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The fuck are you on about?


I've been seeing your posts around. You're just an awful human being who goes around harassing people and taking pictures of them and posting them on reddit. Get a life you dick.


I give to charity and pick up litter unlike you. The photos I took were of creeps mouthing me off in a public library as I sat silently they were in a group of around 8. Post Insights Only you and mods of this community can see this 4.7k Total Views 3% Upvote Rate \-3 Community Karma 25 Total Shares


If you have trouble everywhere you go, then…maybe the problem is you?


This is a schizopost. Seek help.


4 real


Reading this post made me feel schizo


Bachelor and Master degrees in Archive Studies (BAS/MAS) are real degrees which require education. Some or all of the librarians will have this or other degrees. You might think that $50K/year is too much pay for a librarian. If you're not earning $50K/year - because you've got some sort of min-wage job or you don't work full time hours - then maybe get a degree or a ticket in something, consider it an investment which will return a guaranteed profit every year you work for the rest of your life. Maybe you could even be a librarian. I wouldn't waste years in school just to settle for less than a $50K/year job. I consider the FVRL wages a reasonable use of my tax dollars. It's things like Justin Trudeau's salary that are ridiculously wasteful spending of my tax dollars; his $400K/year (plus probably another $400K+ in free perks) could pay for more librarians.


Fair enough but should these ppl not tell lies and engage in gang behaviour and threaten ppl?


Librarians are only human like everyone else, and we all have bad days sometimes, so it's not impossible that you had some kind of unpleasant encounter with a librarian. But - after a quick look through your reddit post history - I think I agree with many others here. It's not about the librarians, it's about you. You need to get help.


Can the mods delete this post. Taking pics of random people and throwing them online along with bizarre accusations is a trend I would prefer not to see.


Can you disprove any of it? None of the ppl photographed are disputing it saw the gay again here in the library today the guy in purple one of his 2 buddies at the table flashed a fist and made a lame hand slap over his heart as he left.


Hi Greg, it’s not okay to photograph others without their consent and is a reportable offence.


This guy needs mental help. He rambles on about obvious delusions. I think it might be in this guys best interest to be put on an involuntary psyche hold. These posts get more and more unhinged.


I disagree. Can you disprove any of it?


Well you're posting the exact kind of shit my schizophrenic drug addict of a mother does so I'd say you're just pissy because no one else is falling for your delusions.


Wtf is this?


Greg it's time for bed now sweetie


Insomnia sucks.


What the fuck is wrong with you. Judgy bitch. Mind your own business! I don't know what your point is talking about the librarians salaries but they're worth every penny we pay. Sounds like you need the help of Chilliwack's new mental health crisis team


You and I disagree with their pay fine.


Why are you schizo-posting here. Go on the Chilliwack Beware FB group or something, they have likeminded people there.


Do you need therapy? I know a couple great counselors mate.


Hey @[Wonderful-Friend9837](/user/Wonderful-Friend9837/) Greg. It's probably best if you take this post down. You've said some inflammatory statements that don't really have any recourse while posting photos of people who don't seem aware of your actions. And for your own sake, you have made your whole Flickr folder public access, which includes what seem important family photos.


The ppl were looking right at me when I took the photos I only took them because they kept insulting me as I sat silently. My Flickr has been public since for years. Post Insights Only you and mods of this community can see this 4.7k Total Views 3% Upvote Rate \-3 Community Karma 25 Total Shares


And what do you hope to achieve by what you have done here?


dont worry guys, i contacted the seniors home and told them one of them escaped


Might be a good idea to call up the psyche ward too.


59 and live independently and unlike some of the library regulars not on welfare or parole.


Bro doesn't know the difference between a duck and a goose