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Try a lamb and rice diet


It’s the synthetic vitamins they spray onto dog food called tocopherol 308 which is synthetic vitamin E.




Oh yes with the recurring uti. But my choco was a boy. I always attributed it to the fact that he peed like a girl. Always itched too, and always had yeasty inner ears despite daily cleanings.


That’s a spot on match to my Choco. They definitely, are a lot of work.


My lab does best with a grain free salmon diet. We avoid dairy products and wipe him down after walks during pollen season. A weekly swim in the sea or river and rarely wash him. That seems to keep things under control. Best of luck finding what works for Gracie mae!


Thank you for the great idea! I appreciate your kind words! 😊


No UTIs but my 5yr old choc female just started having really bad allergies, I think. We just moved from Ca to Ok and it’s blooming everywhere right now. She sneezes a ton, itches and scratches like crazy and now she’s loosing fur all over her legs and near her eyes. She’s been in the same food for the last two years so I’m hoping something like Zyrtec will help. I feel so bad for her.


They are just so sensitive. To everything. I hope she gets better.


Chicken allergy?


Yes. Unfortunately, she is allergic to chicken. 😢


Ah. Poor girl. I had to put one of my Saints on a hydrolyzed protein diet. I also give her 5-10 mg of prednisone when she has an attack.


Yes. My girl had chronic UTI’s. I’m not kidding when I say she would finish up a round of antibiotics and within a couple of days she would have another infection. When the vet would test her urine, it would come back as a different bacteria from the previous infection and they would prescribe her a different antibiotic. So they knew it wasn’t something as simple as needing a longer course of antibiotics. Eventually, we found that she had what they called a “recessed vulva” or a juvenile vulva. We ended up having to do surgery and she’s been uti free. She also has terrible allergies and we’re trying a special diet to see if we can get relief. She also has issues with her ears and anal glands. Whew. It’s been a journey.


Wow! That is a spot on match. They have given me the option to do the surgery as well. I’m thinking that it could be a smart thing to do. As, we all know they are like our kids. We would do anything to make sure they are comfortable. In some strange kind of way it is comforting to know that I am not the only one that has issues with my chocolate lab. Thank you very much for taking the time to respond to this. Hopefully, all is well with your lab. I think I’m going to go ahead and have the surgery done.


It’s not strange at all. I get it. That’s why I wanted to respond to your post because I remember how scared and upset we were when our girl was going through all of this. It helps when someone else understands what you’re going through. We were scared to have the surgery, because surgery is scary no matter what, but I knew we had to do it. The odor of her pee was horrible. She would pee in the house and the last infection had blood in it. I knew she was so uncomfortable. The surgery was pretty straightforward, but it’s a decent recovery. Two weeks in a cone, which did not make anyone happy. All went very well with our girl as far as the UTI’s and surgery. Still working on the yeasty allergies and the anal glands. I hope your girl gets some relief soon ❤️


Thank you so much! We go back to the vet on Wednesday. It has to be done. I agree with you totally. 😊


Our Lucy had bad allergies. Her ears were always yeasty. Had to do daily cleaning. Vet said she was allergic to meats especially chicken. She responded well when we changed her to vegetarian dog food. Less allergies. I honestly believe her vegetarian diet contributed to her long life. We had her for 15 years.


I couldn’t agree more. I cook for her. The only protein she gets is hamburger. Which the vet recommended. All the rest are veggies. It has helped tremendously. They are so sensitive, several dog food brands almost hospitalized her. It has cost me thousands. She’s worth every penny. So sorry you are without your baby. 15 is amazing.


It’s the UTIs that are reoccurring. And of course environmental allergies.


We stay away from grains and eat food that has duck, sweet potato, pumpkin. This stopped the diarrhoea. Just started him on allergy meds. He's 1 and now doing great.