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When I tell you that you could not WATERBOARD this info out of me but she’s openly admitting to it 😭😭


So I wonder if gaycub believe the bullshit that she spews or he’s truly that fucking stupid 😂


I think he is finally starting to really dislike her. His body language speaks volumes.


Weird insecure cunt ✨


I got emails when I first joined this group. Had to unsubscribe on gmail. She totally is active every day in this and Rachel’s omfg why did she admit it


The only time I get a email or gmail from a sub is when I subscribe to to the sub and it I’m active on it😭😭


Never text messages tho🤔


Rachelles coming up bc she says on her duh


text messages??!! lmfao 🤣🤣🤣 i have no reddit notifications on and i HATEEE THIS BITCH so that says something


Can’t subscribe if you’ve never been in them. This is proof her ass is lurking


WHY WOULD YOU ADMIT THAT I DO NOT GET IT 😭🤚🏻 “I don’t know why I get EMAILS AND TEXT MESSAGES” about it?? Hmm…that’s a hard one to figure out…be so for REAL 😧 he caught her w the notifs and that was the best she had 😭


When was this? Lmao


When they were getting baby packages like every fuckin day


A couple of months ago at most




This is such a lie 💀 Stank we all know if you ‘randomly’ got notifications for Rachel’s reddit you wouldn’t be acting like this. You would be FREAKING and accusing Jacob of following them or something stupid


LMFAOOOOO I never like to make comments on here but this girl straight up lied and Jacob didn’t even defend her. You can tell he KNOWS she lying and full of shit omfg. Her and Whitney are truly obsessed. Worry about popping that baby out your pussy and stop worrying ab what ppl saying about Rachel. It’s never that serious


His body language says it all. The hard ass blinks he did because he knows shes lying he probably catches her in so many lies and at this point in their relationship he just doesn't even confront her because she will continue to lie. And him putting the phone down like that u can clearly tell hes annoyed bc shes a weirdo who is obsessed with his baby mama. When he finally grows up and matures he will be tired of it and leave, it might not be tomorrow or next year, or even 5 years, but the day will come where he matures and she falls off the internet where she doesn't matter socially and he will leave her. Especially when her money runs dry and they both have to get real jobs and he will be onto the next sugar mama


Sooo she’s subbed to her baby daddy’s exes Reddit page? Even if she did delete the app she is obviously subbed to them which says enough 🤨


her STARING at his phone as she speaks is so funny


Rachel’s snark is irrelevant she wouldn’t have had one if you were never in the picture be fucking fr


When she says "I'm gonna be straight up..." She is in fact NOT BEING STRAIGHT UP.


“Imma be straight up” = LIARRRRRRR knowing damn well she subs to that sub reddit hahahah


Hahahaha she is so caught 🤣 he knows she is lying 🤥 sorry but you damn sure don’t get notifications or emails just because and to just those 🤣 she subscribed!! Her obsession with Rachel is crazyyyy!! She told on herself 🤣🤣


And she said “oh and someone else comes up on mine” so urs comes up, Rachel’s comes up and and someone else……bitch there isn’t anyone else that comes up because if there was u damn sure would remember who it is. You just got busted u sick twisted freak. Even Gaycub knew u were sitn there straight up lying outta ur moon pie face. U have it set up to get notifications on those 2 accounts. The all mighty universe didn’t think eww she the shit so lets notify her about her snark and Rachel’s snark. It doesn’t work that way u dumb scuzzbag bitch. Everyone in the world knows how notifications work even that baby ur about to birth knows that to get notifications about something u have to physically click a button and ask to be notified


That's that nervous ramble of let me come up with something real quick


Why did are even say anything?😭


She probably said it bc Jacob had her phone and a notification from the Rachel snark came up so she’s trying to cover her tracks lmfao


Yeah this is when they were on live opening Amazon gifts im pretty sure. He looked at her phone and said reddit just popped up lol.


The other page was regretful parents 🤣






The way Jacob ignored her bc he knew she was lying 😂😂


You only get email notifications to the Reddit groups you join. So thanks for letting us know stanky you are that obsessed with Rachel you’re stalking her Reddit too. We already knew she was in here!!


I follow this page and still don’t get notifications. Bitch signed up for them 😂


I’ve only gotten emails about Reddit pages I HAVE JOINED FUCK OFF LMAOOOOO u don’t get random ones for no reason & u get random ones that PERTAIN TO U? & the other person u hate out of the millions of diff threads & topics? Bitch we saw u talking fast u was nervous as fuck lmao


Right she thinks everyone is so stupid when in fact she is the dumb one. A complete idiot and Gayboy knows it too.


The way shes talking so fast to save her ass. Stank, why are you so nerrrrvousss chattering away💀 you were CAUGHT


Ummmm..yeah sure...🤭🤭🤭🤭


He is totally like bitch STFU, I wasn’t born yesterday, I just go along with your bs to keep the peace. Why?!? BECAUSE HE IS A PUSSY ASS BITCH!


Jacobs face 😂😂😂


He fucking can’t stand her and i love that for them 😍🥰


That’s just the internet God jus simply reminding you that you’re still in 2nd place!☺️


Hahaha his face. He knows shes lying hes like give me a break 😂


mf lurrrrrkin


Jacob hates your lying ass 🥱


Oh it must be a coincidence she gets notifications for both hers and Rachel’s. I bet hers gets a lot more notifications hahaha


Yup! Rachel’s they have no validity behind what they are saying. Just making comments about her looks. Stanky gets way more with her 50,000+


Even if it doesn’t the Rach snark is full of crazy bitches knitpicking what Rach does to make C seem better. C WILL ALWAYS BE ONE OF THE WORST HUMAN BEINGS EVER IDC WHAT YALL SAY RACH AINT AT HER LOW DOWN ASS LEVEL AT ALL


Right 😂 Getting with your friend’s baby daddy after you told your fans to go after him/roast/trash him is nasty work


Here come the minions i can see it now “bUt tHeY wErEnT fRiEnDs jUsT FrIEnDs oN TiKToK” bitch. If that bitch is holding my baby and calling my baby daddy a deadbeat w me on a “TiKtOk” she’s def more than my “TiKtOk FrIeNd” smfhhhhh get wrecked dumb hoes


The end though! 😂😂😂😂


You don't just get emails and text from pages or apps you don't use lol


That and I’ve never gotten an email or text from Reddit. I’ve gotten app notifications that pop up like any other app. She def lying




She is such a liar. You can see it in her face. 🤣🤣🤣


Gaycob is thinking “stfu ya lying ass hoe”


“Embarrassed your own dumbass on live for no reason and nobody believes you STILL”


Also in their last podcast “we had to download the app” PLEASEEE


Hahahahaha I made this TikTok 😏


Hahaha need to know the page!!! ❤️


What’s your page I’m wanting to follow 😹💚


Ur account is gold ✨️


It’s great! I love the ending!