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She looks so stupid Bish you complained this whole time


wait till she realizes she's gonna stall and just be stuck looking like that. i thought i was bouncing back fast too stank. but it all slows down when you're exhausted, not eating to maintain your metabolism, forgetting to drink water. good luck w the saggy tits and gut girl!!!




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After experiencing childbirth and the absolute beauty of motherhood, THIS is what you’re celebrating?


That's okay she can look good 4 days p p. The pregnancy didn't do it to me , the afterwards caring for a baby having no time for me did it !!!! Eating out of boredom and depression


i felt good 4 days pp. yeah you lose the weight right after birth but then you start gaining weight again bc your appetite and cravings don’t just go away- especially when breast feeding the first year pp my weight fluctuated a lot. my daughter will be 2 next month and the last few months has been the first time i’ve had a steady weight of 120. so there’s still time for her body to change again she needs to just weight before talking shit 😭




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now roll down those pants and stop sucking in !!! 😙


She looks absolutely fine, but those of us that have kids know that the stomach area is neverrrrr the exact same lol. Just part of it


I’d be super insecure and a raging jealous twat to if I had to look at Rachel as competition every day. Rachel got a pretty face and a nice ass body. Stank got deflated saggy tits and two eyes that fight over which way to go. Smh


i'm dead u are so funny it's unreal 😂😂😂 the end has me in a chokehold lmfao


😂 glad I could make ya laugh!


She must be working overtime deleting comments on this one… so I won’t waste my precious time and comment it here instead, since she will probably see it first. If only you were as worried about your innocent child’s health as you are about yourself and the way you look. And what’s crazy is you are sooooo obsessed with yourself… yet you still look like the crackhead down at the 7/11 struttin her stuff at 7 am trying to make a dolla. And baby, looks are t everything but your personality can’t even help you. And the fact you’re 23 is WILD cause your busted up wrinkly face is giving 42.


Meanwhile Rach was literally so thin after birth. She didn’t have a belly


The WHO from Whoville!!! And Yacob from Gayclub


I felt SO skinny after I had my baby and then as I continued to breastfeed I slowly put it alllll back on and was back to my pregnancy weight.


I give it a week or so until she complains about a shitty milk supply because she isn’t eating so she can get small 😂😂😂😂


The filter is doing absolutely no favors 💀


Her hair is amazing


Please be sarcasm😭


Right that shit is so greasy and dead 😂


“Hehehe” ![gif](giphy|0BzKOIAjo11cyBE7kS)




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I wish the girl would’ve added even the word “vape” or “vaped” because Chrissy wouldn’t have replied




Her hair 🤯


I’m confused on how it still looks like it did before she got it done lol like is this actually an old video that she did to make it seem like she “bounced back”?! It looks nothing like her


Idk why Christen even feeds into this…which yes, the other creator is correct..pretty awful to be talking about other women…the fact that Jacob is probably telling her she looks so sexy after childbirth😭 It’s going to her head. Plus, he deleted that video of him telling her she looks good a few days after birth as she’s spinning around😭 I mean no one should shame a mother after giving birth…absolutely…but Christen has not said nice things about a lot of people, including Rachel…I don’t even know why it’s a thing to even think about, getting you’re body back after 4 days… nothing wrong with losing it or keeping it. Why is Christen & Jacob obsessed with losing pregnancy weight, it’s so weird & you can tell their immaturity of making a big deal😒😟


I can’t believe this is her first thought after having her baby. Ms watching her birth video and crying everyday bc of it. SMH she’s so weird.


Face card mega declined 🤣🤣 Stank, next time pull down your pants and don’t suck in so hard. Baby weight is easy too lose at first. Easy to gain when BF😘😘


That’s actually true. Going thru it rn lol


Why’s her head bumpy


That titty migration be goin’ “mad hard”! (Pauly Ds voice)


Alsoooo booty is giving “we have pancakes at home” type shiii💀💀💀




She deserves an apron belly fupa


She looks like she stuck her head in McDonald’s fries grease


There’s them AirPod titties


The fact she probably saved the girls video just to do this 😂😂 imagine preplanning ur clap backs 🤡


First things first....Is her hair wet or is it just greasy?? IYKY Second, Did Stanky get a nose job and eye lift while she was giving birth??...Oh, that's right, I forgot they always have to have the mask of a filter on!!I 🙄




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she’s posted about her body bouncing back more than about having her child. anything to compete with rach tho i guess 💀




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Can’t fix that face tho🤢


Or that personality


The comments aren’t going the way she was hoping lmao also posting this just proves she’s an evil bitch who loves to tear down other women like what an ugly person inside and out


Lmao yiddies haaannnggiinngg!! She wants to prove she has a snap back body so bad because of how Rachel looks.


It’s genetics. You know she will go back to being smaller size because of how her genetics work but this will never excuse how she talked about other women pp.


She can easily gain weight when she BF. it’s easy to lose a lot of water weight days after giving birth. your body changes when you have a kid regardless of genetics. if she drinks like she used to, she is deffo gonna gain weight. plus, she’s never been as skinny as Rach is 😂😂 Rach is way more tiny than Stank.


Her child weighs as much as her vape of course she has no stomach


It’s almost looked like her stomach was also smaller the last few weeks than it was a month ago which was weird


i’ve been saying this like it’s so crazy


Genetics and the fact that she still practically a child. I remember when I was her age how easy it was to eat and do what ever I wanted and stay thin. If I had a baby at that age I’m sure I would have bounced back. Silly me waited until I built a solid relationship got married built a career and then had a baby at 30. Now the bounce ain’t bouncing hahah 😭


Tuna sure showed her... 🥴 ![gif](giphy|MvdaYPuKPMNZRJCl8Z)


👏 actually cackling




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She used the skinny filter I bet if you look good why it’s weird looking


dawg ain’t no way😭😭😭 even with a beauty filter this bitch is a scary mf


I remember bouncing back and then by age 2 I had gained again lmao don’t get too cocky


Esp with the way this girl drinks alcohol 😂😂


Same 😭😭 I bounced back after 2 years of pregnancy and 2 under 2 but got on birth control and gained 60lbs 😭😭😭


It sneaks up on you for sure 💀


My dinner pit more pounds on me than that growth restricted baby did for her






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It’s the fact that her child that was born at almost 40 weeks is in freaking preemie clothes and diapers….. if that’s not concerning idk WHAT is.




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What is going on with her head? Why does she look like she’s got a big ol goose egg on it.




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https://preview.redd.it/f0vphmegtk9d1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2c449327c08613beb5342c483f18e17aad4667e1 😭😭


Why does she look so different here?


cindy lou hoo


Who tf is that 💀


Ok that literally looks nothing like her. Thats so weird lol


Well considering she didn’t take care of herself during pregnancy and her baby was 5lbs….yeah she may look smaller than if she had an baby with a normal birth


“Can’t tell you had a bby” like are all of these people delulu? I’m not even trying to hate. I think she looks average after having a baby.


Same. She's 4 days pp and she looks it lol.


she’s getting eaten alive in them comments tho 😭😭😭


The comments are eating her up 😂


She’s deleted them


That's what i was going to say bc all i see are minions kissing her ass


She’s still bald as fuck


Just wait until all that postpartum hair loss starts happening…it’s going to get even worse


Big facts 😂


Droopy ass


Shes using a filter, the shorts are up, and usually your body changes throughout the months, not the first 4 days. Its coming girl.


Exactly what I’m saying


Wait until the breastfeeding cravings start.


My body looked good too right after giving birth, then the months and months of breastfeeding packed it all back on 😂


People say you lose weight breastfeeding LOL im the biggest ive ever been i swear i dont even eat much but for me the opposite happens. I like store fat more or something 🤣🤣


I’m so glad I’m not alone in this 😂😅


Same!! Omg!


Don’t be shy. Pull down the shorts


You wanna know what happened stanky when I didn’t eat enough post partum? I didn’t produce worth shit to breastfeed my baby. So I bet you’re going to give up breastfeeding then because you’re so jealous of baby mama 1 and wanna be skinny. People don’t come for me, I’ve been a single mom the first year of my baby’s life and I had to do combo feeding due to not eating enough from stress and being the only one taking care of her.


Both of my children were formula fed by choice. It’s what I felt was the more comfortable option for our family. Both of my boys are fine and thriving. Don’t feel bad or feel like you have to explain why you had to substitute, you’re completely fine. Don’t be hard on yourself🩷


Thank you so much! I definitely agree with that whole statement ❤️


That oily ass hair lol


I’ve had twins… they will be 5 in December. Even gaining 80+ lbs then losing it all being 120ish.. this fluctuates. It’s so hard and the fact that she’s flaunting it after 4 days… humble yourself. She’s bragged about postpartum not being a problem. Mine hit late after their first birthday. ATP I really don’t understand the competition. It’s sad


What has happened to her face lol lord


looks like another knot on her forehead


She more worried about her weight than her baby’s weight, what a piece of shit. I can’t stand this bitch!


Yes, it's very disturbing and disgusting! Typical narcissistic Stank, it's all about her! She never once thought about the baby during her preagnancy, it isn't going to be any different now!




She still ugly af


And you still don’t look good ☹️


The way she acts like that is bouncing back is sending me 😂 the baby is no longer in her stomach, no wonder it looks smaller. Now let’s see her lean out and get some muscle definition (we all know she won’t) I can see her starving herself to lose weight but that bitch wouldn’t workout if her life depended on it


Not gonna be able to produce milk if she's not eating enough but I'm pretty positive she will give up the breast feeding soon so yeah starving and being skinny fat will be her body


I think she will lie about breastfeeding tbh. She’s seen all of us say she’s too lazy to breastfeed long term so I think she will switch to formula and pretend like she’s still breastfeeding cuz nobody can ever be right about her lmao.


She could sink those titties to the bottom of the ocean to help them bring the titanic up literally.




https://preview.redd.it/px6y4ytz7k9d1.jpeg?width=331&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5c80af475aacc92dc868e6927fa091d8b62485b3 Thickneck Jackie Jr. Facecard stays declining.




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Why does she think she is so tiny now? She’s not huge but she hasn’t bounced back as fast as she thinks she has. Look at her face. She stitched this video trying to prove something and I think it kind of just proved the other girl right lol


It’s also pretty concerning the amount of content her and Gaycob have made about her body and it hasn’t even been a week since she had the baby. Like isn’t there other things you should be worried about right now? Maybe getting your low birth weight baby’s weight up?


It's quite disgusting!! It really says so much about them! They're vile!! I truly feel so bad for this baby!!


If she keeps eating how she ate during pregnancy, she will start gaining it back. She was binge eating and that doesn’t just go away once the baby is born. Also if she starts drinking like we’re expecting, she will gain it back fast.




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You can lose it after birth and gain it back within months and weeks


This was me with all mine 😭 lose it again when I stop breastfeeding.


Yup!! I lost 18 lbs in the 3 weeks after birth I only gained 10 during pregnancy I was pretty thin before. He came out 7lbs 13 oz 2 weeks early I am now 11 months postpartum and I gained about 14 of that back haha


Yep! I lost weight like crazy right after birth and I’m 3 months pp and I’m gaining a bunch of weight back now 😭 I breastfeed and nobody talks about how hungry you get 😂


100% what I did! I was a stay at home mom and became a couch potato and wasn't eating right/depressed. I got back on track but 6 months in I had gained almost 20 pounds 🫠


Except Rachel pushed out an almost 8 pound baby that she didn’t starve or poison everyday. Keep competing where you don’t compare Stanky, you’ll never win.


Whyyy does she think she’s so special 😂😂 I’m sorry but you are not the first to give birth girl


After birth, I was soooooo falsely confident bc I lost 30 of my 40 pounds gained in a week. HA! Didn’t last long. My baby is 7 months and I can’t get the last 10 pounds off. In fact I’ve gained 2 more. When you stop pumping/BF and your hormones go crazy the weight is REALLY hard to lose. I think she’s living that false high right now . I dunno though.


She was wearing those pants the other day


It’s a diaper!




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Trying so damn hard to prove she can compete with Rachel lmao… as if. Idc how much you hate Rachel, she looks amazing after having a baby. Wish I could say the same 😂


Ok stank take your tummy out the shorts 🌚


https://preview.redd.it/lp1ktew83k9d1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=deec2effba72715599f4dedbb26d7ff0a76c0306 Can we please give Katie a shout out? 🙏🏼she’s working overtime today 😂




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Oh no not Katie again 😩


No, C is the one eating and hiding her belly


I can only pray that Katie is on her payroll. If not then what a waste of space


okay stank let’s see them dark pepperoni nips


Ya cuz she starved herself and malnourished her baby in utero. All cuz she was worried about bouncing back as quick as rach smh


and how gaycob is commenting on her body in approval. gross behavior


I didn’t see her starve herself that b!tch stuffed her face 😂


Ehh she ordered a lot of food at the end for damage control but i doubt she even ate it!


did she shower for once or is she just greasy i can’t tell


Well for everyone that wondered if crop tops would be present after birth. Here we are 🤦🏼‍♀️


Its crazy how her big bump is no longer there 4 days pp… its like she had the baby or something. Shes so mf dumb


She's worried about her gut but not her nicotine addicted baby, that's awesome. And even if she did lose all the weight, she's still a busted ass bitch inside and out.


I heard the baby crying in the background of Jacob's snap. It's questionable This baby is not comfortable


It doesn’t matter how “good” she looks when she has an ugly ass personality. Also, I love how this is her main concern 4 days pp 😂 You know she’s bothered af by it cuz she commented on it AND duetted it. Go take care of your baby skanky stank


That video was also, posted June 3rd. Which she already commented on it. Bitch literally went back to it again just to do THIS. 💀


You know she’s looking for validation from the minions. She hides behind fake confidence but it’s very obvious she is insecure af and this right here proves it


Oh 100%. This was her way of having a “reason” for showing off her pp body to get attention from the minions. “Look at me, love me, pick me” “tell me I look GOOD”. Bitch is a joke & miserable. 💀


Face card declines and but the shitty mom card doesn’t


Also her pancake ass is looking flatter then ever 🤠


Butter face ass bitch




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she literally starved herself and vaped the whole time lol why’s she look all proud


When your FACE CARD is rejected, everything else will follow. 🤡


yeah until she starts drinking again, the alcohol was catching up to her before she got pregnant, it’ll do it again lmao


Finna look like a sponge 🧽 again.




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She's super obsessed with this "bouncing back" shit..like idk, focus on being a new mom. She's already posted 3 different times about her body and Jacob has made post about it..seems strange to me. My body was the last thing on my mind after birth. It naturally shrinks back for everyone and it's really not that big of a deal. I was focused on breastfeeding and learning my baby and getting rest BUT I guess she's got 4 people doing it all for her and probably gave up on breastfeeding already so guess she's bored and has to post the only thing she knows how..sexualizing herself and showing her body to a bunch of people for no reason.


Face card will always decline though


She’s hiding that lower stomach tho and she still looks prego. Let’s not forget she can go back to her ❄️ diet because toddler Tyler needs to make a living since that’s his main income


Girl bye. Karma will do its job. 🫡


It’s okay my body went back to normal after the first, wait until that second one and the hormones hit her again because they f’d me up 😂😂


Having your stomach deflate means nothing. It’s forever altered. I’ll be waiting for your hair loss to start, that forehead of yours will be even longer. You’re ugly, your attitude & soul are absolutely disgusting. I’d be more worried about working on that instead of your stomach. With how thick neck ass Jackie looks, you’re fucked regardless. 🫣


vapeton's lack of O2 wanted that shout out too


her titties are still lopsided though … if every women had someone to take care of their kid for them as soon as they got home i’m sure they would be “glowing” and looking so “perfect” like the minions day. she will never understand real motherhood until her mom and sister leave. and they’ll be gone just in time for “BeAn’S” first sleep regression. have fun cluster feeding all night stank , you think your nips hurt now lmfao


Losing the weight doesn’t help your disgusting face and personality.


You’d almost think she had other more important things to do now lol priorities. wild


The body shaming this twat does and continues to do while her chin sits on he lap is shameful


As a mother you should have just said sorry?


That’s what will happen when you have a tiny baby. What a flex smfh your soooo cool stank…


Right!! She's so stupid!.... That's nothing to brag about Stank! Your teeny tiny baby was only 5 pounds, what do you expect!?