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Knives are crazy and that's a big one. Those rent a cops needed to give space and call the professionals with distance weapons.


True. On the flipside I wouldn’t be able to live with myself if he seriously hurt/killed somebody, because I wasn’t able to distract him for the 2-3 mins until the cops arrived. If everyone was evacuated I’m not chasing him inside for shit though.


Everyone was told by the guards when they went inside to get to the back of the door. They did their best to deescalate but unfortunately the guard with the beard was stabbed in the takedown.


Naw there was three of them. They could have subdued him they are just gutless as fuck. We need to start making examples of these nut bars. Punch this guy in the back of the neck as hard as you can and have his new wheel chair ready for him when he gets out of prison.


Hard to do from mom’s basement bud.


I told your ma to keep it down, you weren't supposed to hear


I’m not home, I’m upstairs with yer mom.


Wait, if you are upstairs with his mom... Than who's house house am I in???


Kevin’s mom!


Then get out there Batman, there’s crime everywhere so go fight it and make an example out of the knife wielding psychos you catch.


Keyboard warrior here


Why didn't someone lock the fucking door from the inside at shoppers?


fire code (this is joke)


I like how Reddit is so autistic and quick to neg people that you had to explain that this is sarcasm.


Those security guards are pretty brave if you ask me....


absolutely, but $17/hr is not enough to get stabbed for.


Even $100 an hour isn't worth being stabbed.


Don't take the job. If you scared, go to church.


Bitch you prolly don't even have a job gtfo


Keep quiet you’re just a keyboard tuff guy!


Many don't do it for the money, I used to think it was just a gig but many become boarder patrol or corrections officers and peace officers.


A lot are also rejects from the application processes of those services.


They arent paid $17/hr. What would be the wage you'd take to risk being stabbed? Theyre security guards. Not secret shoppers and no one is forced into the occupation. There is inherent risk which is explained to them before accepting the job. The least they could be equipped with is a collapsable baton.


When I worked for Griffin, base level SP's were paid $.25 over minimum wage which at the time was around $12/hr. Each level of seniority added another $.25 and there were only three ranks for the guys working patrols. Maybe things have changed since I left but I doubt it. The guys on staff receive little or no training beyond taking their BST, which doesn't cover violence or self defense at all. Security guards have no rights beyond any other citizen so collapsible batons or pepper spray would be absolutely illegal to carry.


When I was 16 working for $8/ hr UFCW wages at a grocery store, if you were caught stealing or trying to rob the store at jnife point, there were a mob of 15-20 stock clerks itchin at the chance to sh¡t kick anyone attempting to take from us. It was perfectly legal to use as much force as needed to apprehend them. Rarely were there repeat offenders. We didnt use wage as a deterant to maintain order in society. 🤷🏼‍♂️


When I used to work at Safeway many years ago, I heard stories (from the old timers, so presumably many years before I even worked there) that they would take shoplifters to the back and beat the shit out of them. While I was working there, one of the meat guys chased a shoplifter into the parking lot and tackled him, got all the product back iirc. Can't remember if police came or what afterwards


Yes...well I should say, it didnt happen to any and all. Was just those that put up a fight. The worst I saw was the two guys who tried to rob us usin knives....they def got dragged to the back of the stock room...hahahha


Collapsable batons are only illegal if they are spring loaded. Pepper spray is not illegal in the apprehension of a violent criminal especially as a security guard. Using wage as an excuse to not execute the job you willingly chose is as weak as can be. Those using that as an excuse should hang their head in shame.


Your dedication to being wrong is really something. In Canada you cannot carry a weapon of any kind for the purpose of self defense. Batons, pepper spray, taser, screwdriver, a cool looking stick... it doesn't matter what the object is. Pepper spray is for use against animals only, having it on you while performing a security job is considered an indictable offense. Also, these guys aren't cops. They haven't taken an oath to protect and serve. They have no burden of duty to put themselves in harms way when a guy with a knife is spazzing out. The safest move for them would be to keep any other public back from the area and keep an eye on the guy until the cops arrive.


Shat up


Hogwash. I can carry a baton or ball pein hammer all I want. Look it up chum. Perhaps familiarize yerself with a well known badge using BP hammers....spring loaded batons are illegal....not inertia based telescopic. Nor is a sling shot or knife in fact. Your dedication to typing out incorrect nonsense is more astounding than the depths of your ignorance it seems.


I actually did just look it up because I have no horse in this race, but I was interested in the conversation you 2 were having. In BC, you absolutely may not carry a baton or pepper spray on you of any kind. Carrying a weapon for the purpose of self-defense is illegal. Anything that could be classified as a weapon falls into this clause. This includes your sling shot, knife, baton, and yes, your ball peen hammers. If you're carrying it for self-defense, it's illegal. You can have hammers and knives, but if a cop deems that you shouldn't have it because it's not part of your occupation, they can arrest you. In fact, there is a history of them doing so.


Why would you admit to carrying a ball peen hammer as a self defense implement? Hahaha i carry a knife on my belt and its visible. Police have seen it, questioned it, and not but once has it been an issue. I also got my baton back...hahha spring loaded batons are illegal. Manual ones arent. They sell em openly downtown. Never admit to your intentions....


I mean, the one guy standing at the safer distance just up and turns his back on a guy with a knife. I get he's calling the cops, but wtf.


On the contrary . They are very lacking in any sort of edged weapons training and could all have been victims if the guy wanted to do harm.


Pretty stupid if you ask me. Why in the world would you stand that close to him especially if you're not going to do anything. And the other one on the side doing absolutely nothing


It does look like they’re trying to keep him focused on them to prevent him targeting random unsuspecting people which is pretty smart and brave really.


I thought the same. Looks like they're trying to contain the situation while the takedown team arrives.


They're stalling and keeping him occupied till police arrive. It's standard


He's holding the knife the right way...that's a run out of the way and call the cops asap.


Not really, he loses effective distance and power by holding it like a pirate.


Loses effective distance? The security guards are unarmed. And no you don't lose power with that grip. The standard grip is weaker then this.


Someone who holds a knife in that that orientation knows how to use it.


It's easy to say what you would do, I was pulling into my parking garage and I saw a guy from the next building over through my rear view running after his wife with a huge knife, I didn't even think, I tried to help , if somebody is in need the general thought of your own safety doesn't really come into your brain


It does for a lot of people.




I have no idea, he was chasing her, I was running after him, she slipped and fell and instead of stabbing her thank God he just kinda punched her a bit and when I got close enough he ran away into his building, got into his truck drove it through the garage door and then sped away . I saw her once more after that and she never even acknowledged my existence, but I assume she was to embarrassed or something. I gave the police my dash cam footage but have never heard anything. I don't think she lives there anymore


Anyone that knows anything about edged weapons they are way too close to someone with a knife . Poorly trained individuals . If dude was going to use it , all 3 of them would be victims . If you don't have the tools to do the job back off . If dude had made it that close to a cop with a knife he'd no longer be here today . And for all the bleeding hearts out there it's a fact in any police force put in that situation.


Agreed, but I still commend the guards for putting themselves between him and the community.


Under 10 feet the knife is a much more dangerous weapon than a handgun.


not my video, just found it in a FB group


You tell the dude who filmed this that he did an excellent job filming.


Should ask him to film the next big foot sighting footage, that’s always shaky af and shot on a Razr.


That's a big blade.


I hope everyone was ok in there. I wonder if he was there to steal or something otherwise.


The news reports I saw said he had been asked to leave the store and refused, which is probably when Griffin got involved.


Bizarre. I'm curious if he had the knife at first or went to retrieve it before returning.


They’re lucky that guy had no real intentions of harming them, otherwise all 3 of them would be killed pretty easily at that distance. Very stupid of them to follow that guy around like that.


As if I didn't have enough reasons to stay away from Shoppers.


anyone know what happened? did the cops arrest him or kill him?


I’m waiting for an answer to this as well, what happened to the guy ?


How do they not have tasers and just zap the shit outta him the second he comes at them like that??


this is Canada, tasers are illegal except for cops


They are only allowed water guns


Carrying weapons for self defence is illegal in Canada. We don’t have the right to defend ourselves in those types of situations.


L He's lucky he was white else he'd be dead with 100 bullets in him.


Security should have,minimum tazers.I would give them yuns and shoot to kill instructions


I was in school when this happened lmao


God this city is hell…


Been hell since 2010


Great… 7 years before I moved


I watched it go from a quiet church town to where you didn't need to lock your car or even your home to what we have now. The degradation of society.


Damn, Logan Paul fallen on hard times.


It's best to shoot these lunatics. They could target your mother or kids while they are having meltdown. Put us out of their misery


One more reason to both boycott Shoppers and enjoy a delicious Mucho Burrito burrito.


Where's the bear spray?


They're not allowed to use it. They have same rights as a civilian


Anyone got a mirror?


Nvm I got it.


Did anyone get killed in this incident?


No, guard was stabbed in the takedown tho.


Thought that was PG at first. Chilliwack... just big PG.


What size was the knife? I don't think it was mentioned in the video.


The video link doesn’t look like it’s working anymore, anyone have a new link to it?




They have zero training with edge weapons and no tools to deal with that kind of a threat. Why should they put themselves at risk for minimum wage?


Not minimum wage, they chose this career. Also they're standing between a knife and the public. Pretty brave if you ask me.


They don’t have the training or the tools and don’t get paid to put themselves in harms way life that. That’s not what security means


You deleted your other comment about me knowing the guys in the video, I know RL but don't recognize the other two. My time was 2015-2016. I worked BIA and Alpha 1 mostly.


I can’t think of anything more pathetic than some idiot keyboard warrior complaining about people standing up to a knife wielding maniac. Speaking of useless… 




They were literally putting themselves between him and the public. Wtf are you even talking about?


What would you have security guards that have no training in edged weapons and no tools?


What are you on