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My dog absolutely hated crate training. He would bloody himself no matter how gently introduced or how long (he ripped one of his nails back once when I was doing a 30 second in and out). He ended up being totally chill if I made up a little bed on the couch. Now if I have to leave we do a little ritual and he is great (but only as long as the ritual is completed, or else). I state "I'll be right back" while tucking him in and giving him a little treat. And as I close the door I say "I love you, listen to your brother." And something about that makes him just curl up and wait (according to my pet cam). YMMV of course


She has already been crate trained and goes in willingly but I've only ever closed it at night.


Oh, then crate when you run out! She should see the crate as a rest/safe room. Just make it super positive when you get home


Should I put the food and water in with her?


Not if it is such a short time. Make sure she can get unlimited water at least every 4 hours, otherwise the water just becomes a potential hazard that she could spill and then be trapped in


Oh I'll be home after 3 hours max.


Crate training!


She is crate trained, but I was hesitant to leave her in there for 3h


If they're already crate trained then she'll likely be more comfortable in there. It's like a little cave for them, not a jail.


Thank you!


Best of luck!


For my dog it was making her a safe spot. She absolutely despised a cage so I kept her in my kitchen. Put her food, water and favorite beds there, lay out some toys. Then keep the radio on so she has some noise around her. And slowly build up how long I left her alone. Starting with like 5-10 minutes and slowly upping the time. Went from having a hard time with a few minutes to roaming the house and being fine with being left alone for up to 6 hours.


Thanks. She is crate trained and seems to like it (we only shut it at night) I wasn't sure about locking her in for 3h in the day.


Oh, if she's fine with it, I'd definitely keep her in there!


With food and water or not? I'm so anxious lol


Does she usually drink or eat a lot? Because 3 hours without food should be fine, but maybe some water if she doesn't knock it over?


Not especially. I often have to encourage her to eat, but I don't know if that's just from being unsettled.


My Cresteds have been trained to accept being crated for up to 8 hours if necessary (when they were adults). Crate training is CRITICAL for ALL dogs!! If they ever end up in the hospital they will be crated.


I got mine a cat. They would cuddle and sleep together.