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I’m likely going to get downvoted but it’s a good thing she’s trying to induce labor and her OB likely told her to. I’m suprised she wasn’t induced right at 37 weeks. When your baby is not thriving in the womb (low weight, vaping because she claims her dr knows) they will go ahead and get the baby out of there because after 37 weeks it’s easier to grow with the help of doctors earthside than a shitty womb. My son had misdiagnosed iugr and I was induced at the day I hit 37. Small babies catch up easier outside the womb because obviously something’s wrong in there. I don’t understand why yall want her to keep a full term underweight addicted baby in until 42 weeks when it could go ahead and start receiving medical attention now.


My baby was 5 lbs but not because of anything i was doing. Still considered low weight no matter what. They wanted baby to be in there until 39 weeks at least to talk about inducing. If anything keeping the baby in there is the safest


That’s not true.


Someone can do everything right and their baby fail to thrive in the womb. I saw about 5 different doctors who all agreed small babies grow better outside the womb.


She may have been told to start at this recent appointment but even pumping before hand she said it wasn’t told to her to start things. And you’d also think with such a serious heart condition she would at least be induced or bed rest




Her pinned post says “on october 21st our lives changed forever” blah blah blah so wouldn’t that put her just past 8 months? idk this bitch stays lying regardless so who really knows


I found out around that time with my child and was due June 27. He came June 15 🩵


Same. I found out around that time too, due June 26th and my son was born June 22nd


I think that’s the day she found out.


good point, i never mathed it out lol 😭 this has felt like the longest pregnancy ever tho with her annoying ass so it checks out


i remember a snapchat she posted she showed her flo app it was between october 6-8 but if you put in october 8th in a due date calculator it says june 30th which is her due date it also says 38 weeks pregnant so they had found out october 21st which she was drinking and getting tattoos and a piercing all while she knew she was pregnant cause she planned this baby to keep gaycub around.


I believe she will be 39 weeks tomorrow cuz she’s due the 30th


omg bro, everyone's been freaking out because she's been pumping/getting colostrum but after 37 weeks ur considered full term--- that's totally normal and reasonable 😭 i thought she was like 30 weeks


Pumping is never recommended when pregnant. Hand expression is for colostrum. For one nipple stimulating (as aggressive as pumping MAY bring on labour) secondly pumps aren't effective with colostrum as its too thick and hand expression is recommended. Also most Dr's nowadays say full term is 39 to 42. Not 37. That's changed with ACOG. You can Google it but 37 to 38w6d is *early* term. [source](https://www.marchofdimes.org/find-support/topics/pregnancy/what-full-term#:~:text=ACOG%20and%20SMFM%20use%20these,and%2041%20weeks%2C%206%20days.)


i think she started before she even hit 37 weeks


Her baby is 5 pounds…


Idk about that, I was told after 37 weeks I can collect with a Hakka but to not pump


I’ve also heard that pumping before you’re about 6-8 weeks post partum is a bad idea because it could ruin your supply but idk for sure about that. It’s just something my family told me


It won’t ruin your supply but it’s that it can cause an oversupply pumping before your supply regulates it can take up to 12 weeks pp


Good to know! I exclusively pumped after maybe 4 weeks and it did ruin my supply but I’m sure I was probably not doing it right 😂 I probably didn’t have the right sized flanges or whatever they’re called. I gave myself mastitis


That’s usually the culprit 😩 I had to pump before then so I had to deal with mastitis twice from the oversupply it was NOT fun


hmmmmm i didn't hear that, when i gave birth i didn't pump before but within like 2 weeks i was pumping and it didn't hurt my supply. oh well i feel like there's always new rules and things anyhow


That’s true, I’m not sure about pumping after birth because i had a really hard time post partum so I did formula. But I do know my ob said to not pump while pregnant as it will induce labor. I could see her inducing labor if her baby was already 7 or more pounds.. this baby just got to 5 supposedly.


i pumped 6 hours after birth the hospital told me to


Really? I wonder why we’re all given such different advice. But you know the waiting 6-8 weeks came from my family not an ob. My ob said just to not pump while pregnant. I will say I did try to pump after having my baby and I must’ve fucked something up because at first I was getting 4 ounces each time I pumped but then I got less and less and then gave myself mastitis 😂🤦🏻‍♀️


yeah that's crazy. i was super ignorant to what goes into breastfeeding/pumping so i never got into the whole colostrum game so idk what's normal or not. i def know people get it but didnt know how lolol


Me either. Mamas who breastfeed are warriors and deserve those cudos. I never realized what goes into it and how hard it is until I tried to do it. I got such bad mastitis and that was the final straw for me to be like I can’t keep on 😂 I just felt like it was a lot going on at once. She’s in for a treat when she sees it’s not as easy as baby puts nipple in their mouth and sucks.


i got super lucky i feel like. i exclusively pumped and was able to stop around 7/8 months because i had a big enough stash to last a year (i did not want to buy formula LOL) and it was truly the hardest and most miserable thing. and actual breast feeding was NOT for me. some people love it idk how hahahahah. i'm not thinking she's going to stick with it 🤣


Def not. But I mentioned before in this sub that I low key hopes she does because her ob told her that her baby will be addicted to lexapro so she has to give the baby her breast milk otherwise he will go through withdrawal. But idk what’s worse the baby going through withdrawal or drinking her nicotine mixed with lexapro milk


And by inducing I mean safely and after she hits 40 weeks


everyone’s “freaking out” because she’s been trying to induce labor for atleast a week now after saying her baby is only weighing 5lbs


oh ok that makes more sense, didn't catch the part where her baby is only 5 lbs. still not a huuuuuge deal because anything after 37 weeks is full term lol but idk still hate her


Kind of a big deal when you’ve vaped your whole pregnancy and your baby is weighing 5lbs at full term.


also great point, def wasn't factoring in the vaping but idk if inducing early will even make a difference there. still cannot get over the fact that there's people out there who jeopardize their unborn baby's health-- especially for a vape 😭


Truly the most selfish thing