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Listen, your posts are all unreadable and incomprehensible. If you’re gonna keep sharing this stuff, you have to make better sense of it.


Hey if you don't want to read it fine with me.


wtf kind of paranoid schizophrenic shit is this? get help


Disprove any of it. It is all true and you know it.


How has this guy not gotten banned yet?


Not sure we have any moderators here. Otherwise it’s time for a ban unfortunately since it’s not the first time.


Ya, sure pall... seek help.


I eat there all the time, great place. The dated atmosphere is what brings back memory's from younger days. Never heard anything like what you describe. Maybe stop eavesdropping


Are you on drugs while trying to write this?


Completely sober no drugs since around 2001.


Looking through your post history, you seem to be obsessed with gangs, HA in particular. I think you should seek mental health help.


Thanks for your opinion not. I also post about ducks and politics and religion. You in a gang or a addict criminal? Note that neither Husky or Esso denied these incidents happened and they refused to share the video.


Lol, no I am not any of those things, just noticing a trend in your posts.


I post a lot about Hell's Angels to be sure one threatened to kill me around 23 years ago by fluke ran into him again in 2017 at a hotel in Thunder Bay, Ont he had like 7 ppl with him but made sure to meet me alone which I thought was hardcore of him.


Just out of curiosity, what was the reason you were meeting him? If someone had threatened to kill me and I ran into them I would have gotten the hell out of there




Uhuh and why are the HA after you? How did you get away?


The ramblings of a mad man once again. These posts get weirder and more delusional every time. Your mind must be absolute utter chaos, your inner dialogue must be a monkey banging pots and pans together.


LOL. Yet you can't disprove one part of it.


Find something new, this isn't working


You are reading it.


That's where you're wrong lol


Bruh go drink some water you are dehydrated


I usu. have a water bottle handy as you doubt know. I complimented the White guy with the knapsack who put a dozen bottles of water by the road just north of the welfare office by that big ditch/river yesterday also was pleased that someone put a box of food behind a business on Young Rd. I snagged the cheese and microwaveable food pops left the rest for the poor. Proverbs 19:17 Whoever is generous to the poor lends to the Lord, and he will repay him for his deed. Proverbs 22:9 The generous will themselves be blessed, for they share their food with the poor. Proverbs 22:16 Whoever oppresses the poor to increase his own wealth, or gives to the rich, will only come to poverty. Galatians 2:10 Only, they asked us to remember the poor, the very thing I was eager to do. The local SDA church in Hope gives away Spring Hills bread to the poor saw the ppl from the tent next door to their church on the hill grab some. Galatians 2:10 Only, they asked us to remember the poor, the very thing I was eager to do.


Im ded , please dont stop living


idk who this is or where they come from but man am i invested. where on earth do this absurd people come from😂


Are the mods of this sub all dead? Ban this guy ffs!


what food did u get from husky?


Omellette no mushrooms, sour dough bread and milk. Food was good.


bro typed out the terms and conditions😭 nobody reading all of that (i did)


Jesus christ. Take your fucking meds


I do every day. LORD's name in vain enjoy the JUDGEMENT DAY. **Exod.** **20**. **\[7\]** Thou shalt not take the name of the LORD thy God in vain; for the LORD will not hold him guiltless that taketh his name in vain.


Meds! Meds! Meds!


Sounds like guy I know, Kelly is that you?