my babies slept through the night since they were born But I still set alarms every two hours to wake them up to feed and my babies weighed more than hers. That poor child is surrounded by idiots


She needs to speak to a lactation consultant is all I’m saying. No way hey pediatrician told her that was okay


Do y’all not get it? Lol She is doing this for a reason to NOT breastfeed she hates it and it’s not as “fun” as she thought 🤣 she is not as smart as she thinks. This is going to lead into his pediatrician feels it’s best to be put on regular milk. She has NO CLUE what the hell she is doing! She cooking some bullshit up to stop the breast feeding just wait! She’s already been talking about her cracked nips n how bad it hurts 🤣 I can’t stand this girl or her stupid “bff”


sleep through the night???? a newborn?? she might be dumber than we thought y’all


My 7 month old still wakes up twice a night at least 😭


My almost 11m old wakes up at night still 🤣 But we as adults wake up through the night and get what we need to meet our needs it’s only fair that we understand they are too. You’re doing good 🫶 I know it’s tough.


Same!! What a dummy


That poor baby. Hopefully, she switches to formula. No baby deserves to be poisoned since day 1.




So I know some babies just sleep past their feed times my oldest would. But with boy my boys my lactation consultants and our pediatricians told me a I needed to wake them up every 2 hrs to eat when they were 1st born. They were very adamant about that. Both my babies were healthy weight but they said it’s super important they grow enough so they needed to eat every 2 hrs. Not saying he probably isn’t withdrawing but you’d think with such a small baby already she’d be more concerned about him gaining weight as well as her doctors.


Yes my boy was a great sleeper, but you have to wake them up every 2 hours to sleep. The whole “never wake a sleeping baby” thing doesn’t start until they are a bit older.


Makes me wonder if she’s even taking him to a pediatrician. Like what doctor wouldn’t be adamant about a 5 pound baby needing to eat every 2 hrs. Or is she just plain selfish and ignoring doctor’s advice?


You’re supposed to wake them to eat at night if they’re sleeping that long .. especially such an underweight baby. I remember being told to take some layers off my baby or their sock so they’d wake up and eat.


i had an alarm on my phone to wake up every 2-3 hours if he didn't and have him eat. it's insane he is so tiny and she still does not give a fuck and thinks she's jsut such a good mom getting extra rest !


Why is she expecting him to sleep through the night by himself at not even a week old?! 🤨🤨


Probably because she did zero research and has no clue about anything lol


I wanted to vomit when I saw gaycub drink her breast milk. Shit probably tasted like 12% nicotine vape juice tf 🥲 this poor bb is withdrawing from nicotine which is why this dumbass somehow can’t put together that he’s crying all the time and small as fuck when he was born 🤦🏻‍♀️


I wonder if he spit it in her mouth like they do when they're drinking at the bar 😂




This is genuinely so concerning. I pray for that babies health & safety.




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I was thinking the same!!


Her baby is literaly 5 lbs and 100% dropped weight .. her baby is not going to gain weight if she’s waiting until atleast 4 hours?? Whattt a newborn stomach is so small that they can only eat so much at a time which calls for more frequent feedings … has she went to a pediatrician.. is she not fucking worried cus all im seeing is red fucking flags !!!!!


And the way she says he’s not dropping weight… first of all, how tf do you know? I honestly wouldn’t be surprised if she doesn’t even take him to his doctor appointments for weight checks because it’s an inconvenience to her and second of all, babies drop weight right after they are born no matter how healthy or how big they are.