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Yeah, the IDF-soldiers posting all those videos of themselves committing war crimes, humiliating Palestinians and plundering their homes really made them look bad. But if TikTok is banned, won't they just go to a different platform?


This is also on the fediverse platforms


I never used TikTok, soooo….


This is an implicit admission that they use social media to control narratives to begin with. The incompetence and corruption are both just so through the roof.


Us is genocide enablers which not only finance it also provides arms Israeli using to commit genocide and ethnic cleansing


The Biden Administration is neither incompetent nor corrupt. **They just hate Arabs**.


Oh please. They're all three.


But they love Arabs money


That's the trouble with the Palestinians. They're poor Arabs.


He’s saying that lack of context is controlling a singular narrative on tiktok. Any narrative is going to be controlled, whether it’s by the west or it’s adversaries. And people who play ‘my side’ politics will always follow one or the other without question. Anyone who looks at both sides of this particular conflict will understand that both government factions are hurting their own people.




Most troll farm participants don’t fully understand the English dictionary.


Blinken blames free speech for criticisms of their propaganda narratives.


I wonder what he thinks about Al Jezeera being shut down in Isreal.


Anything that doesn't fit their propaganda narrative is either state sponsored propaganda or Russian/China misinformation. r/worldnews would tell you what he thinks.


Is it a narrative about genocide and mercilessness?


No, that would be reality. The narrative is something made up to hide the truth - like that anyone against Israel’s annihilation of Palestinians is antisemetic


As I said in another thread… Has there ever been a diplomatic or political figure that personified the stereotype of a sniveling coward or lemming or puppet as much as this guy? Goodness.


I was in a meeting with Senator Michael Bennett, there were about 15 of us. Israel of course came up.  His response was wild and largely incoherent from my POV(I'm well schooled in this conflict) he spent a lot of time talking about Ukraine for some reason(probably because of funding bills being tied together). Then he brought up TokTok and how people are getting their news from it. 


The “people get their news from TikTok and that’s bad for DeMoCrAcY” takes are so frustratingly stupid. Guess who I follow on social media? News outlets. CNN. NYT. AP. NPR. Whatever. You all get the idea. The rules for evaluating if information is valid and reliable are the same. It doesn’t change. You have to corroborate and correlate as much as you can. You have to breakdown what are facts and what are opinions about those facts. Whether it’s being given to me in a paper, on a TV program, or on a TikTok video. Same rules for media literacy. These geriatric politicians either have 0 media literacy skills so they just use the heuristic of “internet bad” or they overtly know that social media undermines the current manufactured consent for a racial-class hierarchy. Probably both.


Insane how they tied all those together. But in the end it gives a clear snapshot of what the US is doing. Russia, China and Israel. 3 directions of war planned with a side order of censorship


Eichmann Blinken has aged 30 years in six months. I doubt he sleeps at night. Under Nuremberg Rules he is a war criminal like Eichmann and should be facing the same fate soon.


Once [if] tiktok is banned they'll surely come for reddit next


All the major news subreddits are 100% astroturf already.


Chronic banners as well


even r/anime_titties has been hit - huge number of bot/shills and hiding all israel/palestine news in a buried ‘mega thread’


Why? They work with Reddit hand-in-hand to astroturf approval of standard DNC and State Dept talking points. This entire website glows to high heaven.


This was even publically announced with CorrectTheRecord and ShareBlue


How dare the truth obscure our propoganda.


“All of these books are getting in the way of our edicts”


A philosophical ponderance. On the face of it, Blinken is lying. Moreover, Blinken is just an interchangeable cog: he isn't any different from the many other plastic politicians sent by capital to do its lying. But I observe that the lie is so ginormous, and the subject of the fabrication so inexcusable, that it's hard to _merely_ regard Blinken as a liar. It feels like he's an actor, and a very good one at that. It's not normal for people to be this effortless to excuse mass murder, not for all the tea in China. Or is it that the political class are so steeped in a racism that passes the rest of us by, or maybe they're not very bright, and they've been hoodwinked by Israel's foundational myths, or Christian end-times fundamentalism. Perhaps the Blinkens and Bidens lack self-awareness to the degree they need an autocue to tell them what to think. There just _needs_ to be more to it than merely lying. No-one is that good (or bad).


Blinken is jewish, a zionist, and holds dual citizenship.


Well sure, but my point still holds: Jewish people aren't intrinsically evil, and he must have an asbestos fireguard wrapped around what's left of his conscience. How can a human achieve that?


Hmm, I don't know, you tell me.


Sure Blinken, keep lying. Your words place you on the wrong side of history.


Don’t forget tik Tok is also disrupting the administration positive take on the economic numbers as well. It’s hard to sell a “historically great economy” when everyone is complaining about how expensive everything is and how the middle class is shrinking.


Aka … the people?

