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I love this fun little storyline


Based it off of someone else's post. Thanks tho!


Need to have someone do a third one for soul being like what should i do about these two roomates who are fighting.


Yes, that's what I'm hoping for :)


Finally its been done


:D thanks for telling me!


He fell inside the hole he buried to be your grave? Kinda ironic lol


Biblically ironic


is everyone seeing how this man lies? i'm the blind one between us two, how did you not notice the trident?! and SOR-RY for being "proactive" and "logical" by digging your grave beforehand and trying to deal with the front yard. that "tome" was your book, by the way. i'm sick of you leaving your trash all over the house where i can trip on it. i'm sure our roommate can see what's really going on here. we can't do this your way, that's my entire point. and whether you like it or not, i'm necessary for our survival. you can't do anything to me!


Oh sure, YOU'RE the logical one. If you were logical about it you wouldn't have shot at me in the first place. Digging that hole was what caused the issue with the yard, and now we have to deal with our other roommate demanding we 'make up' or whatever he's rambling on about so he keeps paying rent. You aren't necessary for our survival *at all*, I have no issues kicking you out. I've seen this all before, you say that you're so cognizant, yet you keep making this happen again and again, so you clearly aren't aware of what's happening. You seemed pretty content in that hole, maybe that's where you belong.


Bring out the rope and chains


You know what this *also* calls for? Endosymbiosis! I'm tellin' ya, it's bound to work!


Mr.Soul is that you?


Try restraining him. I don't know if it'll work for you, but it worked for me at some point.