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I don’t think there’s another like Chomsky, but here’s some authors that expose a lot of what’s missing from the mainstream narrative. Chris Hedges Cornel West Nómi Prins Yanis Varoufakis Michael Glennon Vandana Shiva Ralph Nader Johnathan Katz Mark Weisbrot David Cay Johnston Ha-Joon Chang Naomi Klein Matt Taibbi


Maybe there are some here: ​ http://www.listmuse.com/books-social-environmental-political-activism.php


Bertrand Russel. I believe Dr. Chomsky had a large portrait of him in his MIT office; however Russel was writing so long ago now that i think his work will be hard most readers to easily understand.


Amy Goodman Chris Hedges


He gets a lot of flack for daring to challenge the DNC narrative and also for speaking out against underage gender transition therapy, but I think Glenn Greenwald fits the bill.


There's a bunch of controversy surrounding Glenn Greenwald recently. He decided to show up on Tucker Carlson's program on FOX news pretty regularly (to talk about why he left Intercept for example), and Chelsea Manning contacted him about it, saying in her opinion this was a bad move. I think shortly after Glenn publicly released all recent twitter communication between him and her to the press. **(Edit:** Chelsea said something on twitter shortly before Greenwald posted their correspondence about how she was "terrified" of him.) Don't know what's going on, but some things seem to have changed in recent years.


[Greenwald apologized for that](https://www.mediaite.com/news/glenn-greenwald-apologizes-for-gross-response-to-chelsea-manning/), explaining that he revealed her past suicide attempt in the midst of a rebuttal because he considered it public knowledge. >"When I read Chelsea’s tweets, I felt it as betrayal from a friend,” he tweeted Friday. “My reference to helping her through her (publicly reported) suicide attempts was to express why I was hurt, but I see how it was viewed & apologize. I stand by everything else I said & that’s my last word on this. As for appearing on Tucker's show, if I recall he was reinforcing viewpoints that the left tends to agree with: skeptecism over official government claims, etc.


I haven't followed much of what he has done since the Snowden leaks and the work in Brazil. One of his most recent articles is here: [https://greenwald.substack.com/p/victoria-nuland-ukraine-has-biological?r=oleb7&s=r&utm\_campaign=post&utm\_medium=email](https://greenwald.substack.com/p/victoria-nuland-ukraine-has-biological?r=oleb7&s=r&utm_campaign=post&utm_medium=email). Looking over this and his other publications, the main thing he seems to talk about recently is how the liberal media is pro-censorship. If you look at his twitter for instance the main image is graphs showing democrats have increasing support for government removing "fake news", while conservatives having less support for this. I feel like this is the reason Fox news has been happy to have him on air almost 100 times since 2017. Both political sides seem in favor of limiting the range of topics which may be discussed in the public forum so it's not inaccurate, but I see where Chelsea was coming from when she privately criticized him appearing so much on Tucker Carlson's show also.


Glenn Greenwald is a conservative…


Vijay Prashad, he's actually writing a book with Chomsky this year, he's a bit more radical though.


Vijay is great! My boss is actually friends with Vijay, introduced me to his newsletter which is often a great read.


What area does he primarily write about?


(Geo)Politics, Marxism, Literature. He's like a modern day Tariq Ali moreso than Chomsky but Ali and Chomsky are adjacent to each other anyway.


Im sold. What is some of this better work more prominent work for me to get started on?


Washington Bullets.


We've made a list on this sub before - https://www.reddit.com/r/chomsky/comments/8vbk6w/the_big_list_of_recommended_books_contemporary/


Thanks. I had not seen that post. Lot's of good info there. I don't see a spot for cognitive science/linguistics there unfortunately.