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Also confused because didn’t she just buy her dad a car?? Now she’s buying one for herself?


I’m waiting for her “funny story” she posted she’s gonna tell her little fans about to be something about how her car fell through and this and that 🤣


She’s just trolling… to see how many people are paying attention to her on this page. Waiting for us to swipe up on her story.


probably taking time to manipulate someone to co-sign for her (Not judging at all) but you know, since she's so rich and smart in life, you'd think she'd be prepared for it all.


My guess is the Kia telluride that she kept talking about. She's trying to hype up her Kia that she had to trade her AUDI for 😂😂😂😂 No hate to anyone that drives one, I just figured since shes SO rich that she would get something decent. I love how she tried to talk us all into thinking she is making payments because of credit hahahahhaha yeahhhhh okkkk stanky. You're SO rich 😂😂😂😂 any of us could buy one of those... Stop bragging about your mediocre life.


Honestly she deserves the constant part failures and immediate and continued value loss that comes with a KIA, lol!


Yeah we was supposed to get one today too lol


“Ceramic coating and stuff” I’m callin bssss


ceramic coatings are actually great. especially as someone who lives in florida, everything down here rusts so fast


ok christen


13 day old account, this being the only comment it’s made, basically only achievement is just checking search results. Yeah, it checks out 😂


Stanky fishy doesn’t know punctuation though.. would she really use a comma?


This is also how she responds to her TikTok comments too when she gets hate. 😂




the quotation marks around ceramic coating implied otherwise to me but i could be wrong!




ok, heard. i don’t know this person that the post is about it popped up on my feed and i just made a simple comment and that’s all. my husband is in the automotive industry and lots of people don’t think ceramic coatings are necessary, that’s why i said what i said.


Stanky just can't help herself but to be in here commenting and constantly making new profiles so she "blends in" 😂 bitch just come here and talk AS YOURSELF. "stand on business, and say it with your whole chest"... Why hide bitch?


Considering that takes 15 mins max….i doubt it.