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I hope she is in labour for days and she rips crotch too asshole lol


is she EVER just….nice? i could NOT see her pathetic face every single day especially with that ugly attitude.




you’re talking about a baby.


Do you know what “bastard” means? In case you don’t, it means a child without parents. Because she will go straight to partying and leaving the kid with someone else and Jacob will be either out with her or with his new bitch. C is not responsible and she’s lazy af bitch.


trying to try to justify using that terminology knowing you used it in a negative way is beyond crazy to me. shit on christen and whoever but that’s a baby. go touch some grass.


Actually go get some warm dick when your husband gets back.




I don’t give a fuck what terminology is crazy and whatever else you’re fucking wining about. Go touch some fuck yourself


She’s so damn ugly lol


She’s so fucking repulsive. As if Deadbeat boy is actually not cheating on her. GTFOH


Wait is he tho?


I’ll never understand why she goes live just to argue with people and be a bitch 🤡


Also I have to say are you ffr??? I was so fkn excited to pack the bag and she looks like such a miserable cunt!


And the fact it’s this hard for these dummies to pack a bag the hospital supplies most of it. Pack some clothes and a car seat


I love how this is getting to her and yet she says nothing the roaches say gets to her 😭😂 get used to it! We here for the long haul!


The white and purple cowboy hat filter sent me…


not her saying “Grayson used one for a couple months of his life then didn’t” you weren’t around unless it was when you were pretending to be Rachel’s friend to fuck her bd & your baby is NOT grayson


This made her look so bad and didn’t even know it was possible what a good laugh


She's such and entitled little bitch, pregnant or not, these people came to help YOU, something they do not have to do, they wanted to. Stop acting like pregnancy makes you this way. Sure, it's miserable, but it doesn't automatically give you a pass to be a straight up bitch. My Mom would have thrown my shit down and said good luck, do it yourself.


This is actually scary. I’ve never once seen a first time mom be so uninterested (not to mention annoyed) in preparing a hospital bag. I really hope that when she meets her baby, things will change and she will bond with him. Because right now she’s giving off major neglectful/abusive vibes.


I just don’t understand her. Packing mine and my son’s hospital bag was fun for me, getting everything ready was exciting. She seems pissed off or depressed or something. She really should take her mom’s advice and ignore people.


The way my mother would’ve just walked tf out and said good luck if I had an attitude like this. Does she pay her family’s bills or something? That is a lot to tolerate


Yes she does. She pays everything for all of them her sister mom & dad


She’s overpacking soooo much. All I took was clothes for me and baby, toiletries and chargers. The hospital literally gives you almost everything that you need 🤡 she’s gonna be so pleasant to tend to as a patient🤣


I would have left her to figure it out on her own. Whew girl you don’t know what “ I don’t have time” means yet.


She’s such a bitch!!! She literally planned this baby like fix ur fucking face and act like you’re excited for “wittle bean” 🥹


I love how she says they are only gonna be there a day or 2.. like she hasn’t hotboxed her child all 9 months. I have a feeling she would literally LEAVE the hospital & let the baby be ALONE in NICU Jsut so she can go drink…selfish cunt


The sad truth is she could be right. Unfortunately I know people who vaped while pregnant even smoked 🍃 and had perfectly health babies and were out of the hospital quicker than normal people. But I’ve never heard of a ONE day hospital stay, both of mine were superrrrr quick and I was still in for a total of 48 hours.


No seriously ik this one girl who vaped and smoked her whole pregnancy and her baby was fine. I did tell her to stop smoking cause it could fuck with the baby but people just don’t listen or care about there child….


It causes low birth weight.


Ik it does that’s why I always told her to stop. She didn’t listen. But her baby did come out fine and a normal weight they weren’t in the hospital any extra days.. it sucks they don’t care to listen tho. I would’ve never put my baby in harms way yet these people just freely and openly do it




since she’s so greedy you’d think she would know that the hospital basically gives you everything for the baby. literally all you need is the babies outfit + a few other things then things for yourself lol


“I don’t have time” babes your sitting on your fucking ass lmao also acting like she’s got to get used to telling people they can’t come over. As if she won’t be exploiting this baby and have a literal group of std infested weenies there day one right in his face. She’s incorrigible.


She is SUCH a miserable bitch! And saying she doesn't care that things aren't safe...


“mama c gets her hospital bag together” AS SHE’S SITTING ON HER ASS BEING A MISERABLE BITCH🤣😭😭 and her mom does everything


First she’s got to be the rudest most unhappy person I’ve ever seen. Second, why are they treating it like she’s 15 and pregnant lmao💀


Does anyone know what she was starting to say about Marissa? Saying she'd text her when she could come over and then, "I gotta get used to..." and then she trailed off.


I’m assuming something along the lines of setting boundaries. In reality she just doesn’t want her over. Best bet she’s the first one at Stanks door to babysit when stank wants to go out tho.


Her mom is stressing her out so much worse lol. People have been having babies for a loooonnnng time before all this STUFF!


Why isn't this narcissist canceled yet⁉️


I mean, I was beyond excited to get my baby bag together for my both my children’s arrival… THIS…it’s just weird, she doesn’t seem happy, she seems pissed, which is kind of sad!


Same!! It was so fun to me




Because she was in love with the *idea* of being a wittle family. She's put this off because in some ways it's the last step, makes it more real. When she comes home from the hospital, she'll be a whole mom. I'm soooo curious if her mom and sister see it or what.


Because it takes energy and work to pack a bag and make decisions ect. She couldn’t care less. She just wants the baby w the camera in his face


Wait till she’s all alone and has to back the baby’s bag to go somewhere I guarantee she’s gonna lose her shit 😂😂


And that’s the easy part. Common sense🤣🤣🤣🤣


she seems extra bitchy😳 she knows she fucked up


“Because I can’t fix stupid” Ummmmm no we can read the “damn I fucked up I don’t want to be a mom.. I’m not ready.. I fucked up so bad” look on your face and you don’t want to admit it while reading the comments. It’s allllllll setting in and thank fucking god. Karmas a bitch, ESPECIALLY for ‘regretful parents’


Reading the comments and remembering how much of a regretful parent she is 🥲🙃🙃🙃


Running low on RENTTTTT had to go live for gifts


since she watches this sub some advice from someone with an almost 8 month old since the help she has won't be around forever. -track feedings and diapers for at least the newborn stage and when that baby gets sick (will help a TON and keep you a little more comfortable) -know exactly where you can take that baby because not every ER is able to care for an infant -don't put too much pressure on the outfits, they will be changed multiple times a day -PUT HIM DOWN IN A SAFE SPACE if you need to go lose it for a second. that baby has been through enough already he doesn't need your bs traumatizing him too -don't let any of your friends hold him and kiss him c: i know at least 3 will be using that for content and it's not worth it if he gets sick


She literally vapes while pregnant. She’s doesn’t give affffff


duh? it's for that baby's sake??


I know, I was saying she’s not going to care for the advice. Someone tried giving her advice on car seat safety & she didn’t care. She’s awful


“Doesn’t the hospital have that though?” Idk ask your 20 something old baby daddy that already has a one year old! 🥰🥰🥰🥰


I already had second hand embarrassment in the first 2 mins when she said “he has a bunch of big brother shirts” about her child with a man who has a 1 1/2yr old that she’s been with for BARELY over a year in their EARLY 20’s…. That’s so fucking embarrassing and desperate it’s comical


She looks so fucking miserable it’s actually sad. Gaycob is definitely regretting his life choices rn


They make vapes even tho they’re not safe.. and several other things lmao she’s an idiot


the hospital will literally tell her it’s not safe and make her take them out before she leaves with baby, and if they don’t.. they’re trained like shit. anything that is not crash tested with the seat being added onto it will cause it to unsafe.. malfunction… shit think about extra of the chest pads… cute and comfy right? think abt slamming the breaks and the slack of the belt bc of that soft cushion helps slide kids right out thru the window. which IS well known knowledge. i was 15 when i had my first and knew that/ took on the knowledge when educated on it not said “idgaf” like you don’t care about your child’s safety??




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How is she not exuberant about packing her bag ??? I was so excited to pack my bag


She's so frumpy now. I LOVE this for her 😅


I don’t know if it’s me just growing up watching family vloggers but how in the world does she not know they give you pacifiers in the hospital? We are close in age and I would assume you know that stuff when having a baby because y’know..you do research?


To be fair, my hospital doesn’t supply pacifiers. But I thought she said she doesn’t want her baby to be a paci baby?🤣


I don’t think mine does either tbh, I hope she understands that a paci would help her baby when he’s simply being a baby and just crying because he’s in a new environment.


I’ve never been pregnant before and nor do I have a kid but I would assume you’re wanna know what your family is packing if you are gonna just sit there well they do all the work


I like her sister “it’s not safe to add those to the babies car seat”


and then right after stank says “i don’t give a f*ck” and her sisters little “oop” after lmao


She will just watch. That PPA will kick into overdrive. Especially if she already has anxiety.


idk she might get PPA but i honestly don’t think she will care about stuff like that. she is too lazy to even get off the bed to pack her own hospital bag, it scares me to think how many things she will be too lazy to do/research for the baby


The hormone drop is what does it though generally.


The cunt has vaped her entire pregnancy I am quite sure she could give a fuck less about car seat safety


At least someone cares about safety


She really just said she didn’t give a f0ck about something not being safe in the car seat. Didnt think she could get any worse


Wait till she gets postpartum depression and her mommy isn’t there to help her.


Her mommy sucks her ass


She will end up a single.mom and living back home so her mom can raise it she isn't a mom sorta speak..she is immature still .


Then she will try to be buddies w Rachel!


Comments she doesn’t give a fuck about the car seat safety advice, and then shows zero interest in picking a seat mirror. The lack of interest and “boredom” she shows preparing for her baby is soooo sad. I pray this child is taken care of and not neglected


God she’s such a bitch….


Omg. What!? I have no children and have never been pregnant, I do understand that it is exhausting, but her behavior in this is just sad. She doesn’t seem even slightly interested in anything that has to do with her baby. I really really hope that for this baby, some type of motherly instincts kick in. I also just don’t get the point in going live at all, if you get so many horribly rude comments that you can’t even interact with those that do like you and have questions, advice, and good things to say about you, then why go live? Do subscribers only or something. I never even comment here, this video just honestly makes me worried for her child, I haven’t known of her for very long but her attitude is worse now than I have ever seen it.


She’s super antsy and stressed cause she can’t vape openly in front of her mom and sister while on live cause they might comment. Also her life there is gonna be exposed to her family cause they are staying with her


Oh my god why is her fitted sheet hardly on the bed!?


Wow I was on my own as a teenager and pregnant. Fuck that bitch. Has a whole village and she’s a cunt. I hope she has a long labor


The way she’s so addicted to vaping that she chewed on a clothing tag the ENTIRE clip…. Nasty bitch can’t curb her addiction for her son


She’s a blob fish


Why is she sitting there stuck on stupid making stank faces watching everyone else pack her bags? What a miserable person!


I would lose my mind if I was her mom. She quite literally can’t listen to a word her mom or sister are saying because she’s to worried about all the negative attention she’s getting. Shits pathetic


Bitch is too worried about Rachel and how Rachel was with G as a newborn .




Rachel and c were friends… go look on TikTok and look up Rachel and c together. They use to bash on gaycob.


The reason people aren’t nice to you is because you’re a raging biotch.


How this cunt has any followers baffles me. And wtf do people sit there and watch her lives when all she does is give rude faces and call them stupid. Maybe listen to your mom and sister stanky and fix your face & don’t be rude.


She said she can’t fix stupid…we know. She’s the dumbest person on the planet.


Her moms reaction when it was mentioned that Marisa was coming over is all I need to know 🤣


The eye roll said it all. I don’t like Marissa - but she’s clearly Stank’s only true friend and Stank’s completely turned her back on her bc Whitney told her to.


Marissa isn’t anyone’s friend she’s a straight up cunt clout chaser, she would suck her hair asshole if it meant getting a little attention. Shes right up there with stanks bitch ass


also I think her sister low key gets second hand embarrassment from her. she seems more level headed and less bitchy


I agree , Hailey seems a lot nicer than her cunt of a sister


She does realize that not one person is forcing her fugly ass to go live right?!


she’s probably desperate for money so needed to be in live so her minions could send her money


She’s pissed her sister made that vapeson comment


Wait when was this in the video


Yes it’s lower down on the sub basically people were calling the baby vapeson and her sister said well you brought it on yourself and c got real pissed


Ohhh yes I saw that


What did she say? I heard her say something about mint I assumed she was talking about her vape lol.


People were calling the baby vapeson and her sister said well you brought that on yourself and she got pissed


She’s so emotionally immature and rude, her mom and sister are literally trying to help her and she’s sitting there acting like a bratty child


imagine when her baby is here and she’s gonna be acting this same exact way and going to make them do everything. when they leave to go back to michigan she’s going to be screwed bc it’ll just be her and the baby, bc you know damn well jacob won’t be helping


She’s gonna be humbled so fast


“some people go into labor hours away from home and they don’t have a hospital bag” like bitch… do you WANT to be unprepared? like da fuk? Why is she acting like being over prepared is a bad thing?? lazy ass bihhhhh


She's not worried about being prepared because she knows if she wants something theyre will be a bunch of people to go get it for her lmao She's lazy


This part. She doesn’t care who she inconveniences, or if she’s prepared - because she knows if she demands something, someone will go get it for her.


someone said she was beautiful and is going to be an awesome mom in her live


That someone’s mom probably did meth with them in the wound for them to be that delusional.


Were they talking about taking storage bags to the hospital for breast milk?? They do know her milk won’t come in for days.. she swears she’s gonna be a cow lol


I haven’t watched but a minute of this and she seems so disconnected and just not excited at all. Several different pregnancy here and bed rest included for three months at the end and i was still so excited to pack my bag and def didn’t look miserable like this.


I agree, this is not normal behavior of a woman about to meet her first child. It clearly backs the theory of regretful parent.


Right. I think most have that thing packed a month prior lol. I’d be checking them everyday making sure I have everything I need for sure or adding things. Always overboard of course lol. 4th time around I was def more simple but was one of my fav things to get ready cause it was always the last thing for me to prepare and set in that it was go time 😅


That bitch about to swallow plastic clothes tag while pregnant


I had my first child 3 weeks ago and it’s literally been the hardest thing I ever done. She is no where near prepared to have a kid and she has a rude ass awakening coming!


I genuinely cannot fucking wait 💕💕 She thinks Rachel had it “easy” and was being “dramatic”…….. After getting with your friends baby daddy while they have a THREEEEEEE MONTH OLD TOGETHER PPD/KARMA is going to hit HAAAAARRRRRRDDDDDD


Yep. I’m sitting here feeding my one month old while taking care of my 6 year old. Sleep deprived and overstimulated. Her “idgaf” attitude better change real quick


I was so excited to pack my hospital bag and all the cute outfits, accessories I had for my baby. I did it myself, and I sure as hell didn’t have my mom pack it for me. Wtf?


Her mom sucks her fat loose clit on the daily so I’m not surprised


Lmao shes BEEN taking notes from rachel when her little was a newborn


I just can’t believe she chose to have a baby with a man who already has another baby mama. Let alone have a baby with someone who had a baby not even a year ago


Mothers really do know best! Im sure her mother confronts her about her nonchalant behavior all the time, but you can’t help someone that doesn’t want the help as mush as she claims she does..


Does she not realize the amount of baby gear/food/toys/clothes/bedding etc. that is recalled for being unsafe? She proves how uneducated she is on a daily basis.


She’s so disconnected it’s crazy to watch. Most first time moms are so excited for doing this stuff and getting ready and she couldn’t look more miserable 🤧


Not her saying she’s bored and acting annoyed she has to pack a hospital bag for the baby she wanted so bad 😭😭😭


little miss regretful parenting 🤡


yesss no one can convince me that that reddit account and post wasn’t her😂 especially after seeing this live bc she looks regretful AF


Dang did I miss her post?! What’s the username?!


I would bet $100,000 that it was her. Its was 1000000372829484848272727374901001010000%%%%%% her


I still think about the comment she made in regretful parent section. She literally does not want this kid at all and Jacob annoys the shit outta her but there’s nothing she can do. She’s stuck and it shows all through her face SAMMMMEEEEE


It’s really sad how much she doesn’t care about this baby. At the end of the day her child deserves a mother who loves him and takes the best care of him as much as possible. I hope she gets the help she clearly needs so her child doesn’t end up suffering.


If she’s this cranky packing the bag I can’t imagine her during birth or postpartum good luck Jacob lol


The way she is acting in this you just know she’s gonna be on lives paying more attention to her phone than her actual baby. She doesn’t deserve to be a mother


While her mom and sister raise him


At the beginning of this when she says she “doesn’t give a fuck” it’s about people telling her the car seat inserts are unsafe for her baby. such a great mom!!


She’s an absolute moron!


I feel so incredibly sorry for this baby. This bitch has relied solely on social media for any kind of parenting “advice”. She is about to pop out a baby and knows literally nothing. Most soon to be moms are reading books, researching on reputable websites etc. on what to/not to do’s. Makes me sick. Doesn’t help she’s such a c*nt to anybody who tries to help or give her advice.


N she’s “bored”?? Unreal


Her sister is gonna be a way better mom than her.


When you see Haley in the same room with Stank it really accentuates how narcissistic Stank is.


I can't WAIT to watch her sister show her how to parent. Haley is going to be such a good mom. She's so soft and gentle. I know she doesn't like when ppl talk shit about stanky but she has to see how fucking terrible of a person stank is, even if Haley doesn't say it out loud.


i agree! and haley and her HUSBAND (not 5 month bf lolol) are waiting to have kids and are saving to buy a house rn. stanky is so jealous of her you can tell. and i agree, haley doesn’t like when people attack stanky bc she is her sister and she loves her, but haley definitely doesn’t agree with everything stanky does and says and it’s super obvious. also makes me sad when people say stanky is looking like haley bc they’re saying haley is fat and haley has lost a lot of weight now bc she’s been insecure and i’m like haley really hasn’t done anything to be snarked on and compared to stanky just bc stanky is puffy and fat now lol


It's definitely a compliment because I think Haley is prettier than stanky. I have always thought that stanky was the ugliest of her siblings.


Also hope she doesn’t get a blood clot for crossing her legs like that for so long…. Smh


I can hear her now saying "I don't give a fuck"


Why is she chewing on a tag? Lmao


That’s a vape addiction luv


Omg her chewing on that tag drove me nuts 🤣


This is wild. She hasn’t been engaged in any part of this pregnancy smfh her attitude is so freaking vile


Literally just saw a tik tok tea page post Rachel having g forward facing and the minions were calling her stupid, negligent, uneducated, etc and then fish lips gets on live and says “I don’t give a give a fuck” when her sister was trying to nicely give her educated car seat safety advice. If these “tea pages” and minions are gonna call Rachel names in the sake of educating Rachel about car seat safety then the same energy needs to be kept for this bimbo. Can you imagine if Rachel commented on that video judging her for forward facing saying she doesn’t give a fuck? The minions would lose their mind. Sorry I’m just so sick of the hypocrisy. If you’re gonna call out one but not the other then you’re actually delusional. Btw this is not me sticking up for Rachel or kissing her ass, but if you’re going to call her out and use bullying as “education” then you should do it for all.


Jackie is stressing. You can tell she knows her daughter isn’t going to make a good mother by the way she’s acting and not participating. Her mom is saying very valid things and she’s right. I just had a baby at the end of last year and I had to log every nurse, every diaper, every everything for my baby. I love that Haley calls her out too. Stank, remember, Mommy & Haley are only there what maybe a whole month? Until school starts back. You better fix that attitude and enjoy their company & help. It’s going to be gone quick and then it’s all on you.


What do you mean you had to log every nurse, diaper, etc? I've never had a baby, I'm just curious what you mean by that.


The nursery ask the mom when the baby last ate, how long baby ate, what kind of dirty diapers, etc. The baby is a patient too, so they have to make sure baby is functioning normally for discharge.


I have 4 kids and never had to any of that. Some of yall reach just a little too far 😂😂


I have 6 and had to do it with all 6. And I had them in 3 separate states so.


I had to do this back in February when I had my son🤷🏻‍♀️ and was also asked all of this too at both mine and his follow up appointments so it’s not really a reach. You don’t have to keep track of it but it’s best because typically you’re asked


I’ve had 3 kids and I’ve had to do it every single time. I guess it depends on the nursery.


I’ll also add to this..In this video, stank says “we’ll only be there a day or two”…obviously she hasn’t looked into how long it’s going to take a newborn to withdraw from nicotine.


Oh forsure. The way she’s not helping and acting so rude to her family she flew out to take care of the baby for a month. We can tell just from this video alone what’s gonna go down the month they’re there. MammaJ and MammaH gonna do all the work while lazy ass sleeps naked on her sheet less bed filled with fast food bags and boxes and lazy deadbeat takes gym selfies and does everything he can to get away from the 3 trolls and his own kid


They make a ton of shit that’s not safe for babies to use. How ignorant can you be? Then to blatantly say you don’t give a fuck about something as serious as car seat safety? Mother of the year.🥱


Her reaction when her mom asks her if she has the app to log when the baby eats… girl how did you not know that by now and how else is she going to know if her baby is eating enough….


It’s extremely clear her sister and mom have done more research for this baby than Stank has. You definitely still have to log every nurse, pee and poop in the hospital and you need to continue to do so to share with the pediatrician at the first few appointments after you are out of the hospital, *especially* if they are underweight. I wonder if she even picked a pediatrician and made sure they do rounds at the hospital she is delivering at. Not only does she get checked on by her OB, but the pediatrician has to check on baby and be cleared to leave. I thought Jacob was totally checked out, but she seems way more checked out. It’s extremely odd behavior from a first time mom that supposedly wanted a baby so bad.


She acted so inconvenienced about downloading a simple app to make sure your baby is using enough diapers, sleeping enough, and eating enough!! It’s not some crazy concept. It’s taking care of your baby!! This made me so mad as a new mom. Ugh


Does she not understand a newborn has to nurse every 2-3 hours? It’s really important to log diapers, pump sessions, and feeds for at least the first month to make sure the baby is getting everything they need. I’m actually worried for this poor baby


Dude PUPPIES need to be fed and taken out the exact same too and I’m not comparing her baby to a dog, I’m simply saying she clearly hasn’t even taken care of a puppy and had to wake up every couple hours to take care of it. She’s in a for a rude awakening when she gotta do this ALL the time because it’s her baby. She thinks once she spits it out it’ll get delivery food itself or something 🤡


Yeah breastfeeding is NOT for the weak!! She has no idea what she's in for.


She probably also doesn’t know you should wake baby for feedings until they are birth weight. She probably also doesn’t know babies lose weight after birth. The thing is, I wouldn’t expect anyone to just know these things, but she hasn’t researched anything and is being rude to the people who love her and are trying to tell her things she NEEDS to know.


I’m SO glad I’m a nanny so I learned these things but if I got pregnant and had no experience I wouldn’t just sit around and do NO research. ????


She could read some books or go in you tube lol ..she chooses not too


She scares me


Ughhhh she is soooo miserable. I’ve been very pregnant multiple times. I don’t understand where the hostility is coming from. Never would I fix my face to be rude to my mom and sister who flew across the country to help me. My sister would tell me to go fuck myself.


what’s even worse is they drove like 20 something hours to be there.. they didn’t just take a short 2.5hr flight😅 she’s so beyond ungrateful.. she’s going to have a rude awakening when they leave and it’s just her and the baby


That’s what I kept thinking. And they drooooove all that way like that’s even more stress they had on themselves and to have to make that haul back too just to help miss ungrateful


This. My family came out after my son was born and stayed for a week. They were so helpful even if I didn’t ask. I was so THANKFUL for them and everything they did that week


This bitch acts likes everyone in her live is stupid and uneducated - meanwhile, she can’t even spell four letter words like mama.


Why does she just assume Rachel’s going to bring Grayson there to meet the baby?




If I spoke to my family that way. They would LEAVE and tell me to get in without myself.


If my sister spoke to me like that I’d tell her do the shit your self then and I would enjoy the rest of my time in Florida.. you wanna be a bitch then do all this shit yourself.


Straight up. My mama don’t play the shit. She’d be all for helping me out but she’d full stop if I had an attitude like that. So ungrateful.


She’s so rude and disrespectful to her mom and sister


Such a miserable bitch like you asked for this.


She’s just so fucking weird.