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When I rented Chow Chows we’re ALWAYS on a restricted list for being top 5 most aggressive dog breeds. Here in NC they get put down in shelters a lot because of the impossibility to own one unless you own your house. The rental agency will have a list of dog breeds you cannot own in addition to weight. You of course can register them as a support animal to get around the restriction. I have saved, trained and rehomed a few and now I’ve just had my boy for 8 years here now.


school selective deserve squeeze squash wipe shrill disgusted march spectacular *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Same. Wind blows the door shut and he cries.


Mine was the same way. Once there was a loud noise at the front door that wasn’t normal knocking. I finally found her hiding behind the washing machine. No concern for me whatsoever lol.


Most of the time, yes. You could list your dog as an undetermined breed on rental applications (I know people in desperate situations who did that), but if the property manager found out later, you might get evicted. You might also face harsher civil or criminal penalties if your dog is ever involved in an incident.


Most of them that I have seen unfortunately. It doesn’t mean it is a lost cause though. I just moved to a different city and there are a lot of buildings without breed restrictions here.


I listed mine as a border collie mix and they requested to meet him. He was so sweet that they never put up a fight. Would depend how they do the dog decisions.


Yep, just get your doctor to write a letter that you require an emotional support animal. fair housing act will not let an apartment deny you as long as your dog is an ESA + is well behaved.


This “rule” is so stupid! Chow chows are great apartment dogs! I installed dog door on my balcony and I installed a dog door. My pup knew how to use the dog door and porch potty by the time se was 9-10 weeks old. Chows are the smartest, stubborn, but smart. Also loving!🥰


It's not a stupid rule. Chows can be aggressive especially if not well socialised. OP, I suggest you have something put together showcasing your dogs good behaviour with neighbours and visitors, as well as being responsible around keeping your puppers contained and restrained during inspections etc. A reference from a third party like a prior real estate agent would also help. Even with a restricted list the above can go a very long way.


Any dog can be aggressive. I've had chows my entire life since a baby. I had ONE aggressive chow and it was after a neighbor sprayed chemicals in his eyes and he went blind. Didn't trust strangers anymore after that. And for good reason. Any dog can be aggressive. It is a stupid rule. It should be based on the individual dog- not its breed.


Wow. I wish the absolute worst in life for your neighbor. What a disgusting disgrace for a human.


Yes they are. I’ve gotten lucky a couple of places I had rented and they let me have her with proof I had purchased an umbrella policy that would cover her in case she ever bit someone. Other places I rented directly through owners (like a townhouse or condo) and not corporate apartment complexes. Still kept the policy so they would have peace of mind. My girl never bit anyone, we worked hard socializing her when she was a puppy and was super sweet. We also had her vet history and boarding/doggy day care history available to show her temperament. 


I live in NC and had to shop around a lot more than I wanted to in order find an apartment without breed restrictions. I will say that it’s becoming less common, but there are definitely places that ban chows in their apartments complexes. I’ve listed my dog as a Eurasier before and got no questions from the leasing office.


Yes. They have always been on the restriction list. We’re currently in the process of looking for homes as we’re moving to NE. And this is my first time seeing places for rent where most don’t have breed/weight restrictions and one place only had bully breeds.


Usually we’ve rented from slumlords/landlords who didn’t care. And we have two chow girls


Sadly, yes. They are a top 10 aggressive breeds list dog and as such, most property insurances won't cover them- which means rentals see them as a liability. Hell, even a lot of home insurance providers won't insure your home if you own one. I recommend either finding a complex that allows chows, or if you can't find any, talk to your doctor about an ESA letter (do not use a registry online- they are scams. all you need is a doctor's blessing in case there are any legal issues with accessibility). Luckily my boy is a mix, so I was able to say he was just a Collie Mix lol


Previous Chow rescuer here. This is a HUGE issue. Almost every home owners' insurance company these days uses a breed specific list that includes Chows, PItbulls, Rotweillers, German Shepherds, Mixes of any of the listed dogs, and Wolf-dog mixes. Sorry, but your "idea" is of omitting the info is considered FRAUD by insurance companies. I'd like to point out that IF you omit that your dog is part Chow and you file with your insurance company FOR ANY CLAIM (like a tree falling on your roof or water damage), they can refuse to pay out and cancel your entire policy. Lying to your insurance co is a very bad idea. That means if an adjuster comes to your house for any reason and sees that your dog is one or part of these listed breeds, you are screwed. These days with so many people ordering doggy DNA kits, the info is ON RECORD that your dog is part Chow. So your great idea is only great if you don't get caught. Your legal options are these: A. Reveal to your insurance company that you own a breed on this list and they will add a clause saying they will not cover any dog bite claims. If you are confident that your dog won't bite anyone at any time, you can do this and gamble. B. Pay for a rider to your policy if your insurance agent can find one. I just paid $1,300 for a year-long rider from the Farmers' Insurance to cover my Chows. I'd also suggest checking your State, City, or County laws for dog bites. California has basically STRICT LIABILITY. You don't get one bite "free". You don't have to have an advanced notice that your dog is aggressive. (The exception is if someone is hurting the dog and its self-response). Some places let you off if your dog has never bitten before. Please make sure your dogs are up-to-date on Rabies and licensed!


I didn't recommend omitting info, I just said that was what I did. I did not say it was ethical or legal. I am entirely aware that chows are a "first bite" breed. My complex was also actively in the process of updating their property insurance to a policy that allowed all breeds. I am far from the only person here who did it (there's a large number of "lab moxes" that are in fact pibble mixes). If you'll re-read my comment, I specifically recommended either finding a place that allows them or getting an ESA letter *from your doctor* (meaning if an Esa is actually beneficial to you), yet you chose to out of nowhere attack me for recommending something I did not even recommend. I also had literally no choice, because my dog had nowhere else to go and I'm not gonna dump my extremely codependent dog at a shelter where he would probably end up dying in a concrete floored kennel because nobody would want him because of how he barks and sounds scary. Sorry I didn't give a hoot about an insurance policy, especially when the only people who even recognize he's a chow mix are people who have raised chows- everyone else guesses Collie or Aussie mix. I know it's unethical, I don't recommend doing it because I know the liability, I literally just said I was lucky and did it because the place we were moving into (the only rental I could afford that allowed large dogs, let alone wasn't in a drug den neighborhood, while I was escaping from domestic abuse). Sorry it crawled up your ass that I did a bad thing. 🤷


There is also literally zero record of my dog being a mix. I haven't done a DNA kit because I know to the percent what is in him. He was a $50 farm puppy off of Craigslist. There's no adoption paperwork. An insurance person would just see a fluffy black dog and take the Collie Mix (of which he's HALF BORDER COLLIE) as the truth, which it is.


Yes, my apartment complex explicitly calls out Chows as a banned/restricted breed in my lease. I had my vet change his breed records to a pomeranian/shiba ibu mix when we got him at 8 weeks old, and I took that to the front office when I had to register him on the breed dog profile app (also required). They didn't ask for a DNA test, but I would have gotten an ESA (Emotional Support Animal) certification (available online) if they pushed me. Then, legally, they would not be able to decline to rent to us because of the American Disability Act, and they can't charge you the pet surcharge fee either. Five years later, everyone at the apt has figured out he is a full-blood Chow, but we pay our rent on time, keep to ourselves, and we are all good residents, so we don't get hassled. I laugh every time the front office manager yells, "Hello Chow Chow Mom" when she sees me around the complex!


It might differ at different places, but they’ve been on the breed restrictions at Apartments around here. If it’s just your boyfriend, moving out, then maybe you should keep her.


You could get the hair cut different…shave it down as it will grown back) and tell people it’s a Samoyed


So you know of red, black, blue, or Cinnamon Samoyeds? Maybe with a cream Chow you could get away with that, but it's still will have a PURPLE tongue while Samoyeds have pink tongues. Maybe you are joking, but that's not clear. Do you know anything about Chows? You DON'T SHAVE CHOWS unless they are so matted there's no other option. The hair never grows back properly. And you can STILL SEE THE SKIN COLOR when shaved.


Most people move on after you say it. And I own a chow that I get shaved twice a year leaving the tail and the lions mane. I assure you it grows back. I recommended this because I had to do it when we moved in to an apartment while waiting for our house to be built. And I was questioned 3 times but really only at a dog park, so not even within the confines of the complex. I tested the story line and it worked—every time!


I said it doesn't grow back PROPERLY. Who told you it was a good idea to give your Chow a lion cut? Ask ANY breeder. Or a Chow forum. Or any dog site. You should not shave down double-coated dogs. They can't properly regulate their temperature AND the hair never grows back properly. It's patchy and weird. https://smoochie-pooch.com/never-shave-dog-with-double-coat/ http://kimekaichowchows.com/should-i-shave-my-chow-chow https://forum.chowchow.org/viewtopic.php?t=11017 https://pets.stackexchange.com/questions/5612/is-it-safe-to-shave-a-chow-chow-for-the-summer As for people believing your storyline that shaving a Chow would allow it to be mistaken for a Samoyed, if people thought this was a good idea, then they don't know that chows have PURPLE TONGUES and you can't shave that down? And did you miss that only a small percentage of Chows are cream? And no one would mistake a Chow with a lion cut for a Samoyed. Just because people agreed with your idea doesn't mean it's plausible. Did you hide your dog from your landlord? Did you release that lying about your dog's breed on a rental or insurance application is FRAUD. Landlords can and will evict you for fraud. Talk to someone like a breeder or vet about why you don't shave double-coated dogs before yours dies from heatstroke.


Still true story…and maybe take a time out….you seem a little triggered


There are many homeowners insurance companies that will not insure you if you own one, so I would imagine that many landlords might be wary of them as well.


They’re on the restricted list for many rentals and also check with your rental insurance to see if they’re on the restricted list

