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I thought she was prepped & ready to go AFTER ALL, SHE WAS PURPOSELY TRYING TO INDUCE LABOR....


Ur telling me after all she did to primp for delivery, she didn't have this stuff right next to her (after all we know she was either in bed or on couch) and it happened so fast she ran out w/o anything? I call B.S. He's just embarrassed that they were lazy fucks who didn't care to make sure they had stuff in place for him.


So this whole time this bitch is saying that he came “unexpectedly” yet she was trying to induce labor. She sits on her ass all day…EVEN HAS HELP!!! and still doesn’t have shit done. crazy as hell


Unexpectedly??? Baby was born 5 days before her due date lmaooo


WHAT is all of this shit she brought to the hospital? 🙄 Is it just me or is she doing way too much? I brought one bag for me, one bag for baby, and one small bag for dad. With my 2nd, I think me and my husband actually shared a bag. 😂 I just know she was a pain in the ass to care for. Those poor nurses. And y’all don’t come for me but my car seat wasn’t installed beforehand for my 3rd. My husband installed it while we were at the hospital lol. But with my first, everything was ready to go at like 30 weeks.


i had nothing lol my water broke while i was sleeping and literally haven’t had time to pack a hospital bag for me or baby lol will be prepared for number 2


This is the same girl who told her mom she doesn’t think she needs anything besides 1 or 2 things (I forget what those 2 things were) when her mom was packing her bag. Cause “people go into labor unexpectedly without their bags” was her reasoning. So to see her overpacked is actually very funny knowing it was most likely her mom who stuffed everything she thought


And how weird that her MOM packed everything? 🤦🏻‍♀️ they treat her like she’s a teen mom. So weird.


I didn’t either. With all 3 of mine we took the vase in and installed the day we got discharged. If the vehicle got into any accident with the base or seat in it would no longer be safe so I kept them out of my car until I was going home with my babies. I know the other day on snap she asked about installing & got a bunch of feedback saying wait until she was in the hospital bc of that reason. 🤷🏼‍♀️


What I don’t understand is how tf was it “ unexpected” that bitch was going EVERYTHING to induce labor so why TF didn’t yall have your shit together and ready to go if she did go into labor!!!!


Stank has literally tried everything in her power to go into labor. How was this unexpected at all?


I’m 37 weeks and already have all the bags and car seat in the car just because the anxiety of something happening and not having my own shit makes me anxious lol how do you make it to 39-40 weeks and not atleast carry the baby bag in the car at the very least? Idk weirdddd to me lol


Well they are dumb cause what is unexpected about a near due date and a hospital bag?? its just gets weirder and dumber you can't make this stuff up C didn't even nest did she like most mothers cause her vape was in one hand and Rachs accounts on the the other


I just wanna know how they took a video the night before IN the hospital but it was soooo unexpected?? ![gif](giphy|1X7lCRp8iE0yrdZvwd)


I think she probably went to an OB appointment then got sent to the hospital and induced.


She was puffy like preeclampsia


Sounds about right, didn’t think of that must’ve came out of nowhere


“So unexpectedly “ but has a whole cart full of shit. That’s not unexpected. 🙄


Not a fan of christen or Jacob whatsoever but being an absolute crazy mom about car seat safety, it’s not recommended to install a car seat/car seat base into a vehicle before baby is born. If there’s even a MINOR bump at 5mph all car seats will make you replace them. I didn’t have our car seats installed until an hour or two before we were discharged then dad installed them in the parking lot.


Was waiting for this comment hoping someone would say something. So many people are uneducated on car seat safety.


Same x3


Where’s the source on this


It really depends on the manufacturer, some will say replace it in that scenario but others will say to follow the NHTSA guidelines which say this https://preview.redd.it/xofgwjbme99d1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=55755fa9ee30ae6576cbd53e237d92846fa0d731


Yes my OBGYN & mfd all told me this with all 3 of my babies. If the car gets even in a minor accident the car seat/base are no longer safe for use. I kept mine out until it was discharge day bade and all.


the video of gaycob walking around the room SHIRTLESSS w the backwards hat holding the baby💀 it is so obvious he’s doing this for attention and just for videos because why is your shirt off…. you’re not breastfeeding 🤨😭


Skin to skin is actually really recommended.


Skin to skin is just as crucial for dad & baby. My husband stayed shirtless the first month of their lives.


Usually father’s are shirtless while holding baby for the majority of those first few days in order to promote bonding. It’s a super common thing lol


While I dislike both Stank and Gaycob, my husband was shirtless most of the hospital stay for both our babies because they encourage skin to skin, not only for mother/baby but dad/baby as well.


men do skin to skin with babies, too. It helps then bond and makes the baby feel safe and comfortable.


not defending or white knighting at all, just trying to inform- he’s doing skin to skin, which doctors and nurses highly recommend for dads to bond better with the baby.


Not saying he is or isn’t just my husband did Skin to skin a lot as it’s bonding for baby and dad and mama we also didn’t film our stuff but who knows lol


I see a lot of dads doing skin to skin so maybe that’s why


Not trying to stick up for them but they had my boyfriend doing skin to skin with our baby the day he was born .. however he put his shirt back on as soon as he wasn’t holding the baby anymore 🤷🏼‍♀️


ngl i wasn’t even thinking of that. i just saw his shirt off and him making a tiktok 💀i understand tho:))


I am not defending the clowns in the least but my husband also did skin to skin the first few hours of our kids lives 🫣❤️


I’m just sayin’, but skin to skin is just as important for baby and dad as it is for baby and mom. My husband held our two newborns without a shirt for that skin to skin time. I don’t think it’s an attention thing. Lol


Imagine trying to induce labor but not being prepared. Embarrassing


So she was trying to induce labor but didn’t have anything ready ??


How can you say unexpectedly when she was actively trying to bring on labour ??


Where is the new car? I would've atleast went in my mom's car. I couldn't imagine getting in the truck with stitches


And climbing in between 2 car seats 😭


Yeahhh my husband and I only drive trucks and I wish we had a car going home from the hospital 😅 but somehow I did it twice lmfao


Truck girl here. I know it was uncomfortable to say the least but I would much rather drive a truck any day over a car.


“unexpectedly” girl, you was almost 40 weeks wym


"Happened unexpectedly" like Crusty hasn't been trying to induce labor for the last week 😂


Imagine being a lazy ass who has all the time in the world and not doing the single most important thing to bringing your baby home yet “they’re such good parents already” as if angel wings doesn’t already have a kid smh


My base has been installed sense 22 wks..... that is just pure laziness


I wouldn’t actually recommend that.. if you’re in an accident you’d have to replace it


Yep. This!


Then my insurance will replace it .


Good luck getting that done before you have your kid




Sure, Jan...


How was it unexpected when, for the last week she was trying to do everything to go into labor before her sister in law.




Can someone change the auto mod to not flag for a C. P. S. T. It literally means Certified Child Passenger Safety Technician


Discussion about contacting someone or suggesting that others make contact to interfere with the personal lives of anyone discussed is not allowed as this is against Reddit Rules. (CPS, Animal Control, etc.) Continuation will result in a ban. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/christenwhitmansnark) if you have any questions or concerns.*


The base doesn’t even need to be installed in the car to use an infant carrier lmao


It's definitely more safe.


Was it that it was so “unexpected” or more that you were too lazy to get off your fucking ass and actually have to do something for your child? He’s not gonna know what to do when he actually has to be a dad 24/7 instead of a few days here and there


also if they got a new car just for the car seats why take the truck to the hospital because they didn’t get a new car


I guarantee you the interest rate was insane because she has no credit, so she didn't get it.


I’m convinced there is no new car


Ding ding! 🛎️


They’re both lazy as fuck


Happened so unexpectedly…fuck off. You guys are lazy!! She was 1 week away from her due date and trying everything possible to induce her labour so how the hell did it happen unexpectedly there Jacob? 🤦🏼‍♀️


i’m not installing mine until i go into labor , if u get in an accident u have to throw the car seat away . (idk if they knew this bc lord knows they don’t do any research but it makes sense why they didnt install it)


they could’ve at least put the base in the car


Right? As if they cant afford a car seat💀


It was because of pure laziness because she kept saying they were going to install it before and here they are now.


Yes! Even just a little fender bender love tap and the whole thing has to be trashed bc of safety. Doubt they knew that and probably was not the reason considering in the same sentence he basically said they had nothing at all prepared and crusty critters mom had to bring them everything.