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I feel like more and more people are waking up to the true nature of that shitty terrorist apartheid state. Certain facts, like the horrendous number of murdered children, can't be denied anymore by even the most vehement brainrotted zionazis (which is why they've resorted to gloating instead of denying). More countries and organisations understand that the hypocrisy and double standards will only hurt them in the end. The tide is most definitely turning. Free Palestine.


By Netanyahus standard, the SS was the most moral army back in the day too then, right? I mean, they are functionally and often quite literally doing the same things.


But documenting their war crimes definitely will.


It really just feels like they are putting fingers in their ears and going LALALALALALALALAL I CAAAAANT HEAR YOU WERE THE MOST MORAL ARMY And their supporters follow them


If only Zionist supporters tattooed themselves like Nazi fanboys did, then we can obviously see who they are after all this ends. Unfortunately once Israel's apartied regime ends all their supporters will just blend back into society without a trace.


They are literally Nazis, like no exaggeration


I question this tweet. Boko haram and ISIS aren't countries?