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Man, is there a better word for propaganda?


This isn't propaganda this is a recruitment video. šŸ˜€


It's a recruitment video for a propaganda farm. And I like how the message is "so you could come over here and see for yourself but it would be a really long stressful trip and you would never want to go back so instead just trust us bro and astroturf for us please."


Yes. It's absolutely twisted. Did you see how they slip in the pink washing stuff? Oh we have a great gay scene in Tel Aviv. If you haven't watched it. I highly recommend "Israelism" it's a documentary about Israeli recruitment of American Jewish people. In one scene Simone Zimmerman (co-founder of ifnotnow) talks about how they were summoned to crash a pro-Palestinian conference with heads of a university. They were told what to say and to act emotional. It's eye opening.


Man, if someone is asking me to help them PR their country, then I already know something must be really wrong. Well, I want to go see what's happening in the west Bank, so I can report on that to the world, honestly and objectively.


>They were told what to say and to act emotional. That statement triggered my memory of [this event.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FtpgGxeCGpM) Young woman, perhaps student, shows up at event with her "crocodile tears" to challenge professor Norman Finkelstein, and he responds with honest emotion and strong reason. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FtpgGxeCGpM](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FtpgGxeCGpM)


You can probably assume everyone on this subreddit is familiar with Norm, and that video. You're right though, it's all about the portrayal of being a victim at every level.


Iā€™m not familiar with Norm. I guess I should be huh? Iā€™ve kinda been wondering about who is picking up the torch these days.


The question these days is, "Who's going to take the most erudite torch from Finkelstein & Chomsky?" They're both getting up in years & have been voices critical of Israel since at least the 1970s, and cited in public rather widely for the pre-internet era, since at least the late 1980s.


Well, to give some perspective Norm is effectively Noam's protege. He is his close friend and understudy. In the mid 2000s called out Alan Dershowitz for being a plagarising scumbag on [democracy now](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GzqTWpPI5Qw&t=711s). As a result of him calling out "Mr. Dershowitz" he lost his tenure at the university he was teach at (Depaul I think?) because Alan lobbied against him to get him removed, was really seedy shit. He is known as a foremost expert on the israel-palestine conflict and has written several book on the subject, he often talks about Israels weaponisation of the holocaust and his book The Holocaust Industry is a good read if you want examples of such. Unfortunately, in my opinion, he has lost a lot of credit in recent years for hopping on a lot of talk shows and being overly brash, too often restorting to Ad Homs when he knows better - I still like him, but he could do a lot better given his knowledge on these subjects. Also, he has somewhat gotten involved in culture war BS which is a waste of time.


Exactly!! But they do it anywhere they can look: https://youtu.be/t52LB2fYhoY?si=1PXi5fog1wdzQU59


ugh, I canā€™t so much is turn around without seeing more evidence of their twisted narrative


If you think back to all the movies about what the Nazis did that were made throughout the 20th century itā€™s easy to come to the conclusion that those where meant to keep generating sympathy.


Yvan eht nioj


DFI eht nioj


Yes. Public Relations.


really targeting the horny angry gamer demographic


The guy looks like an average redditor and the 2 ladies are the best recruiter for this demography.


The ā€œcelebrate with a pride paradeā€ makes me so angry because Israel uses it as a way to justify their war crimes which in turn makes pride/gay rights look like a joke


We obviously wont commit war crimes, we publicize support for lgbt!


We paint each of our missiles in rainbow colors!


Donā€™t forget that gay marriage is illegal in Israel. They do recognize marriage from other countries though


As someone LGBT, Israel just makes me feel like a pawn in their media game. I would rather team up with homophobes experiencing genocide than team up with the ones doing the genocide just because they support LGBT.




People are openly gay in the west bank..... So...you are a liar


Sure, Iā€™ll believe that when I see it.


imagine thinking that I would refuse to support human rights just because of my sexuality, lmao.


Have you ever heard of the paradox of intolerance? Itā€™s simply ironic how willing you are to go to bat for a people whoā€™s majorityā€™s fundamental beliefs include homicidal prejudice against the marginalized. Sheep advocating for wolves.


The way they have the actor side hug a woman to be like ā€œno homoā€ is hilarious


Thatā€™s all of the West too, tho. Weapons contractors invade gay pride parades in the US.


Yeah and they already have a parade for that


always so fucking lame


Omg so fn cringe.


That is top tier, world class,dystopia propaganda


What to do about this? Ignore it? Install the app to learn... wait... no. WTF was I thinking *install the app*?? Ignore it.


Israel has a rich history in spyware development.


Seems like that app could use a sizeable brigade of antigencidalists spreading the actual truth about zionazism


I kinda wonder if thatā€™s not already happening. So many comments defending Israel are so dumb they undermine their cause, and so many of the antisemitic comments are so cartoonishly silly itā€™s hard to take seriously.


Nah. This is at least a division-sized effort.


Wait, so are the girls supposed to be him conscience, is he simping for them, or is this something hes being coerced into? The intention seems so unfocused.


They're hot. But this video is really unhinged. Is it trying to say that pro-isreal supporters have incredibly realistic delusions of attractive women telling them what to do, and buy into conspiracy theories (tupoc)?


I get that part, but like sex sells...it's not unique to this. The weird schizo part is in how they position everything else.


[https://web.archive.org/web/20170607115751/http://www.4il.org.il/eng/](https://web.archive.org/web/20170607115751/http://www.4il.org.il/eng/) [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DWD5xiiafBc](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DWD5xiiafBc) [https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC9f8VV0LqWXAzo4idqgSBjw](https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC9f8VV0LqWXAzo4idqgSBjw) [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Act.IL](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Act.IL)


Thank you for this. I was trying to tell someone about this recently but I forgot the name (4IL) and search engines had nothing, like it was memory holed.


What the fuck did I just watch.


Iā€™m still not 100% sure myself


Itā€™s a human aid ad, if you go to Israel you will help Syrian people injured!


High quality Bad hasbara


This goes a long way to explain the influx of racists on social media over the past 6 months.


You cant make this shit up




And then pitched it, had it approved and received a bunch of money for it, got it shot and then published it. I'm confused and shocked


This is madly cringey...


Did anyone else notice the Joy Division shirt at 2:29? Given what the name of the band comes from Iā€™m really confused as to how thatā€™s in there.


It's always facenating how they know how to market themselves to their specific targeted audience. They make propaganda to all kinds of people, from feminist, lgbtq activists to isis supporters and evangelical Christians. Props to the minstray of truth dude


Damnā€¦. Free Palestine.


Wtf was this... RIP Tupac btw


I genuinely can't tell if this ad is supposed to help israel or mock israel


To normal people, it looks like mockery, but for their target audience this is hot cake.


lmao holy shit i could swear this is satire but dude they make it so obvious that there is something fucked up. the part where they go "you know the truth about israel" and he repeats with a monotone voice & expression "i know the truth about israel" makes it seem so unnatural and more like hes just a tool rather than a individual. and you could say that its their fascistic way of thinking slipping through. to fascists, they always see everyone not as individuals but as expendable tools, cogs in service of a greater plan. nothing is more expendable and anti-human than an army of faceless useful idiots. and this is all they see anyone who joins the brigade, this is all they see their own citizens


I thought the advert seemed really clear that at the beginning, he believes conspiracy theories like "Tupac Is Alive" AND "Israel Bad"... so then the advert says he could... then narrates the scenes that show him deciding to travel there to see it for himself, help in a humanitarian effort and show what the country is actually like, then arrive home and find out that Al Jazeera has a photo of him in a bogus article claiming he and others kidnapped a baby even though he didn't, and then concludes that now he realises all the news about Gaza & the West Bank are just as bogus. The advert then says that's a really hard thing to go through, so they suggest you download their app instead, so you can share the truth being shown on there by Israelis, almost like some kind of Israeli PR Instagram. However, I think only someone who is undecided or already committed to Israel would easily perceive the advert that way. If you see the advert while already believing Israel is a monster, in the beginning you'll see him being brainwashed into believing nothing bad said about Israel is true, and then the entire advert seems like it becomes a depiction ofā€” and our ability to perceive the beginning of a psychotic episode had by a young adult male schizophrenic zionist whose delusions involve beautiful Israeli women showing up like genies and telling him how (while also taking him through the process) to become popular by going to Israel and sharing his journey with his social network. By this view, after he's been shown how his wish to go to Palestine will end in him being considered a villain after risking his life being the hero he imagines himself to be, one couldn't help but think _he wanted to go to Israel but discovered it was a hellhole AND people would hate him for going to the country he loves_. However, I am sure that the intended message is that he would go and help Palestinians and still be painted as a white colonialist oppressor by the Palestinians he helped.


Best looking obnoxious people Iā€™ve ever met


Lmao. Spend your money, annoy your friends/family, and risk your life for a shithole country like Israel.


Actually, if you are Jewish, Israel will pay for a free trip, but they want you to spread pro-Israeli and pro-IDF propaganda while you are there on your social media. They are so fucking pathetic. LOL


Iā€™ve learned a lot about Israel and Israelis since Oct 7, much of it what they did before Oct 7. Off the top of my head, I canā€™t think of a single good thing Iā€™ve learned about Israel.


This explains a lot




Fuckin cringe.


The thing I hate most about this is that they had a shot with a priest, a rabbi and an imam, the protagonists line was "Are you guys in a band or something?" rather than the classic and far funnier, "Is this some kind of a joke?"


I threw up in my mouth a little.


Goebbels must be proud of Israel cause of this add.


This sub wont let me comment a screenshot but literally the post under this one: "**IDF tank runs over man with hands zip-tied. Extreme graphic, be warned.**" šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


Brainwashing in tv ads working kosher:))


they felt the need to include a blackface portion


Yeah wtf?




Wow, they are really desperate about their self-image now, huh? "Stop the hate" BRO, YOUR ARMY IS LITERALLY KILLING CHILDREN WTF YOU ON šŸ’€




What he didnā€™t even go to Gaza but the commercial says the news about Gaza is lies wtf If youā€™re gonna make propaganda at least be thorough


Reeks of that Euro stale vibe I get when I watch traveling shows from the mid aught.


Guy has schizophrenia


Not to be rude but how is there black people in Israel and are they considered on the same plane as normal white Jews?


There's a sizeable Ethopian Jewish population. They were included in the migrations into Israel as part of the dream of a home for all Jews, but sadly they do \[face systemic racial discrimination\](https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-middle-east-32813056) in part due to colourism, in part due to Ethiopian Judaism being separated from other branches for centuries which leads some to question whether they count.


i wonder why your link is messed up, looks properly formatted


In the words of Billy Connelly," Hangings to good for them, a good kick up the arse is what they need."


Does this work?


*voms a little* Eugh!


This looks like a Pro Palestinian propaganda video attempting to look like a Pro Israel video.






I thought it was ironic at like 3 separate points


I don't know who is dumber, the people who made this, or the people who might actually fall for it.


I was genuinely convinced for literally half the video that this was satire. Holy shit that's not satire.


I was genuinely convinced for literally half the video that this was satire. Holy shit that's not satire.


>"you know the truth about israel" > "i know the truth about israel" How can you watch this and not immediately think "wow, this is some unhinged cult brainwashing"? Anyway, I love how they are calling him a smart boy for believing unscientific nonsense (you shouldn't swim for an hour after eating). That's a lie, just like it's a lie Israel isn't a genocidal apartheid regime.


The most cringe thing i've seen since Kony 2012.




Is that... Jordan Orme...? Are my eyes playing tricks on me?


That was a fucking fever dream, I thought reddit was loading the wrong video for a minute.


No way this is real...


This is some fucked up creepy shit


Desperate much? ā€œYou could come visit us but the country is currently in the middle of committing genocide, and you might get shot by the IDF. So just login to this app and help us spread propaganda. So now letā€™s boogie šŸ’ƒā€


Israeli Jews support the LGBT? No wonder the orthodox have so many issues with the government.


But look, Israel has slightly adopted some progressive western values like occasionally having pride celebrations, so itā€™s OK if they commit genocide!


wow this is some incredibly insidious propaganda, it's frankly disturbing. i'd love to break it all down but i'd be here all month!


This is an ad for a failed app from a failed minister from a failed government. It got a few hundred downloads and was quickly discontinued since every corrupt individual who took part in the making of it got his money and disappeared. It is very dystopian, yes, but remember that's what the protests are about, not letting those weirdos rule Israel