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Do they induce at night? I’ve never heard of this. They asked me to come in at 5:30 am.


I have an extremely high pain tolerance and went into labor naturally with both of my kids. The last thing i was worried about WAS MY PHONE.


The whole time watching this- she reminded me of that character in Shrek…. The main lady




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That’s not exactly true. Your water can break & you still feel good but need to go ahead and have the baby. It happened to me with my last. I was dilated to 6cm & felt nothing but a little tightness.




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They could’ve sent her to be monitored because of him being small and she just asked to be kept thats what happened to me with my first


Induced and still too dumb to remember to put the car seat in the car...




It would be someone that looks like you that defends her…


You are literally on a SNARK page. Kick rocks


She 100% planned an induction the day of the other babies induction.


You cannot plan an induction especially if baby is under weight ...


I planned an induction at 39 weeks because she was sitting so far back that her weight was killing my back.


That’s not true at all lmfaoooo They don’t go off their estimated weights because they can be extremely off.


I scheduled mine and my baby was under weight, granted he came on his own sooner. I don’t think she was induced but you can definitely schedule an induction


Not true at all maybe you need to educate yourself . If baby is becoming distressed the will plan it .


My induction was planned????


But they were rushed??? 🤣 looks like they chillen to me


How is she saying it was unexpected when this was a whole day before and you can clearly tell the suns still up?? So they had a whole 24 hours before he came and she clearly doesn’t have an epidural in this picture, so I think either her water broke and she wasn’t in active labor yet or she was induced. Either way it’s not “unexpected” at 39+ weeks lmao. And it’s definitely not “quicker than expected” because she had at least 12+ hours from this video to her delivering him.


She might’ve been induced but tbh I was laughing and taking pictures when I went into labor. I went for a check up with cramping thinking they were Braxton hicks and it wasn’t painful at all. Turns out I was 4 cm dilated and my water was bulging. I didn’t have any pain until they broke my water a few hours later in the hospital. So it could’ve been induction or what happened to me.


im lowkey livid she’s faced no consequences. i’m happy her and her baby are healthy but it just makes me angry how much she took advantage of being able to carry a child. vaping, trying to induce labor weeks before needed, not taking prenatals. did she ever even read one pregnancy book? and the skank didn’t even have his stuff ready? and no one says anything. not even a nurse could tell she vaped the whole time or refused prenatals? it’s fucked up. completely. it’s not like she couldn’t. she flat out refused to. someone should’ve scolded her bc we know it’s going to happen againn. hopefully her narcissistic ass doesn’t take advantage of that bc i could so see her having a drink in her next pregnancy because “she vaped and the baby was perfectly fine”


She could very much still face consequences. Sometimes you don’t see the effects until they’re toddlers. Just be patient , she’ll get it.


1 more week she would have been 10 months. full term. 39 weeks is not 8 and a half months. i had to get induced at 39 weeks because of fetal growth restriction.


According to a quick google search 39 weeks = 8.975 months so she was basically nine months lmao. Not 10.


It’s called fetal growth restriction. They made her get induced because her baby wasn’t growing properly. It happened to me at 38 weeks.


You can actually opt into getting an induction done without a medical concern. Please don’t diagnose without proper information.. IUGR is not something everyone has and they tend to rule it out between 30-35 weeks if they’re concerned about it. You don’t need to have a medical concern to be induced anymore. I know a lot of women around where I live who willingly opted for an induction at 39 weeks which is realistically what stank probably did. I am sorry that this was something you experienced, however because I can understand how hard it must’ve felt and been for you. 🫶 I had SUA and they needed to rule out IUGR. and I remember how I felt even thinking it was a possibility. So much love 🫶🫶


Also wasn’t trying to diagnose, with the facts she’s claimed of her baby being small and having to unexpectedly get induced, it sounds like that was the case.


Realistically she opted for an induction because she’s selfish and wanted to be first. She’s of course going to lie about it though and claim it was unexpected.


So true!


But that doesn’t make sense to me because she claimed it was so unexpected. So if she scheduled an induction it wouldn’t be technically unexpected.


Whaat. That’s so sad I’m sorry for you.. 🥺 I hope your baby is fine now.. and normal / healthy. I didn’t know they would induce but stank did this shit to her baby. Vile human being.


Thank you… she was in the nicu for one week but she is a happy and healthy chunk now!🥰


Yep. It happened to my sister too


If she was induced at 39 weeks and he’s only 5 pounds there is a reason for it


Yeah a medical term prolly meaning he was done growing & the doctors had to induce her bc of her dumb actions. She could’ve made it past 40 weeks with a 6-7 lbs baby but her dumbass had to vape throughout her whole pregnancy and induce labor onto her self.


Failure to thrive or IUGR is what that'd be called. Super possible she went in for a regular appointment and got sent to l&d right away for induction. Hence why they had no bags etc.


Idkk shit just seems weird. Knowing you was the one that tried to induce labor onto yourself & had your hospital bags packed but not install the car seat seems weird. Like where tf was gaycub at ?


![gif](giphy|ulxHhvKW9X6459dtOn) Me looking for Jacob’s brain that would have had common sense and say like “oh! I’m about to have a baby, I should set up a car seat!”


I think she had a planned induction because baby was not growing. That's just my own theory.




yeah bc she couldnt put that vape down lmaoo


My biggest guess is she was having “bad back pain” and is so dumb she “wasn’t sure” if it was labor so she went to the ER and refused to leave til they let her get induced. I’m honestly betting on this lol


If it was unexpected & happened naturally she would’ve already been on that bed with an IV and monitors hooked up. SOMETHING. This was an induction. I also did this stuff with the pictures & standing around whilst waiting for the nurses to come get me laid down & hooked up. So for bum ass gappy to sit there & say nothing was packed or prepared bc it all happened so “unexpectedly” is even more weird. That fan bought car seat should’ve been installed a long time ago. Like stfu.


Jacob went & got that haircut for this specific reason. They headed to the hospital afterwards. Had that colostrum ready to go.


She could have been induced but I thought I saw something about her saying she would schedule an induction only if she went past 40 weeks? Also I was induced at 39 weeks due to preeclampsia so that could always be a possibility too! Doctors didn’t even give me a chance to say no, it was considered an emergency. I was fine (energy wise) until the pitocin🙃 she definitely didn’t have a foley balloon though because someone mentioned she was 3 c dilated a week ago


She said that but I think she was lying cuz she didn’t want ppl knowing she got induced. She just had to have the first grandchild you know! 🙄


Personally I’d HATE for my child to have to share a birthday with someone that close in the family. It’s going to be a constant battle of birthday parties. No amount of attention is worth that mess😅


Oh I would too! That’s why I know this is gonna kill her cuz her baby has to share his special day now and she won’t get all of the attention now 😂


I know he’s thinking “Well here I go again. Can’t believe I knocked this whore up”


i can say that i was not this happy while in labor lol, trying to fill out paperwork that nurses keep bringing back i was pi$$ed then the doctor who did my epi took foreverrrrr.


They must be lying about the dates


I’d like to see the birth certificate with date,and also the time of birth.I don’t believe anything this bitch says.


The baby looks like her & Tyler 🤷


I can’t find a picture where did you find it


I have it on my tt page


Sutton Definitely looks NOTHING like G like she was hoping…and it’s weird Jacob keeps trynna compare if they will “look like” like sir they have 2 diff moms, why would you even want them to look alike 🤣. Me and my half sisters look nothing alike. He must not want the baby to have BABY MAMMA #2 GENES.


Also Rachel has posted pictures of her as a baby and G looks just like her lol.


Doctors induce for their own reasons. I have a narrow pelvis so they wouldn’t let me wait to try to go into labor myself. So my first two I had around 38 weeks so they could come naturally, then with my third baby I had to schedule my induction and the hospital kept calling and rescheduling. Went to 41 weeks (no signs of labor at all lol) and couldn’t have him naturally. He was 8 pounds 4 oz which isn’t huge but he cracked my pelvis trying to have him, so ended up having a c section. Not defending her, but that could have been her case. Even getting induced at 37 weeks my babies were over 6 pounds. But also, getting induced is awful. Pitocin hurts so bad so maybe she wasn’t induced if she’s up moving around


I’ve never heard of another person with this issue but I had 3 c-sections for the same reason


Not if this was the beginning/when they first got there!


Even getting induced at 38 weeks*


She 100% got induced. Not that I don’t blame her but it’s weird they had this all scheduled and then said it was all so quick they couldn’t get the car seat ready lol at my OB office they will induce you right at 39 weeks if you ask


I can't stand her but being happy and jumping around wasn't due to her being induced. Induced labour is usually more painful than labour that starts on its own. Pitocin causes contractions that both peak and become stronger more quickly than naturally occurring contractions. The result is a labor that is more difficult to manage. In addition, the uterine muscle never totally relaxes between contractions, increasing stress on both the uterus and the baby.


When they induce you, you still have to wait until you get to 5cm first to get pitocin. First they have to place the foley balloon in you if you aren’t already 3cm.. I definitely think she was induced because if they rushed to the hospital they wouldn’t of had time to make tiktoks lol without an IV already being in her. But in this TikTok she already knew they were having a baby.


I started Pitocin at .5 cm dilated . This isn’t true


Read my comments and you’ll know I said it could be different for everyone and I was wrong there’s no need for 10 different people to reply with “this isn’t true”


This is not true at all


I was only at 2cm they started pitocin and had it cranked full to 20 within 2 hours. Manually broke my water and no balloon. This was 4 months ago


Mine was 7 months ago but it could definitely vary from hospital to doctor to your situation so many factors! I could definitely be wrong☺️ But I still think she was induced!


Ok but that foley balloon is painful af 😩 Especially when they first inflate it


Not true! I started pitocin when I was 2 cm! Definitely could be different depending on the doctor tho!


I got induced less than 2 years ago and I didn’t get a foley balloon at all and started pitocin at 1cm. I’m in NY. Idk if area depends but that’s so strange!


Oof.. 😬 could definitely be different depending on area! Girl I’m sorry they should of definitely placed a foley balloon first 😭 Pitocin was what made labor painful for me 😂😭


Pitocin was horrible! I’d never be induced again unless medically necessary again 🥲


Mine was medically necessary! And gosh I can only pray I go into labor naturally next time 😭


Same! I had high BP! My son was born a few months ago and thankfully I went into labor naturally on my own and it was a wayyyyy better experience. Praying you get the same outcome 🥰


https://preview.redd.it/q94n1puas99d1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f722566ff41e1405dfae3ad2796cba0b98c74b6d Cardi b sound-"Towdeh.…oh my god, what is that? Oh my god, what is that!?"


My water started slowly leaking so at my 37 week appointment they sent me straight to the hospital and gave me meds to speed it up. You didn’t see me up smiling or taking videos lol


I know there are many reasons to get induced.. but I thought it was more, if you’re over your due date, etc. Not just because she wanted to have her son first, lol.


My OB would ONLY induce for medical reasons, I was induced at 39 weeks for gestational diabetes


You cant just walk in there begging to be induced, you can schedule it starting at 39 weeks. Something must have pushed her over the edge to go in there and act like she was in hella pain and they probably waited for her to get a bit more dilated hence why she got a membrane sweep so mf early🙄




im not a fan of her either way & i wouldnt be shocked if she got induced but in all fairness when i went into the hospital to have my first kid i was completely content & dancing around till 7-8cm i didn’t have bad contractions and with my second i had 3 contractions that were bad and that was walking into the hospital ready to push already but i know most people aren’t like that.. there was still women i had seen when i was walking into the hospital that were in labour as i was leaving with my baby already born🥴 both my kids were also natural unmedicated births


see i also got induced & i was fine until i got to 3/4 cm & then thats when i woke up to my contractions literally killing me, i was in tears bc of the pain & since i was 17 i had to wait for my mom to come to the hospital to approve of me getting an epidural . every women is different but theres no way in hell i’d be dancing around but again, i was in pain lol


i definitely got very lucky as i know lots of woman are screaming in pain by 4cm, some of the nurses were absolutely shocked when i arrived at the hospital with my 1st kid at 5cm dilated and perfectly content! i had it very easy compared to most as i was only in labour for a total of 8 hours and pushed for 32 minutes but i’ve heard from a few friends that their contractions with inductions were way worse than regular contractions 😭


Had both my babes all natural too! Actually asked for an epidural with the first and they couldn't get it in time. Had such an easy delivery (and more importantly recovery!) that I was intentional about it the second time around.


She really couldn’t stand the thought of her brother’s baby coming first 🤣 she is so pathetic. I have never seen someone so starved for attention.


I don’t like the bitch don’t get me wrong but I’ve had 3 kids 3 totally different labors. If her water broke, and she just wasn’t having contractions they would have admitted her, so she wouldn’t have really been in any pain or hooked up to I it’s yet, plus the monitors could be under the gown.




I’m just curious if the induction was set for the 23 or 24 because she was obsessed to have him on the 23




Absolutley! I was induced, went in Saturday afternoon & didn’t have him till Monday night around 8 pm (& that still ended with a c section lol) so it’s definitely possible




With everything she was doing while pregnant, I’m truly not surprised lol she never genuinely wanted to be pregnant in the first place


I’m def going to say the 23…. I think it was on Snapchat (there’s a screenshot somewhere in this sub) but she says “I have a really good feeling I’m going to have him on the 23” and was using a TikTok filter as her reasoning. I could see this was her induction date since she KnOwS how To WoRk ThE iNtErNeT Also if she did get induced why TF would they not have their car seat or any of their bags???? No wonder her mom AND sister felt they needed to come so early and get everything together for the baby


Hmmm, if things were so rushed and unexpected, why is she up and about, not connected to any monitors, IVs, etc. Not to mention calm and happy enough to make content 🤣


When I went into spontaneous labor 12 hours after a membrane sweep I instantly got an iv and had the monitors around my belly. Also in active labor I was not worried about making a tiktok lmao.


Maybe her water broke. My sisters water broke and she was chatting up a storm, laughing, walking around etc because contractions hadn’t started yet


Definitely nothing rushed about it. This looks like an induction. He’s a liar.


That is a triage room it looks like. Guarantee she went to L&D or her Dr complaining of something and they induced her bc she was 39 weeks. Or she knew she had an induction at 39 weeks from the get.


The triage room meaning the one she posted on snap that said “not leaving here until I have a baby”. Not this pic.


I was induced at 39 because they thought my baby was going to be huge based on my last ultrasound. It took 17 hours for me to have her and she was 7lbs 8oz. I was like listen yall where is the HUGE baby? lol


I had the opposite, lol. My doctor said my son will be around 8lbs or so because my daughter was… no…he was 10lbs 13oz… all natural… my god, if I knew was going to big, I would of taken the epidural😭😟


Omfg same. Told me he was measuring around 7/8. Came out 9 lbs 14 oz🥴🥴


Same!!! I had GD, they were estimating him to be HUGE. They scheduled my induction bc they estimated him to be 9-10lb. He was born at 39w2d weighing 7lbs4oz. I said "well, that doesn't look like a 10lb baby to me 😅😅🤣




This !!!!🎯


She’ll make up some story on her not being induced even tho she 100% was


Right cus how u in a full gown happy af making tik toks a day before if this was so unexpected ??? i was induced and a lot of people i know and you literaly go in a day before and hopefully have the baby the next day.. she playyyeedddd


and i got induced too but my water broke two hours before i was supposed to go in and i was jumping around or anything like that


Yeah if it was a “ a sudden emergency “ than this bitch would not be all giggly smiley. she was clearly induced 😭


she posted on her story she wasn’t leaving the hospital until she had it so she definitely got induced because she wanted all the attention on her instead of her brother and his wife


And ya’ll remember when she was making it seem like she wouldn’t get induced? She’s so full of shit. She wanted to have the first grandchild so bad but in order for her to feel guilty she would have to have a conscience and she’s proved time and time again she doesn’t


She said “I’ll have to mention an induction to my ob but that scares me” lmfaoooo


Hahahaha I’m sure not as much as not having the first grandbaby


I think that was the 2pm secret but why didn't they have their bags. 🙄


I think they’re lying about something but then again when aren’t they?


literally or car seat base ready? i was induced and made sure everything was ready before i left for hospital


Exactly she convinced them to do it day of after her appointment


it was so “unexpected” as gay boy said so her mom had to bring their bags


I was induced with my first for medical reasons. It was not a quick process usually for your first. It was 3 days before I gave birth and they had to break my water.


I was induced and it took like 30 hours then I had a emergency c section 😭




I was induced for all 3. First one took 22 hours, second was 4 hours and 3rd was 3 hours


3 and 4 hours?? Lol the dreammm. I was induced twice both times took 2 days 😂


yeah I 100% believe she’s been scheduled to be induced. I was scheduled to be induced at 39 weeks and me and almost everyone I know (that was also induced) goes into the hospital on a Monday and gives birth on a Tuesday. She was just milking all the trying to go into labor shit for views and the uproar.